
trustedmoons blog

Apr 30th, 2020
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  1032. <body>
  1036. <div id="descriptionbox">
  1037. selective & private<br>
  1038. <b>MULTI MUSE</b><br>
  1039. featuring <b>original characters</b>
  1041. <div id="titles"> </div><br>
  1042. written by <i>stormi</i><br>
  1043. est: approx 2013<p>
  1044. please read <b>RULES & ABOUT</b> before approaching<p>
  1045. <div id="titles">updates</div><p>
  1046. <b>tba:</b> tba <br>
  1049. </div></div></div>
  1052. <div id="askbox" class="popup_block">
  1053. <div id="asktitle">INQUIRE</div><p>
  1054. <iframe frameborder="0" height="270" id="ask_form" scrolling="yes" src="https://www.tumblr.com/ask_form/{Name}.tumblr.com" width="100%"></iframe>
  1055. </div>
  1058. <div id="rules" class="popup_block">
  1059. <div id="titles">RULES</div><p>
  1061. <h1>GREETINGS.</h1>
  1062. <p>Hello, my name is Stormi and I'm the mun of this blog and exclusive owner of the original characters listed here. I'm 21 years old, and I've been roleplaying for several years now. Please note that I am pagan, and observe the Greek pantheon as my personal deities. I will not roleplay with those who write my gods as characters, nor will I follow people who use my gods as aliases.&nbsp;</p>
  1063. <h1>GENERAL.</h1>
  1064. <p><strong>i .&nbsp;</strong>Do not godmod, powerplay, ect.</p>
  1065. <p><strong>ii .</strong>&nbsp;Do not steal icons, graphics, ect. I own many of the icons, some are from friends, and the others are from public sites.</p>
  1066. <p><strong>iii .</strong>&nbsp;There will be NSFW on this blog, but mostly in the form of: abuse, alcoholism, drug usage, rape mentions (as some of my characters are survivors), unhealthy coping mechanisms like fixations on sexual activities, and so on. I'll do my best to tag everything. If I ever forget, please tell me and I will fix it.&nbsp;</p>
  1067. <p><strong>iv .</strong>&nbsp;My discomforts include, but are not limited to:&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- body horror/mutilation&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- people who roleplay characters that are related to gods/goddesses that are within my realm of belief system<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- glorification of suicide or self harm<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- music on autoplay when I visit your blog.&nbsp;<br />Any more will be added as necessary.&nbsp;</p>
  1068. <p><strong>v .</strong> NSFW will be present! This includes, but is not limited to: sex, gore, violence, abuse (most of my characters are abuse survivors), fighting, unhealthy behavior/coping habits, etc! They will be tagged accordingly as: tw ____</p>
  1069. <h1>SMUTTING.</h1>
  1070. <p><strong>vi .</strong> All of my original characters have age ranges as opposed to something concrete. There are different verses that encapsulate different age ranges, that will be marked at the beginning of a roleplay thread. There is <em>childhood trauma</em> (character is toddler-age to 15), <em>teen idol</em> (character is 15-17),<em> modern made</em> (17-18, as this is most of my characters "default" ages), and <em>young adult</em> (18-30+).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
  1071. <p>I do this so that I can explore different age ranges in my characters' timelines. Many of my characters, like Josie and Theo, have been sexually active ever since they were 14-16 years old. They may make references to these times.&nbsp;</p>
  1072. <p>When it comes to sexual content, I know this is where people may disagree with me. I try to write my characters as realistically as possible, and as such, I acknowledge that teenagers <em>can</em> have sex. Should our characters be in a relationship, and they are <em>minors</em>, a <strong>fade-to-black</strong> scenario will be implemented if them having sex actually drives their relationship.&nbsp;</p>
  1073. <p>This may be where people stop reading and decide to blacklist me, but I am personally okay with writing adult content with minor muses <strong><em>if&nbsp;</em></strong>: they have a pre-established adult verse where they are in a <em><strong>different head space/maturity level</strong> </em>than they would be in their main verse.&nbsp;</p>
  1074. <p><strong><em>Why</em> </strong>am I okay with this? Because I believe dynamic characters have the capacity to <em>grow up</em>. Because I write my characters at an<em> age range</em> where they change <strong>drastically</strong> over their lifespans. Because I acknowledge that these are <strong>fictional</strong> characters, not real people, and I am under the presumption that both muns are legally 18 years or older, and have a healthy mindset.&nbsp;</p>
  1075. <p>I know there is a chance of really dangerous people using roleplaying as a way to fulfill their sick fantasies, but I am not one of them and I am under the presumption that whomever I'm writing with is not as well.&nbsp;</p>
  1076. <h1>SPECIFIC.</h1>
  1077. <p><strong>vii.&nbsp;</strong> I am a <em>semi&nbsp;</em>mutuals-only roleplay blog. There can be a few selections, like if I like your character but you may write with people I feel uncomfortable with seeing on my dashboard (they are blocked and blacklisted, however, I am on mobile 99% of the time).</p>
  1078. <p><strong>vii .</strong> I am an extremely private, selective, and independent roleplay blog.</p>
  1079. <p><strong>viii .</strong> I do not tolerate call-out posts.</p>
  1080. <p><strong>ix .</strong> I practically live in the IMs and use them to reach out to mutuals. Keep an eye out for a message from me!</p>
  1081. <h1>FORMATTING.</h1>
  1082. <p><strong>x .</strong> I format my replies, edit my icons, and use specialized tags for each muse. My tagging system is a tad rudimentary because I use the Xkit extention Quick Tags so I'm not as thorough as some multimuse blogs.&nbsp;</p>
  1083. <p><strong>xi .</strong>&nbsp;If possible, I would like if my length is matched.&nbsp;</p>
  1084. <h1>REPLIES.</h1>
  1085. <p><strong>xii .</strong> I am slow as molasses. Be prepared.&nbsp;</p>
  1086. <h1>ICONS.</h1>
  1087. <p><strong>xiii .</strong>&nbsp;Half of my icons are mine, half are not: they are edited by me.&nbsp;</p>
  1088. <h1>CHARACTERS.</h1>
  1089. <p><strong>xiv .</strong>&nbsp;Most of the characters listed here are my own original characters. I've established a universe and I have a set of lore that I'll be happy to explain to people if asked. I have AUs available for fandom-type threads. New addition: select canon characters, which I love, but not as much as my original characters so replies for canon characters will be even slower.&nbsp;</p>
  1090. <h1>EXCLUSIVES.</h1>
  1091. <p><strong>xv .</strong> I will practice exclusivity. I will pick close friends over strangers. Ways to become my friend include answering IMs and reaching out for me equally as much as I reach out to you.</p>
  1092. <h1>SHIPPING.</h1>
