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a guest
Jan 24th, 2020
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  1. settings:
  2. Max-PlotMines-Per-Player: 2
  3. PlotMine-Info-Format: '&3&l» &a%material%%data% &8» &a%percent%%'
  4. PlotMines:
  5. Block-That-Fills-Removed-PlotMines: STONE
  6. Location-Confirmation-Boarder-Block: BEDROCK
  7. Ground-Level: 64
  8. Drop-PlotMine-Item-On-PlotMine-Return: false
  9. Trusted-Players-Can-Remove-PlotMines: false
  10. Reset-Cooldown:
  11. Enabled: false
  12. Cooldown: 30
  13. Message: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you must wait another &a%time%s &fto reset another &aPlotMine&f.'
  14. # Cooldown is in seconds.
  15. Tier-List:
  16. Header-Tip: '%prefix% &fYou can click on a Tier to obtain it.'
  17. List-Format: '&3&l» &a%tier%'
  18. Command-Format: '&3&l» &e%command%'
  19. messages:
  20. Prefix: '&8(&b!&8) &3&l»'
  21. Header: '&8&m+---------&8( &aPlotMines &8)&m---------+'
  22. Footer: '&8&m+----------------------------+'
  23. onPlotMinePlace:
  24. Send-Message: true
  25. Message: '%prefix% &fTo confirm your &aPlotMine&f, right-click the block you just placed.'
  26. onPlotMineCancel:
  27. Send-Message: true
  28. Message: '%prefix% &fYou''ve &ccanceled &fthat &aPlotMine&f.'
  29. onPlotMineRemove:
  30. Send-Message: true
  31. Message: '%prefix% &fYou''ve removed a &aPlotMine&f.'
  32. onPlotMineConfirm:
  33. Send-Message: true
  34. Message: '%prefix% &fYou''ve claimed a &aPlotMine&f.'
  35. PlotMine-Creation-Deny-Reasons:
  36. Boarders-Intersecting: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t place your &aPlotMine &fthere. &7(Plot borders)'
  37. PlotMines-Intersecting: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t place your &aPlotMine &fthere. &7(Other &aPlotMines&7)'
  38. Plot-Limit-Reached: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t have more than &a%max-plotmines%x PlotMines &fat once.'
  39. Would-Delete-The-Plot-Floor: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t place your &aPlotMine &fthere. &7(Plot floor)'
  40. PlotMine-Above-Ground-Level:
  41. Enabled: true
  42. Message: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t place your &aPlotMine &fthere. &7(Above ground level)'
  43. No-Permission: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you don''t have permission to do that.'
  44. Tier-Unknown: '%prefix% &fSorry, but &a%tier% PlotMine &fdoesn''t exist.'
  45. Player-Offline: '%prefix% &fSorry, but &c%player% &fisn''t currently online.'
  46. Not-Standing-In-PlotMine: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you must be standing in a &aPlotMine &fof yours.'
  47. PlotMine-Resetting: '%prefix% &fYour &aPlotMine &fhas reset.'
  48. No-Access-Cant-Delete: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t delete that &aPlotMine &fas you don''t have access to it.'
  49. No-Access-Cant-Reset: '%prefix% &fSorry, but you can''t reset that &aPlotMine &fas you don''t have access to it.'
  50. Resetting-Other-Players-PlotMine: '%prefix% &f&a%player%&f''s &aPlotMine &fhas just been reset.'
  51. Resetting-Other-Players-PlotMine-But-Multiple-Owners: '%prefix% &fThe &aPlotMine &fyou were in has just reset.'
  52. PlotMine-Given: '%prefix% &fYou gave &a%player% &fa &a%tier% PlotMine&f.'
  53. Reloaded-Config: '%prefix% &fYou''ve reloaded the config.yml.'
  54. PlotMine-Info-Tier: '%prefix% &fBlocks for &aPlotMine %tier%&8:'
  55. gui:
  56. Title: '&aConfirmation'
  57. items:
  58. Confirm:
  59. Material: EMERALD_BLOCK
  60. Name: '&aConfirm'
  61. Slots:
  62. - '27'
  63. - '28'
  64. - '29'
  65. - '36'
  66. - '37'
  67. - '38'
  68. - '45'
  69. - '46'
  70. - '47'
