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you're jewish

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Feb 28th, 2015
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  2. [27/02/2015 20:58:21] Jack Captein: HES ON OUR SIDE
  3. [27/02/2015 20:58:26] Jack Captein: I dont think so
  4. [27/02/2015 20:58:33] Jack Captein: I watch rt a lot and hes always on
  5. [27/02/2015 20:58:42] sean tillie: whats wrong with RT
  6. [27/02/2015 20:58:45] Jack Captein: and hes always spouting commie shit
  7. [27/02/2015 20:58:46] Jack Captein: nothing
  8. [27/02/2015 20:58:49] Jack Captein: I love rt
  9. [27/02/2015 20:58:59] Jack Captein: sometimes its pro commie and sometimes its fucking stupid
  10. [27/02/2015 20:58:59] sean tillie: yeah well we still disagree
  11. [27/02/2015 20:59:06] Jack Captein: but its only sometimes stupid
  12. [27/02/2015 20:59:08] sean tillie: that anarchism is jewish
  13. [27/02/2015 20:59:10] Jack Captein: not 24/7 stupid
  14. [27/02/2015 20:59:14] Jack Captein: like everything else
  15. [27/02/2015 20:59:17] Jack Captein: and anarchism is jewish
  16. [27/02/2015 20:59:20] sean tillie: hey i gotta go man
  17. [27/02/2015 20:59:21] Jack Captein: how do you not understand thios
  18. [27/02/2015 20:59:25] Jack Captein: you just said molyneux is a jew
  19. [27/02/2015 20:59:27] Jack Captein: and you love him
  20. [27/02/2015 20:59:30] Jack Captein: its all jewish
  21. [27/02/2015 20:59:31] sean tillie: no
  22. [27/02/2015 20:59:34] Jack Captein: all the poeople who made it are jewish
  23. [27/02/2015 20:59:37] sean tillie: i dont love molyneux
  24. [27/02/2015 20:59:44] sean tillie: i just think ANCAP is a great alternative
  25. [27/02/2015 20:59:50] Jack Captein: why?
  26. [27/02/2015 20:59:55] sean tillie: because
  27. [27/02/2015 20:59:57] Jack Captein: like what is so appealing about it for you
  28. [27/02/2015 21:00:02] sean tillie: i dont wanan be taxed
  29. [27/02/2015 21:00:05] sean tillie: and pay for bullshit
  30. [27/02/2015 21:00:09] Jack Captein: because you're young
  31. [27/02/2015 21:00:11] Jack Captein: and naice
  32. [27/02/2015 21:00:12] Jack Captein: naive
  33. [27/02/2015 21:00:16] sean tillie: and more people are heading towards ancap
  34. [27/02/2015 21:00:24] Jack Captein: taxes have always existed for a very good reason
  35. [27/02/2015 21:00:25] Jack Captein: who?
  36. [27/02/2015 21:00:30] sean tillie: lots
  37. [27/02/2015 21:00:33] Jack Captein: anarchism is and always has been stupid
  38. [27/02/2015 21:00:38] Jack Captein: no one ever takes it stupid
  39. [27/02/2015 21:00:38] sean tillie: dude
  40. [27/02/2015 21:00:45] sean tillie: most ancaps are anti jewish man
  41. [27/02/2015 21:00:46] Jack Captein: and almost everyone who supports anarcism is young
  42. [27/02/2015 21:00:51] sean tillie: we hate communism so why are you not supporting us
  43. [27/02/2015 21:00:55] Jack Captein: because only young people are naive enough to fall for it
  44. [27/02/2015 21:01:02] Jack Captein: its liek a phase youll grow out of
  45. [27/02/2015 21:01:03] Jack Captein: no
  46. [27/02/2015 21:01:04] sean tillie: yeah so lew rockwell
  47. [27/02/2015 21:01:06] sean tillie: is young
  48. [27/02/2015 21:01:17] Jack Captein: show me one anarchist that is anti jewish
  49. [27/02/2015 21:01:30] sean tillie: none
  50. [27/02/2015 21:01:31] Jack Captein: these fucking people go around beating people up for speaking out against israel