  1093. <p><strong>xvi .</strong> I am multi-ship and forever looking for ways to foster character development through relationship building. I am open to all forms of relationship. I love shipping different things and enjoying different dynamics! I'm always open for new relationships, so please let me know if you're interested!</p>
  1094. <h1>UNFOLLOWING.</h1>
  1095. <p><strong>xvii .</strong> I try to maintain mutual follower counts. I understand that some people operate their roleplay blog from a personal blog - please let me know this or have it in your description because otherwise I'm clueless.&nbsp;</p>
  1096. <h1>OOC.</h1>
  1097. <p><strong>xviii .</strong>&nbsp;I prioritize communication. If there is an issue, please talk to me about it. Otherwise, I cannot fix it. I understand that some people dislike confrontation and will merely softblock me. If I notice we aren't mutuals anymore, I may refollow you not because I'm an asshole who won't leave you alone, but because I'll presume Tumblr made a glitch. Don't wanna talk to me? Let me know or keep me hardblocked.&nbsp;</p>
  1098. <h1>END.</h1>
  1099. <p>Thank you very much for reading this super long rules list! It means a lot! If it's at all possible, please send me <strong>"oh lawd here comes the storm"</strong> as an IM or an ask! I know not everyone is comfortable with this, but it really helps me out to know who has read my rules and who hasn't!&nbsp;</p>
  1100. <p></p>
  1103. </div></div>
  1105. <div id="navigation" class="popup_block">
  1106. <div id="titles">NAVIGATION</div><p>
  1107. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="Actors"class="poplight" title="primary focus characters"><img alt="OC charas" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/52d94ce91490fc1c4d7b789da7bdc772/8fd262c7dd463448-a6/s540x810/f7b4d5b20cdb8893c89c08cd3317f86ef435c5c7.jpg" /></a></p>
  1109. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="Canons"class="poplight" title="request only characters"><img alt="Chara tags" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/bc0cf5da9d706823b4f937789a1c2bfd/8fd262c7dd463448-c1/s540x810/5cdf1ae0577e0576ace2f7a0c866a59973f5f47d.jpg" /></a></p>
  1111. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="Tags" class="poplight" title=""><img alt="primary character tags" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/6f79c0a568d01213c8606d01c7b94745/8fd262c7dd463448-78/s540x810/adc6f82eb03ef7d084338abdc34c24df7d8ec512.jpg" /></a></p>
  1113. <p><a href="/tagged/【 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨 . 】" title="main & alternate universe details"><img alt="main & alternate universe details" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/69a6e2f77c76e1ed77b59ff784a45602/8fd262c7dd463448-be/s540x810/88e8186697de188b6e5ee066dfd1c10b7121a50c.jpg" /></a></p>
  1115. <p><a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rfLrVZ4MdwtqwU3eliDGL6bycRVHTlVfkZwKKrzXVy4/edit?usp=sharing" title="please add your url & muse beneath the character you are interested in"><img alt="Interest Tracker" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/6ea8bb4c320dd6fd72067ca3cfd94bc6/8fd262c7dd463448-6e/s540x810/f4817e7fb058fac5b382b7e372fa40c9086ced75.jpg" /></a></p>
  1117. <p><a href="https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/soulusted" title="adult content oriented blog please do not follow if you are under 18"><img alt="adult content" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/41bf59a362a233d3c2c5e4cbdaa09c87/8fd262c7dd463448-7b/s540x810/0c1ea6b32db411c046250768357662ba01c57666.jpg" /></a></p>
  1121. </div></div>
  1123. <div id="Canons" class="popup_block">
  1124. <div id="titles">REQUEST ONLYS</div><p>
  1125. <p><h1><strong>Please note that these characters are of lower priority than my original characters; as such, threads with them may take longer than with my original characters. They are on request only and I maintain the right to deny requests if needbe. They do not have official pages on this blog because they are of lower priority at the time, so links will be to their wikia pages instead. </strong></h1></p>
  1126. <p><a href="https://kuroshitsuji.fandom.com/wiki/Cheslock" title="Cheslock (Kuroshitsuji)" >Cheslock</a></p>
  1128. <p><a href="https://pandorahearts.fandom.com/wiki/Echo" title="Echo Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)" >Echo Baskerville</a></p>
  1130. <p><a href="https://thepeculiarchildren.fandom.com/wiki/Fiona_Frauenfeld" title="Fiona Frauenfeld (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)">Fiona Frauenfeld</a></p>
  1132. <p><a href="https://dgrayman.fandom.com/wiki/Jasdevi" title="JasDevi Kamelot (D Gray Man)" >JasDevi Kamelot</a></p>
  1134. <p><a href="https://deadmanwonderland.fandom.com/wiki/Minatsuki_Takami" title="Minatsuki Takami (Deadman Wonderland)" >Minatsuki Takami</a></p>
  1136. <p><a href="https://pandorahearts.fandom.com/wiki/Noise" title="Noise Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)" >Noise Baskerville</a></p>
  1138. <p><a href="https://kagerouproject.fandom.com/wiki/Tsubomi_Kido" title="Kido Tsubomi (Kagerou Days)" >Tsubomi Kido</a></p>
  1140. <p><a href="https://deadmanwonderland.fandom.com/wiki/Yosuga_Mitsuzaki" title="Yosuga Mitsuzaki (Deadman Wonderland)" > Yosuga Mitsuzaki</a></p>
  1145. </div></div>
  1147. <div id="Tags" class="popup_block">
  1148. <div id="titles"></div><p>
  1150. <h1>Specific Character Tags</h1>
  1151. <ul>
  1152. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%9D%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%98%80%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%B2%20%E2%98%BE%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Josie Pearle.</a> </strong></li>
  1153. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%96%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%97%B9%F0%9D%97%AF%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%B2%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Colbie Roberts.</a> </strong></li>
  1154. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%98%F0%9D%97%B1%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%B9%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BB%F0%9D%97%AE%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Edalina Annala-Kosterick.</a> </strong></li>
  1155. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%98%F0%9D%97%B9%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%98%81%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Eliott Nova.</a> </strong></li>
  1156. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%97%B1%F0%9D%97%B1%F0%9D%97%B9%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%98%80%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Hunter Pearle.</a> </strong></li>
  1157. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%97%B1%F0%9D%97%B1%F0%9D%97%B9%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%98%80%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Maxine Pearle.</a> </strong></li>
