
Jalen vs Siegbert

Aug 5th, 2017
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  1. Jul WK1 1000[8PM]
  3. (Lucina)
  5. After that disasterous breakfast, Siegbert stormed out to the limo with me and Severa following him as we all got in. "Severa, I need that bastard's address by yesterday! Liquel, prepare yourself for combat!" "On it." Severa pull out her laptop and begin to type in the address for Jalen's ranch as Liquel opens his eyes for the 1st time since getting in this car and stretches. Leaning back in the chair with a sigh, Siegbert hears this and place a hand on my lap. My 1st instinct is to take it off, but knowing this is my future husband allow it. "Be at ease, my love...for that knave shall pay for denying you the request of the location of our wedding, not to mention the idea of him giving you advice..." He breathes in a sharp intake of air."Why, it just sickens me to my core!"
  7. "Siegbert..." I turn my head to him with a pleading smile, hoping that this will placate him. "You know that we are sworn together, right? That our wedding which will take place some time from now DON'T have to be at that lake. We can use another location." By now Severa has typed in the location of the ranch she visited a couple of weeks ago and gave the directions to our driver. "There's also the idea of me having him giving me some advice which is just that. Nothing more..."By now I scooted closer to him and kiss him on the cheek, hoping that my message got to him as I place my head on his shoulder. "You don't need to fight him like this, at least do it in a tourney setting."
  10. Siegbert smiles and wrap his arm around me..."I love you, Lucina. From the 1st day I saw you...I swore I will always protect you and be by your side..." Warmth flows from him to me as I smile at him. "Which is why I have to defeat this scoundrel who dares to harm our sacred relationship." And just like that, most of that warmth is gone as Siegbert is very driven to fight Jalen...Jalen who...Him being a Commmoner a curious person. I hear sniffing and avert my gaze to Severa who's wiping her eyes. "Oh god, you are a wonderful alpha, Prince Siegbert! I wish to meet someone like you!" Must be an Alpha thing...I ponder these thoughts as the ranch with the beautiful lake from my castle room is within my sights. And outside the ranch are the 4 people from Culver's and that Hare of Jalen's...
  12. Siegbert's face tighten up as he unwrap his arm around me and open the door. Liquel follows him out as they march towards Jalen and Jotaro at the field where they are at to the left of the ranch.
  14. "C'mon! We can't miss Prince Siegbert defeating that bastard!"
  15. "Right..."
  18. (Soleil)
  20. We were able to get here much earlier than the nobles did with the 3 of us having chairs to set up for us to watch the fight. After that, Jalen had Jotaro practice some Katas as Rhiannon fed him info from their laptop on Liquel as fast as possible, and gotta hand it to her, she does a fine job on that.
  22. "Liquel haven't lost a match in his career of battling. 1 year and 4 months...2 months older than Jotaro...Hmmm..VODs show that he doesn't have any weaknessess...but at the same time, he have no great strengths either. He can fight at all ranges, but is more deadly at far range so stay close to him."
  24. "Right." Jalen went and change out of his casual attire and into the same one he wore at the Rank E Cup where we fought, the White Muscle shirt and the shorts with the matching flames on it. At the moment, he's watching over Jotaro arms crossed, focusing on the match ahead...While I turn to look over at my brother, I see him having his phone out. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" He turn it towards me. "I'm filming this to post on my instagram!"
  26. Oh fucking course he's not taking this seriously...I reach over and snatch the phone from him and turn it off. "HEY! WHAT'S THE BI-" "You're filming a conflict between a Prince and some you even fathom the levels of media attention this would get? You think Jalen and Rin would want that? They already aren't liked by Ylisse for the most part, they don't need Nohr hating them either."
  27. Fidgeting in his seat, I give the turned off phone back to Inigo as he take it slowly. "I um...I haven't thought of it like that....Sorry." a silence pass between us before he speaks up again. "You think he gonna win this?" I ponder on it for a while before nodding. "He have to play with Jotaro's strengths here and stay close to Liquel."
  29. "Yh, but you think he can beat a monster that haven't lost a battle before?".....I sigh and crosses my arms while leaning back on my chair. "It's possible....Look, they are here now."
  32. (Jalen)
  35. The limo is pulling up by the house with the 3 royals and an Antlan coming out...Regardless of how I feel about him, Siegbert clearly trained a good Antlan judging from it's demeanor. However, Jotaro, sensing a strong monster, walk to in front of me as the royals approach us. looks of anger, smug, and worried on the 3 faces before me and the others behind me.
  37. "So that's the Hare I've been hearing about...I'll give you credit where it's due. it look like a good Hare. A shame it must be defeated here." Siegbert stop before me with Liquel standing in front of him. the two girls behind him. "You're gonna get it now, Pruett! Prince Siegbert here is hailed as the best Rookie in Nohr! No way a gutter scum like you will beat him here!"
