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Jun 12th, 2014
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  1. *page1
  2. ;@r
  3. @r
  4. ; つまり、[wait canskip=0 time=1300]昨日こんな事があった。
  5.  To sum up, [wait canskip=0 time=1300]there was something like this yesterday.
  8. *page2
  9. ;@r
  10. @r
  11. ;@r
  12. @r
  13. ;@r
  14. @r
  15. ;@r
  16. @r
  17. ; “月の無い夜は、決して振り向いてはいけないよ―――”[wait canskip=0 time=1200]
  18.  'Never look back on the moon-less night---'[wait canskip=0 time=1200]
  21. *page3
  22. ; それは教訓だったのか、警告だったのか。[l][r]
  23.  Was it a lesson, or was it a warning?[l][r]
  24. ; ずいぶんと昔……私がまだ今の[ruby char=2 text=ありかた]自分を夢にも思っていなかった頃。[l][r]
  25.  Long time ago...when I had no idea about how I came to be now.[l][r]
  26. ; 突然、何の前触れもなく、泣きだしたくなるぐらいの不安でいっぱいになって、祖父の工房に逃げこんだ夜の話だ。[l][r]
  27.  It was a story when, suddenly and without a sign, I was filled with anxiety that would almost made me cry and escaped into the workshop of my grandfathe.[l][r]
  28. ; 祖父は別人のように優しく微笑み、私の頭に静かに手を乗せて、
  29.  Grandfather gently smiled like he was someone else, put his nad on my head, and said,
  32. *page4
  33. ;@r
  34. @r
  35. ;@r
  36. @r
  37. ;@r
  38. @r
  39. ;@r
  40. @r
  41. ; “―――[ruby char=2 text=あかいろ]赤色の死が、おまえの背中を見ているからね”[wait canskip=0 time=1000]
  42.  '―――Be mindful that red death is looking at your back.'[wait canskip=0 time=1000]
  43. //赤色の死 hm, reference to something?
  46. *page5
  47. ; そんな、気休めどころかより絶望的な言葉を残して、私を家につき返した。[l][r]
  48.  He left me with such words, not even that of comfort but of despair, and sent me back home.[l][r]
  49. ; 私はあの夜、たしかに背後に[ruby text=ひそ]潜む影を認めた。[l][r]
  50.  At that night, I did indeed recognized a shadow behind me.[l][r]
  51. ; ずっと遠くから私を見ている何者か。[l][r]
  52.  There was someone watching me form a far distance.[l][r]
  53. ;@r
  54. @r
  55. ; それは少しずつ、年々距離を[ruby text=ちぢ]縮めていき―――[l][r]
  56.  It slowly was coming closer year afer year―――[l][r]
  57. ;@r
  58. @r
  59. ; 小さな点ほどだった気配は、その息づかいさえ感じるほどすぐ後ろまで迫っていた。
  60.  and the presence that used be like a small dot was now so close to me that I could feel its breathing.
  63. *page6
  64. ; もちろん錯覚。[l][r]
  65.  Of course, it's a illusion.[l][r]
  66. ; 振り向いた先には誰もいない。[l][r]
  67.  There is no one there when I look back.[l][r]
  68. ;@r
  69. @r
  70. ; ただ―――きっかけになったあの夜。[l][r]