  1158. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%A2%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%97%B6%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Orienna Starling.</a> </strong></li>
  1159. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%A6%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%97%BC%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Shiro Kitsune.</a> </strong></li>
  1160. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%BC%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Theodora Pearle.</a> </strong></li>
  1161. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E2%9D%9D%20%F0%9D%97%AA%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BB%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%BF%20%E2%98%BC%20.%20%E2%9D%9E">Winter McKnight.</a></strong></li>
  1162. </ul>
  1163. <h1>Character Aesthetic Tags</h1>
  1164. <ul>
  1165. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%AB%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A2%20.%20%E3%80%91">Trivia.</a></strong></li>
  1166. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%96%20.%20%E3%80%91">Meta.</a></strong></li>
  1167. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A3%F0%9D%99%9C%F0%9D%99%A8%20.%20%E3%80%91">Musings.</a></strong></li>
  1168. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%AB%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%9C%F0%9D%99%9A%20.%20%E3%80%91">Visage.</a></strong></li>
  1169. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A0%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A8%20.%20%E3%80%91">Likes.</a></strong></li>
  1170. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9A%20.%20%E3%80%91">Attire.</a></strong></li>
  1171. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%9C%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%9D%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%A8%20.%20%E3%80%91">Graphics.</a></strong></li>
  1172. </ul>
  1173. <h1>General Blog Organizational Tags</h1>
  1174. <ul>
  1175. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A0%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%A9%20.%20%E3%80%91">Saved.</a></strong></li>
  1176. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%A4%20.%20%E3%80%91">Promotion.</a></strong></li>
  1177. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%9C%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A8%20.%20%E3%80%91">Games.</a></strong></li>
  1178. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A3%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%AC%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%99%20.%20%E3%80%91">Answered.</a></strong></li>
  1179. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%AC%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%9D%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%A9.%20%E3%80%91">Wishlist.</a></strong></li>
  1180. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A7%20.%20%E3%80%91">Closed Starters.</a></strong></li>
  1181. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A3%20.%20%E3%80%91">Open Starters.</a></strong></li>
  1182. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A3%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%AE%20.%20%E3%80%91">Dash Commentary.</a></strong></li>
  1183. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%A0%20.%20%E3%80%91">Crack Threads.</a></strong></li>
  1184. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%99%20.%20%E3%80%91">Replied Threads.</a></strong></li>
  1185. </ul>
  1186. <h1>Fandom / AU Tags</h1>
  1187. <ul>
  1188. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%97%F0%9D%99%A3%F0%9D%99%9D%F0%9D%99%96%20.%20%E3%80%91">My Hero Academia.</a></strong></li>
  1189. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A0%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%A4%20.%20%E3%80%91">Kuroshitsuji.</a></strong></li>
  1190. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%9C%F0%9D%99%A2%20.%20%E3%80%91">D Gray-Man.</a></strong></li>
  1191. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%9D%20.%20%E3%80%91">Pandora Hearts.</a></strong></li>
  1192. </ul>
  1193. <h1>Character Timeline Tags</h1>
  1194. <ul>
  1195. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A3%20%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A1%20.%20%E3%80%91">Teenager (ages 14-17)</a>.</strong></li>
  1196. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%9D%F0%9D%99%9E%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%9D%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%99%20%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%96%20.%20%E3%80%91">Child (ages 2-12)</a>.</strong></li>
  1197. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%A3%20%F0%9D%99%A2%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%9A%20.%20%E3%80%91">Main (ages listed)</a>.</strong></li>
  1198. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%AE%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A3%F0%9D%99%9C%20%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%A9%20.%20%E3%80%91">Youth (ages 18-22)</a>.</strong></li>
  1199. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%A5%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9A%20%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A8%20%F0%9D%99%98%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A1%20.%20%E3%80%91">Bright &amp; Light</a>.</strong></li>
  1200. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%9B%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%A1%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A3%20%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%A9%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A7%20.%20%E3%80%91">Dimming &amp; Shatter</a>.</strong></li>
  1201. <li><strong><a href="/tagged/%E3%80%90%20%F0%9D%99%97%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%A0%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%A3%20%F0%9D%99%A8%F0%9D%99%A4%F0%9D%99%AA%F0%9D%99%A1%20.%20%E3%80%91">Dark &amp; Fallen</a>.</strong></li>
  1202. </ul>
  1203. </div></div>
  1211. <div id="Actors" class="popup_block">
  1212. <div id="titles"></div><p>
  1214. <h1>First Tier.</h1>
  1215. <p><em>Definition &amp; Symbol &hellip;&nbsp;</em>☾</p>
  1216. <p><strong>Muse Levels</strong> &hellip; Very High | <strong>Availability</strong> &hellip; Always| <strong>Plotting/Thread Keeping</strong> &hellip; Always</p>
  1217. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="josie"class="poplight"><img alt="Josie | 17 | Nephilim" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/139295bbc15f63394498c87368ecaa24/a2e2043b4ebf2f84-fa/s540x810/361762a8e7cb3d1d750e3d2c700b38991edfc2ab.jpg" /></a></p>
  1218. <h1>Second Tier.</h1>
  1219. <p><em>Definition &amp; Symbol &hellip;&nbsp;</em>☼</p>
  1220. <p><strong>Muse Levels</strong> &hellip; Fairly High | <strong>Availability</strong> &hellip; Most of the Time | <strong>Plotting/Thread Keeping</strong> &hellip; Always</p>
