
A Letter to Doctor Takechi

Nov 9th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Teatime42, September 30, 2013; 00:05 / FB 14007
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Dear Doctor Takechi
  5. I work for your editor as a sort of “Layman's” translator for the average Joe, as such I was involved in the adaptation of your research on Fluffy pony and human interaction into a mainstream format. I was given first crack at it, mostly to figure out exactly how much time and effort would be involved from the publishers end. As the book will be coming out shortly (As you know), I am now free to discuss it with you.
  7. I myself have always had difficulties in understanding “Abusers” in general, while I myself am not a “Hugboxer” (Gotta love the internet for coming up with nicknames), I would never knowing and intentionally cause pain for the sake of pain. I have hurt a fluffy or two, kinda hard not too, but it was during the course of just raising them, not during punishment. You may not be THE authority on the topic, but you have done extensive research into it, and I was hoping you could help me.
  9. I have of course read you research, so I know it, I was hoping you could instead just... converse with me on it, to help walk me through it. Now why would you be willing to do it? Well, I've been asked to help interact with the media, and write some blurbs and by-lines for it. Any understanding you could give me would directly help the sales of your upcoming book.
  11. I am aware that you have a busy life, and if you don't help me in this, by no means am I intending to slack off. So don't worry about that.
  13. -Charles “Average” Joe Carlson
  15. Chuck
  17. Do you mind if I call you chuck? I hope you don't, since I already have. I unfortunately don't have much time, as you surmised, but I was able to quickly bang this out for you. I was unable to edit it though, so please don't use any of this directly for publishing as it's grammar is likely atrocious. I think I know what you're doing for on your question here. Sometimes knowledge isn't enough to provide understanding on it's own, it must be applied. I was against “Fluffies” from the start, hence my separation from Hasbio before the production of the ponies. The creation of an artificial lifeforms that can think and problem solve (Albeit to a limited extent) creates ethical and moral issues just on it's own. Even ignoring how we may or may not treat them. Unfortunately they're now a problem we're stuck with.
  19. I found the easiest way to understand it, was to listen to WHY they are treated the way they are. The argument that they are just a “Biotoy” with programing, not intelligence being one of them. Abominations of science being another. Vermin or nuisance being a third and the last one that they are in fact a danger to us (As far-fetched as it sounds). I'm sure I don't need to explain anything when it comes to the people who don't give any reason beyond “Fuck you, that's why!”. That's neither an excuse or justification, and as I am not a psychologist, I can only go over excuses and justifications.
  21. The first, the Biotoy argument. I correct to a certain extent. They were indeed created as a toy, or more accurately, companion for small children. From what I could dig up after the fact, the generation one production fluffies (There were many more generations than just one, research indicates between 47-62 generations, most records have been destroyed, so we can't say with certainty) that we've been “blessed” with were a last ditch attempt by Hasbio to recoup some of their losses, so they could produce a second generation. The second generation would have been tougher physically, cleaner, significantly more intelligent (About on par with the average human 8-year old), and more importantly, completely sterile. The generation one was also supposed to be completely sterile, but we've all seen how well that worked out.
  23. I rather wish someone upstairs had watched Jurassic Park, or even better, read it! Regardless. Humanity has long dreamed of creating a true artificial intelligence, unfortunately all attempts at doing so have failed.
  25. And then came Hasbio. Who succeeded in one attempt with little to no regard for how difficult their task would be. I believe most politicians would love to get some alone time with those responsible at Hasbio. The existence of Fluffy Ponies has caused a world-wide political shitstorm on a scale not seen since … well, ever. There is another intelligent (sic) species out there, and while it makes every developmentally disabled child in existence appear to be a genius by comparison, it's still another species. Humanity is no longer alone. I would go further into it, but considering the recent spate of science fiction about the ramifications of our treatment of these creatures, I don't believe I need too. Either way, just being a Biotoy doesn't prevent Fluffies from also being an intelligent species. No one ever said that you have to be smart to qualify, down that road lies eugenics, and we should avoid that road. Fluffies are capable of (Albeit in an extremely limited fashion) logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, having emotional knowledge, retaining, planning, and problem solving. The quality of these, well, qualities may be in question, but the existence of it is not. Oh, that's not to say there isn't controversy on the subject, I believe the last poll done of those scientists and researchers whose opinion actually matters was a rough 40-40 split, with the last 20 percent in the “No idea” and “Oh god leave us out of this!” categories. But the controversy is over whether the limited nature of these qualities invalidate the qualities themselves. Essentially the contention is that these qualities are limited due to programing only, and are only a simulation of intelligence, not true intelligence. I believe this question will not be answered conclusively any time soon. Sadly, with special interests throwing in on both sides of the equation, either side of the question can point to the other and avoid the topic entirely by pointing out those same special interests.
