
Card guide part 2

May 18th, 2018
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  1. **3. Stats:** There are the simple things even to consider when designing a card.
  2. *Stats:* Make sure the stats are not garbage or super broken. Create the cost before making stats. **Ability usually does not determine stats.**
  3. *Cost:* The cost has to be reasonable, but generally follows the same reasoning as stats.
  4. *Class:* Make sure your card fits in the class it’s in. Traits and abilities. You cannot make Strikethrough in Smarty, nor mesh multiple abilities into one. Look in the pins for general guidelines for traits in classes.
  5. *Traits:* Again, make sure the traits fit in the class. Also, make sure the traits don’t make the card broken.
  6. *Flavor Text/Name:* Make a funny flavor text and a punny name. Please.
  8. That’s all there is to making cards, now some formatting.
  10. Underline text with two underscores __like this__
  11. Italicize text with asterisks *like this*
  12. Bold text with two asterisks **like this**
  14. Shift+enter adds another line without sending your current text.
  16. You can format your card however you like, but this is the most pleasing to the eye(well my eye)
  18. **Card Name** (Class emote)
  19. (Cost) (Strength) (Health)(all with emotes and trait emotes if needed)
  20. *Tribes*
  21. **Traits.** **Ability trigger:** Ability.
  22. **<<Set Name-Rarity>>**
  23. *”Flavor Text.”*
  25. Now a few rules:
  26. 1. Don’t get salty based on feedback.
  27. 2. Do not ask for pins.
  28. 3. Remember to shift+enter.
  29. 4. Try to post individual ideas, not a link to a sheet of them.
  30. 5. Card discussion only.
  31. All other server rules apply here. Oh, and the golden rule:
  34. Now, start making cards!
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