  39. ....Glaring at that girl only makes her back down as Lucina gulps while looking at me. Behind me I can hear Soleil growling ever so softly, making Lucina know of our relationship. Feet moving on the grass behind me make me look back and see Rhiannon coming out with 2 chairs for the 2 girls to sit in. "You guys can sit back here if you want." "Oh, thank you, Come Severa." "Whatever..." The 2 girls walk behind me(Severa staying as far as possible) and sit down. Various sounds indicate of Inigo moving his chair next to Severa and her groaning from it.
  41. "Shall we get started? I'll make this quick for you." Liquel gets into his stance while Siegbert get ready.
  42. "Sure, just have Liquel get pummeled by Jotaro here. Any quicker would be you turning tail now." Him gritting his teeth and Liquel squinting his eyes means I hit the mark.
  44. "Rin!, Start us off!"
  45. "Ok!....3.....2.......1......FIGHT!"
  49. (Soleil)
  51. [Current Theme]
  54. Immediately, Jotaro had to dodge a Crescent from Liquel and jump over the returning arc of the horns. Upon landing he runs towards Liquel with a Smash ready to pound into his chest...However, to Severa's cheers he dodge it and jump back while charging his armblade for Lightning. Jotaro brace for the attack and get ready to dodge.
  56. "So far, it's a close game..." I guess she heard me muttering cause Severa glance at me with an annoyed look. "It's only close cause Siegbert's taking it easy on Jalen! Just wait until Liquel gets serious!" At that, We hear a lightning being shot as Jotaro barely dodge it. Damn, that ACC of that Antlan is no joke...And here he is running with a fist on fire as he slam it to Jotaro's face!
  58. "Yes!, Go Siegbert!"
  59. "Oh wow, that Antlan's faster than it appeared to be if it made that distance so fast..."
  60. "Of course it is, Inigo. Siegbert told me how much he train Liquel to be well balanced with no notable weaknesses"
  61. "Well Princess, Jalen been making Jotaro hit the rocks to improve his POW,so we will see how well he can tank a hit!"
  63. While the other 4 chat it up, I remained silent as Jotaro is skidding on the grass on his feet as he recoils from the attack. a snarl arise from the Hare as he wipe his mouth of some blood.
  65. "Hmph." Siegbert cross his arms with a disappointed look. "Your Hare may be decent going by Ylissian standards, but he won't stand a chance against Liquel, this will be all too easy." "YEAH! YOU TELL HIM, PRINCE SIEGBERT!" I find it odd how much Severa is cheering for him when his own fiance is silent while watching the match. "It's not over yet, Jotaro's just getting started! Let's go Jalen!"
  67. "Well, You heard them." Jalen tighten his fist. "Can't let our friends down, right Jotaro?" With a loud cry, Jotaro rush in and let loose a fast barrage of kicks and punches upon Liquel who blocks most of it, but let some slip through his guard. Liquel throws a Fire Punch once more, but this time Jotaro dodge it and kick him in the chest! Sending him back towards Siegbert off the grass!
  69. "WHAT!?!"
  70. "No way, Jotaro was able to do that to Liquel?"
  72. "Man, each time I see him in action, that Hare of Jalen's seem to just grow in battle..."
  74. "This is why I come here, Inigo." Watching Jotaro dodging the Lightnings from Liquel with ease and running in with a Headbutt, I smile proudly. "Jalen seems to know what to do with Hares and that's something I wanna know as well."
  76. Suddenly, as Jotaro leap back and prepare to do a dashing kick...Liquel lowers his head. I know this attack...and it seems Jalen don't. With a worried look, I stand up. "JALEN! LOOK OUT!!" "HA, TOO LATE!" that damned redhead bitch must also know what's coming...and as Jotaro comes near...Scissors from Liquel's horns extends and with the ends of the horns, put Jotaro in a painful pincer!!! "Jotaro! Move those horns off of you!!!" "He can't! Liquel will crush him here and make you pay for your crimes!!" What crimes!?! This is getting too much, I wanted to tell Jalen to call it off, but his pride would be hurt by that....and it seems the others(Inigo and Rhiannon) feel the same since they aren't saying much here...only with worried looks while Severa have a face of a manic grin with Lucina looking concerned.
  78. "Shouldn't we stop this? It clearly gonna end with one of them injured!"
  79. "Yeah, and it's gonna be Jotaro!"
  80. "Will you shut up, Jalen! Do something!!"
