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Sep 9th, 2017
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  1. ```RC7 :: TERMS OF SERIVCE```
  2. `1.0 - Update and Login`
  3. ```
  4. 1.1 - The current client/purchaser understands that RC7 will take as long as I, (KingJordan#2054) possibly want
  5. 1.2 - The client agrees to not leak, trade, re-sell, crack, reverse-engineer, scam, or input a malicious piece of code into RC7 or they will receive a blacklist and ban with/without your notice.
  6. ```
  7. `2.0 - Blacklisting and Discontinuing`
  8. ```
  9. 2.1 - The user understands that I, (KingJordan#2054) can discontinue the exploit (RC7) at any given time with or without your notice.
  10. 2.2 - Once purchased the exploit (RC7) you understand that I, (KingJordan#2054) may blacklist you for any reason eligible to be blacklisted for.
  11. ```
  12. `3.0 - Chargeback and Impersonation`
  13. ```
  14. 3.1 - If the local client is caught attempting to chargeback on the exploit (RC7) then he/she will understand that the client will be banned + blacklisted without your notice.
  15. 3.2 - If the client is found attempting to impersonate the rightful creator of the exploit (RC7, KingJordan#2054) then he/she will be banned and blacklisted with or without your notice without a refund.
  16. ```
  17. `4.0 - Comprimisation and Account Loss`
  18. ```
  19. 4.1 - If the client's account is comprimised with sufficient evidence claims then the client (he/she) will not be blacklisted and receive the account back.
  20. 4.2 - The client's account cannot be leaked, traded, re-sold, packed with malware, giveawayed, or scam other users and if the client attempts to do the following actions then she/he will receive a blacklist + ban.
  21. ```
  22. `5.0 - Overall Terms of Service`
  23. ```
  24. 5.1 - The client/purchaser automatically agrees to the Terms Of Service.
  25. 5.2 - The client/purchaser understands that the TOS may be changed at any given time.
  26. 5.3 - If the client is not satifised with the features and efficieny of the exploit (RC7) then the client may request a refund at (
  27. ```
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