  71.  But---that night that became the cue. [l][r]
  72. ; あの時の言いようのない不安は、間違いなく、約束された[ruby text=し char=2]恐怖に起因するものだった。
  73.  The undescribable anxiety I felt then, without a doubt, stemed from promised [ruby text=death char=2]fear.
  76. *page7
  77. ;@r
  78. @r
  79. ;@r
  80. @r
  81. ;@r
  82. @r
  83. ;@italic
  84. @italic
  85. ;“[setdefaultmessageaction type=swing]……High diddle diddle,The cat and the fiddle,[r]
  86. “[setdefaultmessageaction type=swing]……High diddle diddle,The cat and the fiddle,[r]
  87. ; The cow jump'd over the moon;[r]
  88.  The cow jump'd over the moon;[r]
  89. ; The little dog laugh'd……”[rf][resetdefaultmessageaction]
  90.  The little dog laugh'd……”[rf][resetdefaultmessageaction]
  93. *page8
  94. ; ……あれはいつの話だっただろう。[l][r]
  95.  ...I wonder when was it.[l][r]
  96. ; 遠い子供の頃の記憶の片隅。[l][r]
  97.  It's the corner of the memories when I was a child long ago.[l][r]
  98. ; 絵日記じみたかすかな思い出。[l][r]
  99.  It's a faint memory like that of a diary with illustrations.[l][r]
  100. ; ……暗い夜には決まって祖父の言葉が耳に響く。[l][r]
  101.  ...In every dark night, gradnfather's words echo in my ears.[l][r]
  102. ; どんなに風が強く吹いても、[ruby text=かたわ char=1]傍らの少女の[ruby text=うた char=1]鐘が聞き惚れるほどのものでも、不吉な言葉をかき消す事はできない。
  103.  No matter how strong the wind blows or how beautiful the [ruby text=song char=1] bell of the girl next to me, nothing can erase the omnious words.
  106. *page9
  107. ;「……ご到着ね」[l][r]
  108. "……It has arrived,"[l][r]
  109. //need to come back to see if it's "it" or "he"
  110. ;@r
  111. @r
  112. ; 傍らの[ruby char=2 text=ありす]少女が言った。[l][r]
  113.  said [ruby char=2 text=Alice]the girl at her side.[l][r]
  114. ; 抑揚のない声は、完全に傍観者でいる事を示している。
  115.  The monotonous voice indicated the she would remain as an observer.
  118. *page10
  119. ; 夜の公園には私と彼女だけ。[l][r]
  120.  There are only she and I at the park in the middle of the night.[l][r]
  121. ; 今日は私にとって“今の自分”の誕生日。[l][r]
  122.  Today is the birthday for "myself in the present."[l][r]
  123. ; 記念すべき[ruby char=2 text=ういじん]初陣にしては、少々不吉な夜と言わざるをえない。
  124.  Although, for my memorable first battle, I must admit it's quite an omnious night.
  127. *page11
  128. ; ぶあつい雲は黒い傘のように星明かりを[ruby text=さえぎ char=1]遮っている。[l][r]
  129.  Thick clouds are covering up the starlight like a black umbrella. [l][r]
  130. ; 強い風は夜空を引き裂き、重い雲を運んでいく。[l][r]
  131.  Strong wind was shredding up the night sky and carrying over heavy clouds.[l][r]
  132. ; 公園の真ん中に立つ柱時計の針は、二本とも頭上の月を指すように頂点を向いている。[l][r]
  133.  The hands of the wall clock, built at the middle of the park, were both pointing directly upward, as if to point up the moon above it. [l][r]
  134. ;@r
  135. @r
  136. ; あいにくと、今日は月のない夜だったけれど。
  137.  Unfortunately, moon was not out tonight.
  140. *page12
  141. ; 冬の大気は、深夜になって狂暴さを増している。[l][r]
  142.  The winter air had increased its atrocity as it[l][r]
  143. ; 息を吸うだけで体の中が凍る気がする。
  144.  Just to breath in makes one feel his inside get freeze.
  147. *page13
  148. ; 骨に染みこむような冷気は、そのまま背骨を通じて脳に直接入りこんでくる。[l][r]
  149.  The chill that feels like reaching the bone directly enters into the brain through the spine.[l][r]
  150. ;@r
  151. @r
  152. ; 思考が寒さで麻痺しないよう、[l][r]
  153.  Not to get the cold paralyze my mind[l][r]
  154. ;@r
  155. @r
  156. ; 指先が寒気で化石にならないよう、[l][r]
  157.  and not to let the chill turn the tip fingers into fossils,[l][r]
