
Arn - m8

Sep 1st, 2018
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  1. [01/08/2018 09:55:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34
  2. [01/08/2018 09:55:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34
  3. [01/08/2018 09:55:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 The commands were disabled by admins until the vehicle system gets fixed.
  4. [01/08/2018 09:56:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Warned for abuse, and muted for 3 warnings
  5. [01/08/2018 09:56:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Only if it doesn't give you advantage, otherwise I recommend not.
  6. [01/08/2018 10:08:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39
  7. [01/08/2018 12:10:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 /report for an admin's assistance
  8. [01/08/2018 12:16:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 Go inside a binco store "T Shirt" icon, and /buyclothes inside
  9. [01/08/2018 12:18:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 /mydeaths
  10. [01/08/2018 12:18:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 Don't use /newb if you're not sure about the correct answer
  11. [01/08/2018 12:22:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 48 Warned for abuse, auto muted for extra warnings.
  12. [01/08/2018 12:22:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Sometimes it does, it depends on the player's name, I think its bugged, use /reportbug
  13. [01/08/2018 12:23:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 50 Use /jobhelp for more information regarding jobs, /skills for how many times left.
  14. [01/08/2018 12:37:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 Next time you'll be muted for 3 hours
  15. [01/08/2018 12:37:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Upgrades are worth around 1 Million and 50k
  16. [01/08/2018 12:37:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 Scroll up and check your /newb answer
  17. [01/08/2018 12:43:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Type /dropcar, it'll give you a red checkpoint on your mini-map, its at ocean docks.
  18. [01/08/2018 12:43:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Yeah, giving away money from Alt account to Main account.
  19. [01/08/2018 19:44:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 Yes, /doorknock, use /househelp for more info
  20. [01/08/2018 20:07:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Answer properly, verbally warned
  21. [01/08/2018 20:32:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 No, thats Carlos Castelli
  22. [01/08/2018 20:37:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Go inside cityhall and /payticket, /helpme for assistance
  23. [01/08/2018 20:38:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 You need an admin to re-give you the leadership to synchorize the name
  24. [01/08/2018 21:15:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 /pm would do, not for /newb
  25. [01/08/2018 21:18:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 QS isn't allowed, FC them if you have evidence
  26. [01/08/2018 21:19:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Not the proper answer for his question.
  27. [01/08/2018 21:19:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Try public places, Bank/Pizza Stacks/Pershing Square
  28. [01/08/2018 21:20:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Use /helpme for a helper's assistance mate, not for /newb
  29. [01/08/2018 21:44:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Rulebreaking tax, you get fined when you break a rule
  30. [02/08/2018 09:31:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Purchase a spraycan from 24/7 then /colorcar while inside a vehicle.
  31. [02/08/2018 10:37:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 It's beside all saints hospital, /helpme to show you
  32. [02/08/2018 10:41:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40
  33. [02/08/2018 10:42:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 /helpme, I will show you
  34. [02/08/2018 10:42:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 Try to report to an admin for your issue, it might be a bug.
  35. [02/08/2018 10:50:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 /exit
  36. [02/08/2018 11:16:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 /pm the player for his mistakes instead of using /newb for that, verbally warned
  37. [02/08/2018 11:18:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 I removed your newbie warning. don't use /newb for that now
  38. [02/08/2018 11:34:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 Car sales are disabled by the script, the vehicle system is under maintainence.
  39. [02/08/2018 12:22:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 If you cannot find it on /dealerships, it is.
  40. [02/08/2018 12:34:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 /report for an admin to allow you to re-RP with the cops.
  41. [02/08/2018 12:45:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 No, use /jobhelp to view all the available jobs
  42. [02/08/2018 13:13:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 200,000$, and unlimited items within the robbed person's possession.
  43. [02/08/2018 13:14:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Yes, vehicle system is bugged.
  44. [02/08/2018 13:14:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 /v sell was disabled by devs until the vehicle system gets fixed.
  45. [02/08/2018 13:23:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 If you want to shoot people for no reason, go play inside paintball.
  46. [02/08/2018 13:24:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 62 M/c?
  47. [02/08/2018 13:46:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 You can't sell M4s unless you're a level 5 arms dealer and in a family.
  48. [02/08/2018 13:46:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36
  49. [02/08/2018 13:47:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Level 1 arms dealer shouldn't be able to, use /reportbug and report it.
  50. [02/08/2018 14:04:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Google Hex color IDs.
  51. [04/08/2018 11:08:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Business stores? No, because people don't hangout there
  52. [04/08/2018 11:14:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 Not a script related question mate.
  53. [04/08/2018 11:32:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Not for /newb.
  54. [04/08/2018 11:38:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Yes, you can change the weather with Voodoo magic at /tikistore, with weather ID.
  55. [04/08/2018 11:54:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Server restart to fix/update stuff.
  56. [04/08/2018 11:55:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap
  57. [04/08/2018 11:55:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Just wait for it to reach 50 HP then /accept death, make sure you're not involved in any RP situation.
  58. [04/08/2018 12:14:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 It allows you to sail with a boat without getting arrested.
  59. [04/08/2018 12:25:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 /report for a weather change, don't complain over /newb for it please
  60. [04/08/2018 12:28:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /hpm 26 Don't use /ap to continue an answer, strikable just saying bro
  61. [04/08/2018 12:29:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11
  62. [04/08/2018 12:30:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Don't answer to abusive questions, verbally warned
  63. [04/08/2018 12:30:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 /sex command was removed, so condom is useless now. roleplay it
  64. [04/08/2018 12:31:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Warned for abuse, and auto muted for having 3 warnings.
  65. [04/08/2018 12:37:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 The whole server restarts; I think the gameplay period resets, so Yes.
  66. [04/08/2018 12:43:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 /newbietag, once you reach level 2
  67. [04/08/2018 12:45:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 Rephrase your question please
  68. [04/08/2018 12:53:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Use /calc and divide it for 60
  69. [04/08/2018 12:54:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 I don't recommend buying a vehicle, the vehicle system is currently bugged.
  70. [04/08/2018 12:54:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Indeed it is.
  71. [04/08/2018 12:57:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Because you're inside an object, not a SAMP interior.
  72. [04/08/2018 12:58:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Cars are bugged, I don't recommend buying/selling any for now.
  73. [04/08/2018 13:23:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Not for /newb, verbally warned, keep it for script related questions.
  74. [04/08/2018 13:25:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23
  75. [04/08/2018 13:57:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 You can't open it scriptwise as long as you don't have the keys. (not being in a faction)
  76. [04/08/2018 13:57:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Don't use /newb for that, keep it for questions/answers only, verbally warned
  77. [04/08/2018 13:58:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 Warned for insulting over /newb
  78. [04/08/2018 14:05:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 46 It's a public place, the rules says no Robbing/Kidnapping in public.
  79. [04/08/2018 14:17:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 15 Make sure to obtain evidence with 'F8'; because you can't be robbed as level 1
  80. [04/08/2018 14:24:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap
  81. [04/08/2018 14:24:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Stop giving false answers if you don't know.
  82. [04/08/2018 14:54:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 /togradios, or /toggleplay
  83. [04/08/2018 16:42:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20
  84. [04/08/2018 16:43:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Warned for abuse, don't use /newb for OOC backup
  85. [04/08/2018 16:44:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Removed, /pm me next time
  86. [04/08/2018 17:14:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 You installed SAMP interface while installing the SAMP addons.
