
Summary Story 201806

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. Lasswell, Fina and Reagan talked for a bit on the airship deck. Then, Sakura commented to Reagan about how Rain is similar to young Reagan. Reagan also fought as Veritas of the Dark with the same sentiment: wanting to change Ardore from the inside. Reagan felt that he should be bearing Rain's burden as the heir of Ardore instead.
  3. When they landed, Lasswell and Fina separated themselves from the group, wanting to talk to Rain again. However, they were spotted by Ardore soldiers and got cornered into the ruins of the village of Zahha, the fateful village where Rain first arrived in Paladia. They hid in a house before Ardore soldiers caught up.
  5. Thinking what to do, Lasswell took out the crystal Rain left behind in the final battle in Lapis. They tried using it and it ended up a vision of Rain. Vision Rain cheered them up and offered them support to fend off all the Ardore soldiers before using up the power and disappearing. Lasswell and Fina theorized that in the mind of Rain before he left Lapis, all on his mind was to fight alongside Lasswell and Fina.
  7. Then, Reagan and the rest caught up, before Sol showed up. They reported that Rain is Hyou. Sol explained what he found out in the ruins. Rain was rescued by a girl named Milfas (the one in the artbook) when he finally crossed a desert and arrived at Zahha. Milfas took good care of him. However, after the villagers learnt that Rain was an Ardore royalty, there was no peace. Among them there were people of Hess. The Hess people hated Rain and thought that they should get rid of everything Ardore. Milfas and Rain tried to explain that he held no ill will but fell on deaf years. Eventually, a conflict happened, Milfas died protecting Rain from a dagger by the Hess people. They remarked that Rain never changed. He was always fighting for someone.
  9. Ardore Emperor summoned all the remaining orders to announce that he promoted Hyou from 4th to 3rd (Gamma?) Star. He told Hyou that he had learnt about his royal bloodline from Zeno, and he didn't mind and still thought him as a next emperor candidate. Some asked where 13th Order was, Emperor answered that he gave him a separate order and he was away ever since.
  11. Then, they separated into two teams and embarked on a mission each. Reagan team's task was to exterminate a newly developed magitek armour. They arrived and Reagan noticed Rain (as Hyou)'s presence. Reagan told the rest to destroy the armour while he fended off Hyou. Reagan told Hyou what he learnt from Sol and wish he had talked about this with him, and he fully understood why Hyou chose this path. Hyou said that even if the incident did not happen, he would have still chosen the same path. Then, they continued to fight with Hyou having the upper hand.
  13. Citra and the rest eventually found the magitek armour, and was saved by Mistair (with other Hess troops) when the magitek armour was about to fire a beam. They worked together briefly. Mistair said they would handle the rest as Duke was already handling possible reinforcement. Citra and the rest rushed to back Reagan up.
  15. Finally, Reagan remarked that he did not have the resolve to finish off his own son. Hyou steeled his mind and cruelty, saying it was necessary to become emperor. As Hyou tried to finish Reagan off, Citra parried his sword with her staff. Then, Nagi arrived and left with Hyou. Citra remarked that Hyou was indeed trying to kill Reagan, and silently asked Sophia what would she do if she was alive, seeing the father and son trying to kill each other.
  17. On the other hand, Lasswell team's goal was to free the slaves from the forced labour ground (the one they visited in the past. They met Shamlin and Faisalith. Shamlin was about to execute them when Faisalith was late. Shamlin asked the slaves if they would give up their loyalty to Hess so that they could be spared. The slaves after some considration, chose to stay loyal to Hess although they were afraid of death. Shamlin liked their honesty and spared their lives, before turning to Lasswell. He honoured promises over lives, saying it's sad to have promises others made broken.
  19. Lasswell fought Shamlin and defeated him. But he spared him, as thanks of sparing the slaves. Shamlin said it feld good to battle Lasswell and requested to fight with him again, before teleporting away. Faisalith said Lasswell grew to be more adult and asked him what happened. Scared of being pestered by Faisalith, Lasswell told her about Rain and Hyou. Faisalith was confused that they both seemed right, and she left with Guri.
  21. Then, they met up and got their next missions. Gungan was currently being invadaded by Ardore. King Yashuka was captured and a distress signal was sent to the airship. Gungan soldiers were all occupied in the frontline and could not diverge their attention. A facility that used Natora's resources with Shibira's technology was occupied by Ardore. Reagan team's task was to free the facility while Lasswell team's task was to free king Yashuka.
  23. As Lid and Kunshira were heading towards droplet of origin, they met 13th order Judaga. Kunshira remarked that Judaga looked like King Yashuka. Judaga revealed that King Yashuka was his younger brother. And he said he was under emperor's order not to let anyone proceed. So Lid and Kunshira had no choice but to fight him.
  25. Reagan's mission went well without much except Citra being worried about Reagan's mental condition. He appeared alright but he was barely holding himself together in the inside.
  27. Lasswell and friends met Nagi when rescuing King Yashuka. Apparently, the reason Nagi clung to Hyou was that Hyou carried the name of his deceased brother. She and her brother aspired to become orders together, but he died protecting her in the tournament. So Nagi thought Hyou (Rain) as his brother's replacement.
  29. Then, in the Ardore headquarter, Faisalith rushed to see the emperor (together with Levnard) and suggested him to change his ways. Guri was terrified that they were going to be killed.
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