  158. ;@r
  159. @r
  160. ; 私は、自分の[ruby text=リズム char=2]鼓動と感情を炎にくべた。
  161.  I threw my [ruby text=rhythm char=2]beatings and emotions into the fire.
  164. *page14
  165. ;「触覚を[ruby text=ゆず]譲るわ。……幸運ね。[r]
  166. "I'll let you have the tactual sense...How lucky.[r]
  167. ; あの位置なら刻んでおいた[ruby text=ウィスプ char=2]鬼火が灯る」[l][r]
  168.  Around that area, the wisp that we engraved earlier would be lit.[l][r]
  169. ;@r
  170. @r
  171. ; 有珠の言葉に頷きだけで応える。[l][r]
  172.  To Alice's words, I responded just with a nod. [l][r]
  173. ; その時、一瞬だけ地面が見えた。
  174.  Then, just for an instant, I could see the ground.
  177. *page15
  178. ; ……私の両足はかすかに震えている。[l][r]
  179.  ...Both of my legs are slightly shaking.[l][r]
  180. ; 寒いから震えているんだ、と判断したけれど自信はなかった。[l][r]
  181.  I concluded that the shaking is due to the cold, but I wasn't realy confident.[l][r]
  182. ; 本当は寒さではなく恐怖で[ruby text=しび]痺れてしまっているのかも知れない。……ホッと息を吐く。感情が働いているのなら、私はじゅうぶんに人間らしい。
  183. Maybe I'm being paralyzed by fear, not by cold...I let out a sigh. If my feeling is working I am human enough.
  184. //"...I got more than enough humanity."?
  187. *page16
  188. ; そんな感傷にひたる間もなく、結界の感触が有珠から私に移ってきた。[l][r]
  189.  Without much time to be sentimental, the sensation of the Bounded Field was passed on to me from Alice. [l][r]
  190. ;@r
  191. @r
  192. ; この公園一帯に敷かれた透明の[ruby text=かべ]境。[l][r]
  193.  It's the invisible [ruby text=wall]boader that's spread throughout this park.[l][r]
  194. ; 地中深くまで根を張った認知外の絨毯。
  195.  It's the carpet, outside of cognition, that has its roots spread out deep down to the ground.
  198. *page17
  199. ; ―――夜に[ruby text=ひび char=1]浸く、久遠寺有珠の[ruby text=マザーグース char=4]童話詠唱。[l][r]
  200.  ―――It's Alice Kuonji's[ruby text=Mother Goose char=4]aria of fairy tale that's [ruby text=echoing char=1] immersing in the night.[l][r]
  201. ;@r
  202. @r
  203. ; それらの感覚と、私の体がひとつになる。[l][r]
  204.  With those sensations, my body became one.[l][r]
  205. ; ざわり、と右腕に鳥肌がたつ。[l][r]
  206.  With a sensation, I got goosebumps on my right arm.[l][r]
  207. ; 誰かが私の腕に侵入したのだ。
  208.  Someone had invaded into my arm.
  211. *page18
  212. ; 鳥肌は[ruby text=あり]蟻のように右腕を[ruby text=は]這い上がってくる。[l][r]
  213.  The goosebums are crawling up the right arm like ants.[l][r]
  214. ; ゆっくりと、確実に、この心臓めがけて。[l][r]
  215.  Toward this heart, slowly and definitely.[l][r]
  216. ; 払い[ruby text=の]除けたくなる衝動をおさえて、より決定的な位置、より確実な到来を待つ。
  217.  Suppressing the urge to brush them away, I waited to it to come to more decisive location and more definite arrival.
  220. *page19
  221. ; 月の無い夜。[l][r]