  87. [04/08/2018 17:15:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 Yes, you won't crash from SAMP bugs anymore, but SARP mappings, still crashy
  88. [04/08/2018 17:16:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 Nope, its way better to fix all SAMP bugs, I'd rather keep it if I were you.
  89. [04/08/2018 17:27:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 72 /placeboombox, then /edit it
  90. [04/08/2018 17:43:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 60 Take evidence and post a forum complaint.
  91. [04/08/2018 17:44:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 60 Your question has been answered already.
  92. [04/08/2018 17:44:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Report them to the chief ICly
  93. [04/08/2018 17:44:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 60 SS /mydeaths and post a forum complaint with that SS, admins will take care of it.
  94. [04/08/2018 17:46:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Type /dmv, you'll receive a checkpoint on your map
  95. [04/08/2018 17:47:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 You welcome, /pm next time time, not over /newb
  96. [04/08/2018 17:54:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 At the DMV, type in /dmv to get a red dot on minimap
  97. [04/08/2018 18:02:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 No, they'll announce it once its fixed.
  98. [04/08/2018 19:05:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Great to hear that, but keep /newb for script related questions only.
  99. [04/08/2018 19:14:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Try PM'ing a shop moderator for your order ID to be approved.
  100. [04/08/2018 19:27:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Not for /newb though, IC issue
  101. [04/08/2018 19:52:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 /buylevel with 50k in hand, once you reach 12 of respect points, /stats for more info
  102. [04/08/2018 19:54:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 Take evidence with 'F8' and post a forum complaint against the player for DM.
  103. [04/08/2018 21:07:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Your question was answered recently.
  104. [04/08/2018 21:17:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 /buylevel when you have 50k in hand, and 8 respect points, /stats to view them
  105. [04/08/2018 21:40:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Ofcourse not, SAST is disbanded
  106. [05/08/2018 13:00:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Warned for troll
  107. [05/08/2018 13:00:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 It depends whether you have a good video card or not.
  108. [05/08/2018 13:12:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 It's not confirmed since it's exploitable, confirm with an admin.
  109. [05/08/2018 13:33:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Press "n" near the door, or /exit
  110. [05/08/2018 13:34:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Muted for 4 hours for constant abuse
  111. [05/08/2018 13:34:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Press "n" near the door, or /exit
  112. [05/08/2018 13:35:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 There are only these 2, I'd say check the announcement section for scripting updates
  113. [05/08/2018 19:02:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Warned for abuse
  114. [05/08/2018 19:05:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 42 Permanently muted
  115. [05/08/2018 19:05:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Permanently muted
  116. [05/08/2018 19:06:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 You can't, you need to ask for another interior with a clear furniture.
  117. [05/08/2018 19:08:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 I'll slide it with a verbal warning this time, keep /newb for questions related to the server only.
  118. [05/08/2018 19:16:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 /fill, make sure you have your car engine Off
  119. [05/08/2018 20:08:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 Thank him via /pm, not in /newb.
  120. [05/08/2018 20:26:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Type in your new name and confirm at the end to send an admin a confirmation.
  121. [05/08/2018 20:32:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 Type /dmv to get a red checkpoint on your minimap
  122. [05/08/2018 22:04:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 Muted for 2 hours
  123. [05/08/2018 22:28:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 /carradio -> Turn off
  124. [05/08/2018 22:39:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 No, you will own the kevlar
  125. [05/08/2018 22:41:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 No, screwdriver has nothing to do with that, be an arms dealer, /jobhelp
  126. [05/08/2018 22:54:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Only when an admin enables that feature, not always/
  127. [05/08/2018 23:01:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 Logging to avoid a situation that might get you killed/arrested
  128. [05/08/2018 23:09:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /apb
  129. [06/08/2018 10:03:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 The server is hosted somewhere else in a different GMT
  130. [06/08/2018 11:21:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Ask an admin to teleport it to you, or just go to the place where you did Park it
  131. [06/08/2018 11:22:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 /report for an admin to teleport it to you, or purchase a GPS and track it
  132. [06/08/2018 11:38:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Purchase a phone then /ad
  133. [06/08/2018 11:50:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 33 Get a job and work, /jobhelp for more info, /guide for the steps
  134. [06/08/2018 11:50:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 Look around the city for trash cans to collect
  135. [06/08/2018 12:19:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Warned, not for newbie
  136. [06/08/2018 12:19:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 Muted for an hour
  137. [06/08/2018 12:20:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Permanently muted for a high level player abuse
  138. [06/08/2018 12:20:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Muted for 2 hours due to constant abuse
  139. [06/08/2018 12:21:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 /number, make sure you obtain the number ICly though.
  140. [06/08/2018 21:19:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 You can't deposit your money anywhere except the bank.
  141. [06/08/2018 23:18:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 More money, and more chances of obtaining fish.
  142. [06/08/2018 23:19:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20
  143. [06/08/2018 23:33:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 None knows when would it be done, they'll announce it on forums once done.
  144. [07/08/2018 00:00:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 15 Jobs don't require a certain level, /jobhelp
  145. [07/08/2018 00:00:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 /jobhelp -> Drug Dealer -> FIND JOB
  146. [07/08/2018 00:10:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Willowfield garage, /v upgrade to purchase features like Alarm, GPS, spare keys
  147. [07/08/2018 10:28:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Only you, try fixing your internet.
  148. [07/08/2018 10:29:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Use english over /newb then, don't use other languages
  149. [07/08/2018 10:41:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Yes, use /briefcase equip, then /briefcase deposit
  150. [07/08/2018 10:44:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Each skin has it's own ped animation.
  151. [07/08/2018 11:00:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 It's illegal but that's an IC issue
  152. [07/08/2018 11:06:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 71 Don't give false answers
  153. [07/08/2018 11:11:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 73 Check the requirements on forums,
  154. [07/08/2018 11:13:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Not for /newb, /call 911 instead
  155. [07/08/2018 11:31:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Rephrase your question
  156. [07/08/2018 11:32:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Use /report if you need an admin's help; not over /newb
  157. [07/08/2018 11:32:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Ofcourse not, it's unrealistic.
  158. [07/08/2018 11:33:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 You just need to serve your time.
  159. [07/08/2018 11:38:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 English only over /newb.
  160. [07/08/2018 11:42:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Cityhall won't change your forum name
  161. [07/08/2018 11:54:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 You need to be atleast level 5, after you meet the requirements, apply on forums.
  162. [07/08/2018 12:38:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 73 You can hide them from General Settings on your forum settings
  163. [07/08/2018 12:39:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 73 If you mean DOB, you can, Join date can't be hidden
  164. [07/08/2018 12:48:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 It needs you to hold 4k for a repair, but it doesn't take it, its kind of bugged
  165. [07/08/2018 12:49:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 It depends on your level, jobhelp for more info
  166. [07/08/2018 13:36:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Follow the server rules regarding the rp drive, this has nothing to do with your country
  167. [07/08/2018 13:37:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Not for /newb.
  168. [07/08/2018 13:38:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap
  169. [07/08/2018 13:38:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 Probably your mods, detail your problem via /reportbug
  170. [07/08/2018 13:38:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Muted for an hour
  171. [07/08/2018 13:39:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 /helpme for an assistance.
  172. [07/08/2018 13:39:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53
  173. [07/08/2018 14:00:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 You can only donate for the servers, not the player ofcourse.
