

Jan 29th, 2021
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  1. Everyone was fighting with everything they had so that Vandalieu could acquire the resurrection device. But it seemed that Vandalieu could do nothing more.
  3. He was already managing six spells simultaneously.
  5. He had stopped turning the floor near Ice Age’s legs into Golems as it was completely ineffective, but he was maintaining the shape of two Orichalcum weapons, and the spirit form transformation on his right hand to protect each of the fallen Undead’s spirits made four more – six in total.
  7. Even with the Multi-Cast spell, he was past his limits. His Surpass Limits skill was already active, as was his Rapid Healing skill. Zadiris was murmuring the incantations for light-attribute healing spells, but even so, it felt like his brain was boiling.
  9. No matter how big a lake is, there is only so much water that a bucket can draw from it at a time. In same way, no matter how large Vandalieu’s Mana pool was, there was a limit to how many spells he could cast at a time.
  11. What should I do?
  13. What was happening now wasn’t a fight to the death. If Vandalieu left it like this, nobody would die. Only the resurrection device will be destroyed.
  15. That spear was clearly moving with some kind of intent. It would have been unnatural for it to head in a straight path towards the place where the resurrection device was likely to be if it was simply on a rampage.
  16. It was the spear once wielded by Mikhail, the Divine Spear of Ice, the spear forged for heroes by the god of ice who served Peria, the goddess of water and knowledge. It was unmistakably a legendary-class, or maybe even mythical-class Artifact.
  18. In that case, it wasn’t strange to think that it had a mind of its own. And that mind considered Mikhail… the justice of the champion Bellwood and the justice of the God of Law and Fate, Alda, as true justice.
  20. The champion who didn’t accept things from other worlds, denying and destroying existing prosperity for the sake of this world’s own culture and civilization despite not knowing how long those would take to develop.
  22. The god who doesn’t acknowledge the lives of those who don’t obey his laws, who still passes on discriminatory teachings against the races created by Vida even after a hundred thousand years have passed.
  24. The hero who dealt the fatal blow to the nation of Titans in their name.
  26. The crazed magic spear of that hero was trying to destroy the resurrection device that Vandalieu desired.
  28. There was some truth to their beliefs. It couldn’t be said that they were completely wrong.
  30. So then, was Vandalieu the one who was wrong? Was his desire to resurrect his dead mother an absolute evil?
  32. That wasn’t right, was it? Treating the wounded, curing the sick – extending the lives of creatures who will eventually die one day is always a good thing, so why should only the resurrection of someone who is dead be considered evil?
  33. I won’t acknowledge their beliefs. So I have no choice but to win. How can I do that? I have Mana. I have Mana, but I can’t win like this. I don’t have enough brains, I have too few brain cells. What should I do?
  35. “Boy, you are at your limit!” Zadiris’s voice was full of sorrow. Vandalieu was at his limit; he couldn’t do any more. Could he only watch as the battle was lost, as the hope he had gained was taken away from him?
  37. There was one way. If he gave up on the spirits of Bone Monkey and the other wounded Undead, there would be less burden on his brain.
  39. But he couldn’t do that. The resurrection device was his hope to gain something; what use would it be if he lost something to get his hands on it? At first, Bone Monkey and the others had been nothing but tools to him. But now they were his important servants that he had raised up to this point. He could replace their bones no matter how many times they were broken, but he couldn’t replace their spirits.
  41. That’s right, their spirits are – ah, right. I do have another brain, don’t I?
  43. Realizing this, Vandalieu began to split into two.
  45. “Boy –?!”
  47. At least, this is how it appeared to Zadiris. However, she quickly realized that this wasn’t the case.
  49. “Spirit Form?!”
  51. Vandalieu was now separate from his physical body… He was having an out-of-body experience.
  53. Normally, a body with no soul would collapse and stop moving, like a dead tree. However, Vandalieu was still using his body through magic.
  55. The spirit-form Vandalieu was controlling the physical Vandalieu through the Long-distance Control skill that he had acquired.
  57. “With this, I have two brains,” said Vandalieu. “Zadiris, please take care of my physical body.”
  59. “Y-yes, leave it to me.” Zadiris was startled by the fact that Vandalieu was speaking through both his spirit form and his physical body, but she quickly focused on her healing spells.
  61. With this, he could split the six spells he had barely been managing to maintain, with each brain managing three. But it was still not enough. In order to stop that miserable, god-made stick, he needed more.
  63. But what more could he do?
  65. My brain is… Hmm? I’m in spirit form right now. Then do I even need to worry about my shape?
  67. Vandalieu looked at his physical body to see his right arm under Spirit Form Transformation, split into three to preserve the spirits of the wounded Undead by providing them with Mana.
  69. When he used Spirit Form Transformation on his physical body, he was able to freely change its shape like he was doing with his right arm. With that being the case, he would certainly be able to change his shape now that he was completely in spirit form.
  71. Vandalieu’s vision expanded.
  73. Manipulating his spirit form with his Spirit Form skill, his head split into two at the neck. Now he had three brains.
  75. It still wasn’t enough. He quickly added more. Now he had five brains.
  76. Using his new brains, he made Golems. He made more, more and more. He embedded Orichalcum fragments in the Golems he made.
  78. In short, he was now doing the same thing as that stick. He mixed Orichalcum instead of ice into his Golems that he made from the floor and walls so that it could be used as a weapon.
  80. Stone men with black metal protruding from their bodies roared as they rammed themselves into the octopus of ice, one after another.
  82. “Bocchan?!” exclaimed Rita. “Why is your appearance like that?! There are two of you and you have so many heads!”
  84. “I didn’t see nothing!” shouted Vigaro.
  86. “Ah! How terrifyingly beautiful!” remarked Eleanora.
  88. As Golem reinforcements appeared one after another as if Vandalieu was trying to use up all of the walls and open a giant hole in the floor, everyone had turned around in surprise to see two Vandalieus, and one of them had a rather grotesque appearance. They were surprised… but for some reason, Eleanora’s eyes showed signs of awe and excitement.
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