  222.  The night without the moon.[l][r]
  223. ; 公園の小さな街灯だけでは、闇の[ruby char=2 text=すべて]全容は見渡せない。
  224.  The small streetlamps alone are not enough to look through the whole of the darkeness.
  227. *page20
  228. ; 蟻の進行は止まった。[l][r]
  229.  The advancement of the ants had stopped.[l][r]
  230. ; 私の右腕から離れて離れて[ruby char=2 text=まなか]心臓のとなり。[l][r]
  231.  It went away and away from my right now and now right next to my [ruby char=2 text=center]heart.[l][r]
  232. ; 視覚を動員することなく、闇に[ruby text=ひそ]潜む侵入者の姿が見える。[l][r]
  233.  Without utilizing the sense of sight, I could see the invader, hiding in the darkness.[l][r]
  234. ; ここから[ruby char=2 text=うげん]右舷後方三十歩ほどの茂みの[ruby text=かげ]陰、四つんばいに手足をついたソレは[ruby char=2 text=てまね]手招きするように右手をあげ―――[l][r]
  235.  That thing, on hands and knees behind the bush around thrity steps starboard and behind of me, raised its right hand as if to beckon us, and―――[l][r]
  236. ;@r
  237. @r
  238. ;「―――そこ!」[l][r]
  239. "―――There!"[l][r]
  240. ;@r
  241. @r
  242. ; 私の知覚と、敵の行動はほぼ同時だった。
  243.  My perception and the movement of enemy was almost at the same time.
  246. *page21
  247. ; 体が振り向く。[l][r]
  248.  Mu body turned back.[l][r]
  249. ; 敵の腕は槍のように伸びた。[l][r]
  250.  The arm of the enemy got longer like a spear.[l][r]
  251. ; 高速で後頭部に放たれた凶器が、私の髪をさらっていく。[l][r]
  252.  A deadly weapon, thrown to the back of my head at high speed, took away some of my hairs.[l][r]
  253. ; 有珠から結界を[ruby char=2 text=じょうと]譲渡され、ここ一帯そのものとなった全能の知覚が、最小の回避を可能とする。
  254.  The omnipotent perception that became the area round here itself due to receiving the Bounded Field from Alice enabled me to evade with minimum movements.
  255. //consiousness?
  258. *page22
  259. ; 礼儀知らずの蛮行に舞い上がる髪。[l][r]
  260.  The hairs were whirled up by the rude barbarity. [l][r]
  261. //vandalism?
  262. ; 頬をかする、小さいが鋭い痛み。[l][r]
  263.  Small yet sharp pain scrached my cheek.[l][r]
  264. ;@r
  265. @r
  266. ;@r
  267. @r
  268. ; ―――死が、魂に触れた気がした。
  269.  ―――It felt as if the death touched my soul.
  272. *page23
  273. ;「っ―――!」[l][r]
  274. "Gr―――!"[l][r]
  275. ;@r
  276. @r
  277. ; 体内の血流を、異なる[ruby text=かいろ char=2]循環に切り替える。[l][r]
  278.  I swithed the flow of blood in my body to different [ruby text=circuit char=2]circulation.[l][r]
  279. ; 秒速一メートルで体内を巡る血液が、架空の元素に変質する。[l]心臓はまったく別の[ruby o2o=1 text=エンジン]生成機関に成りはてて、私の体を一つの回路として利用する。
  280.  The blood, ciculating through the body in 1 m/s, was transmutated into fictional element.[l]My heart had became totally different[ruby o2o=1 text=engine]generative system, and it used my body as a circuit.
  281. //変質=degenerate in lit. translation, but I believe it has negative connotation.Also 架空の元素-must have something that came up with other TM-novels. Not system but unit?
  284. *page24
  285. ; 熱量として計測されない不可知の運動。[l][r]
  286.  It's the unknowable exercise that cannot be measured as quantity of heat.[l][r]
  287. ; 私を今の私にならしめた、いまだ人の手の及ばぬ神秘。[l][r]
  288.  It's the mystery beyond the reach of man that made me who I am now.[l][r]
  289. ; あらゆる奇跡、[ruby char=2 text=ぐうわ]寓話の動力となる生命の火。[l][r]
  290.  It's the fire of life that serves as a the source power for any kind of miracles and fables.[l][r]
  291. ;@r
  292. @r
  293. ; これを、私たちは魔力と呼ぶ。[wm canskip=0]
  294.  We call this, Prana.[wm canskip=0]
  295. //Prana orMagical Energy
  297. *page25
  298. ;「―――[ruby text=セット char=2]接続」[l][r]
  299. "―――[ruby text=Set char=2]Connect"[l][r]
  300. ;@r
  301. @r
  302. ; 振り向いて敵を視界に収め、片手を振りかぶる。[l][r]
  303.  I looked back to have the enemy in my sight and raised my hand up. [l][r]
  304. ; 腕は意志の代行だ。[l][r]
  305.  The arm is the agent of will.[l][r]
  306. ; 私はまだ未熟だから、[ruby o2o=1 text=こえ]発音と[ruby char=2 text=どうさ]手足を使わないと魔術は働いてくれない。
  307.  I'm still a novice, so I still need to use [ruby o2o=1 text=voice]chanting and [ruby char=2 text=movement]limbs, or Magecraft wouldn't work.