  1221. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="colbie"class="poplight"><img alt="Colbie | 20 | Werewolf" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/1a749566488ccd49c7a317b20a377d64/a2e2043b4ebf2f84-26/s540x810/36dd456f57bd320021bad21547b3f27d4f25bbce.jpg" /></a></p>
  1222. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="edalina"class="poplight"><img alt="Edalina | 10k | Faerie" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/07ea8be16a7f18564004964cc1be7b52/c78c477babb05b6c-64/s540x810/887f96dca57c53c1d502083984052e678d9e61d6.jpg" /></a></p>
  1223. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="hunter"class="poplight"><img alt="Hunter | 3 | Nephilim" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/27a4b29763730af8b401a81ada979dfe/c78c477babb05b6c-b1/s540x810/4c0f94e76daef92b3fdf3f38e520f6663ddbfbdd.jpg" /></a></p>
  1224. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="maxine"class="poplight"><img alt="Maxine | 2 | Nephilim" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/add407729b2677166fafd91df4afd5eb/c78c477babb05b6c-43/s540x810/6d523830adb2c68716786cdf9b2c86cbbd4b204d.jpg" /></a></p>
  1225. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="orienna"class="poplight"><img alt="Orienna | 16 | Dreamwalker" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/7c060097c97733c672d24e29438f1ae0/c78c477babb05b6c-cd/s540x810/44f4886ac0e11b86b1f068e12102994aea36eb06.jpg" /></a></p>
  1226. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="shiro"class="poplight"><img alt="Shiro | 17 | Fox Spirit" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/0d325f8ea84166fc6a4a40bde425f13f/c78c477babb05b6c-f6/s540x810/20836ac1974b6545a3bd6f68ebbe9336b2491090.jpg" /></a></p>
  1227. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="theodora"class="poplight"><img alt="Theodora | 16 | Nephilim" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/04d10a509022238b67c5bb2ccf54aac6/c78c477babb05b6c-f5/s540x810/93d4afd939cb62ca401b6965bc7f2a8d0cb1c909.jpg" /></a></p>
  1228. <p><a href="#?w=328" rel="winter"class="poplight"><img alt="Winter | 20 | Human/Faerie" src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/0e2766825884039e3dc16470e0253b50/c78c477babb05b6c-9f/s540x810/5304ed550e5906db861b6f5ff13828d4853483b1.jpg" /></a></p>
  1231. </div></div>
  1232. <div id="colbie" class="popup_block">
  1233. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1234. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/fe02a8e42c93c4dd93a7b3952e0c8798/tumblr_inline_q43y4hkjUG1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1235. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Colbie Anaheim Roberts</br>
  1236. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Colbie <br>
  1237. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent<br>
  1238. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Werewolf</br>
  1239. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS male</br>
  1240. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Heterosexual</br>
  1242. <p>
  1244. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1245. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Blue</br>
  1246. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Black</br>
  1247. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 6 foot 5 inches </br>
  1248. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 200 lbs</br>
  1250. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1252. <p> Born as in a werewolf breeding facility, Colbie was quickly taken from his mother at an early age. He was raised by his
  1253. handlers to prepare him for domestic life - teaching him to cook, clean, but most importantly: to obey. Werewolves were not
  1254. equal to humans in his world; instead, they were property born for servitude. </p>
  1256. <p> His first handlers were very cold towards him, often subjecting him to physical or psychological abuse. He was later sold
  1257. to a werewolf gambling ring, where owners would battle their werewolves to earn money. Often, these battles led to the death
  1258. of the losing werewolf. </p>
  1260. <p> Colbie proved himself capable in battle until one night, when he lost a match. Before the rivaling werewolf ended Colbie's
  1261. life, he is saved by Winter's master. The gambling ring was shut down, and Colbie was adopted by the man who saved him. </p>
  1264. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1265. <center>
  1266. 1. Physically stronger than humans<br>
  1267. 2. Able to turn into half-wolf and full-wolf<br>
  1268. 3. Senses are stronger than that of humans<br>
  1269. 4. Poor eyesight due to genetics<br>
  1270. 5. In tune with nature<br>
  1271. </center>
  1272. <p>
  1275. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1276. Colbie is a devoted, gentle individual who has endured many horrible things in his life. He has lower self-esteem, and big
  1277. dreams for the future of his species. He wants to help other werewolves regain hope for their future. Colbie's emotions may
  1278. overwhelm him at times, but he is a selfless boy who just wants to love and be loved in return.
  1280. </div></div>
  1281. </div></div>
  1282. <div id="edalina" class="popup_block">
  1283. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1284. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/ec4c5883767ff762768eb76d050fc891/tumblr_inline_q43y76XkdG1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1285. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Edalina Annala-Kosterick </br>
  1286. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Eda, Queen <br>
  1287. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; 10,000+<br>
  1288. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Faerie</br>
  1289. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female</br>
  1290. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Bisexual (women preferred)</br>
  1292. <p>
  1294. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1295. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Crystal blue</br>
  1296. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; White</br>
  1297. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 0 inches </br>
  1298. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 90 lbs</br>
  1300. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1302. <p> Edalina's birth had been fortold centuries ago, where her mother would be forced to drink the faerie's enchanted river water and to be sent into
  1303. premature labor that would lead to her death. The villain, who raised Edalina, was known as Anri - a commander and prophet for the faerie race, who were
  1304. in dire need of a new queen. He was the one who had instigated the entire event, taking the newborn Edalina from her family. </p>
  1306. <p> Years pass by and Edalina is raised in the woods with the other faeries. She makes human friends who eventually forget her once they leave the woods.