  27. Because it's always easier to conduct personnel attacks rather than actually try and figure out the answer to a question yourself. That is how politics is run after all. Oh no, the country is going bankrupt, lets call each other names and blame it on each other.
  29. The only difference between politicians and Fluffies, is that cleaning up Fluffy shit is easier.
  31. Are fluffies abominations? Thaaaaaat is a hard one to answer. It's primarily a moral question, with a religious aspect to it. I cannot answer to the religious aspect of it except to point out the current battle in Texas. Two bills are rapidly approaching a floor vote in the Texas legislature, both sponsored by religious special interests, with party lines essentially being non-existent. One claims (essentially) that Fluffies are an affront to God, and that Humanity has overstepped it's bounds in the creation of said Abomination, and should rectify that immediately. The other claims that Humanity has done something that until now only God has done, it has created life. They hold that all life is sacred (I'm sure the cows in Texas appreciate that sentiment), and that we should protect the Fluffies, and help build them into a society. Two very different attitudes, sponsored by parts of the exact same group. What most forget about religion, is that it's made up of people, just like every other organization in existence, and people will always, always find a reason to disagree with each other.
  33. As for the moral part of the question... Morals are decided by the society as a whole, and so the question itself will eventually be decided in that way. I believe that the last gallup poll had that 88% or so of those interviewed were against the abuse of Fluffies, but almost 60% were okay with the humane extermination of those same Fluffies, considering the size of those two numbers, there would have to be some substantial overlap in those two groups. But, for the most part the abomination argument is one of opinion, since there is no qualifying set of facts that can prove something IS an abomination, just your own feelings and thoughts, it is not something that can simply be debated, since you cannot debate feelings.
  35. Are Fluffies vermin? Oh yes they are. In that they certainly get into anything and everything. In many ways they're worse than rats. No one breeds rats, and then dumps them. No one feeds rats (Intentionally), keeping the population alive. Fluffies have already eclipsed every form of vermin (Including rats) and other nuisances in damages and costs to humanity. And since some of those damages are food in nature, less has been used in foreign (And domestic) aid, so it could in fact be argued that an indeterminate amount of human deaths by starvation are due to fluffy pony damages. More on the comparison between rats and fluffies in the “Danger” section”.
  37. But, what else could Fluffies be? They were created without the ability to care for themselves, intentionally. They were created for the express purpose of being pets, not feral animals. So of course, they'd be nuisances when outside of their intended environment couple that with their ridiculously absurd reproduction rate, and we have a recipe for disaster. But, did Fluffies create this problem? No. We did. Humanity did. We own the land. Every bit of it, the earth itself is ours in every way possible. Where is their space for another species? There is not. For now, Fluffies get by in the alleys, parks, forests and wilderness areas. But this issue will need to be addressed. There is not room for two intelligent species on this planet. We were here first, and we're not big on sharing. Because we are expanding, and everyone knows what happens when Humanity expands and something is in the way. And that's just with other Humans.
  39. The last justification is that Fluffies are a danger to us. Oddly enough, while this one is rarely used, it has the possibility of being the very possible. Fluffies are a gestalt creature, incorporating genetic material from a diverse array of sources. One of which is Humanity. It is in fact theoretically possible for diseases to be transmitted from Fluffies to Humans, though this has not yet occurred. I can tell you that most Virologists are dreading the first Fluffy plague, and the possibility that it could bridge the gap between species. The Black plague was spread by rats (And horrendous hygiene), and as we have already established, fluffies are quite a bit worse than rats. Most cities have had to set up not just exterminator services, but cleanup services just for fluffy corpses. In the last few years I haven't been able to walk past an alley without seeing a fluffy, alive or dead. Usually dead. Oh, I should also mention that Global warming apologists consider Fluffies a threat to the environment as well. Personally, I think that when we have sufficient feral fluffies to accomplish that, the environment will be that last thing on our minds.
  41. Please make no mention of the following in any way, this is for you personally Chuck.
  43. I am joining a few researches in another study, this one will cover the same topic, but from multiple disciplines. Because I have some fears and worries I would like to see addressed.