  51. [27/02/2015 21:01:33] Jack Captein: your people
  52. [27/02/2015 21:01:36] sean tillie: but they dont like the zionist
  53. [27/02/2015 21:01:42] Jack Captein: so theyre anti jewish
  54. [27/02/2015 21:01:45] Jack Captein: but none of them are
  55. [27/02/2015 21:01:47] sean tillie: those are the libertarian rand paul kikes
  56. [27/02/2015 21:01:49] Jack Captein: make up your mind dude
  57. [27/02/2015 21:01:54] sean tillie: well i will be the first
  58. [27/02/2015 21:01:57] Jack Captein: fuck rand paul and ron paul
  59. [27/02/2015 21:01:58] sean tillie: anti jewish an cap
  60. [27/02/2015 21:02:03] Jack Captein: so you're the first
  61. [27/02/2015 21:02:04] Jack Captein: the only
  62. [27/02/2015 21:02:08] sean tillie: how dare you say F ron paul :O
  63. [27/02/2015 21:02:15] Jack Captein: you just said all anarcho capitalists were anti jewish
  64. [27/02/2015 21:02:25] sean tillie: well i retract that
  65. [27/02/2015 21:02:28] Jack Captein: like im sorry if you have a bunch of cognitive dissonance
  66. [27/02/2015 21:02:28] sean tillie: i am the first and only
  67. [27/02/2015 21:02:29] Jack Captein: in your mind
  68. [27/02/2015 21:02:38] Jack Captein: and you keep shit disconnected in your head
  69. [27/02/2015 21:02:39] Jack Captein: but like
  70. [27/02/2015 21:02:48] Jack Captein: maybe pointing that out for you
  71. [27/02/2015 21:02:50] Jack Captein: might help you
  72. [27/02/2015 21:02:55] sean tillie: yeah your right man
  73. [27/02/2015 21:02:56] Jack Captein: to stop being so fucking retarded
  74. [27/02/2015 21:03:03] sean tillie: im a fat jew boy
  75. [27/02/2015 21:03:11] Jack Captein: you finally see
  76. [27/02/2015 21:03:15] sean tillie: hahaha
  77. [27/02/2015 21:03:22] sean tillie: well i gtg man
  78. [27/02/2015 21:03:31] sean tillie: going to go to a party
  79. [27/02/2015 21:03:33] Jack Captein: alright fair enough
  80. [27/02/2015 21:03:34] Jack Captein: at 2?
  81. [27/02/2015 21:03:37] Jack Captein: in the morning
  82. [27/02/2015 21:03:38] Jack Captein: dude
  83. [27/02/2015 21:03:38] sean tillie: 12
  84. [27/02/2015 21:03:41] sean tillie: here
  85. [27/02/2015 21:03:41] Jack Captein: oh right
  86. [27/02/2015 21:03:44] Jack Captein: west coast
  87. [27/02/2015 21:03:45] Jack Captein: ok well
  88. [27/02/2015 21:03:49] sean tillie: yeah
  89. [27/02/2015 21:03:50] Jack Captein: think about what ive said
  90. [27/02/2015 21:03:51] Jack Captein: like
  91. [27/02/2015 21:03:57] Jack Captein: id like to think my words have weight
  92. [27/02/2015 21:04:04] Jack Captein: because im not parroting some guy I saw on the internet
  93. [27/02/2015 21:04:04] sean tillie: they do man
  94. [27/02/2015 21:04:09] Jack Captein: im talking from 15 years of experience
  95. [27/02/2015 21:04:13] Jack Captein: life experience
  96. [27/02/2015 21:04:14] sean tillie: but things take time
  97. [27/02/2015 21:04:22] sean tillie: yeah man
  98. [27/02/2015 21:04:31] sean tillie: alright man im gonna go talk soon
  99. [27/02/2015 21:05:20] Jack Captein: have a fun time at the gay orgy
  100. [27/02/2015 23:11:15] Jack Captein: the fuck are you doing online
  101. [27/02/2015 23:11:16] sean tillie: it was fun ;)
  102. [27/02/2015 23:11:25] sean tillie: went to the party
  103. [27/02/2015 23:11:48] sean tillie: but there wasnt much to do
  104. [27/02/2015 23:12:57] *** Call to sean tillie, busy.