  1307. She was incredibly lonely during her early years. </p>
  1309. <p> As soon as she's sixteen, Edalina's body stops aging forever. This is around the time where her forests would be used as refuge for criminals and poor
  1310. families, and so criminals would take advantage of these families by attacking them. In an act of desperation, she tries to save a village girl whom she
  1311. had grown fond of, but to no avail; the child dies. This child's death became the reason why the forests within Edalina's domain were unbearable to live in.
  1312. What was originally lush groves became traps, dangerous and hungry for the hearts of evil men and women. Edalina became the protector of kind-hearted women
  1313. and children. </p>
  1316. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1317. <center>
  1318. 1. Controls forests, mountains, and waters<br>
  1319. 2. Immortal<br>
  1320. 3. Levitation<br>
  1321. 4. Moves between worlds<br>
  1322. 5. Excellent at drinking liquor<br>
  1323. </center>
  1324. <p>
  1327. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1328. Typically, Edalina is aloof and distant towards strangers, distrustful of anyone who approaches her. She's prepared to kill whenever needbe, though she
  1329. tries to avoid it if possible. Deep down, she's still incredibly lonely and has a slight inferiority complex which she covers with a loud, boisterous
  1330. and prideful personality. With men, she's cruel and mean; but with women or children, she softens, exposing her true self.
  1332. </div></div>
  1333. </div></div>
  1334. <div id="eliott" class="popup_block">
  1335. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1336. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/e2338632e1cc8a25a4bec4ef8c9b09da/tumblr_inline_q43y8fDqiQ1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1337. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Eliott Nova</br>
  1338. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Eli <br>
  1339. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Unknown<br>
  1340. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Nebula</br>
  1341. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female</br>
  1342. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; N/A</br>
  1344. <p>
  1346. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1347. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Blue </br>
  1348. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Black</br>
  1349. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 7 inches </br>
  1350. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 90 lbs</br>
  1352. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1354. <p> Eliott was originally a star located near the Leo Ring, her position overlapping with the figure but were lightyears apart.
  1355. An entity that has been around since the dawn of time, Eliott's soul falls to earth upon her star's detonation. As she made impact,
  1356. the alien girl inherits a physical body over a period of thousands of years. She is an ancient being that never ages nor dies, she never
  1357. becomes sick or has beared witness to pain. An immortal, the girl traverses the world in search of her purpose. </p>
  1359. <p> There are many myths speculating about the origin of Eliott, who only earned her name recently. She cannot recount the years that
  1360. she has lived, for they have no physical meaning to her - she cannot feel the change of time personally, so it goes unnoticed. </p>
  1362. <p> The more popular belief, which is the only correct one, is that heaven rests among celestial bodies where each soul is placed
  1363. upon a star. When that star erupts, or that nebula shifts, the soul is expelled onto earth. The souls normally are returned to a
  1364. human vessel upon conception - yet for Eliott, this is not the case. Her body grew and developed over years outside of any womb and
  1365. without any help. She simply was there from the beginning, and she will be there in the end as well.</p>
  1368. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1369. <center>
  1370. 1. Consumes nightmares<br>
  1371. 2. Can jump high and far<br>
  1372. 3. Sublte levitation<br>
  1373. 4. Immortality<br>
  1374. 5. Glows like supernova underneath skin<br>
  1375. </center>
  1376. <p>
  1379. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1380. Eliott is unaware of the world around her, still relearning what its like to be human. Her speech patterns are odd and her intellect
  1381. is like that of a child - however, she learns quickly. She has very little understanding of what personal space, petty theivery, or
  1382. love is conceptually. She is boldly searching for these answers and trying to learn what her purpose is.
  1384. </div></div>
  1385. </div></div>
  1386. <div id="hunter" class="popup_block">
  1387. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1388. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/8c85d9ad5b604847d1c65d1951cd7110/tumblr_inline_q43yf0AyHr1wdokz5_500.jpg"></p>
  1389. <p><strong>FULL NAME: </strong>Hunter Rosalita Pearle<strong><br /></strong>
  1390. <strong>NICKNAME[S]: </strong>Hunt<strong><br /></strong>
  1391. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; 2-4<br />
  1392. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;Nephilim<br />
  1393. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female<br />
  1394. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Heterosexual (no shipping available)&nbsp;</p>
  1396. <p>
  1398. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1399. <p><strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;Blue<br />
  1400. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Brunette<br />
  1401. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 3 foot 2 inches <br />
  1402. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 32 lbs</p>
  1404. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1406. <p>As the second-youngest child, Hunter was also born prematurely. While the birth went smoothly, her mother was enraged that she was a girl (her mother wanted a boy) so she had tried to drown Hunter during her first bath. Josie interrupted this attempt and forcibly took the baby from her mother&rsquo;s hands. Hunter is then taken to their older sister Minerva&rsquo;s house to be cared for since their mother did not want her and would cause her harm.&nbsp;</p>
  1407. <p>Hunter is present during the attack on the family, and she is saved once again by Minerva who hid the child beneath the porch. After Theo weakly drags herself out of the flames, she picks Hunter up and tries to run but collapses with the child in her arms. Theo had tried to save Minerva, but was unable to &ndash; she was grateful to have been able to save Hunter, though.&nbsp;</p>
  1408. <p>After Maxi&rsquo;s birth, Hunter became a doting older sister. They&rsquo;re practically inseparable, and rely heavily on each other for their comfort and happiness. Hunter&rsquo;s powers begin to manifest around this time, causing mayhem in the recovering household. She is being raised beside Maxi under Josie&rsquo;s care.&nbsp;</p>
  1411. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1412. <center>
  1413. <p>1. Wish fulfillment - whenever someone makes a wish, she can grant it if it is reasonable<br />