  71. Note:
  72. Enabled: true
  73. Material: BOOK
  74. Name: '&fNote'
  75. Lore: '&3&l» &fClick "&aConfirm&f" to pick up this &aPlotMine&f.'
  76. Slot: 13
  77. Cancel:
  78. Material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  79. Name: '&cCancel'
  80. Slots:
  81. - '33'
  82. - '34'
  83. - '35'
  84. - '42'
  85. - '43'
  86. - '44'
  87. - '51'
  88. - '52'
  89. - '53'
  90. plotmines:
  91. PlotMineT1:
  92. itemData:
  93. type: GRASS
  94. data: 0
  95. name: '&8(&aPlotMine &3&l» &fTier 1&8) &7(Place me)'
  96. lore:
  97. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  98. - ' &fTier 1 &3&l»'
  99. - ' &fThis is a &aPlotMine&f.'
  100. - ' &fSize &3&l» &a5x5'
  101. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  102. enchanted: false
  103. enchantments:
  104. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  105. mineData:
  106. size: 5
  107. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  108. floorBlock: BEDROCK
  109. resetPercent: 50
  110. blocks:
  111. - EMERALD_BLOCK;0;50
  112. - DIAMOND_BLOCK;0;40
  113. - SPONGE;0;3.5
  114. - TNT;0;6.5
  115. PlotMineT2:
  116. itemData:
  117. type: SKULL_ITEM
  118. data: 3
  119. SkullMeta:
  120. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  121. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  122. name: '&8(&aPlotMine &3&l» &fTier 2&8) &7(Place me)'
  123. lore:
  124. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  125. - ' &fTier 2 &3&l»'
  126. - ' &fThis is a &aPlotMine&f.'
  127. - ' &fSize &3&l» &a10x10'
  128. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  129. enchanted: false
  130. enchantments:
  131. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  132. mineData:
  133. size: 10
  134. wallBlock: QUARTZ_BLOCK
  135. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  136. resetPercent: 50
  137. blocks:
  138. - EMERALD_BLOCK;0;75
  139. - SPONGE;0;10.5
  140. - TNT;0;14.5
  141. IronSmall:
  142. itemData:
  143. type: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL
  144. data: 3
  145. SkullMeta:
  146. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  147. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  148. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  149. lore:
  150. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  151. - ' &fTier 1 &3&l»'
  152. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  153. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a6x6'
  154. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  155. enchanted: false
  156. enchantments:
  157. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  158. mineData:
  159. size: 6
  160. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  161. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  162. resetPercent: 10
  163. blocks:
  164. - IRON_BLOCK;0;40
  165. - IRON_ORE;0;60
  166. IronMedium:
  167. itemData:
  168. type: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL
  169. data: 3
  170. SkullMeta:
  171. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  172. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  173. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  174. lore:
  175. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  176. - ' &fTier 2 &3&l»'
  177. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  178. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a12x12'
  179. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  180. enchanted: false
  181. enchantments:
  182. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  183. mineData:
  184. size: 12
  185. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  186. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  187. resetPercent: 10
  188. blocks:
  189. - IRON_BLOCK;0;60
  190. - IRON_ORE;0;40
  191. IronLarge:
  192. itemData:
  193. type: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL
  194. data: 3
  195. SkullMeta:
  196. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  197. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  198. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  199. lore:
  200. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  201. - ' &fTier 3 &3&l»'
  202. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  203. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a18x18'
  204. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  205. enchanted: true
  206. enchantments:
  207. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  208. mineData:
  209. size: 18
  210. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  211. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  212. resetPercent: 10
  213. blocks:
  214. - IRON_BLOCK;0;80
  215. - IRON_ORE;0;20
  216. GoldSmall:
  217. itemData:
  218. type: YELLOW_WOOL
  219. data: 3
  220. SkullMeta:
  221. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  222. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  223. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  224. lore:
  225. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  226. - ' &fTier 1 &3&l»'
  227. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  228. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a6x6'
  229. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  230. enchanted: false
  231. enchantments:
  232. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  233. mineData:
  234. size: 6
  235. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  236. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  237. resetPercent: 10
  238. blocks:
  239. - GOLD_BLOCK;0;40
  240. - GOLD_ORE;0;60
  241. GoldMedium:
  242. itemData:
  243. type: YELLOW_WOOL
  244. data: 3
  245. SkullMeta:
  246. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  247. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  248. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  249. lore:
  250. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  251. - ' &fTier 2 &3&l»'
  252. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  253. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a12x12'
  254. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  255. enchanted: false
  256. enchantments:
  257. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  258. mineData:
  259. size: 12