  174. [07/08/2018 14:00:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 You can only donate for the servers, not the player ofcourse.
  175. [07/08/2018 14:22:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 72 Yes
  176. [07/08/2018 14:33:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Google the car mod, /newb has no relation to that.
  177. [07/08/2018 15:16:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 No, probably the player used an unproper name.
  178. [07/08/2018 16:39:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Each level has 4 more respect points, so add 4 for each level
  179. [07/08/2018 16:56:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 56 Not yet.
  180. [07/08/2018 16:58:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 You need to have enough money, check /dealerships for more info
  181. [07/08/2018 17:36:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 Only rank 5 and above
  182. [07/08/2018 17:37:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 Tyler would do, instead of a short name
  183. [07/08/2018 17:39:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 Admins didn't complain about your name, so enjoy the game, keep /newb for script related questions.
  184. [07/08/2018 17:50:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 /togautochat
  185. [07/08/2018 17:51:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Nope, only public places that prevents you from getting robbed/kidnapped
  186. [07/08/2018 17:51:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 It depends on the seller, I'd say 30k to 50k
  187. [07/08/2018 17:52:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 It contains random animations, each anim has it's own timing.
  188. [07/08/2018 18:07:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 /fontsize to decrease/increase the chat size.
  189. [07/08/2018 18:09:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Only if he used to own the house and has a furniture set already.
  190. [07/08/2018 18:14:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap
  191. [07/08/2018 18:29:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 /get while crouched
  192. [07/08/2018 18:46:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 No, that's unrealistic.
  193. [07/08/2018 22:36:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Yes, that's revenge kill obviously.
  194. [07/08/2018 23:02:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Upload it to a website aka first
  195. [07/08/2018 23:40:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Binco store, "T-Shirt icon" on your minimap
  196. [08/08/2018 11:20:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Use /v spawn to tow it back to where you parked it.
  197. [08/08/2018 11:22:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Obtain an address book from 24/7, and use /address after.
  198. [08/08/2018 11:27:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Press 'β–’' while inside a towtruck to attach the car nearby.
  199. [08/08/2018 11:34:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 As long as it is realistic, you can.
  200. [08/08/2018 11:51:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Both parties involved need to be level 4 and above.
  201. [08/08/2018 12:07:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 Ask around ICly in public places, avoid using /newb for that.
  202. [08/08/2018 12:07:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 51 M/c by her
  203. [08/08/2018 12:18:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Purchase one from /tikistore, or obtain enough drugs to fill it up.
  204. [08/08/2018 12:35:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 If you seek for revenge, ofcourse you can kill him.
  205. [08/08/2018 18:59:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 Make sure to fully roleplay it with a valid reason to do so, Yeah.
  206. [08/08/2018 19:00:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 51 It depends on what level of VIP you are (Silver or Gold)
  207. [08/08/2018 19:00:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 55 You need to be atleast level 3
  208. [08/08/2018 19:01:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 55 You need to be atleast level 3
  209. [08/08/2018 19:01:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Vehicle system is totally bugged, the commands were disabled to avoid exploits.
  210. [08/08/2018 19:02:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 You take advantage of a bug to earn money or another useful thing.
  211. [08/08/2018 19:03:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 51 You need to donate for VIP, then make a GRR for your Order ID
  212. [08/08/2018 19:04:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 If you own the vehicle, you can respawn it via /v spawn
  213. [08/08/2018 19:05:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Yes, the vehicles are bugged, avoid selling the second one.
  214. [08/08/2018 19:05:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Don't give false answers
  215. [08/08/2018 19:06:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 No, you need to be atleast level 4.
  216. [08/08/2018 19:06:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 /report for that
  217. [08/08/2018 19:07:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 No, it's not allowed.
  218. [08/08/2018 19:07:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 It's probably a bug, they'll be unbanned.
  219. [08/08/2018 19:09:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 They might be busy, be patient when reporting.
  220. [08/08/2018 19:12:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 I believe Head admins can /makevip someone.
  221. [08/08/2018 19:21:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 You need a forum admin for that, not over /newb.
  222. [08/08/2018 19:23:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 You can't mod the sanchez, the game didn't make that happen, however you can color it via-..
  223. [08/08/2018 19:26:50] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Look on your minimap for "Soda" icon, /buy inside
  224. [08/08/2018 20:07:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Meet the requirements and apply on
  225. [08/08/2018 23:04:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Keep /newb for script related questions, verbally warned.
  226. [08/08/2018 23:04:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 Make a suggestion about it on forums.
  227. [08/08/2018 23:05:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Warned for abuse
  228. [08/08/2018 23:06:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Muted for 3 hours
  229. [08/08/2018 23:12:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Doing something wrong against something wrong doesn't make it right, take evidence and post a forum complaint.
  230. [08/08/2018 23:13:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 Warned for abuse
  231. [08/08/2018 23:13:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Warned for abuse
  232. [08/08/2018 23:13:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Warned for abuse
  233. [08/08/2018 23:15:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /PM 7 wrong /ap id
  234. [08/08/2018 23:16:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Wrong /ap ID, my bad
  235. [08/08/2018 23:22:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 250,000$
  236. [08/08/2018 23:54:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 As long as it is realistic (Door object), it's fine
  237. [08/08/2018 23:56:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 /stats to view your next level price.
  238. [09/08/2018 00:06:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 Type /dmv to obtain a red checkpoint on your map, then follow it.
  239. [09/08/2018 12:02:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 /pm him, not for /newb, keep it for questions related to the script
  240. [09/08/2018 12:15:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 55 No, /pointrules for more info.
  241. [09/08/2018 12:32:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 RP can't be found in a specific place, roleplay with players.
  242. [09/08/2018 12:44:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 It happens sometimes to a certain ID, relog and it'll be fixed
  243. [09/08/2018 13:11:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 IC issue
  244. [09/08/2018 13:11:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 IC issue
  245. [09/08/2018 13:28:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 55 Try 86, or 85.
  246. [09/08/2018 14:18:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 69 /drop weapon
  247. [09/08/2018 14:18:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 Google the Color IDs.
  248. [09/08/2018 14:34:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 60 Nope, you need to meet the OOC requirements first.
  249. [09/08/2018 14:39:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 You are free to suggest anything.
  250. [09/08/2018 15:58:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 1 gram goes for 7k, use /calc and make your own price
  251. [09/08/2018 16:05:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 It is around 6k to 8k; depends
  252. [09/08/2018 16:05:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Don't give false answers please
  253. [09/08/2018 18:35:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 An entrance, in otherwords, a door.
  254. [09/08/2018 18:35:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Warned for abuse
  255. [09/08/2018 18:36:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 A regular entrance to /enter, that's called an icon.
  256. [09/08/2018 18:47:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Make a GRR for your order ID.
  257. [09/08/2018 18:47:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 English only over /newb
  258. [09/08/2018 18:49:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 Don't use caps over /newb, be patient when reporting for an admin, and state a valid reason.
  259. [09/08/2018 19:15:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 Be specific, what do you mean locker system.
  260. [09/08/2018 19:20:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 It's in Mulholland's intersection, obtain a map from 24/7 and /map, or /helpme for assistance.
  261. [09/08/2018 19:21:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 No.
  262. [09/08/2018 19:39:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 They can't CK you, unless you were investigating into them via a casefile.
  263. [09/08/2018 19:40:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35
  264. [09/08/2018 19:44:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Yes, if you deeply investigate them, and they find out, you can CK you with permission from their director and mod.