  1414. 2. Transformation - she can shapeshift into a cat at will/whenever excited<br />
  1415. 3. Pure heart - able to hear people&rsquo;s innermost desires concerning romances<br />
  1416. 4. Cupid&rsquo;s bow - can correctly guess how many children a person will have<br />
  1417. 5. Friendly and fashion-foward</p>
  1418. </center>
  1419. <p>
  1422. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1423. <p>Hunter&rsquo;s personality reflects like other toddlers - she enjoys playing pretend, watching princess shows, and fashion. Her favorite colors are pink and purple and she is easily excitable. She is bubbly and passionate and an extrovert who enjoys making as many friends as possible. She has a gentle heart and is generally a pacifist who never stands up for herself (Maxi will stand up for her instead) whenever she is bullied. She exhibits other childlike behavior, like hating bedtime, throwing temper tantrums, and mimicking others. Overall, she&rsquo;s a good child.&nbsp;</p>
  1425. </div></div>
  1426. </div></div>
  1427. <div id="josie" class="popup_block">
  1428. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1429. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/7d961404402e100e89356f7861bda487/tumblr_inline_q43y3neopD1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1430. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Josie Mirana Pearle</br>
  1431. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Jo <br>
  1432. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent <br>
  1433. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Nephilim </br>
  1434. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female</br>
  1435. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Bisexual</br>
  1437. <p>
  1439. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1440. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Silver</br>
  1441. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Brown</br>
  1442. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 2 inches </br>
  1443. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 120 lbs</br>
  1445. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1447. <p> Born hours after her twin sister, Ruth, Josie was originally declared stillborn. To return her soul and bring her back to life, her grandmother passes
  1448. on a family curse - reviving Josie and turning her into what was known as a Mechanique. It damned her to becoming the overseer of souls and soul collection.
  1449. She has access to heaven and hell through her hands. A portal to heaven is in her right hand, and a portal to hell is in her left. Her hands are wrapped in
  1450. black lace to prevent any accidents. </p>
  1452. <p> Josie had been sealed away from her family for the majority of her childhood, as it became crucial that she learned how to control her powers. One night,
  1453. she sneaks out of her sealed (and shared) bedroom, unaware that Ruth was following her. They're later kidnapped by demons who wanted to kill them. Josie
  1454. uses her angelic powers (through her right hand) to purify and otherwise destroy the demons who threatened to harm her sister. She earns her wings in the process,
  1455. and their family finds them. </p>
  1457. <p> Fast forward ten years, and Josie's relationship with Ruth (and with most of her other family) has soured. She's moved away from her family and taken refuge
  1458. in a neighboring town. One night, she receives a call that there had been an attack - Theodora had been raped, badly beaten, and left for dead outside of their
  1459. burning family home. Ruth had been kidnapped (and later found dead), their parents were slain, and their remaining older siblings had disappeared (later found
  1460. dead). Suddenly, Josie has become the lone caretaker of her three younger sisters Theodora, Hunter (barely two), and Maxine (newborn). It has been two years since
  1461. that night, and the family has grown close. Her soul is beginning to fall apart. </p>
  1464. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1465. <center>
  1466. 1. Heavenly hand - healing wounds, purifying tainted souls, flora blossom, providing comfort, gate to heaven<br>
  1467. 2. Hellbound hand - creating fire, summoning demons, acidic fingertips, becomes claws, governess of dragons, gate to hell<br>
  1468. 3. Flying<br>
  1469. 4. Soul manipulation - can see into a person's soul<br>
  1470. 5. Excellent cook<br>
  1471. </center>
  1472. <p>
  1475. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1476. Josie is flirtatious, direct, and honest. She's a hard worker, taking many odd jobs to provide for her sisters. Often, she hides her true feelings behind a mask
  1477. as she has no other choice but to be the strong one in the household. She tries to be more mature for her age and is wildly protective of her family.
  1479. </div></div>
  1480. </div></div>
  1481. <div id="maxine" class="popup_block">
  1482. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1483. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ff2f037c0f618a022178cd9a48de4a9/tumblr_inline_q43y2od81J1wdokz5_500.jpg"></p>
  1484. <p><strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;Maxine Sage Pearle<br />
  1485. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong>&nbsp;Maxi<br /><strong>
  1486. AGE:</strong>&nbsp;2-3<br /><strong>
  1487. SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;Nephilim<br />
  1488. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female<br />
  1489. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp;Heterosexual (no shipping available)</p>
  1491. <p>
  1493. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1494. <p><strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;Brown<br />
  1495. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Brunette<br />
  1496. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 2 foot 7 inches <br />
  1497. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 25 lbs</p>
  1499. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1501. <p>As the youngest of the Pearle family, conceived shortly after Hunter&rsquo;s birth, Maxi was the straw that broke the metaphorical camel&rsquo;s (her mother&rsquo;s) back. Through the duration of her conception and growth, it was obvious something was very wrong toward the ending of her mother&rsquo;s pregnancy.&nbsp;</p>
  1502. <p>Her mother went into early labor one evening when she was attacked by a demon and nearly killed. She was dying by the time she was discovered by Josie, where it was discovered that Maxi had gone into the breech position during labor, and was at risk of injury should she be born in that manner.&nbsp;</p>
  1503. <p>It was then that Josie made the crucial choice to save Maxi&rsquo;s life at the expense of their mother&rsquo;s - who dies before the removal takes place - and cuts the child out of her mother&rsquo;s body through a rudimentary and emergency C-section.&nbsp;</p>
  1504. <p>When Maxi was born, her lungs had filled with fluid and she was not breathing. It took several minutes to remove the fluid, but eventually Maxi came back to life and was able to breathe. She is taken to the hospital to be tended to by the doctors, where she stayed for three months due to being a severely premature baby.&nbsp;</p>
