

Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  5. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. CAT made AC an OP.
  8. CAT: Hmm, were you here until the end of the last session, or no?
  9. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  10. CAC: I believe so, yes
  11. CAT: Alright, wonderful.
  12. CAT made UC an OP.
  13. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  14. CUC: I say we wait for at least one other first.
  15. CAT: Aye.
  16. CAT: Presumably Generic, when he returns.
  17. CUC: He just pestered me as temporaryTechnology.
  18. CAT: Ah.
  19. CAT: AC, are you capable of seeing additional colors with your current handle?
  20. CAC: Yes
  21. CAC: I don't have a mobile handle
  22. CAT: Excellent.
  23. CAC: I have a mobile colour
  24. CAT made GG an OP.
  25. CAT: Well, are we ready to begin, now?
  26. CAC: Sure
  27. CAT: 3/3 votes required to begin game of three or less.
  28. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  29. CGG: >sure
  30. CAC: That implies 3 votes would be needed to start a game of 2 or 1 
  31. CAT: That's because it is true.
  32. CAT: UC?
  33. CUC: >Begin.
  34. CAT: Loading last saved game...
  35. CAT: Loading...
  36. CAT: A B Y S S A L O D D I T Y
  37. CAT: Is this your last saved game:
  38. CAC: I wonder what happens if
  39. CAC: >no
  40. CAT: Don't be absurd. We know the answer.
  41. CAT: Still, courtesy is important.
  42. CAC: >yes
  44. CAC: >credits
  46. CAT: Loading...
  47. CAC: I didn't get to see them last time
  48. CAT:
  49. CAC: Eh, they're on the log
  50. CAT: Loading...
  51. CAT: Loading...
  52. CAT: Game loaded successfully.
  53. CAT: You open your eyes. You are sitting in the chair in the deck. You have just awoken from a pleasant enough sleep.
