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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. on script load:
  2. loop 123 times:
  3. send "" to all ops
  4. send "&8(&4&lRINGO&8) &9INFO: &fNa serwer zostal wgrany skrypt ringo" to all ops
  5. send "&8(&4&lRINGO&8) &9Author: &6&l (YouTube), FioleKK (Minecraft)." to all ops
  6. send "&8(&4&lRINGO&8) &9Version: &f1.0" to all ops
  7. send "&8(&4&lRINGO&8) &9Commands: &f/ringo" to all ops
  8. send "&8(&4&lRINGO&8) &9INFO: &fNa serwer zostal wgrany skrypt ringo" to all ops
  9. stop
  11. variables:
  12. {} = false
  14. every 0.5 second:
  15. loop all players:
  16. if {} is true:
  17. stopEffect "%loop-player%"
  18. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 255, center loop-player, id "%loop-player%", rainbowMode false, scan false, height 1, radius 1.9, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32
  19. if {} is false:
  20. stopEffect "%loop-player%"
  22. command /ringo [<text>]:
  23. permission: Ringo.ringo
  24. permission message: &4Blad: &cNie masz zakupionych ringo.
  25. trigger:
  26. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Dostepne ringo:" to player
  27. wait 2 tick
  28. if {} is false:
  29. if {} is false:
  30. format slot 13 of player with blue wool named "&1NIEBIESKIE RINGO" with lore "&7Status&8: &4&lOFF||&7Kliknij, aby &2&lwlaczyc&7." to close then run [execute player command "/ringoniebieskie"]
  31. if {} is true:
  32. format slot 13 of player with blue wool named "&1NIEBIESKIE RINGO" with lore "&7Status&8: &2&lON||&7Kliknij, aby &4&lwylaczyc&7." to close then run [execute player command "/ringoniebieskie"]
  36. command /ringoniebieskie [<text>]:
  37. trigger:
  38. if {} is false:
  39. set {} to true
  40. stopEffect "%player%"
  41. send player title "&8(&4&lRINGO&8)" with subtitle "&aWlaczyles &7niebieskie ringo"
  42. stop
  43. if {} is true:
  44. set {} to false
  45. stopEffect "%player%"
  46. send player title "&8(&4&lRINGO&8)" with subtitle "&cWylaczyles &7niebieskie ringo"
  47. stop
  49. on inventory click:
  50. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&7Dostepne ringo:":
  51. clicked slot is 12 or 14:
  52. stop
  53. else:
  54. cancel event
  55. close player's inventory
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