
Sunny's Story

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. >a friend of yours got a job in another state, and is moving away soon
  2. >he's found a good place, but it doesn't allow pets
  3. >he calls you up and says he has a favor to ask of you
  4. >"Can you take care of Sunny for me?"
  5. >Sunny is his fluffy pegasus pony.
  6. >he's had him as long as you've known the guy - they were practically inseparable
  7. >He adores that little fuzzball more than anything; his asking you to take him in says just how much he trusts you.
  8. >you've never taken care of a fluffy pony before, so you're a bit reluctant - you've heard about and seen some of the horrendous things that happen to them if their owners aren't careful
  9. >but you work from home, and it can get very lonely at your house
  10. >all that aside, he's your friend, and he'd do the same for you
  11. >after thinking it over, you agree, and with advice from your friend, the internet, and a fluffy pony adoption center, you spend the next few days fluffy-pony-proofing your house and setting up a "safety room" for Sunny.
  12. >finally the day comes - you head for your friend's apartment to see him off and pick up your new charge
  13. >his place is depressingly bare - everything was taken out by the movers the day before, and he's been sleeping on an air-mattress in the living room, with Sunny's basket nearby.
  14. >Sunny himself toddles around, a little pastel-yellow ball of fluff, and you can occasionally hear him squeak "House all empty!" from the other room.
  15. >Your friend has boxed up his toys and supplies, and you move them out to your car
  16. >when you come up, he's got Sunny in his arms, giving him one last cuddle
  17. >"I'm gonna have to go away for a while, Sunny."
  18. >A pair of big blue eyes smiles up at him. "Where we go? Go g'ossy stow?"
  19. >He smiles sadly. Sunny still doesn't understand what's happening.
  20. >He pats his little head as Sunny beams up at him, scratching behind his fluffy ears. "It's further away than that. Far, far away."
  21. >"Sunny go wif!"
  22. >"I wish you could, little buddy, but I have to go by myself this time."
  23. >Sunny's smile falters - he's frightened. "Nonnymus... no take Sunny?" He mewls, eyes welling up. "No want Sunny?"
  24. >He hugs him a little tighter. "Don't say that - if I could keep you, I would... but I can't."
  25. >Sunny begins to cry. "NONNYMUS STAY! TAKE SUNNY WIF!" he wails as he clings to your friend's chest. The sight of it wrenches your friend's heart... and yours.
  26. >He keeps gently petting his downy head. "It's a big change, but Anon's gonna be taking care of you, so don't be scared, okay? You know Anon! You like him! He's your friend, and he's gonna take good care of you. It'll be fun, I promise."
  27. >The little yellow fluffy pony looks plaintively up at him, and in a tiny, quiet voice you hear him whimper "Nonnymus no fo'get Sunny...?"
  28. >"No. No forget Sunny. NEVER forget Sunny. Now you have to be a good pony for Anon, okay?"
  29. >He gives Sunny one last squeeze as he says this, before he pulls his shirt free of his fluffy grasp, setting him in his carrier and quietly closing it.
  30. >You head out to your car with the carrier. You've never seen a man as depressed as your friend is right now.
  31. >Sunny lays down in the little box, quieter than you've ever seen him. Your friend gently pokes his nose again and tries to smile reassuringly, though you can see how hard it is for him. "G'bye, little buddy," he whispers, "I love you!"
  32. >"Wuv you too...!"
  33. >He pulls a photo from his wallet and holds it up. "I'm gonna keep this with me - and I'm gonna think of you whenever I look at it, and if I can find a place that will let me, I'll come back and get you. But until then, be a good pony for Anon."
  34. >you exchange a final brohug with your friend and set Sunny on the front-seat, starting your car.
  35. >as you pull away, you get a glimpse of him in the rearview mirror as he turns away, a hand over his eyes and his jaw clenched in anguish.
  36. >you bring Sunny back to your place, and let him out of the carrier
  37. >he toddles around, taking the place in and exploring, but with none of his usual energy
  38. >eventually he finds his way to his new room, and, seeing his basket inside, where you put it shortly after coming home, he curls up in it, and stays there until you call him for food.
  39. >He can't find his bowl, so you eventually have to pick him up and set him down in front of it
  40. >you spend several minutes petting him gently when he finishes his food, telling him that's where his bowl will be from now on.
  41. >You have to do the same with his litterbox.
  42. >You spend the rest of the night watching TV with him in your lap, petting him as he lays there.
  43. >He's very quiet right now, but you occasionally hear "Where Nonnymus? When home time?"
  44. >your friend is probably gone by now. It'll be a while until he's settled in enough to get in touch. You tell Sunny he's far away, but he's probably thinking of him right now.
  45. >the little fuzzball spends the next few days pushing his ball around or half-heartedly stacking his blocks, or he just climbs up onto the sofa and jumps down, his little wings flapping as he glides slowly to the floor.
  46. >he doesn't even look at the saltlick you got for him
  47. >It hurts to see him so despondent, and you still haven't heard back from your friend.
  48. >cleaning out a closet one day, you find an old RC hovercraft gadget you picked up at a Radioshack a few years ago
  49. >you get an idea
  50. >Sunny is lying on his side in the hallway, sighing, when you float the hovercraft over him, a bit of yarn hanging from it.
  51. >he blinks at the brightly colored yarn as you move it around him, reaching up to bat at it
  52. >before he can, you move it up and away from him, then slowly back downward, dangling it just above his head
  53. >Sunny stands up, curiosity overtaking him, and begins to chase it up and down the hallway, his little wings flapping as he hops into the air, trying to swat at the yarn
  54. >soon he's enjoying himself, giggling and chirping "Stwing!" as you run him in a circle around the living room.
  55. >it's a very welcome sight to see Sunny being... sunny again.
  56. >you turn off the hovercraft and pick up the fluffy pony, giving him a hug as you tell him your friend may be gone for now, but until he comes back, he still has you.
  57. >Then he says it
  58. >"Anon Sunny's fwend."
  59. >after that, it's easier to get Sunny to play with you, even after the hovercraft breaks down and you have to throw it out
  60. >Sunny has more energy, and doesn't spend so much time pining for "Nonnymus," though he does still ask when he's coming home.
  61. >he draws a picture of a big yellow blob and two circle-on-stick shapes that you assume is supposed to be you, your friend and him, in a boxy thing that you guess is your house
  62. >you even take him to your friend's old pony-park, where Sunny runs around with the other ponies amidst a chorus of "Pway!" "Ball!" "Yay!"
  63. >he's back to the happy fluffy pony you remembered.
  64. >you snap a couple of pictures of Sunny while he plays exuberantly and email them to your friend, letting him know his little buddy's going to be just fine.
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