  82. Jalen have a look of concern before breathing in and out..Jotaro's doing all he can to make sure those horns don't go any further into his body as Siegbert smirk at both him and Jalen. "Maybe if you beg for mercy on your knees, I MIGHT have Liquel back off!" Ohhh, That bastard!!..."I hope Jalen find a way out of this just so that he can beat the FUCK OUTTA YOU!" filled with more anger than I expected.. I scream at that snotty prince of Nohr..
  85. (Jalen)
  87. [Current Theme]
  90. Seems like I need Jotaro to do that move then...Was saving that for later, but now's the time before he get injured...
  92. "Siegbert! Go fuck yourself with that pole in your ass!" Here, he have a face of confusion..." Jotaro!... SHRIEK!!!" Jotaro breath in some air...and then scream loudly at Liquel!!! Making him drop Jotaro to the grass as his horns retract and he hold his head in pain...He couldn't dodge the Hard Straight Jotaro throws at his face, sending him skidding towards Siegbert's feet...But Jotaro hold his left side grimacing as there's some blood coming out leaking to his fur. Instantly, Rin runs in the house to get the 1st aid kit ready....As I get ready to end this, it seems so does Siegbert as Liquel gets up and I see a swollen eye and some blood leaking out of his mouth...Both of our monsters glare at one another with anger...
  95. "You can do it, Liquel!"
  96. "C'mon, Jalen! Don't lose to this guy when you still owe me and Riston a rematch!!!"
  97. "GO BIG BRO!!"
  98. "**CRUSH HIM!!**"
  100. I'm not shocked that Soleil is my loudest fan over there as I'm sure her Alpha blood is being heavily triggered now. By now, Liquel's hand is lighting up on fire as Jotaro bring back his own...charging it with electricity....after a tense stare down..
  102. "HEAVY SMASH!"
  103. "FLARE PUNCH!"
  105. Both of our monsters run towards each other with the aim to KO the other while screaming..With everyone into the match...this next blow will end it!!
  107. [End theme]
  109. ...Until a Dragon landed between Jotaro and Liquel and grabbed both their arms with no issue. shocking everyone of us. Upon a 2nd look...this is a Laguna(Dragon/Monol). a Monster that's not common here in the wild!!!
  112. "JALEN, LOOK OUT!"
  113. "BIG BRO!!!!"
  115. "...Wait..." Siegbert have a look of fear..."I..I know that dragon..oh god, if Kaiser's here then..." He turn his head to see a crimson car that's pulling up now. By this, Severa also look scared as fuck while even Lucina seems very worried..."Oh fuck....why did SHE had to come here?!?" "If..If she's here...then...mother knows..."
  117. The doors open and one of the ladies that step out is someone that's very popular in Ylisse...Cordelia Cramoisi. AKA The Crimson Ace AKA Miss Perfection AKA The Ylissian Red Comet AKA too many names to remember, But she's NOTHING COMPARED TO THAT PURPLE HAIRED WOMAN WITH BIG BREASTS OH MAH GAWD!!! From the sounds and reactions, I know Rin and Inigo are on the same page as me with even Soleil looking at her with shock."AUNT CAMILLA!?!" "Siegbert, darling...You promised not to get into any fights here..." Even if she was smiling, I could feel the threats behind it as Siegbert gulps. "Bu-But th-that's the kna-" "I.Don't.Care.....Get in the car now and MAYBE I won't tell your father what happened..." He sighs with defeat..."You too, Severa and Princess Lucina! Queen Robin is not pleased on hearing this!" "How did you guys know we were even here let alone find us!?!" As Severa scream while walking towards her mom..I see Lucina putting her cell phone in her pocket...As Siegbert turns towards me with anger.
  119. "This isn't over, bastard! I will make you rue the day you crossed the paths of Siegbert Dammerung! I shal-" I wasn't paying much attention as I was too busy planning on fucking that hot aunt of his...and I'm sure Rin was feeling the same as the nobles got in the car and drove off...with Kaiser flying after them with Liquel(tired and hurt) in his arms....Jotaro is sitting on the ground and letting Rin tend to his wounds..While Inigo wave us good bye and head to his car with Riston....
  122. "I saw that look in your eyes..." I look at Soleil who approach me with a calm look. "You wanna dominate that woman in bed...that purple haired amazon...." "Maybe...Why?" She smirks and flip her hair. "I know my alpha, You have the need to breed many woman..Which I understand...But as long as I'm #1...I don't mind." She hugs me close while rubbing her nose to my neck. "And besides...I'm feeling very frisky after seeing you defending me..."
  125. Well...With that Rin tend to Jotaro in the living room with his anime(JJBA) and Andrea watching it as well...Me and Soleil spent another night rutting and fucking...And the next 2 months went smoothly as possible...
  128. Fucking, Fighting, training, and even just hanging out....Hell, I learned Inigo isn't that much of an annoying person at times...Alas...the good times gotta end as October came near...
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