  105. Send video message ***
  106. [27/02/2015 23:13:14] sean tillie: my mic or cam doesnt work
  107. [27/02/2015 23:13:21] Jack Captein: answer the god damn call nigger
  108. [27/02/2015 23:13:24] sean tillie: mic* and cam
  109. [27/02/2015 23:13:36] Jack Captein: I literally can not be fucked typinf
  110. [27/02/2015 23:13:43] sean tillie: why man
  111. [27/02/2015 23:14:02] Jack Captein: BECAUSE IM DRUNK AND TIRED
  112. [27/02/2015 23:14:14] sean tillie: yeah but im with a friend right now
  113. [27/02/2015 23:14:19] Jack Captein: who
  114. [27/02/2015 23:14:24] Jack Captein: a jew?
  115. [27/02/2015 23:15:32] sean tillie: yeah
  116. [27/02/2015 23:15:34] sean tillie: oy vey goyim
  117. [27/02/2015 23:15:36] sean tillie: hahah
  118. [27/02/2015 23:15:46] Jack Captein: so hes a jew then
  119. [27/02/2015 23:15:51] sean tillie: hell no
  120. [27/02/2015 23:15:53] sean tillie: cmon man
  121. [27/02/2015 23:15:59] sean tillie: why are you so paranoid
  122. [27/02/2015 23:16:11] Jack Captein: how am I paranoid
  123. [27/02/2015 23:16:18] Jack Captein: I asked if he was a kike
  124. [27/02/2015 23:16:20] Jack Captein: you said yes
  125. [27/02/2015 23:16:26] sean tillie: its sarcasm'
  126. [27/02/2015 23:16:27] Jack Captein: so I;m paranoid
  127. [27/02/2015 23:16:31] sean tillie: yeah
  128. [27/02/2015 23:16:41] Jack Captein: sarcasm doesn;t translate well over text
  129. [27/02/2015 23:16:47] sean tillie: haha
  130. [27/02/2015 23:16:47] Jack Captein: you fucking idiot
  131. [27/02/2015 23:16:53] sean tillie: well why would i hang out with a jew
  132. [27/02/2015 23:17:01] Jack Captein: because you're an anarchist
  133. [27/02/2015 23:17:05] sean tillie: haha
  134. [27/02/2015 23:17:08] sean tillie: so what
  135. [27/02/2015 23:17:11] Jack Captein: because you're part of a jewish ideology
  136. [27/02/2015 23:17:14] Jack Captein: so what?
  137. [27/02/2015 23:17:21] sean tillie: they arent jewish man
  138. [27/02/2015 23:17:26] sean tillie: we c an debate this all day
  139. [27/02/2015 23:17:30] Jack Captein: so you're part of an ideology that is entirely jewish
  140. [27/02/2015 23:17:31] Jack Captein: no
  141. [27/02/2015 23:17:44] Jack Captein: we'd debate it for like 40 minutes
  142. [27/02/2015 23:17:47] Jack Captein: and then youd say
  143. [27/02/2015 23:17:51] sean tillie: i dont like ayn rand
  144. [27/02/2015 23:17:54] Jack Captein: you're too extreme
  145. [27/02/2015 23:17:55] Jack Captein: and leaver
  146. [27/02/2015 23:17:56] sean tillie: but rothbard is cool
  147. [27/02/2015 23:17:58] Jack Captein: leave
  148. [27/02/2015 23:18:02] sean tillie: haha
  149. [27/02/2015 23:18:07] Jack Captein: rothbard is a fucking kike
  150. [27/02/2015 23:18:14] Jack Captein: and so is rand
  151. [27/02/2015 23:18:19] sean tillie: i dont like rand
  152. [27/02/2015 23:18:25] sean tillie: but rothbard was a smart guy man
  153. [27/02/2015 23:18:28] Jack Captein: but you like rothbard
  154. [27/02/2015 23:18:37] Jack Captein: he was a capitalist kike
  155. [27/02/2015 23:18:45] sean tillie: your a socialist kike
  156. [27/02/2015 23:18:45] Jack Captein: you fucking kike slave
  157. [27/02/2015 23:18:52] Jack Captein: you're a kike slave
  158. [27/02/2015 23:18:55] sean tillie: national SOCIALIST
  159. [27/02/2015 23:18:59] Jack Captein: I don't like socialism
  160. [27/02/2015 23:19:04] Jack Captein: I like helping people
  161. [27/02/2015 23:19:06] sean tillie: you like capitalism?