  54. CAT: The sound of somebody freaking out is resonating throughout the ship.
  55. CAC: >wonder if you have a bed
  56. CAT: No space for a bed here.
  57. CUC: >Look over at the new figure.
  58. CAC: What's the new person's name again
  59. CAT: You don't know quite yet.
  60. CAT: You've just been calling her Cyan, remember?
  61. CAC: Right.
  62. CAT: Anyhow, you spin around in your deck chair, facing the outside hall.
  63. CAT: Cyan is just sort of curled up in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth ever so slowly.
  64. CAC: >walk over to her
  65. CAT: (Probably has something to do with the fact that you just locked her in a moving ship, and went to sleep.)
  66. CAT: You walk over to Cyan. She acknowledges your existence by shuffling away from you slightly.
  67. CUC: >Talk to her?
  68. CAT: What will you say?
  69. CAC: >Hey there...
  70. CAT: "What do you WANT with me?"
  71. CAC: >Uh, nothing?
  72. CAT: "Then why have you just trapped me in here? Alone? For five hours?"
  73. CUC: >I was tired.
  74. CAC: >Sorry, but
  75. CAC: >I had a long day
  76. CAC: >I think I died...
  77. CAC: >Long story
  78. CAT: Cyan looks up from her self-ball. "Couldn't you have at least waited to introduce yourself first?"
  79. CAT: "I don't know who you are, where I am, or where we're going."
  80. CAC: >Better late than never
  81. CAC: >I'm <whatever>
  82. CAC: >We're on my ship
  83. CAT: "I'm really contemplating punching you in the face right now."
  84. CAC: Hmm
  85. CAC: >If you must
  86. CAT: She chuckles. Then socks you in the chest.
  87. CAT: Rather painfully, I might add.
  88. CAC: Hmm
  89. CAT: "Okay, okay. Fine, 'Azure'. Where are you taking me to rot again?"
  90. CAC: >Oh, we're heading to the Psi Sector but
  91. CAC: >I can drop you off?
  92. CUC: ((I can't dialogue. I'll let Fse do this bit.))
  93. CAC: >If it's not too out of the way, anyways
  94. CAT: "Which Psi Sector?"
  95. CAC: >Uh, the one in Facet 9
  96. CAT: She buries her face in her hands and groans.
  97. CAT: "I may as well be trapped in that /thing/ again."
  98. CAC: >I assume you're not from around here?
  99. CAT: That elicits a wry grin. "I'm human, you're human. Humans don't come from around here, do they?"
  100. CAC: >Guess not
  101. CAC: >So how'd you end up in
  102. CAC: >That thing
  103. CAT: "I... don't want to talk about it."
  104. CAT: "Please don't make me."
  105. CAC: >Fair enough, I won't
  106. CAT: "So... why are we going to the Psi Sector?"
  107. CAC: >Oh, I'm on a mission to collect void shards.
  108. CAT: "..."
  109. CAT: "... Why?"
  110. CGG: "I plan to consume them all and dıe horrıbly."
  111. CAC: >Something to do with the infinity eye?
  112. CAC: >I don't really remember
  113. CAT: "... Never heard of it, but okay."
  114. CAT: "Hmm. What's the date?"
  115. CAC: >Check the date
  116. CAC: >Tell her the date
  117. CAT: The date is August nineteenth, 2017.
  118. CAT: "Oh, thank fuck. It hasn't been twenty years, or something."
  119. CAC: >If you don't mind, how long has it been?
  120. CUC: ((/afk for homework))
  121. CAT: "Only two. Who's president now? Wait, is that even a valid office anymore?"
  122. CAT: ((Years, that is.))
  123. CAC: Considering who's GMing this game, would it be safe to guess its Bernie Sanders 
  124. CAC: >recall who the president is
  125. CAT: Hah.
  126. CAT: You know me too well.
  127. CAT: "Okay, thanks."
  128. CAT: She just sort of sits on the floor, silently.
  129. CAC: >Check what the ETA would be to Earth
  130. CAT: That's another dimension, dingus! That would take millennia, without authorization from the G.M.F.
  131. CAC: >Wonder if you could get authorization
  132. CAT: You're an IT worker who they probably sent on this mission to die.
  133. CAT: (In that case, mission accomplished.)
  134. CAC: >I'm afraid I can't get you home for the foreseeable future...
  135. CAC: >I can drop you off somewhere nearby?
  136. CAC: >Or you could come with me if you like
  137. CAT: She sighs. "No, that's fine. I'll just stay here, I guess. With my probable kidnapper."
  138. CAC: >Why didn't you just murder me in my sleep
  139. CAC: >Don't do that
  140. CAT: "I won't. I'm not a murderer."
  141. CAT: You realize you've neglected a large number of basic questions about Cyan.
  142. CAC: >Oh! I completely forgot to ask what your name is.
  143. CAT: "It's okay. I'm Sola Amaranthine. My parents didn't really have good name sense, so just call me whatever. I don't care."
  144. CAC: >Uh, alright
  145. CAC: >What do you think of Cyan?
  146. CAT: She raises an eyebrow. "Nickname accepted."
  147. CAT: ETA: two hours.
  148. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  149. CURRENT azureAmelioration [CAA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  150. CAA: What'd I miss
  151. CAT made AA an OP.
  152. CAT: ((Where did you drop off?))
  153. CAA: Uh...
  154. CAA: I said "What do you think of Cyan?"
  155. CAA: And didn't get a response
  156. CAT: 'She raises an eyebrow. "Nickname accepted."
  157. CAT: *'
  158. CAT: ETA: two hours.
  159. CAA: >If you don't mind, do you know how you became a gem... thing?
  160. CAT: "Well, you see, there are lots of hidden things back on Earth. Apparently, having a piece of apatite lodged into your body while you're unconscious during surgery for a broken arm is one of them. Yikes."
  161. CAT: Cyan cringes and rubs a scar on her left arm instinctually.
  162. CAT: "I THINK it was an accident."
  163. CAA: Hmm
  164. CAA: >Do you know anything about the gems?
  165. CAT: "Uh, you presumably live forever with them, and they offer strange and whimsical methods of armament. Sometimes."
  166. CAA: >Do you have a method of armament?
  167. CAT: "Hey, no copying my words to mock me," She laughs a bit. "But, nah, I never really got the hang of mine."
  168. CAA: >Oh, well you should try to...
  169. CAA: >To be serious for a moment
  170. CAA: >This is a dangerous place
  171. CAA ceased responding to memo.
  172. CAT made AC an OP.
  173. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  174. CAC: Did my messages get sent
  175. CAT made AU an OP.
  176. CAT: ((The last one I got was 'CAA: >This is a dangerous place'))
  177. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  178. CAU: ((crepes i don't even know where we are at this point. anyone got a neat SUMMARYLOG))
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