
the letter

May 11th, 2022
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  1. Hi Katie,
  3. This statement comes from and was approved by the entire Hologender server moderator staff. Unfortunately it has come to our attention that you are breaching the guidelines and common courtesy of the server in the ways including but not limited to:
  5. 1. Blatant disregard and disrespect for staff members, including one in particular you have made no attempt to reconcile with in public or private despite at least one witnessed account of them attempting to reconcile with you in public
  6. 2. Disrespect to others and lack of tact in the Movie Night events across several instances to the point that the organizer no longer wants to put them on with your presence
  7. 3. Multiple reports of discomfort caused in public and private discussion that has led to multiple members either disengaging or outright leaving the server.
  8. We have all agreed that this behavior can no longer be tolerated in our environment and are issuing an official warning against you with the following immediate restrictions:
  10. 1. Until a path and agreement to resolve any concerns in these incidents is resolved you are no longer welcome in Movie Night events within the server. Failure to comply will result in an immediate cease to the proceedings until you are removed. This is non-negotiable.
  12. Forging forward, the entire staff is open to working with you on the above concerns in order to both absolve the warning and restriction in line with our guidelines:
  14. "Talking about your own accountability:
  15. - Remember that we all make errors, but they can be fixed and the repair carried with you.
  16. - Being asked to accept accountability, doesn't mean you just drift away from it and assume it is done. You need to be willing to respond to it in one way or another, as does the one who was seeking it. How can we correctly fix something without input from those who are affected by it?"
  18. Therefore we have stated our issues and we do not want to tell you how we want them fixed, but want to hear your path forward to address and resolve these so we can close this chapter and get back to the community united.
  20. We have no intentions of dragging these discussions into the public eye unless a direct violation of the laid out restrictions has occurred. As long as you agree to the same we will be happy to proceed
  22. Regards,
  23. The Hologender Discord Staff
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