  162. [27/02/2015 23:19:16] Jack Captein: but I don't like total equality
  163. [27/02/2015 23:19:25] Jack Captein: thats what national socialism
  164. [27/02/2015 23:19:27] Jack Captein: a balance
  165. [27/02/2015 23:19:31] Jack Captein: a mix of both
  166. [27/02/2015 23:19:39] sean tillie: you like helping people
  167. [27/02/2015 23:19:43] Jack Captein: yes
  168. [27/02/2015 23:19:45] sean tillie: then why wouldnt you donate to charity
  169. [27/02/2015 23:19:46] Jack Captein: white people
  170. [27/02/2015 23:19:56] Jack Captein: because charities only give money to niggers
  171. [27/02/2015 23:20:02] sean tillie: hahah
  172. [27/02/2015 23:20:08] sean tillie: i just
  173. [27/02/2015 23:20:08] Jack Captein: im not joking
  174. [27/02/2015 23:20:11] Jack Captein: I never joke
  175. [27/02/2015 23:20:19] sean tillie: i cant hate people man
  176. [27/02/2015 23:20:24] sean tillie: i can dislike but not hate
  177. [27/02/2015 23:20:48] Jack Captein: because you've been raised by kikes
  178. [27/02/2015 23:20:49] Jack Captein: I get it
  179. [27/02/2015 23:20:56] sean tillie: no man
  180. [27/02/2015 23:21:00] Jack Captein: yes man
  181. [27/02/2015 23:21:03] sean tillie: hatred is just a horrible thing
  182. [27/02/2015 23:21:06] Jack Captein: no it isnt
  183. [27/02/2015 23:21:08] sean tillie: what has it broguht the world
  184. [27/02/2015 23:21:15] Jack Captein: its brought empires
  185. [27/02/2015 23:21:19] Jack Captein: civilization
  186. [27/02/2015 23:21:22] sean tillie: how so
  187. [27/02/2015 23:21:24] Jack Captein: thats what the kikes love to teach
  188. [27/02/2015 23:21:32] Jack Captein: that hatred is destructive
  189. [27/02/2015 23:21:34] Jack Captein: and evul!
  190. [27/02/2015 23:21:39] Jack Captein: so like
  191. [27/02/2015 23:21:42] Jack Captein: imagine if in ww2
  192. [27/02/2015 23:21:45] sean tillie: I dont even know what hatred is
  193. [27/02/2015 23:21:49] Jack Captein: the americans lovged the nazis
  194. [27/02/2015 23:22:00] Jack Captein: and the nazis loved the soviets
  195. [27/02/2015 23:22:25] Jack Captein: hatred is an intense dislike of something or someone
  196. [27/02/2015 23:22:29] sean tillie: the nazis loved the soviets? wtf
  197. [27/02/2015 23:22:38] Jack Captein: god dammit you slow piece of shit
  198. [27/02/2015 23:22:44] Jack Captein: the nazis hated the soviets
  199. [27/02/2015 23:23:03] Jack Captein: im saying if you dont get hatred then imagine if the nazis loved the soviets
  200. [27/02/2015 23:23:11] Jack Captein: imagine how much sense that would make
  201. [27/02/2015 23:24:07] sean tillie: ohhh
  202. [27/02/2015 23:24:10] sean tillie: well
  203. [27/02/2015 23:24:22] sean tillie: i could only hate some body if they really fucked me over
  204. [27/02/2015 23:24:34] sean tillie: like if a nigger killed my family or some one i would fucking hate niggers
  205. [27/02/2015 23:24:41] Jack Captein: so then why dont you habe an intense neverending hatred for the jews
  206. [27/02/2015 23:24:44] sean tillie: but they havent done anything to me. get where im coming from
  207. [27/02/2015 23:24:46] Jack Captein: have
  208. [27/02/2015 23:24:53] sean tillie: well i do hate jews
  209. [27/02/2015 23:24:59] Jack Captein: but you love niggers?
  210. [27/02/2015 23:25:01] sean tillie: i can say i hate jews
  211. [27/02/2015 23:25:07] sean tillie: no if anything i feel bad for them
  212. [27/02/2015 23:25:11] Jack Captein: but you love the jewws
  213. [27/02/2015 23:25:19] sean tillie: no i hate jews
  214. [27/02/2015 23:25:21] Jack Captein: the jews that made your ideology
  215. [27/02/2015 23:25:37] sean tillie: well i dont know of a better system
  216. [27/02/2015 23:25:45] Jack Captein: I do
  217. [27/02/2015 23:25:48] sean tillie: i dont know any one who talks about national socialism
  218. [27/02/2015 23:25:51] Jack Captein: it's called nationL SOCIALISM
  219. [27/02/2015 23:25:58] Jack Captein: you know me
  220. [27/02/2015 23:26:02] Jack Captein: am I nobody?
