

Mar 22nd, 2020
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  1. [6:53 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: are you busy
  2. [6:54 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: A bit
  3. [6:54 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Once tv show done with brother I'll let you know
  4. [6:54 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: 😢
  5. [7:06 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: What's going on
  6. [7:06 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i just need some guidance
  7. [8:05 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: What's up
  8. [8:09 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: just a second
  9. [8:10 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: sam is giving me a bunch of usernames he no longer wants
  10. [8:10 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Ahh
  11. [8:12 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: but i was trying to compile a python bot
  12. [8:13 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i've already done the fail over ip's
  13. [8:13 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: and my ipv6 ip is working
  14. [8:16 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Oh
  15. [8:19 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: so i tried to install pip
  16. [8:20 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: apt install python-pip python3-pip
  17. [8:20 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: yes that's the one i did
  18. [8:21 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: What are you stuck on?
  19. [8:22 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: first the pip
  20. [8:22 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: then i get distracted
  21. [8:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: okay this next part i'm not sure about
  22. [8:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: adding /home
  23. [8:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: You might need to add $HOME/.local/bin to your PATH.:
  25. echo 'PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.$(echo $SHELL|cut -d/ -f3)rc
  26. source ~/.$(echo $SHELL|cut -d/ -f3)rc
  27. [8:26 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: That makes it so that anything in .local/bin in your home path is executable on the command line without an absolute path
  28. [8:26 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: so do tihs: echo 'PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.$(echo $SHELL|cut -d/ -f3)rc
  29. source ~/.$(echo $SHELL|cut -d/ -f3)rc
  30. [8:26 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: the stuff in $PATH contains a list of directories separated by a colon : that your shell will search for commands to run
  31. [8:27 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: It should work I think
  32. [8:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: its not working for me
  33. [8:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: hmm
  34. [8:34 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: should be one line
  35. [8:34 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: or two
  36. [8:34 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: two lines not workng for me
  37. [8:34 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Two
  38. [8:36 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how do i know if it took?
  39. [8:37 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: echo $PATH |grep .local/bin
  40. [8:38 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: oops
  41. [8:38 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: /root/.local/bin:/root/.local/bin:/root/.local/bin:/root/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
  42. [8:41 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: It looks like it worked to me
  43. [8:41 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: It's not making you run the bot as root is it?
  44. [8:45 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: not that i can tell
  45. [8:48 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: now i'm on this part
  46. [8:48 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: Configuration
  47. We are now ready to configure Supybot. Supybot creates quite a few auxiliary files/directories to store its runtime data. It is thus recommended to create an empty directory from which you’ll be running supybot, to keep all the data in a nice dedicated location. For example, you may create a ‘runbot’ directory inside your home directory.
  49. Now you can cd to your ‘runbot’ directory, and from within it run supybot-wizard, which will walk you through a series of questions to generate the bot config file.
  50. [8:49 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: One thing to make sure to do in the wizard, to make your life easier down the line, is to select y for the Would you like to add an owner user for your bot? question, and actually create the owner user. Remember that password, so that you can later ‘’identify’’ with the bot on IRC and administer it.
  52. Once you generate the config file, which will be named yourbotnick.conf (where “yourbotnick” is the nick you have chosen for your bot in the wizard), it will be placed in your ‘runbot’ directory. (As long as you leave the default answer to the ‘’Where would you like to create these directories?’’ question.)
  54. Now to start the bot, run, still from within the ‘runbot’ directory:
  55. [8:50 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Do what it says
  56. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: so do i need to do cd /home
  57. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: then do
  58. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You should not be doing this as root btw
  59. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: These directions
  60. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: supybot yourbotnick.conf
  61. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Anyhow, you would do:
  63. mkdir botname
  64. cd botname
  65. supybot-wizard
  66. [8:51 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: If you run the bot as root, it'll run everything under it as root, giving the bot access to everything
  67. [8:53 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: brb
  68. [9:02 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: Had to take London outside
  69. [9:15 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: so
  70. [9:15 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i need to do mkdir botname
  71. [9:15 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: let me look at the usernames that sam gave me
  72. [9:18 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: freebase, coma, camilla, indeed, thorne, isaBela , cLara, Alicia, line, fluffy, FunkyGirL, claire, muah, lia, or book
  73. [9:18 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: which one/
  74. [9:18 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: That's up to you
  75. [9:19 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: If you don't know which one, create a new account for it and su - newaccount
  76. [9:21 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: okay
  77. [9:23 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how do i create a password for bot?
