

Sep 5th, 2015
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  1. Remember when social justice warriors were 5 years old and didn't completely understand how to use computers? I miss that, I miss that a lot
  2. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client Reply, Retweet, Favorite
  3. God... FOR THE SECOND FUCKING TIME: If you don't like a post, PM one of the admins, if you report it, you're getting banhammer rekt.
  4. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  5. The vegetable juice I made today smells like semen and tastes like orange juice
  6. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  7. "I'm an edgy political extremist who thinks about life too much because I don't have a job or a girlfriend!"
  8. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  10. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  12. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  14. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  15. Where can I meet a nihilist? I want more excitement in my life
  16. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  17. I need to rid of myself before I cause any more harm
  18. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  19. G-guys need to stop sending random dick pics to girls b-because that makes us autistic socially inept computer science majors look bad!
  20. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  21. "W-well that's just your opinion anon" Well of course it's my opinion! What else could it be?
  22. Mar 02, 2015 from Twitter Web Client
  23. When you try to get your point across in an argument and someone brings up that you're a manlet with no gf feels bad man
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