  221. [27/02/2015 23:26:41] sean tillie: no
  222. [27/02/2015 23:26:48] sean tillie: i just dont like how you hate all races
  223. [27/02/2015 23:26:51] sean tillie: i can see jews
  224. [27/02/2015 23:26:52] sean tillie: but
  225. [27/02/2015 23:26:57] sean tillie: not blacks or other races
  226. [27/02/2015 23:26:58] Jack Captein: I dislike all races
  227. [27/02/2015 23:27:01] Jack Captein: I love my race
  228. [27/02/2015 23:27:09] Jack Captein: I don't care about the other races
  229. [27/02/2015 23:27:14] Jack Captein: they can do whatever they want
  230. [27/02/2015 23:27:16] sean tillie: so you dislike jews?
  231. [27/02/2015 23:27:25] Jack Captein: if theyre in their own country I don't give a fuck
  232. [27/02/2015 23:27:25] Jack Captein: ha
  233. [27/02/2015 23:27:32] Jack Captein: do I dislike Jews?
  234. [27/02/2015 23:27:34] sean tillie: yeah
  235. [27/02/2015 23:27:48] Jack Captein: I would laugh as I watched all the Jews die a slow painful death
  236. [27/02/2015 23:27:52] Jack Captein: I would say to them
  237. [27/02/2015 23:27:58] Jack Captein: this is for Dresden
  238. [27/02/2015 23:28:02] Jack Captein: this is for Madrid
  239. [27/02/2015 23:28:06] Jack Captein: this is for Berlin
  240. [27/02/2015 23:28:09] Jack Captein: you fucking kike scum
  241. [27/02/2015 23:28:17] sean tillie: dresden?
  242. [27/02/2015 23:28:21] sean tillie: those were the allies not jews
  243. [27/02/2015 23:28:21] Jack Captein: yeah
  244. [27/02/2015 23:28:27] Jack Captein: the jews pushed for ww2
  245. [27/02/2015 23:28:33] Jack Captein: and they pushed for dresden
  246. [27/02/2015 23:28:37] sean tillie: i never knew that
  247. [27/02/2015 23:28:42] Jack Captein: dresden wasn't a military target
  248. [27/02/2015 23:28:44] Jack Captein: no camps
  249. [27/02/2015 23:28:47] Jack Captein: no factories
  250. [27/02/2015 23:28:48] Jack Captein: nothing
  251. [27/02/2015 23:28:54] Jack Captein: just civilians and refugeeens
  252. [27/02/2015 23:28:59] Jack Captein: refugees
  253. [27/02/2015 23:29:02] Jack Captein: and the kikes were like
  254. [27/02/2015 23:29:06] Jack Captein: BOMB THEM
  255. [27/02/2015 23:29:13] Jack Captein: DROP FIRE BOMBS
  256. [27/02/2015 23:29:18] sean tillie: wow
  257. [27/02/2015 23:29:18] Jack Captein: KILL THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN
  258. [27/02/2015 23:29:28] sean tillie: i need to read about this
  259. [27/02/2015 23:30:00] Jack Captein: you could also watch this
  260. [27/02/2015 23:30:00] Jack Captein:
  261. [27/02/2015 23:30:02] sean tillie:
  262. [27/02/2015 23:30:04] sean tillie: this?