  78. [9:23 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i did mkdir fluffy
  79. [9:23 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: The system account or the actual bot?
  80. [9:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: then i did cd fluffy
  81. [9:24 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: So you're in /home/<someuser>/fluffy now?
  82. [9:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: root@vps270071:/home# cd ..
  83. root@vps270071:/# mkdir fluffy
  84. root@vps270071:/# cd fluffy
  85. root@vps270071:/fluffy# supybot-wizard
  86. Running as root is not supported by default (see --allow-root).
  87. root@vps270071:/fluffy#
  88. [9:24 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: No
  89. [9:25 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: rm -r /fluffy
  90. useradd fluffy --shell=/bin/bash -m
  91. echo fluffy:ChangeThisToSomething | chpasswd
  92. su - fluffy
  93. mkdir ircbot
  94. cd ircbot
  95. supybot-wizard
  96. [9:25 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: someuser?
  97. [9:27 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: umm
  98. [9:28 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Those are the commands you want to run, in order, one at a time
  99. [9:29 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: what screen am i supposed to be on for this
  100. [9:29 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: root@vps270071:/#
  101. [9:29 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: this one
  102. [9:31 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Yes.
  103. [9:31 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Be very careful typing that rm command
  104. [9:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: no such file of directory
  105. [9:34 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: On which command?
  106. [9:34 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: first one
  107. [9:34 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Ignore that and move on
  108. [9:35 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: echo fluffy:ChangeThisToSomething | chpasswd
  109. su - fluffy
  110. mkdir ircbot
  111. cd ircbot
  112. supybot-wizard
  113. [9:36 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Did they all work?
  114. [9:37 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: This is a wizard to help you start running supybot. What it will
  115. do is create the necessary config files based on the options you
  116. select here. So hold on tight and be ready to be interrogated :)
  118. First of all, we can bold the questions you're asked so you can
  119. easily distinguish the mostly useless blather (like this) from
  120. the questions that you actually have to answer.
  122. Would you like to try this bolding? [y/n] (default: y)
  123. [9:39 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: Your bot needs to create some directories in order to store the
  124. various log, config, and data files.
  126. Where would you like to create these directories? (default:
  127. [9:39 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how do i answer this question
  128. [9:43 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Answer them how you see fit. I would assume whatever the default option is would be good
  129. [9:43 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Is what I would edo
  130. [9:43 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: do*
  131. [9:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: What plugin would you like to look at? [Aka/Alias/Anonymous/
  132. AutoMode/BadWords/ChannelLogger/ChannelStats/Conditional/Ctcp/
  133. Debug/Dict/Dunno/Factoids/Filter/Format/GPG/Games/Google/
  134. Hashes/Herald/Internet/Karma/Lart/Later/Limiter/Math/
  135. MessageParser/MoobotFactoids/Network/News/NickAuth/NickCapture/
  136. Nickometer/Note/Plugin/PluginDownloader/Praise/Protector/Quote/
  137. QuoteGrabs/RSS/Relay/Reply/Scheduler/SedRegex/Seen/Services/
  138. ShrinkUrl/Status/String/Success/Time/Todo/Topic/URL/Unix/
  139. Utilities/Web]
  140. [9:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: its giving me choice to look at these
  141. [9:51 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: which is cool
  142. [9:52 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: 🙂
  143. [10:24 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how do i add a plugin directory?
  144. [10:26 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: I've never used the bot before
  145. [10:27 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Did you check the website to see if there is a FAQ or documentation that has an answer?
  146. [10:30 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Not seeing anything useful on their site
  147. [10:31 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: What exists in the bot directory? did it create a 'plugins' directory?
  148. [10:31 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: Your bot will also need to know where to find its plugins at. Of
  149. course, it already knows where the plugins that it came with are,
  150. but your own personal plugins that you write for will probably be
  151. somewhere else.
  153. Currently, the bot knows about the following directories:
  155. /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/supybot/plugins
  157. Would you like to add another plugin directory? Adding a local plugin
  158. directory is good style. [y/n] (default: y) y
  160. What directory do you want to use? (default: ./plugins)
  161. [10:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: for example
  162. [10:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i want to add this one
  163. [10:32 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy:
  164. [10:35 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: I believe you:
  166. su - fluffy
  167. cd ircbot
  168. git clone
  169. mv limnoria-plugins plugins
  170. [10:38 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: load PluginDownloader<br />
  171. repolist oddluck<br />
  172. install oddluck PluginName<br />
  173. cd <YourBotDirectory>/plugins/<PluginName><br />
  174. cd YourBotDirectory/plugins/PluginName<br />
  175. python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade<br />
  176. load PluginName<br />
  177. [10:39 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: what this mean?