  265. [09/08/2018 19:46:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Not for /newb, verbally warned
  266. [09/08/2018 19:49:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Use /b for OOC chat, to avoid metagaming
  267. [09/08/2018 19:49:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Use /skills to view your job level, /jobhelp for more info
  268. [09/08/2018 19:50:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Yes.
  269. [09/08/2018 19:51:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Keep /newb for script related questions.
  270. [09/08/2018 21:28:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Not a script related question mate.
  271. [09/08/2018 21:33:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 FBI, S9, HA, Cartel, Syndicate are the only groups that are able to use /mask
  272. [09/08/2018 21:37:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Nope, different characters, different biographies.
  273. [09/08/2018 22:53:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 They can't contract you for no reason, make a forum complaint on
  274. [10/08/2018 00:39:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 /buylevel when you have enough respect points.
  275. [10/08/2018 00:47:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 You might be bugged somehow, /skills is not bugged, /reportbug if you catch any.
  276. [10/08/2018 00:48:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 It used to be a job, Devs must have forgotten to remove it from /skills.
  277. [10/08/2018 01:12:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Muted for an hour
  278. [10/08/2018 01:14:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Muted for an hour
  279. [10/08/2018 01:16:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 The more weight, the more money you get when selling a fish.
  280. [10/08/2018 01:16:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Keep looking for them around the city.
  281. [10/08/2018 01:19:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 /listfish, /fishhelp for more info
  282. [10/08/2018 01:22:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Scriptwise No, you free people in exchange for money, they need to pay you.
  283. [10/08/2018 10:24:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Only JD can handle such things ICly, unfortunately its removed.
  284. [10/08/2018 10:25:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 33 Don't use that on /newb please, verbally warned
  285. [10/08/2018 12:27:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 50 Abuse of faction tools, Not allowed, but if he roleplays a terrorist, maybe it's an IC issue.
  286. [10/08/2018 12:28:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 50 It's not an IC issue, we clearly said its abuse of faction tools.
  287. [10/08/2018 12:32:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 Roleplay with gang members, and earn your way in.
  288. [10/08/2018 12:32:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Type /dmv and follow a red checkpoint on your mini-map.
  289. [10/08/2018 12:37:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 68 Warned and auto muted for abuse
  290. [10/08/2018 12:37:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10
  291. [10/08/2018 12:45:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Welcome to SA:RP, keep /newb for script related questions, /helpme for assistance
  292. [10/08/2018 12:45:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Keep /newb for script related questions only.
  293. [10/08/2018 12:45:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Stop using /newb for non related answers.
  294. [10/08/2018 12:45:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 That includes you too.
  295. [10/08/2018 12:48:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 They are either busy or AFK
  296. [10/08/2018 12:48:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 /guide to see how you begin, /jobhelp for more info
  297. [10/08/2018 12:48:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Work for someone RPly, he'd pay you much greater.
  298. [10/08/2018 12:49:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Roleplay with different players around the city.
  299. [10/08/2018 12:49:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 They're all over los santos, but mainly at Stacks.
  300. [10/08/2018 12:50:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 /report the ID of the DMer, or take evidence and post a forum complaint.
  301. [10/08/2018 12:51:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Such answer is not required over /newb, warned
  302. [10/08/2018 12:52:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 No one wants to hear your opinion, quit using /newb other than asking related questions.
  303. [10/08/2018 12:52:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Not a script related question, again.
  304. [10/08/2018 12:54:57] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 /report the rulebreaker instead.
  305. [10/08/2018 12:55:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 Ninja Jacking is not allowed.
  306. [10/08/2018 12:56:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Warned, and auto muted
  307. [10/08/2018 12:57:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 Muted for three hours
  308. [10/08/2018 12:57:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Warned for insulting players over /newb
  309. [10/08/2018 13:01:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 Purchase a phone then use /ad, however you need to play atleast 2 hours as a new player.
  310. [10/08/2018 14:13:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 They shut down the business stores before It got purged, an admin needs to unseize them.
  311. [10/08/2018 14:19:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 They are probably busy with reports, try to be patient.
  312. [10/08/2018 14:33:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 Report them to online admins, or FC them, not for /newb please
  313. [10/08/2018 14:49:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 56 If you have evidence of having that, post a GRR
  314. [10/08/2018 14:58:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 42 Make a new account with different name, or /namechange inside cityhall
  315. [10/08/2018 16:06:50] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 51 Roleplay it, such command was restricted to avoid abuses.
  316. [10/08/2018 19:18:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 33 No, there is no global chat.
  317. [10/08/2018 19:54:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 Try /pm'ing the player instead or google it.
  318. [10/08/2018 23:25:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Look for arm dealers among the streets to give you a weapon.
  319. [10/08/2018 23:25:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Look for arm dealers among the streets to give you a weapon.
  320. [10/08/2018 23:40:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 English over /newb only
  321. [11/08/2018 00:04:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 English over /newb only, verbally warned for second attempt
  322. [11/08/2018 00:04:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 English over /newb only, verbally warned for second attempt
  323. [11/08/2018 00:19:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 Hold 50k in hand, and earn enough respect points, /stats to view them, then /buylevel.
  324. [11/08/2018 12:05:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 You don't need licenses to be an arm dealer, /jobhelp for more info.
  325. [11/08/2018 13:51:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 67 Take evidence and make a forum complaint for each player.
  326. [11/08/2018 14:33:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 74 /calc and divide it to 60
  327. [11/08/2018 16:56:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Welcome to SA:RP, use /newb for script related questions, /helpme for assistance
  328. [11/08/2018 16:58:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 /pm Ben instead, not for /newb please
  329. [11/08/2018 17:06:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 It was a wrong /ap id, don't mind that
  330. [11/08/2018 17:28:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 Killing on Sight, shooting a player without interaction or roleplay beforehand.
  331. [11/08/2018 17:33:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 80 You simply can't, that'll fall under non rp behaviour and you'll get ad muted by admins.
  332. [11/08/2018 21:10:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Not a script related question.
  333. [11/08/2018 21:19:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Not a question for /newb
  334. [11/08/2018 22:16:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Look for a house with an orange icon, that means it's under sale.
  335. [11/08/2018 22:29:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 It means that the owner of the house is offline.
  336. [11/08/2018 22:31:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Buy a screwdriver from 24/7.
  337. [12/08/2018 11:08:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 Muted for 2 hours
  338. [12/08/2018 11:08:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Muted for 2 hours
  339. [12/08/2018 11:08:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 44 Indeed it is.
  340. [12/08/2018 11:18:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 If you want to hide your nametag, only elite factions can do that.
  341. [12/08/2018 11:18:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 If you want to hide your nametag, only elite factions can do that.
  342. [12/08/2018 11:29:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 You need to wait 3 days after leaving a faction, that falls under "Faction Hop" rule
  343. [12/08/2018 11:30:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 46 three*
  344. [12/08/2018 11:30:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Vehicle system is bugged at the moment, no car sales are allowed.
  345. [12/08/2018 11:41:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 /report the admin that's handling your CK app.
  346. [12/08/2018 12:45:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 They can, unless they have a heavy injury roleplaywise.
  347. [12/08/2018 12:45:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 They can, unless they have a heavy injury roleplaywise.
  348. [12/08/2018 13:08:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Both parties involved need to be level 4 atleast
  349. [12/08/2018 18:19:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 Type /dmv, follow the red checkpoint on your minimap.