  263. [27/02/2015 23:30:28] Jack Captein: ja and that
  264. [27/02/2015 23:31:04] sean tillie: i try to click on it and it wont open
  265. [27/02/2015 23:31:11] Jack Captein:
  266. [27/02/2015 23:31:12] Jack Captein:
  267. [27/02/2015 23:31:12] Jack Captein:
  268. [27/02/2015 23:31:12] Jack Captein:
  269. [27/02/2015 23:31:13] Jack Captein:
  273. [27/02/2015 23:32:05] sean tillie: wow
  274. [27/02/2015 23:32:12] sean tillie: im seriously trying to open it man
  275. [27/02/2015 23:32:20] sean tillie: its not opening
  276. [27/02/2015 23:32:29] sean tillie: whats it called
  277. [27/02/2015 23:32:31] sean tillie: the video title
  278. [27/02/2015 23:32:42] Jack Captein: Zion's war against Germany
  279. [27/02/2015 23:33:09] sean tillie: okay
  280. [27/02/2015 23:35:03] sean tillie: watching it
  281. [27/02/2015 23:35:10] Jack Captein: fucking
  282. [27/02/2015 23:35:11] Jack Captein: finally
  283. [27/02/2015 23:35:41] sean tillie: pretty good so far
  284. [27/02/2015 23:36:02] Jack Captein:
  285. [27/02/2015 23:36:21] Jack Captein: who uploaded the video
  286. [27/02/2015 23:36:36] sean tillie: wow zyklon b
  287. [27/02/2015 23:36:43] sean tillie: who i sthat
  288. [27/02/2015 23:36:55] Jack Captein: no idea
  289. [27/02/2015 23:37:03] Jack Captein: I reuploaded it
  290. [27/02/2015 23:37:07] Jack Captein: NordicPride32
  291. [27/02/2015 23:38:09] sean tillie: armenian and ukranian holocausts were started by zionists?
  292. [27/02/2015 23:38:15] Jack Captein: yes
  293. [27/02/2015 23:38:15] sean tillie: or jews i mean
  294. [27/02/2015 23:38:17] Jack Captein: Kikes
  295. [27/02/2015 23:38:25] Jack Captein: stop calling them zionists
  296. [27/02/2015 23:38:29] Jack Captein: they're kikes
  297. [27/02/2015 23:38:32] sean tillie: i know
  298. [27/02/2015 23:38:38] sean tillie: so tell me about that
  299. [27/02/2015 23:38:59] Jack Captein: the jews in the ottoman empire tried to exterminate the armenian christtians
  300. [27/02/2015 23:39:17] sean tillie: woah
  301. [27/02/2015 23:39:24] sean tillie: tried to?
  302. [27/02/2015 23:39:24] sean tillie: or did?
  303. [27/02/2015 23:39:34] Jack Captein: they did a pretty good job
  304. [27/02/2015 23:39:47] sean tillie: wasn't it 1.5 million
  305. [27/02/2015 23:39:54] Jack Captein: yeah
  306. [27/02/2015 23:40:02] Jack Captein: 100 years ago
  307. [27/02/2015 23:40:12] Jack Captein: in a country that was at war with the entire world
  308. [27/02/2015 23:40:16] Jack Captein: they did pretty well
  309. [27/02/2015 23:40:23] Jack Captein: and it was all orchestrated by the kikes
  310. [27/02/2015 23:40:30] Jack Captein: thew young turks
  311. [27/02/2015 23:40:35] Jack Captein: those genocidal kikes
  312. [27/02/2015 23:40:41] sean tillie: the young turks? thats that fucking news channel
  313. [27/02/2015 23:40:47] Jack Captein: they still have a Jewtube channel as well
  314. [27/02/2015 23:40:48] Jack Captein: yes
  315. [27/02/2015 23:40:57] Jack Captein: they were a politicial party in the ottoman empire
  316. [27/02/2015 23:41:08] Jack Captein: all these young genocidal kikes
  317. [27/02/2015 23:41:27] sean tillie: fucking filth
  318. [27/02/2015 23:41:33] sean tillie: so they hate christians
  319. [27/02/2015 23:41:50] sean tillie: were these the same people that killed jesus?
  320. [27/02/2015 23:42:12] Jack Captein: probably
  321. [27/02/2015 23:42:20] Jack Captein: thats beside the point
  322. [27/02/2015 23:42:23] Jack Captein: you fucking anarchist
  323. [27/02/2015 23:42:56] sean tillie: i dont think im an anarchist anymore
  324. [27/02/2015 23:43:14] sean tillie: fuck kikes
  325. [27/02/2015 23:43:19] sean tillie: arrogant pricks
  326. [27/02/2015 23:43:38] sean tillie: of course they genocided the ukranians and armenians they genocide every one
  327. [27/02/2015 23:44:31] sean tillie: so why did the nazi's go into france
  328. [27/02/2015 23:45:17] Jack Captein: you're not anarcist anymore?
  329. [27/02/2015 23:45:20] Jack Captein: thats good news
  330. [27/02/2015 23:45:29] Jack Captein: why do you think the nazis went into france?