  308. //literally it's "pronounciation"
  311. *page26
  312. ; 魔術式は予め公園に刻まれている。[l][r]
  313.  Magecraft equation was already engraved on the park.[l][r]
  314. //魔術式=Magecraft equation?{*}
  315. ; 私がするコトは、その式に火をくべるだけ。[l][r]
  316.  What I do is to simply put fire to that equation.[l][r]
  317. ; 体内で生成した魔力を、各自それぞれの方式で流しこめばいい。
  318.  I just have to pour in the Prana that I generated inside my body into there with my own way.
  321. *page27
  322. ; たいていは魔術師は転移方式だ。有線にしろ無線にしろ、式に魔力を[ruby text=そそ char=1]注げばいい。[l][r]
  323.  Usually, Magus use tranference method.With or without a wire, one simply has to pour in Prana into the equation. [l][r]
  324. ; “出す”“撃つ”“流す”と色々あるけど、私の場合はなんていうか、こう―――[wait canskip=0 time=400]自分の手足で[ruby text=はじ char=1]弾く感じ……!
  325.  There are many varieties of them like "take out," "shoot, "flow," and others, but, in my case, it's like--- [wait canskip=0 time=400]flick with my limb!
  328. *page28
  329. ;「―――燃えろ!」[l][r]
  330. "―――Burn!"[l][r]
  331. ;@r
  332. @r
  333. ; 高速に高速で対抗する。[l][r]
  334.  I confronted with high speed against the high speed.[l][r]
  335. ; 数メートル伸ばした腕はそのまま、敵は炎に包まれた。[l][r]
  336.  With the arm still stretched for a few meters, the enemy was engulfed in flame.[l][r]
  337. ; 夜の公園というコトもあってキャンプファイヤーを連想させる。ただ、炎の中で影絵のように[ruby text=うごめ]蠢くのは人間らしき姿だったけど。
  338.  Since it's at the park at night, it made me think of a campfire. Although the figure, wiggling inside the flame like a shadow picture, was like that of a human.
  341. *page29
  342. ; 不自然に発した炎は、やっぱり不自然に消えた。[l][r]
  343.  The flame that appeared unnaturally also disappeared unnaturaly.[l][r]
  344. ; 物を焼く音も、焦げた臭いもあまりない。
  345.  There aren't much sound of burning or scorching smell.
  348. *page30
  349. ;「―――結界、返すわ。死体を確認するから」[l][r]
  350. "---I'll hand you back the Bounded Field. I'll go examine the corpse."[l][r]
  351. ;@r
  352. @r
  353. ; 傍らの彼女に言って、もう動かない人影に足を向けた。[l][r]
  354.  I said so to the girl next to me, and I walked toward the figure, no longer moving.[l][r]
  355. ; 殺した。[l]殺した。[l]殺した。[l][r]
  356.  I killed. [l]I killed. [l] I killed.[l][r]
  357. ; 相手が何者であれ、人の命に、手をかけた。[l][r]
  358.  Whoever he was, I took away someone's life.[l][r]
  359. ; その、現実味もなければ手応えもなかった事実を、[ruby text=かわ]渇ききった喉で嚥下する。[l]硬くて苦くてこれっぽっちも飲み込めないけど、嚥下しようと努めていた。
  360.  I swallowed such unrealistic and irresponsive fact through my dried up throat.[l]Even though it's solid and bitter and couldn't get it to go down the throat at all, I was trying my best to swallow it down.
  361. //手応えもなかった= no response or no joy of accomplishment, etc; also in the first sentence she said she swallowed it, but in the next she said she is trying to. weird as it may sound, it's what's on there. I probably should put "Or rather," at the beginning of the second sentence, but that's my interpretation of the lines.
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