  178. [10:40 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: I don't know what the top three are
  179. [10:40 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: But the others are commands to change into the bot directory with the plugin, and install dependencies
  180. [10:40 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: the load command maybe needs running on the bot itself
  181. [10:54 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: another queston
  182. [10:54 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: on the services plugin
  183. [10:54 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: it only gives me options for nickserv and chanserv
  184. [10:55 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how to do X
  185. [10:55 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Maybe there is a third party plugin for it
  186. [10:55 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: ohhh
  187. [10:55 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: right
  188. [10:55 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i'll have to look for it
  189. [10:56 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You could probably let the ZNC handle that
  190. [10:56 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: If you connect it through one
  191. [10:57 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: hmm
  192. [10:57 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: how to put it on a znc?
  193. [10:58 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You would look for the server/port lines, and check for a password line as well
  194. [11:03 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: but dont tell me how to put it on a znc
  195. [11:05 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You create a ZNC normally
  196. put the server address as the ZNC server address
  197. the port as the ZNC port
  198. if ssl is enabled, make sure the bot uses SSL (however it does that, it might be another setting, or it might accept a +)
  199. [11:06 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Or you mean you really don't want me to say?
  200. [11:06 PM, 3/21/2020] slink:
  201. [11:07 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: can i create a znc on the same ip with the bot?
  202. [11:07 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: did i really say this fucking wrong, fuck, what is wrong with me
  203. [11:08 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: you know i'm close to 48 hours no sleep
  204. [11:08 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You should try to sleep
  205. [11:08 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: You'll need to install a znc
  206. [11:09 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: but undernet doesn't have ssl
  207. [11:12 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: The ZNC is a relay. If it hosts SSL then the bot connects via, and the ZNC connects normal
  208. [11:12 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: you remember me bitching about how hot it ws two days ago
  209. [11:12 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: now its cold today but i'm loving it
  210. [11:14 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Cold would be nice
  211. [11:18 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: yeah
  212. [11:35 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: All done! Your new bot configuration is ./fluffy.conf. If you're
  213. running a *nix based OS, you can probably start your bot with the
  214. command line "supybot ./fluffy.conf". If you're not running a
  215. *nix or similar machine, you'll just have to start it like you
  216. start all your other Python scripts.
  217. [11:35 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: i just need to know how to do the znc
  218. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Gonna watch some more TV with brother, bbiabish
  219. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Check out that link I gave you
  220. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: I assume you edit the fluffy.conf and put whatever in there
  221. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: huh?
  222. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: :(
  223. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: have fun
  224. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] Crissy: guess i'll figure it out
  225. [11:36 PM, 3/21/2020] slink:
  226. [11:37 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: That has some of the settings
  227. [11:40 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: I can't find the serverport settings
  228. [11:45 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: grep server fluffy.conf
  229. [11:50 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: supybot.networks.undernet.servers: ZNCSERVERIP:ZNCPORT
  231. supybot.networks.undernet.password: zncuser/network:pass
  232. [11:52 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: supybot.networks.undernet.ssl: True
  234. If ssl
  235. [11:54 PM, 3/21/2020] slink: Hugs btw
  237. I hope you feel better and find some sleep
  239. Watching TV still but wanted to help you since you seem to be extra down
  240. [12:46 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: Hi
  241. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: You doing better?
  242. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: Hi
  243. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: I guess
  244. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: You?
  245. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: hugs Chrissy with two A's
  246. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: S's
  247. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: Just woke up
  248. [12:47 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: What a
  249. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: What s
  250. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: Laugh out loud
  251. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: I slept four hours
  252. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: You figure out the bot?
  253. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: No
  254. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: I got mad and turned it off
  255. [12:48 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: You check my notes?
  256. [12:49 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: I couldn't think straight
  257. [12:49 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: Tech can suck
  258. [12:49 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: I can't get this damn song out my damn head
  259. [12:49 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: Which?
  260. [12:50 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: I have an actress stuck in my head right now
  261. [12:50 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: Sixx am life is beautiful
  262. [12:53 PM, 3/22/2020] slink: Yeah?
  263. [1:32 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: no
  264. [1:33 PM, 3/22/2020] Crissy: i gotta clock in for work
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