  331. [27/02/2015 23:45:33] Jack Captein: because the fucking french
  332. [27/02/2015 23:45:41] Jack Captein: declared war on germany
  333. [27/02/2015 23:45:48] Jack Captein: what would you do in that situation?
  334. [27/02/2015 23:45:57] Jack Captein: apologize and let them invade you?
  335. [27/02/2015 23:46:04] Jack Captein: the french declared war
  336. [27/02/2015 23:46:07] Jack Captein: so the germans
  337. [27/02/2015 23:46:09] Jack Captein: fucking
  338. [27/02/2015 23:46:16] Jack Captein: annihilated them
  339. [27/02/2015 23:46:23] sean tillie: shit
  340. [27/02/2015 23:46:51] Jack Captein: destroyed them so hard they pulled the railway carriage out of a ww1 museum where the germans signed the ww1 versailles treat
  341. [27/02/2015 23:46:55] Jack Captein: treaty
  342. [27/02/2015 23:47:05] Jack Captein: and forced the french to sign their surrender in it
  343. [27/02/2015 23:47:29] sean tillie: man
  344. [27/02/2015 23:47:42] sean tillie: this is some crazy shit
  345. [27/02/2015 23:47:42] Jack Captein: see I know what I'm talking about
  346. [27/02/2015 23:47:58] Jack Captein:
  347. [27/02/2015 23:48:15] Jack Captein: ehrenburg was the socialist anarchist propaganda minister for the Soviet Union
  348. [27/02/2015 23:48:23] Jack Captein: and he ordered the red army to rape german women
  349. [27/02/2015 23:48:30] sean tillie: wow
  350. [27/02/2015 23:48:43] sean tillie: i cant click that link
  351. [27/02/2015 23:48:44] Jack Captein:
  352. [27/02/2015 23:48:46] Jack Captein: why
  353. [27/02/2015 23:48:48] Jack Captein: what happens
  354. [27/02/2015 23:48:55] sean tillie: i click it and nothing opens
  355. [27/02/2015 23:49:05] Jack Captein: click it again
  356. [27/02/2015 23:49:14] Jack Captein: at the end of ww2
  357. [27/02/2015 23:49:15] sean tillie: nothing happends
  358. [27/02/2015 23:49:25] Jack Captein: the german women who werent raped or tortured to death
  359. [27/02/2015 23:49:29] Jack Captein: usually comitted suicide
  360. [27/02/2015 23:49:40] sean tillie: fuck man
  361. [27/02/2015 23:49:45] Jack Captein: and after ww2
  362. [27/02/2015 23:49:48] Jack Captein: over 2 million germans
  363. [27/02/2015 23:49:53] Jack Captein: some of them soldiers
  364. [27/02/2015 23:50:01] Jack Captein: most of them just ordinary men and women
  365. [27/02/2015 23:50:08] Jack Captein: were forced into concentration cdamps
  366. [27/02/2015 23:50:10] Jack Captein: camps
  367. [27/02/2015 23:50:12] sean tillie: where/
  368. [27/02/2015 23:50:16] Jack Captein: in germany
  369. [27/02/2015 23:50:23] Jack Captein: and they died of starvation
  370. [27/02/2015 23:50:26] Jack Captein: dehydration
  371. [27/02/2015 23:50:34] Jack Captein: american soldiers would shoot them
  372. [27/02/2015 23:50:38] Jack Captein: and then no one would care
  373. [27/02/2015 23:51:23] sean tillie: so it was mostly jews that wanted dresden bombed?
  374. [27/02/2015 23:51:32] sean tillie: where did the protest this and advocate it
  375. [27/02/2015 23:51:57] Jack Captein: they fucking ran the show you idiot
  376. [27/02/2015 23:51:59] Jack Captein: before ww2
  377. [27/02/2015 23:52:04] Jack Captein: churchill hated the kikes
  378. [27/02/2015 23:52:07] Jack Captein: then one day he was all
  379. [27/02/2015 23:52:09] Jack Captein: pro jewish
  380. [27/02/2015 23:52:16] Jack Captein: they bought him out
  381. [27/02/2015 23:52:29] sean tillie: right because british was a big part of getting israel set up
  382. [27/02/2015 23:52:42] sean tillie: and britain made the concentration camp they were ther first inventors of it
  383. [27/02/2015 23:54:14] sean tillie:
  384. [27/02/2015 23:54:17] sean tillie: im watching this
  385. [28/02/2015 19:17:49] sean tillie: sup man
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