  260. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  261. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  262. resetPercent: 10
  263. blocks:
  264. - GOLD_BLOCK;0;60
  265. - GOLD_ORE;0;40
  266. GoldLarge:
  267. itemData:
  268. type: YELLOW_WOOL
  269. data: 3
  270. SkullMeta:
  271. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  272. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  273. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  274. lore:
  275. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  276. - ' &fTier 3 &3&l»'
  277. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  278. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a18x18'
  279. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  280. enchanted: true
  281. enchantments:
  282. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  283. mineData:
  284. size: 18
  285. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  286. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  287. resetPercent: 10
  288. blocks:
  289. - GOLD_BLOCK;0;80
  290. - GOLD_ORE;0;20
  291. DiamondSmall:
  292. itemData:
  293. type: CYAN_WOOL
  294. data: 3
  295. SkullMeta:
  296. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  297. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  298. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  299. lore:
  300. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  301. - ' &fTier 1 &3&l»'
  302. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  303. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a6x6'
  304. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  305. enchanted: false
  306. enchantments:
  307. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  308. mineData:
  309. size: 6
  310. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  311. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  312. resetPercent: 10
  313. blocks:
  314. - DIAMOND_BLOCK;0;40
  315. - DIAMOND_ORE;0;60
  316. DiamondMedium:
  317. itemData:
  318. type: CYAN_WOOL
  319. data: 3
  320. SkullMeta:
  321. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  322. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  323. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  324. lore:
  325. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  326. - ' &fTier 2 &3&l»'
  327. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  328. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a12x12'
  329. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  330. enchanted: false
  331. enchantments:
  332. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  333. mineData:
  334. size: 12
  335. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  336. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  337. resetPercent: 10
  338. blocks:
  339. - DIAMOND_BLOCK;0;60
  340. - DIAMOND_ORE;0;40
  341. DiamondLarge:
  342. itemData:
  343. type: CYAN_WOOL
  344. data: 3
  345. SkullMeta:
  346. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  347. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  348. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  349. lore:
  350. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  351. - ' &fTier 3 &3&l»'
  352. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  353. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a18x18'
  354. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  355. enchanted: true
  356. enchantments:
  357. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  358. mineData:
  359. size: 18
  360. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  361. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  362. resetPercent: 10
  363. blocks:
  364. - DIAMOND_BLOCK;0;80
  365. - DIAMOND_ORE;0;20
  366. EmeraldSmall:
  367. itemData:
  368. type: LIME_WOOL
  369. data: 3
  370. SkullMeta:
  371. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  372. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  373. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  374. lore:
  375. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  376. - ' &fTier 1 &3&l»'
  377. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  378. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a6x6'
  379. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  380. enchanted: false
  381. enchantments:
  382. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  383. mineData:
  384. size: 6
  385. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  386. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  387. resetPercent: 10
  388. blocks:
  389. - EMERALD_BLOCK;0;40
  390. - EMERALD_ORE;0;60
  391. EmeraldMedium:
  392. itemData:
  393. type: LIME_WOOL
  394. data: 3
  395. SkullMeta:
  396. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  397. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  398. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  399. lore:
  400. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  401. - ' &fTier 2 &3&l»'
  402. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  403. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a12x12'
  404. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  405. enchanted: false
  406. enchantments:
  407. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  408. mineData:
  409. size: 12
  410. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  411. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  412. resetPercent: 10
  413. blocks:
  414. - EMERALD_BLOCK;0;60
  415. - EMERALD_ORE;0;40
  416. DiamondLarge:
  417. itemData:
  418. type: LIME_WOOL
  419. data: 3
  420. SkullMeta:
  421. ID: 795e1ad8-de6d-4edc-a1b5-4e6aad038403
  422. Value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0=
  423. name: '&8(&aPlotMine) &7(Placer mig)'
  424. lore:
  425. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  426. - ' &fTier 3 &3&l»'
  427. - ' &fDette er en plotmine &aPlotMine&f.'
  428. - ' &fStørelse &3&l» &a18x18'
  429. - '&8&l*&7&m-------------------------&8&l*'
  430. enchanted: true
  431. enchantments:
  432. - DAMAGE_ALL;10
  433. mineData:
  434. size: 18
  435. wallBlock: BEDROCK
  436. floorBlock: GLOWSTONE
  437. resetPercent: 10
  438. blocks:
  439. - EMERALD_BLOCK;0;80
  440. - EMERALD_ORE;0;20
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