
Fake loading messages

Apr 13th, 2013
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  1. var loadingMsg:Array = [
  2. "Building highway",
  3. "Flying to 15,000 metres",
  4. "Measuring BPM",
  5. "Getting some milk",
  6. "Occupying Wall Street",
  7. "Cleaning hairballs",
  8. "Disarming mousetraps",
  9. "Tuning electric guitars",
  10. "Waiting for Half-Life 3",
  11. "Hiding in closet",
  12. "Feeding pigeons",
  13. "Setting up drum kit",
  14. "Consulting doctor before use",
  15. "Holding world ransom for one miiillioon dollaaaars",
  16. "Going over 55",
  17. "Taking off and landing",
  18. "Performing heart transplant",
  19. "Calling for medic",
  20. "Sitting in ICU",
  21. "Downing US drone",
  22. "Seeing why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch",
  23. "Loading next message",
  24. "Loading, lol",
  25. "Testing for trans fats (found 0.2g so far)",
  26. "Studying for finals",
  27. "Waking up at 8AM",
  28. "Pushing down and turning to open",
  29. "Experiencing mental breakdown",
  30. "Staring at scenery",
  31. "Creating vanishing point",
  32. "Initializing combo multiplier",
  33. "Making fun of North Korea",
  34. "Launching nuclear ICBM",
  35. "Observing speedy vulpes vulpes bounding over slothful canine",
  36. "Enranging Botox doctors by using 1 weird old tip",
  37. "Making a man out of you",
  38. "Watching birds",
  39. "Being a shooting star passing through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity",
  40. "Troubleshooting Z receptor",
  41. "Getting this mix perfect (this may take a while)",
  42. "Getting free refill",
  43. "Sleeping on the job",
  44. "Converting to Actionscript 4",
  45. "Buying new iPhone",
  46. "Debating Call Of Duty vs. Battlefield",
  47. "Updating Adobe software",
  48. "Preparing for chiptune solo",
  49. "Brewing one tall frappuncino w/ cream",
  50. "Laughing at Mac users",
  51. "Searching for extraterrestrial intelligence",
  52. "Taking out the trash",
  53. "Running for presidential election"
  54. ];
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