  350. [12/08/2018 18:21:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 Stop trolling, verbally warned
  351. [12/08/2018 18:24:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 Either they do the contract on him or the leader of the group cancels it.
  352. [12/08/2018 18:26:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 Trying reporting for an admin, or send a message to an admin on discord.
  353. [12/08/2018 18:45:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Warned & auto muted for abuse
  354. [12/08/2018 18:45:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 42 He abused his Dev abilities to gain advantage in S9
  355. [12/08/2018 23:32:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Enable /togautochat, it creates random chat anims while you speak, use /chat if you want to use your favorite.
  356. [12/08/2018 23:46:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 Ask properly, warned.
  357. [13/08/2018 10:14:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 33 Purchase a spraycan and /colorcar
  358. [13/08/2018 10:16:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 The phone system is not advanced scriptwise, you may only roleplay it
  359. [13/08/2018 10:39:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 It depends on the faction director's discretion.
  360. [13/08/2018 11:09:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 59 I don't think Huntley is in the dealerships, therefore you need to purchase it from other players.
  361. [13/08/2018 11:09:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 59 I don't think Huntley is in the dealerships, therefore you need to purchase it from other players.
  362. [13/08/2018 11:23:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Full Kevlar price depends on the cocaine/meth prices, I'd say 40k.
  363. [13/08/2018 12:09:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 Find out ICly
  364. [13/08/2018 12:09:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 IC issue, no need to troll over /newb.
  365. [13/08/2018 13:51:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Yes, you can earn one if you do the drivers test, /dmv for more info
  366. [13/08/2018 13:52:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 /dmv and follow a red checkpoint on your minimap, /helpme for assistance
  367. [13/08/2018 15:13:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Only DEA can have that skin for roleplay purposes, no one else can.
  368. [13/08/2018 17:46:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Check the Staff Roster on forums for more information
  369. [14/08/2018 14:42:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 Emilio Mazzarelli
  370. [14/08/2018 14:48:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 69 Warned for abuse
  371. [14/08/2018 14:49:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 Not a script related question, verbally warned
  372. [14/08/2018 14:49:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Warned for trolling
  373. [14/08/2018 15:03:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Indeed, check the script update on forums for more information.
  374. [14/08/2018 15:06:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 No, gears got bugged from the recent update, we need to be patient, devs are working on it.
  375. [14/08/2018 15:12:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Internal Affairs
  376. [14/08/2018 17:22:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 62 Yeah, press "n" beside an entrance/exit
  377. [14/08/2018 17:31:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 Warned and muted for a troll answer
  378. [14/08/2018 17:32:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 The developers might have put the wrong coordinates for the checkpoints, /reportbug.
  379. [14/08/2018 17:36:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 45 Permanently Muted for abuse
  380. [14/08/2018 17:38:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 No, someone must have done something to give you a reason, That's DM
  381. [14/08/2018 17:40:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 Warned for abuse, keep your opinions outside /newb
  382. [14/08/2018 19:07:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 62 Nope
  383. [14/08/2018 19:07:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Warned and auto muted for abuse
  384. [14/08/2018 19:07:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 15 He's not an admin, /report for one
  385. [14/08/2018 19:08:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Warned for abuse, keep /newb for script related questions only
  386. [14/08/2018 19:08:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 62 They were hidden to avoid metagaming.
  387. [14/08/2018 19:15:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 /fill at the gas station, while having your engine off
  388. [14/08/2018 19:18:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Ask a proper question for /newb, quit abusing, warned
  389. [14/08/2018 19:19:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 62 Go to Government section on, and apply for one
  390. [14/08/2018 19:20:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Each has gone to seperate ways, moving on, a new generation has come now.
  391. [14/08/2018 19:52:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 If you had them under gun point, they need to roleplay gun fear
  392. [15/08/2018 23:37:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 /tognewbie
  393. [16/08/2018 00:05:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19
  394. [16/08/2018 00:10:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Indeed, the more level you have, the more money you obtain;
  395. [16/08/2018 00:14:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 You need around 5 grams when you have a half vest in possession to obtain a full kevlar.
  396. [16/08/2018 00:22:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 /doorknock, use /househelp for more info
  397. [16/08/2018 00:25:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Purchase it from drug dealers around the streets.
  398. [16/08/2018 09:36:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 They're no longer administrators, check the Staff Roster on forums for more info.
  399. [16/08/2018 09:53:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 51 Because /v sell is disabled, therefore no more exploits
  400. [16/08/2018 11:30:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 54 You can advert anything as long as it is realistic.
  401. [16/08/2018 11:38:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /OR t/ap 49 Try contacting an administrator for a revive, use /reportbug if you find any bugs
  402. [16/08/2018 11:38:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 49 Try contacting an administrator for a revive, use /reportbug if you find any bugs
  403. [16/08/2018 11:53:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 If he's a witness to your criminal activities, you are allowed to, make sure to fully roleplay it.
  404. [16/08/2018 12:21:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Welcome to SA:RP, use /helpme for script related questions, /helpme for assistance
  405. [16/08/2018 12:21:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Welcome to SA:RP, use /helpme for script related questions, /helpme for assistance
  406. [16/08/2018 12:22:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Stop insulting players over /newb, warned
  407. [16/08/2018 12:22:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 Permanently muted
  408. [16/08/2018 12:22:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap Lucifer Permanently muted
  409. [16/08/2018 12:22:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Muted for an hour
  410. [16/08/2018 12:30:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Don't use caps over /newb please, use /helpme to show you the /v upgrade garage
  411. [16/08/2018 12:36:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Not at all, its only you
  412. [16/08/2018 13:05:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 /defend bugged as devs claim at the moment, so try roleplaying it for now.
  413. [16/08/2018 13:05:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 /defend bugged as devs claim at the moment, so try roleplaying it for now.
  414. [16/08/2018 14:28:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Ofcourse, it doesn't make them immune to strikes since they're public families.
  415. [16/08/2018 14:29:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Should we consider that a serious question or a troll.
  416. [16/08/2018 15:27:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5
  417. [16/08/2018 15:27:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 They cannot force CK unless you intend to investigate them or reveal them.
  418. [16/08/2018 15:27:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 They cannot force CK unless you intend to investigate them or reveal them.
  419. [16/08/2018 18:52:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Nope, only you
  420. [16/08/2018 18:52:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Nope, only you
  421. [17/08/2018 11:06:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 Warned, keep /newb for script related questions & answers only.
  422. [17/08/2018 12:55:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 /togfam
  423. [17/08/2018 12:55:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 56 Refrain from using /newb other than questions related to the script
  424. [17/08/2018 12:57:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Depends on the faction leader, but I'd say yes.
  425. [17/08/2018 12:58:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Not for /newb, use it for script related questions only, not for player related.
  426. [17/08/2018 13:06:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 56 It's a bug from the inmates clothes.
  427. [17/08/2018 13:16:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Purchase it from tikistore for 15 tikis, or as a Sliver VIP+
  428. [17/08/2018 13:18:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 Yes, but some players roleplay guns different.
  429. [17/08/2018 13:19:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 Desert Eagle
  430. [17/08/2018 13:41:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 Probably an admin kicked you out.
  431. [17/08/2018 13:45:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 63 Muted for 2 hours
  432. [17/08/2018 13:45:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 76 /ad for that, don't use /newb for such purposes, keep it for questions.