  1505. <p>Maxi comes home eventually and is raised by Josie like the rest of their sisters. It becomes apparent that Maxi is deaf and suffers from severe asthma when she is around a year old. Her powers manifest quickly after this - but overall, she is a happy child.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
  1508. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1509. <center>
  1510. <p>1. Sound proof - unable to hear the voices of the living, but can hear the voices of the deceased<br />
  1511. 2. Entirely deaf, however, is able to listen to music whose artists are deceased<br />
  1512. 3. Will later grow into a genius<br />
  1513. 4. Necromancy - can raise the dead&nbsp;<br />
  1514. 5. Knows basic ASL</p>
  1515. </center>
  1516. <p>
  1519. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1520. <p>Maxi is shyer than Hunter, often hiding behind the elder girl whenever they meet new people. She is attached to Hunter at the hip, following her and mimicking whatever she is doing. While she appears stoic and disinterested in anything that isn&rsquo;t an animal or food, Maxi is an easily excitable child who has fun like normal kids. She is protective of Hunter, and is willing to fight for her tender-hearted sister. Maxi can be stubborn, throw temper tantrums, and cries a lot &ndash; but that&rsquo;s all part of being a young child. She is actually very sweet when she is comfortable.&nbsp;</p>
  1522. </div></div>
  1523. </div></div>
  1524. <div id="orienna" class="popup_block">
  1525. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1526. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/3ee01419e7605930f2016080473d309c/tumblr_inline_q43y90STK71wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1527. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Orienna Starling</br>
  1528. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Ori<br>
  1529. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent<br>
  1530. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Dreamwalker</br>
  1531. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female</br>
  1532. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Heteroflexible</br>
  1534. <p>
  1536. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1537. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Gold</br>
  1538. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Ebony</br>
  1539. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 1 inches </br>
  1540. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 100 lbs</br>
  1542. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1544. <p> Orienna is the youngest of three siblings. Her older sisters, Elettra (21) and Bryony (19) are her main protectors. They all live at home
  1545. with their single mother, surviving off of benefits handed to them by their father's death (he died in the military when Orienna was very young).
  1546. They come from a lineage of witches. </p>
  1548. <p> Orienna's dreamwalking started when she was very young. One time, she had failed to return to her body and remained in a coma for a week (this
  1549. was becoming a normal occurance for the child, which worsened with the absence and guidance of her father). She had inherited the abilities from
  1550. her father, who would redirect her soul back towards her body whenever she wandered too far. After his death, her sister Elettra had learned astral
  1551. projection as a means of recovering Orienna's soul. </p>
  1553. <p> Due to her condition, Ori had been bullied during her early years, and her education suffered from frequent trips to the doctors. It led to her
  1554. being alienated from people in her class, so her mother eventually started homeschooling Ori. She returns back to public school when she is sixteen,
  1555. where she's still learning how to fit into her enviornment again. </p>
  1558. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1559. <center>
  1560. 1. Soul projection to other realities and worlds<br>
  1561. 2. Confidence <br>
  1562. 3. Oblivious to surroundings <br>
  1563. 4. Green and Kitchen witch magic<br>
  1564. 5. Excellent at embroidery <br>
  1565. </center>
  1566. <p>
  1569. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1570. <p> Orienna is a bit of an air-head at times, often having difficulty staying in reality. She's oblivious to her surroundings, never hearing the
  1571. cruel comments made about her (she tries not to hear them, at least) and her disability. She tends to be a loner, expressing selective mutism to
  1572. avoid talking to others (and directing more cruelty towards herself). However, when she does open up, she becomes attached to people easily and
  1573. acts almost dependent on them for her happiness. She's still learning what friendship and romance mean to her.
  1575. </div></div>
  1576. </div></div>
  1577. <div id="shiro" class="popup_block">
  1578. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1579. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/f1671cee688b749acf6a06e07da2c12b/tumblr_inline_q43y9lMRwZ1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1580. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Shiro</br>
  1581. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> N/A <br>
  1582. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent<br>
  1583. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Fox spirit/Fox demon</br>
  1584. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS male</br>
  1585. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Heterosexual</br>
  1587. <p>
  1589. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1590. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Blue</br>
  1591. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; White</br>
  1592. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 3 inches </br>
  1593. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 110 lbs</br>
  1595. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1597. <p> Shiro is a fox spirit/fox demon that lives in a wooded, mountainous area. Not much is remembered of his past, but Shiro recalls having a family
  1598. once. Everything else is unclear to him. </p>
  1601. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1602. <center>
  1603. 1. Superhuman strength <br>
  1604. 2. Changes into a fox<br>
  1605. 3. Mind manipulation<br>
  1606. 4. Ability to "see" other spirits<br>
  1607. 5. Can take human "wives", who are able to "see" spirits but is under his protection<br>
  1608. </center>
  1609. <p>
  1612. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1613. As a fox, Shiro is witty and coy. He can be mischevious at times, often stealing from others or playing harmless pranks on humans. He falls in love
  1614. easily, usually seen following behind the target of his affection at a distance. These are frequent, almost every week he will have a new "true love".
  1615. When approached, he tries to have an air of confidence around him. He acts coolly towards others, insulting them or trying to start fights (he never
  1616. will fight - he's not strong in that regard). Like a typical tsundere, he's actually lonely and craves love and attention. He wants to unravel the mystery
  1617. behind his past and understand who he really is.
