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a guest
Nov 15th, 2019
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  1. on right click on lime wool:
  2. spawn 1 zombie at block above event-block
  3. set event-block to air
  4. loop all entities in radius 2 of event-block:
  5. if loop-entity is a zombie:
  6. set max health of loop-entity to 750
  7. set health of loop-entity to 750
  8. equip loop-entity with all diamond armor of protection 20 and unbreaking 32767
  9. set loop-entity's held item to iron sword of sharpness 10 and unbreaking 32767
  10. set name of loop-entity to "&b&lMountain Grump"
  11. set the loop-entity's walk speed to 0.50
  13. every 5 ticks:
  14. loop all entities:
  15. if name of loop-entity contains "&b&lMountain Grump":
  16. set name of loop-entity to "&b&lMountain Grump &7[%health of loop-entity%/750"
  17. if name of loop-entity contains "&b&lMountain Minion":
  18. set name of loop-entity to "&b&lMountain Minion &7[%health of loop-entity%/170"
  20. on damage:
  21. if name of victim contains "&b&lMountain Grump":
  22. if victim's health is below 749:
  23. chance of 3%:
  24. loop all players in radius 10 around victim:
  25. set the loop-player's walk speed to 0
  26. strike lightning effect at the loop-player
  27. damage loop-player by 2
  28. send "&7You have been freezed for 10 seconds by the &b&lMountain Grump" to loop-player
  30. on damage:
  31. if name of victim contains "&b&lMountain Grump":
  32. if victim's health is below 499:
  33. chance of 5%:
  34. loop 10 times:
  35. spawn falling block of stone or cobble stone or smooth stone or dead fire coral block 3 blocks above victim
  36. push last spawned entity upwards at speed 3
  37. wait 3 ticks
  38. push last spawned entity north or northwest or east or southwest or west or south at speed 0.2 or 0.3 or 0.4 or 0.5
  40. on damage:
  41. if name of victim contains "&b&lMountain Grump":
  42. if victim's health is below 499:
  43. chance of 1%:
  44. loop all players in radius 5 around victim:
  45. push loop-player backwards at speed 7
  46. apply regeneration 10 to victim for 4 seconds
  48. on damage:
  49. if name of victim contains "&b&lMountain Grump":
  50. if victim's health is below 199:
  51. chance of 3%:
  52. loop 3 times:
  53. spawn 1 baby zombie above victim
  54. loop all entities in radius 5 around victim:
  55. if loop-entity is a baby zombie:
  56. equip loop-entity with all iron armor of protection 10 and unbreaking 32767
  57. set loop-entity's held item to stone sword of sharpness 7 and unbreaking 32767
  58. set loop-entity's name to "&b&lMountain Minion"
  60. on block land:
  61. cancel event
  62. create a fake explosion at event-block
  63. loop all players in radius 5 of event-block:
  64. damage loop-player by 5
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