  433. [17/08/2018 13:46:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 76 /requestadunmute for that
  434. [17/08/2018 13:57:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 61 Don't use foul language over /newb, verbally warned
  435. [17/08/2018 14:57:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 64 No, that's faction tools abuse, take evidence and make a forum complaint.
  436. [17/08/2018 14:58:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Not for /newb, and you know it
  437. [17/08/2018 14:59:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 They can only use guns for self defense, FC them for non rp behaviour if they use it otherwise.
  438. [17/08/2018 15:00:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 Do business, buy cheap stuff and sell them expensive.
  439. [17/08/2018 15:00:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 It totally depends on you.
  440. [17/08/2018 15:02:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 /stats are OOC, they can't metagame it.
  441. [18/08/2018 17:23:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Anything you use to exploit the AFK system is forbidden, I don't recommend using it
  442. [18/08/2018 17:29:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Don't discuss over /newb, wrned
  443. [18/08/2018 17:38:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 Don't disrespect the staff, /report and find out.
  444. [18/08/2018 17:42:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 You can purchase one from Dealerships, /dealerships, or buy one from players.
  445. [18/08/2018 18:36:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 If you mean spray on the wall, use /createtag as a family member, make sure not to abuse it.
  446. [18/08/2018 19:19:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Type /buylevel when you have enough money and respect points for it.
  447. [18/08/2018 19:19:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Type /buylevel when you have enough money and respect points for it.
  448. [18/08/2018 19:22:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 48 /colorcar while inside a car
  449. [18/08/2018 19:22:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 You and the one you're going to scam/rob both need to be level 4 atleast;
  450. [18/08/2018 19:23:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 You gain them with /getmats behind big ammunation, and deliver them to the drop point.
  451. [18/08/2018 19:23:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Yes, indeed.
  452. [18/08/2018 19:25:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Yes, you can rob/scam whoever you want, make sure NOT to rob level 1-2-3 players.
  453. [18/08/2018 19:26:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 No, you can't
  454. [18/08/2018 19:27:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Correct your question via /pm next time
  455. [18/08/2018 19:27:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Use /sellgun as an arms dealer, make sure you have enough materials for it.
  456. [18/08/2018 19:29:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 You can't store drugs on your briefcase, use /briefcase check to view what else you can you store.
  457. [18/08/2018 19:30:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Buy an insurance before you store your stuff inside, but I don't recommend using it.
  458. [18/08/2018 19:31:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Indeed, or use your briefcase for small stuff storage.
  459. [18/08/2018 19:42:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 Not for /newb, /report and find out.
  460. [18/08/2018 20:17:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 The system is not fully implemented, it allows a family to level up for perks, check it out on scripting updates.
  461. [18/08/2018 20:19:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Apply on forums after you meet the requirements.
  462. [18/08/2018 20:19:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Don't give false answers
  463. [18/08/2018 20:38:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Around 50k-70k
  464. [18/08/2018 20:47:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Blueberry, /helpme for assistance
  465. [18/08/2018 20:53:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Muted for 2 hours due to constant abuse
  466. [19/08/2018 18:18:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Yeah, you can donate for one 25$, devs will make one for you, or give them one you like.
  467. [19/08/2018 18:29:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Yep, they reduced the nametag appearance radius.
  468. [19/08/2018 19:09:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 You need to obtain OOC permission from the victim, not an admin's.
  469. [19/08/2018 19:10:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 200.000$ and unlimited items found within the possession of the player.
  470. [19/08/2018 19:10:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Roleplay can't be found anywhere, you can create it on your own;
  471. [19/08/2018 19:16:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 Faction skins were removed.
  472. [19/08/2018 19:21:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 44 Don't answer to non-script related questions.
  473. [19/08/2018 19:22:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 To avoid server advertisements and spamming from new players.
  474. [19/08/2018 19:23:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 /clearallmods
  475. [19/08/2018 19:27:24] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Too much cars in the area.
  476. [19/08/2018 19:32:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 You need to be atleast leve 5.
  477. [19/08/2018 19:32:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 44 Muted for constant trolling
  478. [19/08/2018 19:50:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 To avoid plane bombings by newbies, indeed
  479. [19/08/2018 19:50:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 To avoid plane bombings by newbies, indeed
  480. [19/08/2018 19:52:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Muted for 2 hours
  481. [19/08/2018 19:53:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Refrain from using /newb other than asking script related questions, next time it's a mute.
  482. [19/08/2018 19:53:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 He was clearly using /newb for another purpose, don't ask such things via /newb
  483. [19/08/2018 19:54:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 English only via /newb.
  484. [19/08/2018 20:07:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 What does it say when you attempt to put one?
  485. [19/08/2018 20:08:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 /briefcase deposit "weapon" while you're holding one.
  486. [19/08/2018 20:09:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 He literally meant all pistols can be stashed inside;
  487. [19/08/2018 20:13:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 You need evidence in order to get revived, post a forum complaint with proof if someone DM'd you.
  488. [19/08/2018 20:15:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 That totally depends on your character if he wants to end up dead.
  489. [19/08/2018 20:17:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12
  490. [20/08/2018 16:01:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 He's been warned and auto muted, no need to reply to him back via /newb.
  491. [20/08/2018 16:04:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 It's the entry fee the owner wants, it's his place, he can do whatever he wants with it.
  492. [20/08/2018 16:08:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Not for /newb, ask him in person.
  493. [20/08/2018 16:08:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 1 Muted for an hour for constant abuse
  494. [20/08/2018 16:15:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 I don't think so but if you think it is, /reportbug and inform a tester.
  495. [20/08/2018 16:16:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Please use /newb for script related questions & answers only.
  496. [20/08/2018 16:17:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 /pm eachother, /newb is for scripted related questions
  497. [20/08/2018 16:18:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6
  498. [20/08/2018 16:42:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 60 Warned for trolling, /report for that and quit abusing /newb please.
  499. [21/08/2018 06:10:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 Please use /newb for script related questions only.
  500. [21/08/2018 06:31:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 /calc and divide it for 60.
  501. [21/08/2018 07:10:39] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14
  502. [21/08/2018 07:14:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Players login on different timezones, and this one is currently dead.
  503. [21/08/2018 07:23:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 It was removed from dealerships for a reason, so Yeah.
  504. [21/08/2018 07:30:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 Deagle has more damage, but it is a short range weapon.
  505. [21/08/2018 07:31:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 /clearallmods
  506. [21/08/2018 07:32:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 /colorcar to put a specific color, it'll remove the paintjob
  507. [21/08/2018 07:34:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 A toy to disallow someone from speaking ICly.
  508. [21/08/2018 08:51:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 Nope, only you
  509. [22/08/2018 02:22:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 Use /newb properly, warned, keep it for script related questions.
  510. [22/08/2018 02:28:47] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 An OOC agreement needs to be made to prevent people from getting raped each 5 minutes.
  511. [22/08/2018 02:51:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 You can only put stuff in your house storage, and briefcase.
  512. [22/08/2018 02:52:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Contact a player who is currently selling one or look for a house with Orange icon.
  513. [22/08/2018 02:54:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 It's disabled to avoid abuse, vehicle system is bugged
  514. [22/08/2018 06:04:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 /requestadunmute
  515. [22/08/2018 06:04:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 USA, New York
  516. [22/08/2018 06:14:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 You need to leave the car and enter again in order to have it hidden.
