

May 10th, 2014
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  39. <div id="nan"></div>
  40. <div id="boxie"></div>
  41. <div id="woxie">
  42. <div class="a" id="a"><div class="head"><font size="6">✒</font>dossier</div><div class="bod"><center> Name - Ise Nanao
  43. <br> Race - Soul
  44. <br> Birthday - July 7
  45. <br> Gender - Female
  46. <br> Height - 5'4'
  47. <br> Weight - 106lbs
  48. <br> Orientation - Booksexual
  49. <br> Marital - Intensely Engaged
  50. <br> Affiliation - Gotei 13; Soul Society
  51. <br> Profession - Shinigami
  52. <br> Position - Co-Lieutenant of 1st Division; Vice-President of S.W.A
  53. <br> Partner - Shunsui Kyoraku; Genshiro Okikiba
  54. </center>
  55. </div></div>
  56. <div class="a" id="b"><div class="head"><font size="6">✒</font>analysis</div><div class="bod"><p>She is a very serious and pragmatic person who often puts up with her captain's silly antics, but like all lieutenants, she is extremely respectful of her captain and follows his instructions without hesitation. She is almost always carrying a heavy book. Nanao is often accosted by her captain, whose teasing takes various forms.</p> <p> Nanao's usual reaction is to scold him or hit him with something, usually a fan. When she is particularly annoyed she takes off her glasses, though her face has never been seen while doing so. Apparently this act is quite frightening, as most people who see it are reduced to gibbering wrecks just by witnessing it.</p>
  57. <p>In her free time, she likes to go shopping, but even more to read, and often visits the library. She is on good terms with fellow reader Momo Hinamori; she even brought her books during her hospitalization. Nanao also has an article serialization in Seireitei Communication, titled "Please be Moderate", which is very popular, especially among the male readers. </p> <p>Nanao is known to be an excellent calculator, a skill very handy, given that she has to do even most of her captain's paperwork. Her favorite food is sweet bean jelly, and she does not like powdered green tea, a trait which is interestingly shared with her captain.</p>
  58. <font size="5">✒</font><b>Zanpakuto:</b> Nanao's Zanpakutō takes the form of what appears to be either a wakizashi or tantō, with a rectangular tsuba decorated with diamond shapes on its corners and question-mark shapes on its broad sides.
  59. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>Kido Expert:</b> Nanao is skilled enough to perform low- and mid-level spells without incantation. She is skilled enough to easily create intricate and advanced spells like Hakūdan Keppeki within a small amount of time when given the right information.
  60. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>Shunpo Practitioner:</b> Nanao is proficient enough in Shunpo to keep up with most lieutenant-level Shinigami.
  61. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>High Spiritual Power:</b> Being a lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Nanao boasts a high spiritual energy.
  64. </div></div>
  65. <div class="a" id="c"><div class="head"><font size="6">✒</font>associates</div><div class="bod"><font size="5">✒</font><b>Shunsui Kyoraku:</b> Her Captain.
  66. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>x:</b>
  67. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>x:</b>
  68. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>x:</b>
  69. </div> </div>
  70. <div class="a" id="d"><div class="head"><font size="6">✒</font>writer</div><div class="bod">
  71. <font size="5">✒</font><b>CSS/HTML + Design:</b> Mine. I assist others, so feel free to ask.
  72. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>PMs:</b> I welcome them! Feel free to message me, but do keep in mind that Nanao isn't the most 'bubbly' person you're going to interact with. I still try to be as kind as possible, though, so do not fear!
  73. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>Characters:</b> I interact with all types of characters as long as you do not insist on being a jerk/bitch OOC. I am as friendly toward you as you are toward me, golden rule. So yes, I will RP with cyborgs, furries, that kid down the street, etc.
  74. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>Sex:</b> Nanao is not promiscuous, and I don't intend to play her as such. Romance and love struggles are welcomed, though. I do joke around OOC; so if she brings any attention to her delicious flat chest, remember just how OOC that is.
  75. <br><font size="5">✒</font><b>Availability + Messengers:</b> I am around when I can be. I have a couple other alts that I get on if I do not feel like taking on Nanao's persona. Feel free to ask for my other names. I don't have messengers, since I am only around chat when I have time.
  78. </div></div>
  80. </div>
  81. <div id="ise" >Ise Nanao</div>
  82. <div id="mod" class="deco">all things in moderation</div>
  83. <div id="ah" class ="dot" ><a href="#a" class="guch"></a></div><div id="ah2"> dossier </div>
  84. <div id="bh" class="dot"><a href="#b" class="guch"></a></div><div id="bh2"> analysis </div>
  85. <div id="ch" class="dot"><a href="#c" class="guch"></a></div><div id="ch2"> associates </div>
  86. <div id="de" class="dot"><a href="#d" class="guch"></a></div><div id="dh2"> writer </div>
  88. </div>
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