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Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. <sampletext> so, needed to get away from it all
  2. <sampletext> i hope none of you think you were the cause
  3. <sampletext> because that is 110% not the case
  4. <Caku> awwwww
  5. <sampletext> its relieving to be around real friends, not fake ass scumbags who make my situation worse
  6. <sampletext> cant even put into words how much i missed you all
  7. <sampletext> srsly
  8. <sampletext> <333333333333333333333333333333
  9. <grit> sheeiit man that clonazepam hit me like a cannonball
  10. <grit> gonna blog about it
  11. <jihad> giv klonopin
  12. <grit> for Cocku
  13. <jihad> well welcome back sampletext
  14. <grit> jihad: uhm
  15. <grit> i would send you some
  16. <jihad> FBI NOTE: NO HE WOULD NOT
  17. <grit> but it should be some better package
  18. <Eismc2> sampletext: :[ i'm sorries, sampletext
  19. <Eismc2> mayb e it will start gettin better
  20. <grit> not one bottle
  21. <jihad>
  22. <sampletext> i wanted to stay away from any potential drama faggots so that i could put all my time and energy into *actually* getting the fuck out of this total hellhole, and also to get away from the fake friends that say theyre going to help me but dont have any actual intention to.
  23. <sampletext> thanks a lot jihad
  24. <sampletext> i missed you ;3
  25. <sampletext> guess my nick got dropped
  26. <sampletext> :(
  27. <grit> jihad: we may talk about that later
  28. <jihad> NO
  29. <sampletext> fucking GABE
  30. <Caku> God i'm gonna get ryan in here
  31. <jihad> lol
  32. <grit> maybe we will figure out something
  33. <jihad> NO
  34. <gabe> SAM
  35. <jihad> STOP
  36. <gabe> SAM
  37. <jihad> STOP IT
  39. <jihad> lol
  40. <grit> stop what / who
  41. <gabe> get ryan in here
  42. <Eismc2> lmao
  43. <sampletext> ryan was one of the major reasons i wanted to stay away for so long
  44. <grit> lol ok whatever
  45. <grit> u said it
  46. <Eismc2> sampletext: what happenedw ith that
  47. <jihad> yeah you're right
  48. <sampletext> he bluffed me for years about helping me
  49. <Caku> sampletext, no worries he's broke
  50. <Eismc2> well
  51. <Eismc2> yeah
  52. <Caku> btc fell to shit
  53. <sampletext> and made a shitload of more drama and bullshit for me over NOTHING
  54. <sampletext> so yea, fake friend
  55. <Eismc2> sampletext: he's an interesting one for sure
  56. <Caku> I heard otherwise
  57. <sampletext> i have far better ones than that
  58. <jihad> anyone that goes by ryan on the internet is not to be trusted
  59. <jihad> i tried to tell you
  60. <jihad> ;_;
  61. <sampletext> and will be spending my time around them from now on
  62. <sampletext> ive known him for many years jihad
  63. <sampletext> and know more about him than i think anyone else
  64. <Eismc2> you think that
  65. <sampletext> so it would follow...
  66. <sampletext> but i guess not
  67. <Eismc2> but people are
  68. <Eismc2> ...
  69. <Eismc2> well
  70. <Eismc2> yeah
  71. <jihad> reserved is a good way to put it
  72. <jihad> without the negative connotations that he deserves
  73. <sampletext> i dont call anyone who dangles my livelihood in front of my face like that a friend
  74. <sampletext> god
  75. <Caku> did you get a job
  77. <sampletext> you guys have no concept whatsoever how bad it is here
  79. <jks> DUUUUDEEEE
  80. <jks> sampletext:
  81. <jks> wb
  82. <sampletext> no Caku im a cryptotext now
  83. <sampletext> jks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  84. <sampletext> wow all my friends are all here at the same time
  85. <sampletext> :D
  86. <sampletext> i missed the fuck out of you jks
  87. <sampletext> <333333
  88. <jks> :D
  89. <jks> SAME
  90. <jks> <3
  91. <jks> dude
  92. <jks> get on discord
  93. <sampletext> srsly you guys are the realest friends
  94. <jks> same
  95. <sampletext> nah i cant do discord
  96. <jks> where were you?
  97. <sampletext> little too much more me right now lol
  98. <sampletext> here, daytrading
  99. <jks> crypto?