  517. [22/08/2018 06:44:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Indeed.
  518. [22/08/2018 06:50:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 No, never mention another community's name on SARP's platform.
  519. [22/08/2018 07:03:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Different timezone, most players are from GMT +01
  520. [22/08/2018 07:05:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 Go to cityhall, /helpme for assistance, and /namechange inside.
  521. [22/08/2018 07:07:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Purchase a spraycan from 24/7, and use /colorcar inside a vehicle.
  522. [22/08/2018 07:09:21] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 6 Three I believe, the 4th slot can be purchased at willowfield garage with /v upgrade
  523. [22/08/2018 07:23:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 /colorcar 3 3
  524. [22/08/2018 08:34:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 46 Nope, only you
  525. [22/08/2018 09:47:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 You can only do it roleplaywise, no burglary system is scripted yet.
  526. [22/08/2018 10:07:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 He meant the oldest player in SARP history, not the player with the most age
  527. [22/08/2018 13:32:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 No, server time is on GMT -5
  528. [22/08/2018 13:35:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Contact a mechanic ICly via /service mechanic, or ask for a bystander's help;
  529. [22/08/2018 14:01:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 No, unless if you were in an elite faction, Hitman for example.
  530. [22/08/2018 14:01:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 Don't spread false answers over /newb, verbally warned.
  531. [22/08/2018 14:14:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Muted for two hours.
  532. [22/08/2018 15:20:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 All cars not found in /dealerships are considered "donated"
  533. [22/08/2018 15:22:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Only from other players, or donate 20$ for one.
  534. [22/08/2018 15:23:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 /v sell is fixed, so I assume yes.
  535. [22/08/2018 16:02:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 Muted for an hour for trolling
  536. [22/08/2018 16:02:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Don't give false answers
  537. [22/08/2018 16:37:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 /report his ID to online administrators or take evidence and make a forum complaint against him?
  538. [22/08/2018 16:48:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 Only developers can implement such things, try suggesting it on forums.
  539. [22/08/2018 17:25:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 There is one at ganton gym, and one at idlewood gas station, /atm beside it
  540. [22/08/2018 17:29:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 39 /ad if you want to buy a house, or look in San Fierro for a house with an orange icon.
  541. [22/08/2018 18:21:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 52 /v spawn if you own any vehicle
  542. [22/08/2018 18:53:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 20 You can't address a specific area, you need to download a zonetext cleo to know where you are.
  543. [22/08/2018 18:58:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 He's stuck, not falling
  544. [22/08/2018 19:21:20] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 18 Use /newb for script related questions & answers, /helpme for assistance
  545. [23/08/2018 06:35:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 Nope, you can only obtain full kevlars with drugs.
  546. [23/08/2018 06:37:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 /v cars to view which slot, then use /v spawn [slot id]
  547. [23/08/2018 06:54:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Obtain enough respect points via /signcheck that comes each hour, then /buylevel
  548. [23/08/2018 07:08:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 It's a scriptwise mask, player is using a different nickname.
  549. [23/08/2018 07:09:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 13 Only elite groups can have such feature.
  550. [23/08/2018 08:13:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 Look for another one around the city.
  551. [23/08/2018 08:13:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 /togautochat to have an automatic chat anim as you speak, /chat for more info
  552. [23/08/2018 09:54:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Asspulling in general is allowed here, make sure to Roleplay before shooting though.
  553. [23/08/2018 11:22:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 10 Use /trunk command while near your car, you'll have a dialog for it.
  554. [23/08/2018 11:26:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 /sethousetag
  555. [23/08/2018 11:33:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 5 /admins and find out
  556. [23/08/2018 11:43:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 Yep.
  557. [23/08/2018 13:26:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 /enter the old interior via the icon at the lobby, and pay the ticket there.
  558. [23/08/2018 17:14:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 7 Muted for 2 hours
  559. [23/08/2018 17:14:16] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 Warned and auto muted
  560. [23/08/2018 17:16:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 Warned & Muted for abuse (logs)
  561. [23/08/2018 17:18:41] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Permanently muted for abuse (logs)
  562. [23/08/2018 17:20:08] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 Permanently muted for insulting over /newb (logs)
  563. [23/08/2018 17:22:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 Welcome to SARP, change your name to a roleplay name before you get kicked by an admin.
  564. [23/08/2018 17:31:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Please do not use /newb for such purpose, ask questions scriptwise only.
  565. [23/08/2018 17:32:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 You can roleplay whatever you want as long as it's realistic.
  566. [23/08/2018 17:34:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Use /skills to view your current job skills.
  567. [23/08/2018 17:35:09] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Search for another business store that has products for sale
  568. [23/08/2018 17:35:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 31 Rephrase your /newb, Is that an actual question.
  569. [23/08/2018 17:35:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Warned, keep /newb for script related questions, next time you'll be muted
  570. [23/08/2018 17:44:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 Muted for an hour due to obvious trolling.
  571. [23/08/2018 17:44:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Keep /newb for script related questions, verbally warned.
  572. [23/08/2018 17:44:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 48 /carradio -> Turn off, or use /togradios at once.
  573. [23/08/2018 17:54:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Press "Enter" on sprunk machines, or /usesoda after you buy one from 24/7
  574. [23/08/2018 18:15:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 /helpme for assistance
  575. [23/08/2018 18:23:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Not anymore
  576. [23/08/2018 18:26:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Hacker abusing faction cars, sadly no admins on.
  577. [23/08/2018 18:34:44] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Yes.
  578. [23/08/2018 19:31:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 33 English only please
  579. [23/08/2018 19:47:48] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Don't use caps over /newb, /report for an admin to assist you out please.
  580. [23/08/2018 19:47:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Answer properly next time please
  581. [23/08/2018 19:50:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 25 Enough with the spam, muted for an hour
  582. [23/08/2018 19:59:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 27 /mydeaths to view players who killed you
  583. [25/08/2018 08:27:38] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 You need to deliver each package to the drop point for materials in return
  584. [25/08/2018 08:28:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 23 If the purpose of kidnapping was for robbing/scamming, then No
  585. [25/08/2018 08:28:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 35 /drop packages and try /getmats again at the factory.
  586. [25/08/2018 08:28:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 Not anymore since /v sell has been fixed.
  587. [25/08/2018 08:37:17] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Seems like an admin needs to remove the cage from the /v dump area.
  588. [25/08/2018 11:59:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 2 Muted for 2 hours
  589. [25/08/2018 14:29:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Nametag is the name above each player's head.
  590. [25/08/2018 14:47:05] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 Don't give false answers, verbally warned
  591. [25/08/2018 17:06:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 52 Having an unrealistic behaviour such as Healing in a gun fight
  592. [25/08/2018 19:58:58] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 Change resolution to 32 bits
  593. [25/08/2018 20:10:35] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 Please don't use caps over /newb, screenshot /mydeaths and post a forum complaint.
  594. [25/08/2018 20:11:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 Such answer is not tolerated, verbally warned
  595. [26/08/2018 07:09:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 9 The rules are different regarding public families and non-public, check the Gang Rules on "Families section"
  596. [26/08/2018 10:33:49] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 29 Yes, if he intended to reveal them or investigate them.
  597. [26/08/2018 10:34:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Permanently muted for abuse
  598. [26/08/2018 10:36:04] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 You can only rent one roleplaywise from another player, there is no rental system scriptwise.
