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- f9::
- FilePath = X:\Desktop\ppl.xlsx"
- oWorkbook := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
-,, readonly := true)
- oWorkbook.Visible := 0
- clientsname := oWorkbook.Worksheets("test doc").Range("A3").Value
- StringRight, clientsname, clientsname, 5
- clientsphone := oWorkbook.Worksheets("test doc").Range("B3").Value
- clientsstate := oWorkbook.Worksheets("test doc").Range("C3").Value
- clientsfax := oWorkbook.Worksheets("test doc").Range("D3").Value
- Xl.Quit()
- finalinfo=
- (
- load completed
- Clients name is %clientsname%
- Clients phone is %clientsphone%
- Clients state is %clientsstate%
- Clients fax is %clientsfax%
- )
- msgbox, %finalinfo%
- return
- f10::
- vararr=0
- {
- xcl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
- reminderList := []
- loop
- {
- bodyText := xcl.Range("A" . A_Index + 1).value
- vararr++
- varsavedname%vararr%=%bodyText%
- if (bodyText = "")
- break
- }
- Msgbox, Load completed row 4 info is %varsavedname3% ---- Final row is %vararr%
- }
- Return
- f11::
- {
- vararr=0
- xcl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
- reminderList := []
- loop
- {
- bodyText := xcl.Range("A" . A_Index + 1).value
- vararr++
- varsavedname%vararr%=%bodyText%
- if (bodyText = "12345 Thom")
- break
- }
- oWorkbook := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
-,, readonly := true)
- oWorkbook.Visible := 0
- Xl.Quit()
- vararr++
- Msgbox, Thom found at line %vararr%
- }
- Return
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