  100. <sampletext> staying away from the pieces of shit that caused me stress and drama for nothing
  101. <jks> dude lol
  102. <jks> discord is a different game
  103. <jks> i use it for VC
  104. <sampletext> yea, holding 460 lumens atm
  105. <jks> its great
  106. <jks> what are lumens
  107. <sampletext> XLM
  108. <jks> and what are they worth
  109. <sampletext> i think .50 right now
  110. * WTFuxor44670 is now known as beefcake
  111. <sampletext> we should start a crypto channel
  112. * DanielBrandt gives channel operator status to beefcake
  113. <Caku> yes please
  114. <jks> join buttcoins
  115. <jks> #buttcoins
  116. <jks> hmm
  117. <beefcake> this sounds complicated
  118. <jks> but the only crypto nerds are you and me
  119. <Caku> it was buttcons
  120. <sampletext> but honestly i was really, really down for a long time with all that shit hitting me at once - inescapable drama and stress, and the realization that who i thought was my best friend was actually just a complete fraud
  121. <sampletext> god damn what a relief to be back here
  122. <Caku> Ryan still comes in here sam
  123. <jks> sampletext: i had an ongoing mental break down also but i still was on irc
  124. <sampletext> i wont be talking to him anymore
  125. <sampletext> hes not a real friend
  126. <sampletext> just pretends to be
  127. <Eismc2> yeah
  128. <sampletext> same with bae
  129. <jks> hmm
  130. <sampletext> shes a piece of shit too
  131. <jks> ok so
  132. <jks> did irc leak out in the real world?
  133. <sampletext> ive just been so mentally exhausted from everything compounding that i just couldnt deal with any of this
  134. <beefcake> it seems like it did in america
  135. <beefcake> jks
  136. <sampletext> jihad didju unregister my nick?
  137. <sampletext> :(
  138. <Eismc2> sampletext: couldhave told you that
  139. <jks> typical jihad
  140. <Eismc2> considering who she runs with
  141. <Caku> 6month ruule sampletext
  142. <jihad> no if happens automatically if you don't use it for X number of days
  143. <jks> nah the nicks direg if not used for a period of time
  144. <sampletext> ah word
  145. <sampletext> fuck :3
  146. <jks> yeah
  147. <jihad> confirmed your nick sampletext
  148. <sampletext> cant believe i wasted so much of my time and energy on such fake people
  149. <sampletext> thanks buddeh <3333
  150. <Eismc2> sampletext: happens
  151. <Eismc2> sampletext: just look at me
  152. <Caku> fake people
  153. <Eismc2> sampletext: i was marrie dot jackal
  154. <sampletext> not gonna happen again tho
  155. <Eismc2> for years
  156. <jihad> Eismc2: never heard of em
  157. <sampletext> yea i know emmi but im much more strict than most people for who i choose to get close to
  158. <sampletext> so it is unlike me to be in such situations
  159. <sampletext> never
  160. <sampletext> ever
  161. <sampletext> again.
  162. <Eismc2> sampletext: happens
  163. <sampletext> damn im really sorry for being gone for so long, or at least not stopping in and confirming that im alive lol
  164. <Eismc2> you're alright
  165. <jihad> also can we confirm this is sampletext
  166. <sampletext> i did have a few police incidents tho, so paranoia reached critical mass
  167. <Eismc2> oh that's lovely
  168. <sampletext> i think ive proven i am the real sampletext lol
  169. <jks> sampletext: ok spook stories time
  170. <jks> the other day i said
  171. <sampletext> alright....
  172. <sampletext> get this shit
  173. <jks> get sampletext on the phone
  174. <jks> and you showed up like
  175. <jks> today
  176. <sampletext> so i live in a townhouse
  177. <sampletext> and on one side is a family of indians who own the dunkin donuts down the street from me
  178. <sampletext> and on the other side, a couple who have a daughter
  179. <sampletext> dont know anything about em, dont really care
  180. <sampletext> so a few months ago, i saw a ton of cops surround my house and block the cars in
  181. <sampletext> and i yanked my laptop out of the wall and threw it into my backpack and ran out my back door
  182. <jks> that explains the paranoia you had before leaving
  183. <sampletext> ran down to the library, and tried to figure out wtf was going on
  184. <sampletext> checking news, etc.
  185. <sampletext> so i went back a few hours later after scoping it out, and realizing that my house wasnt broken into
  186. <jks> HEADLINE NEWS; local maniac hiding in library
  187. <sampletext> so i asked my mom what the fuck happened
  188. <sampletext> and she was like
  189. <sampletext> "oh the neighbors overdosed"
  190. <sampletext> that explains them in front of my house
  191. * taq0 (~paullatza@tod.der.entartung) has joined
  192. <sampletext> but i didnt see the ambulance come because my first instinct was to get up and run asap lol
  193. <sampletext> this happened like 3 more times
  194. <jks> thats why you need to update your *nix and use a word deanonizer
  195. <sampletext> i reformatted tho ;p
  196. <jks> good
  197. <sampletext> yea even tho it was just a case of white trash junkies overdosing a few times, it still has me really paranoid
  198. <sampletext> so yea it fucked me up for a long time lol
  199. <sampletext> and like just a month before that, one of my best friends died from a heroin overdose
  200. <sampletext> which was like 3 weeks after my stepmom died
  201. <jks> .........