  599. [26/08/2018 11:03:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 14 He meant the newbie channel, not the vehicle radio stream.
  600. [26/08/2018 18:22:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Yes, you need to report for a revival.
  601. [26/08/2018 19:03:25] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 Fully sultan costs around 12m - 13m, non upgraded ones are way cheap 9m-11m
  602. [26/08/2018 19:03:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 Rephrase your question please
  603. [26/08/2018 19:03:59] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 You need to be in a family and an arms dealer at the same time to make M4s.
  604. [26/08/2018 19:05:15] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 They may be busy roleplaying, or helping newbies around.
  605. [26/08/2018 19:11:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 17 /accent to view all the available ones
  606. [27/08/2018 09:21:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 /drughelp to view all the available commands.
  607. [27/08/2018 09:43:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 /cheer 4
  608. [27/08/2018 09:56:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 46 It was removed scriptwise, you can only roleplay it now
  609. [27/08/2018 12:15:07] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 56 You can only withdraw money from atms, using /atm
  610. [27/08/2018 12:38:32] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Put your suggestion on forums, use /newb for script related questions only.
  611. [27/08/2018 12:42:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 No, new vehicle system, use /v track to trace it down.
  612. [27/08/2018 12:42:50] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 Not for me, It's your own internet
  613. [27/08/2018 12:43:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Custom vehicle donations are worth 20$, but the price depends if you buy it from a player.
  614. [27/08/2018 13:33:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 English only over /newb, if you can't speak, don't use it at all
  615. [27/08/2018 13:33:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36 English only over /newb, if you can't speak, don't use it at all
  616. [27/08/2018 13:34:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 36
  617. [27/08/2018 14:47:18] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 54 You can't change it, you can only disable it.
  618. [27/08/2018 14:56:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 45 Yes, and you can also rob unlimited items within the player's possession.
  619. [27/08/2018 15:02:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 You need to obtain more respect points, /stats to view them, then /buylevel when you have 50k in hand.
  620. [27/08/2018 16:23:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 21 Cocaine can go around 7k to 12k per gram?
  621. [27/08/2018 16:37:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 37 You need to get familiar with all the rules in the community, and meet the least requirements, then you can-..
  622. [28/08/2018 07:35:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Try 85 or 233 for ballas color.
  623. [28/08/2018 07:35:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 44 That's not what he meant.
  624. [28/08/2018 08:33:27] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 No, only the one you own, aswell as family cars.
  625. [28/08/2018 08:35:37] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 You can use /get while crouched beside a gun.
  626. [28/08/2018 08:37:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Then it's not a real weapon, it's just an object that happened to be bugged.
  627. [28/08/2018 08:57:30] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 Visit Willowfield dealership and try your luck, /dealerships
  628. [28/08/2018 09:15:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 Because each skin has it's own ped walkstyle, change your clothes to change your walkstyle.
  629. [28/08/2018 09:18:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 47 /report for online administrators to be in your assistance, or take evidence with 'F8' of what happened, and sub
  630. [28/08/2018 09:35:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 A Sultan is a donated vehicle, therefore the price ICly can be expensive 10m-13m
  631. [28/08/2018 09:35:10] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 A Sultan is a donated vehicle, therefore the price ICly can be expensive 10m-13m
  632. [28/08/2018 09:37:03] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 19 You can view all the cheap cars at the dealership, /dealerships -> Willowfield
  633. [28/08/2018 12:04:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 54 You can look for other binco stores around the city, "t-shirt icon" on your minimap
  634. [28/08/2018 12:52:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 3 Quit using /newb other than asking questions related to the script, verbally warned
  635. [28/08/2018 12:53:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 65 /requestadunmute, make sure you hold enough money.
  636. [28/08/2018 13:03:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 /exit
  637. [28/08/2018 14:13:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 16 /toggleplay
  638. [28/08/2018 17:19:56] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 /v givekeys (id)
  639. [28/08/2018 17:20:00] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 Things have changed
  640. [28/08/2018 17:39:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 42 Muted for an hour due to abuse, think twice next time before using /newb.
  641. [28/08/2018 18:03:13] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 /stats to view your respect points.
  642. [28/08/2018 18:35:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 They need to interact with you if they want to shoot you, either by Roleplay or IC warnings
  643. [28/08/2018 18:37:06] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 Asspull is allowed, but he needs to roleplay shooting you, because it's not allowed.
  644. [28/08/2018 18:38:52] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 43 You can't do anything OOCly, everything you do is considered ICly.
  645. [28/08/2018 18:41:50] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 Screenshot the stuff you have lost upon death, and make a game related request.
  646. [28/08/2018 18:42:43] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 15 No, they can pay it via /bail, only if they had one scriptwise.
  647. [28/08/2018 18:48:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 53 Can you use /newb properly please
  648. [28/08/2018 18:54:31] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 15 You can only roleplay it for now, no robbery system is implemented.
  649. [28/08/2018 19:08:29] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 Phone Books don't contain numbers of players if they had already changed it.
  650. [28/08/2018 19:11:12] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 28 Type "/sellgun" to view all the available weapons you can craft, then input a name.
  651. [29/08/2018 06:49:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 12 You need to purchase it from another player, or be apart of a family & and become an arms dealer
  652. [29/08/2018 06:50:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Yeah, it has been fixed this week.
  653. [29/08/2018 07:03:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Yes you can, but you might be in need of recommendations in order to get accepted.
  654. [29/08/2018 07:03:26] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 1 Yes you can, but you might be in need of recommendations in order to get accepted.
  655. [29/08/2018 08:48:54] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 32 It depends on your character if he wants to run legal or illegal.
  656. [29/08/2018 10:23:45] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 26 Muted for an hour for trolling
  657. [29/08/2018 11:16:28] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Meet a woman around by roleplaying with her ICly.
  658. [30/08/2018 11:48:46] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 /togautochat
  659. [30/08/2018 14:14:14] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 42 /report for that please, not for /newb
  660. [30/08/2018 14:18:02] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 8 Yes you can, use /sellgun on your own ID number.
  661. [30/08/2018 16:02:53] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 This is a roleplay server, hacking will result in a permanent ban.
  662. [30/08/2018 17:55:23] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 If you have any proof that shows it is your personal account, make a game related request on
  663. [30/08/2018 17:56:42] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 24 Indeed, it would help you to recover your account back.
  664. [30/08/2018 19:33:34] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 You need to donate for a house interior change, check for more info.
  665. [30/08/2018 19:41:19] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 40 Please keep /newb for script related questions & answers only.
  666. [30/08/2018 19:42:33] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 57 It means that the admin provided no reason for the kick.
  667. [31/08/2018 08:19:51] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 41 /dealerships -> Jefferson dealership to view all the available bikes for sale.
  668. [31/08/2018 08:19:55] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 11 Muted for an hour.
  669. [31/08/2018 10:02:11] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 38 Constant M/cs by the player
  670. [31/08/2018 10:02:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 Gather evidence using 'F8' and submit a forum complaint on
  671. [31/08/2018 10:02:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 0 Find out ICly
  672. [31/08/2018 10:03:40] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 4 /report the ID of the player to the online administrators.
  673. [31/08/2018 14:40:01] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 34 You can use /neon as a mechanic.
  674. [31/08/2018 15:51:36] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 22 You need to get rid of the objects one by one;
  675. [31/08/2018 17:56:22] [cmd] [Arn_D_Forsberg] /ap 30 No, it was removed.
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