  1619. </div></div>
  1620. </div></div>
  1621. <div id="theodora" class="popup_block">
  1622. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1623. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/fb7b6acd4ad511221d081b4b36fac48e/tumblr_inline_q43yajHHYY1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1624. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Theodora Belladonia Pearle</br>
  1625. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Theo <br>
  1626. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent <br>
  1627. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Nephilim </br>
  1628. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS female</br>
  1629. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Homosexual</br>
  1631. <p>
  1633. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1634. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> Green</br>
  1635. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; Brunette</br>
  1636. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 5 foot 1 inches </br>
  1637. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 90 lbs</br>
  1639. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1641. <p> As Josie's younger sister, Theodora admired Josie growing up. She had been kept away from other children until she was old enough to control her
  1642. powers. Due to this, her self-esteem had been fragile and she had limited social skills. Instead of trying to understand another person's perspective,
  1643. she would express herself through violent rage or bullying the other person. Often, she would construct lies to get the other child in trouble. Her
  1644. behavior worsens when Josie moves out of the family home. Eventually, Theo is kicked out and sent to live with their older sister Minerva. </p>
  1648. <p> When Theo is around nine or ten years old, information about her and Minerva's whereabouts are leaked. Hunters attack their house, gravely injuring
  1649. both girls before molesting them repeatedly. The house is set on fire and both girls are trapped inside. After regaining consciousness, Theo tries her best
  1650. to save Minerva. However, the elder sacrifices her own life for Theo, forcing her to leave the burning building alone. For her bravery, Theo earns her wings.
  1651. Josie eventually comes to collect Theo, who's body had healed from her magic but her mind was broken from the horrors she had endured. </p>
  1653. <p> Josie becomes a pillar of strength for Theo while she healed mentally. Theo eventually receives an emotional support familiar named Yasahiro who protects
  1654. her from the things who causes her pain. Over years of therapy and reclaiming her personal power, Theo overcame the scars left upon her psyche. While she is
  1655. a survivor, there are times where she still feels the pain she endured. That does not stop her from moving ahead towards her future. </p>
  1658. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1659. <center>
  1660. 1. Seeing people's memories whenever she is touched by them<br>
  1661. 2. Seeing memories connected to an object or space through touching it<br>
  1662. 3. Experiencing an approximate foretelling of the future from her memory-viewing<br>
  1663. 4. Witchcraft, magical powers from being a nephilim<br>
  1664. 5. Great at baking<br>
  1665. </center>
  1666. <p>
  1669. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1670. Theodora has grown into a confident youth who is proud to express herself and her sexuality. She still suffers from PTSD and has a fearful hatred of men, but
  1671. she is learning how to move past it. A bright, cheery girl who enjoys makeup, art, sports (soccer and lacrosse especially) as well as theatre, Theo is easy to
  1672. get along with due to her various interests. She has a maternal side to her where she enjoys caring for her younger siblings, Hunter (girl, around 4-6) and Maxine
  1673. (girl, around 2-3). She wants to become a preschool teacher or child psychologist.
  1675. </div></div>
  1676. </div></div>
  1677. <div id="winter" class="popup_block">
  1678. <div id="titles">GENERAL STATS</div><p>
  1679. <p><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/b5f8d18bd755274222c9bbadf12cb49c/tumblr_inline_q43yb4fbsM1wdokz5_500.jpg"><p>
  1680. <strong>FULL NAME:&nbsp;</strong> Winter Charlie McKnight</br>
  1681. <strong>NICKNAME[S]:</strong></b> Winny <br>
  1682. <strong>AGE:</strong>&nbsp; Verse dependent <br>
  1683. <strong>SPECIES:&nbsp;</strong> Faerie/Human hybrid</br>
  1684. <strong>GENDER:</strong>&nbsp; CIS male</br>
  1685. <strong>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</strong>&nbsp; Heterosexual</br>
  1687. <p>
  1689. <p><div id="titles">PHYSICAL TRAITS</div><p>
  1690. <strong>EYE COLOUR:&nbsp;</strong> One eye is brown with blue mixed in, the other is blue with brown mixed in</br>
  1691. <strong>HAIR COLOUR:</strong>&nbsp; White and black</br>
  1692. <strong>HEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 6 foot 0 inches </br>
  1693. <strong>WEIGHT:</strong>&nbsp; 180 lbs</br>
  1695. <p><div id="titles">BIOGRAPHY</div><p>
  1697. <p> Prior to his birth, Winter's mother had exposed him to several different narcotics and drugs while she had been pregnant with him. After his
  1698. birth, which was in his grandmother's station wagon, his mother and father died of drug overdoses. Winter wasn't discovered until two days later,
  1699. suffering from hypothermia but magically survived (through Edalina's magical interference, since Winter was born within her realm of magical forests).
  1700. Had he been born elsewhere, he would not have survived. </p>
  1702. <p> His early years are spent trying to wean him from his inherited addictions, leading to him neurologically developing issues such as OCD and ADHD.
  1703. Despite his struggles, Winter is declared a child genius when he is around five. His childhood lacked structure and a place to call home, often being
  1704. sent from one distant relative to the next due to his issues such as anger, lying, hyperactivity, and strange habits. He eventually runs away from home
  1705. at eleven and lives in the woods governed by Edalina. His powers begin to grow stronger. </p>
  1707. <p> When he is twelve, he is found by Colbie. Colbie takes him to his Master, a gentleman who was part of a secret organization similar to the Men of Letters.
  1708. Winter is forcibly adopted and taken in as an apprentice. He grows to love his new father figure and matures into a teenager. He even bonds with Colbie to a point.
  1709. When their Master is killed, Winter falls off the deep-end trying to avenge his death - nearly getting himself (and Colbie) killed in the process. Edalina finds
  1710. them both injured and sends them to Josie, who nurses them back to health. </p>
  1713. <div id="titles">SKILLS/ABILITIES</div><p>
  1714. <center>
  1715. 1. Water manipulation <br>
  1716. 2. Prophetic dreams<br>
  1717. 3. Enhanced strength, durability, and endurance<br>
  1718. 4. Higher intellect<br>
  1719. 5. Ability to use magic<br>
  1720. </center>
  1721. <p>
  1724. <div id="titles">PERSONALITY</div><p>
  1725. Winter's past causes him to have a violent temper and general distrust in humans. As a nihilist, he struggles to connect with other people. He tends to
  1726. steamroll or ignore other people's emotions out of the desire to be right. Secretly, he's lonely and wants to feel connection and have a place to belong,
  1727. but believes he is undeserving of such things or that those things are outside of his reach. When he does find someone he is fond of, he becomes protective
  1728. of them and will love them, but may also abandon them or hurt them some other way.
  1730. </div></div>
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