  202. <sampletext> so yea lots of shitty things in sampletext's life
  203. <jks> 1000% drama everywhere
  204. <sampletext> yea dude tell me about it
  205. <jks> lol
  206. <sampletext> and then fake ass faggots like ryan and bae go and make more for me over absolutely nothing
  207. <zaiger> anyone got 20 they can lend us on gaypal
  208. <sampletext> and then wonder why i dont talk to them~
  209. <sampletext> omg its fkn zaiger
  210. <sampletext> ZAIGER
  211. <zaiger> HI
  212. <sampletext> HOW DID THINGS GO?!?!?!?!?!
  213. <zaiger> sampletext: <3
  214. <sampletext> <3333333333333333333333
  215. <zaiger> im well, just findraising to pay the site shit
  216. <zaiger> fundraising
  217. <sampletext> glad everytrhing is still around bb ;3
  218. <sampletext> jihad rereg'd me, can i has ops back pls
  219. <zaiger> yeah of course
  220. <zaiger> yeah sure
  221. <jks> sampletext: bonzi was on a few days ago for asshurts irc memorial
  222. <zaiger> !access add sampletext 9
  223. * DanielBrandt gives channel operator status to sampletext
  224. <jks> hes a different man
  225. <sampletext> wewwww
  226. <sampletext> i never knew asshurt
  227. <Eismc2> h zaiger
  228. <sampletext> but ill give condolences for everyone else
  229. <jks> sampletext: you were never on #rustleleague?
  230. <sampletext> nah
  231. <beefcake> soon we can rehost the site on the internet 3.0!
  232. <zaiger> h Eismc2
  233. <jks> could've swore you were
  234. <sampletext> my life's been pretty fucked up for a long time dude, i never really had the time to play around like that
  235. <sampletext> :/
  236. <jks> :/
  237. <sampletext> now my only chance of getting out of this fucking hellhole once and for all is with crypto
  238. <Eismc2> i went to the memorial
  239. <Eismc2> it was sad, but cathartic
  240. <sampletext> i invested $60 into lumens and now im way up
  241. <Eismc2> and turned into a really good time
  242. <sampletext> good to hear it turned out ok emmi
  243. <sampletext> i thought about you guys every single day FYI
  244. <sampletext> but yea, things are not good at all for our hero sampletext
  245. * phobos has quit (Read error)
  246. <sampletext> but i wanted to be around REAL friends to get me feeling a little happier
  247. <sampletext> after all this fucking shit happened to me
  248. <jks> hahah
  249. * phobos ( has joined
  250. <sampletext> jks i figured you were a whale by now ;3
  251. <sampletext> and where the fuck is darkmage
  252. <Caku> mike is installing znc
  253. <gabe> i actually havent seen darkmage in a long ass time
  254. <jks> sampletext: sold everything because of UNI
  255. <Caku> or learning how to make ascii
  256. <jks> i swear to god i would've had like 3 btc if it wasnt for uni
  257. <sampletext> NUUUUUUUUUUU
  258. <sampletext> dude fuck skool
  259. <jks> and around 10 if i were more carefull on what i wanted to experiment with 2012
  260. <sampletext> crypto = retirement
  261. <jks> sampletext: dude
  262. <jks> even that chumchange
  263. <sampletext> i want to see you retired and living your dream jks
  264. <sampletext> same with you gabe
  265. <sampletext> i missed the shit out of you, you fuck
  266. <sampletext> srsly
  267. <sampletext> <333333
  268. <jks> that was floating on my pool hub i used to mine had like ~20$ there
  269. <gabe> <3333
  270. <jks> lol
  271. <sampletext> gahhhhh this is everything i needed
  272. <jks> gabe: i think you came in later after sample disapeared
  273. <gabe> jks: did you get angery when bitcoin collapsed?
