
The Rise of Tiamat

Jul 14th, 2014
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  1. Rymes stood over the pen of Yans, looking in with disgust as the once vicious creatures now bleated and rolled in the grass like... well, normal sheep. Some had even taken on a different coloration, looking up at the fiend with the most adorable eyes and baaing hungrily for food.
  3. She couldn't stand it. She had just been away for a moment, checking on her interests elsewhere, and in that time, something had come over her to-be shock troops and rendered them docile. She flexed her Aura of Domination, and all of the sheep jumped up and turned to her, awaiting orders as usual, but without their aggressive tendencies, they would be nearly useless.
  5. "Sabotage." she muttered, though she couldn't be sure. "I don't sense any ambient magic other than your own." Lich's voice came over her shoulder. The yellow orb hung in the air with the red and blue one, surveying the area. Tiamat snarled, "Then what IS it, fool? Am I seriously to believe that these changes came so sudden and naturally? No, someone is actively opposing my will here."
  7. "So much for your lauded meteor-goats." came Kraken's voice, chuckling from its blue orb. "Surely, however, this is the work of the Crystal's agents." Rymes pursed her lips. "And how would they even know where to find me? I do not rule it out, but... this is frustrating."
  9. Maliris spoke up next. "Don't be TOO hard on her, Cracky. She's trying her best. It kind of doesn't help that we all and got ourselves killed so she's all alone now." Lich's laugh was harsh. "And I thought it was she who did not need our help? Regardless, the hour of our resurrections is not far off. We will once again fight as four, now that Tiamat has proven herself incapable solo."
  11. Rymes growled. "No. That will not be happening." "Excuse me?" Lich wondered, though even if he were physically present he wouldn't be able to conjure an expression worthy of the disbelief in his voice. Tiamat's lips curled up into a smile. "The lot of you, yes, even you Maliris, sadly, do not know how to use your powers to their highest degree. As of this moment, your rights to autonomy have been revoked." Reaching up, she plucked Lich's orb out of the air. With her other hand, she took Kraken's. The red orb hovered quietly as the Fiends of Earth and Water tried to struggle out of Tiamat's grasp. "...what will you do, Tia?" Maliris wondered quietly. "...Come, Maliris. I will show you how to sew chaos. I will not be denied my fun."
  13. It was a short trip to the highest mountaintop on Vile Island. She stood on the peak, spreading her wings. "We will know soon enough for certain who is behind the sabotage of my plans... Your powers are now mine!" She raises Lich's orb, flexing her Dragon's Will strongly on the Fiend of Earth. The orb went silent in her grasp, and immediately she felt the power of Earth coursing through her. "Let the dead rise!"
  17. ---
  19. A hand burst out of the ground in a quiet, sleepy village of mages. Those who had once stopped were stopped no longer.
  21. Under a cover of darkness, the myriad bodies of diseased and poor who died never knowing aid began to stir once more from the gutters and storehouses.
  23. In the bowels of the earth, bones of the diminutive knife-wielders rose once more, clacking their rusted blades against unlit lanterns.
  25. An ancient coffin broke open, a long sleeping vampire waking, ready to lead legions.
  27. ---
  29. "Let the waters churn!" Tiamat cried, raising the blue orb and absorbing its power.
  31. The seas began to boil, zombie whales rising from their depths, sprouting grotesque tentacular growths and alien maws unknown even among their abomination kin.
  33. From the canals of Treno, to the moat of Alexandria, to the sewers of Burmecia, foul things began to stir.
  35. A mermaid, in the wrong place and the wrong time, became taken by an evil will and the power to call forth beasts of the deep.
  37. ---
  39. Maliris's orb came over and rested against Tiamat's chest. "And what will you ask of me?" Tiamat nodded and began to absorb her power, as well. "Let slow burning fires ignite, anger, lust, jealousy in the hearts of men and women. Let things simmer to their boiling point..."
  41. Tiamat released the yellow and blue orbs, which, along with the red one, floated to Tiamat's side quietly. "Keep quiet as you can." she ordered, to essentially no one in her presence. "Waves, not hoards. I do not want the world's reaction to be immediate and desperate. We will pile on the pressure bit by bit... and only when they are backed into a corner will we unleash our full force of discord at once. ...In the meantime, Shannon will soon become the ideal host for Barbariccia's rebirth. The rise of Tiamat has just begun."
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