  45. Fluffies have no place in our world. And we currently have no intention to grant them a place beyond what they currently have. A day will come when we must decide how to treat them. Be it vermin to be exterminated, animals to be protected, or even as people in their own right. If they are vermin only, then we need to proceed as such in a way to rid ourselves of them as quickly and efficiently as possible. If they are animals, then they should enjoy the “rights” and protections we have given animals. It's possible they may occupy a new niche, as a created species. If so, we need to figure out what that niche is.
  47. Currently, there is no one at all pursuing that last option. Even the most diehard of Fluffy fans, or “Hugboxers” as the slang goes, treat them like one would treat a beloved family pet, not as an intelligent species. But, if Fluffies are in fact a genuine artificial intelligence, and thus an intelligent species, the third option is in fact the correct option. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of everything we've built our society on. We would have created an entirely new species, and relegated them to that of a lesser race. A slave race. I doubt fluffies could ever revolt, which just makes it worse, because every example of slavery I could find has been ended when the slaves, not just non-slaves, protested their treatment. A fluffy revolt would be stamped out in a few minutes flat. Pardon the puns.
  49. The true horror of the Fluffy pony isn't abuse. It's the fact that they are lost. Every single fluffy is lost. An intelligent species relegated to a position in society that is without hope of any sort. They have no control over their species future, no say in what is done with them. Can you imagine a Fluffy protest outside a nations capital? It's up to those in power to decide the fate of those beneath them, and they can safely ignore anything they desire about the situation.
  51. That is my greatest worry, and it leads to my greatest fear.
  53. What is this doing to us?
  55. That is the purpose of my next study. To find a place for them. To protect Humanity from itself. Our actions now will set precedent for centuries to come, if not longer. And I am afraid of what this could lead to. If we can make one race as toys, why not more for other purposes? We have the technology, literally, to make almost anything. The military could finally have it's perfect soldiers, companies wouldn't need to go oversees to get cheap labor. Just get a self sustaining population of a tailor made worker race, forget about workplace safety just grow more when they die.
  57. The darkest moments and attitudes of human history all over again.
  59. And no one would have any incentive to stop it. The created races certainly wouldn't have any say.
  61. I told them not to do this. Not to make them. They thought they could make a biological version of a stuffed animal. A toy puppy as it were. I hope that a new circle is made in hell for them, and that they rot in it. What has science wrought indeed.
  63. I realize this likely answers very little of your questions Chuck, and I wish you luck.
  65. - Jeremiah Takechi
  67. Dear Doctor Takechi
  69. I was with you till the end there, and thought it was a fairly good synapses of the current situation in vague generalities. That last part though. I have no idea how to respond to it. I had never thought of it like that till now. Would you be in need of assistance on your next book? I believe I have some questions I'd like answered now, I'm not prepared to accept what you've said. But, I am... concerned enough to listen.
  71. -Chuck
  73. Authors notes: This was written as if the fluffy pony universe was in fact real, not fictional, and I then applied our universes societal rules to it as best as I could.
  75. I started this off mostly as just musings on my part. I remember reading some “Polls” about what posters here thought of Fluffy abuse if Fluffies were real, and while I myself do not like abuse, the fact that most of the people commented that they would not abuse fluffies if they were real made my heart warm and fuzzy. I do not think abusers are sick fucks or anything else. While I do think that the acts represented in abuse works are frequently sick XD The two original forms of theater were Tragedy and Comedy, of which comedy was the lesser. Abuse is tragedy, and tragedy is where we get Catharsis from. I don't feel like going over that, but needless to say, catharsis is a major part of our lives when it comes to entertainment.
  77. So, the “Critique” of the “Excuses and justifications” are done as if it was the real world, rather than the generic fluffy universe, which is established as a place where abuse can happen, and be societally acceptable at that. Which doesn't coexist with the hugboxer universe all that well XD (Or vise versa). If you felt insulted by it, that was not the intent. If you felt challenged by it, that was not the intent. The intent was, and was only, to brainstorm on the topic previously mentioned. I'm not going after abusers, I like you guys too much to do that :3
  79. Originally the ending of the above was to be a comment on what you do to others, you do to yourself. Insert Dresden Files example here. But when I got to the end... that last bit happened. I must say, I'm actually a bit worried now, I had never considered the fluffy situation from that angle before. That actually changes a story idea I was on, and gives me more motivation to write it once I finish “Fluffy makes brain hurt”
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