  274. <gabe> actually no
  275. <jks> gabe: happy
  276. <sampletext> im very sincerely sorry to have worried you all and gotten you down perhaps
  277. <jks> because i have some cash
  278. <jks> that im saving
  279. <gabe> i was here way before he went "missing"
  280. <jks> for crypto
  281. <gabe> i used to talk to him
  282. <jks> sampletext: there are other oportunities i wanna pursue
  283. <jks> like i need to learn german and move to austria soonish
  284. <sampletext> but you need lots of money mate :(
  285. <zaiger> anyone help a website out with a cloudflare bill, need 20 bucks on paypal
  286. <jks> sampletext: i know how to croundfund
  287. <jks> i know the jewish basics
  288. <sampletext> hahahahahahaha
  289. <jks> i mean
  290. <jks> i see you slinging dick
  291. <jks> EZ
  292. <jks> tb fair
  293. <jks> i never lost on crypto
  294. <jks> like all my losts were sub 10%
  295. <jks> biggest win was x3 my shit
  296. <tiresias> nice
  297. <sampletext> but dude how are you gonna make anonymous purchases without monero ;3
  298. <jks> o man
  299. <jks> yeah true
  300. <sampletext> THATS THE BEST COIN EVER LOL
  301. <jks> im more focused on lightning network
  302. <jks> thats how :3
  303. <jks> have you read the white paper and how it works
  304. <sampletext> i wish i had a computer to mine with
  305. <sampletext> cant do shit on this homoerotic laptop
  306. <sampletext> i dont think so tbh
  307. <jks> sampletext: honestly mining is nigger work
  308. <jks> cornbread crypto basics
  309. <sampletext> dude you just sit there lol
  310. <sampletext> its the best job ever
  311. <tiresias> is btc mining even worth a shit anymore
  312. <sampletext> make money doing nothing
  313. <sampletext> yea no one would mine btc tiresias
  314. <sampletext> we mean mining altcoins
  315. * toydragon (~Rawr@cute.little.dragon) has joined
  316. <tiresias> i see
  317. <sampletext> altho monero's difficulty shot way up recently
  318. * Anonymous_ has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  319. <jks> sampletext: yeah but like i dont wanna play farmville with and min-max my mining all weekend like i used to
  320. <sampletext> TOYDRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  321. <sampletext> TOYDRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  322. * Anonymous_ (~User@wtfux-65F6428A) has joined
  323. <sampletext> omfg
  324. <jks> 3 month card returns like fuck those days are over
  325. <sampletext> i missed you so much bofhers <333333
  326. <jks> now its 10 months return
  327. <sampletext> yea :/
  328. <sampletext> im in an irc with some old warnetters who are all trying to get rich off crypto
  329. <sampletext> so they been helping me
  330. <sampletext> but i help lots too
  331. <toydragon> sampletext YOU"RE BACK!
  332. <jks> sampletext: pm me the room
  333. <sampletext> i wanna set something like that up for all my cryptobros here
  334. <jks> can i lurk?
  335. <sampletext> now that im in the thing
  336. <toydragon> nice nice
  337. <sampletext> ofc jks
  338. <toydragon> one of them found me earlier
  339. <toydragon> i told 'em to give you a gif
  340. <sampletext> yea toydragon im back for good now, i left because of all the drama that fake "friends" like ryan and bae made for me
  341. <sampletext> on top of a truckload of RL drama and funerals
  342. <toydragon> oh
  343. <sampletext> yea, overwhelmed with stress and had to leave
  344. <jks> you know
  345. <jks> all this shit you've been telling me
  346. <jks> dwarfs my current problems
  347. <jks> like my biggest problem rn is
  348. <jks> debating on to shave off my beard or not
  349. <jihad> heh i've been debating the same thing jks
  350. <jihad> well maybe not all of it
  351. <sampletext> i didnt iamgine you to be a bearded man m'jks
  352. <tiresias> i shaved it off recently
  353. <sampletext> jihad you know better than to do that.
  354. <tiresias> it itches
  355. <sampletext> >:(
  356. <sampletext> you are our resident beardliest
  357. <jks> sampletext: yeah in looks i have two options
  358. <jks> 1) baby man face
  359. <jks> 2) .c programmer from the 90's
  360. <jihad> yeah sampletext i want to keep my beard but idk planning on flying soon and contemplating shaving my beard down more to try and not get "special" treatment at the airport
  361. <sampletext> LOL
  362. <jks> hard pick tbh
  363. <sampletext> dude i always keep my face cleanly shaven
  364. <gabe> i have a beard
  365. <gabe> i hate it
  366. <jks> jihad has an old java 3.0 beard thing going on ever since i knew him
  367. <sampletext> im trying to buy a laser hair removal device to keep it that way too haha
  368. <sampletext> nah jihad's beard is some gentoo shit
  369. <jks> yeah lol exactly
  370. <tiresias> gentto lunix
  371. <jihad> i trimmed my beard kind of recently
  372. <jihad> for family christmas, actually lmao
  373. <jks> sampletext: like i have that thing where i cant actually get any hair on my cheeks
  374. <jks> that bugs me
  375. <wilirc> isn't shaving how terrorists make some of their final preparation?
  376. <gabe> the only reason why i dont shave
  377. <jks> and i can grow a weak cat whiskers mustache
  378. <gabe> is because im lazy af
  379. <tiresias> same
  380. <jks> tiresias: honestly
  381. <jks> what i saw on tinychat that day
  382. <jks> was p similar to what i have
  383. <jks> except longer
  384. <tiresias> what i had?
  385. <jks> the cat whiskers on your face lol
  386. <tiresias> lmao
  387. <tiresias> yeah
  388. <tiresias> its longer now
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