
Edward Pheonix

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. Name: Edward Pheonix, The Merciful Blood Knight
  2. Race: Dwarf/Half-Orc
  3. Religion: Lilliah, in the Order of Corbeau
  4. Age: 55
  5. Appearance: Edward isn't necessarily tall, he's only around 5' from his mixed nature, however he is massive in terms of muscle. He is built with a massive upper chest, however his legs are also chiseled from his waist to even his toes. He has trained himself to a peak physical condition, his body a temple to Lilliah. He shaves his head completely, revealing multiple scars across his head. In fact his whole body is scarred from repeated combat, many aching as he fights or even moves. However his faith and love for combat keeps him going past him, using the pain itself as a reason to fight on. His mixed ancestry also gave him a rather squished face, his nose short but wide and long. He has also chiseled off his tusks and has never accepted a tattoo. To him, his ancestry means nothing. He fights for what he believes in and fights against evil. Anything else is a distraction.
  7. Weapons: The Maul of Mercy: An ornate wrecking ball with a 25 foot chain. The Wrecking ball is constructed at it's core from steel and has silver spikes across it. Around the spikes are ornate gold embroidery with a silver covering on the rest of the ball. The chains are each constructed similar, with small spikes across the every other chain.
  9. Statue of Repentance: Large statue, standing at 6 feet tall with a half of a foot pedestal. The statue is of an angel holding a blade stuck partially in the pedestal. It has four wings and a mask concealing it's eyes. However blood flows from under the mask, making it appear she is crying blood. The statue is made from steel and completely plated in gold.
  11. Armor: Gold and Silver Sanguine Armor: Ancient armor of a former crusader and paladin. This armor is unusual in that it almost doesn't protect the wielder. Rather it sustains them as they fight. It doesn't prevent injuries, it acts as a form of life support, giving the user greater resistance to death from their injuries. As well as the user grows more injured, their strength grows greater.
  13. Misc. Equipment:
  14. Riches: 0
  16. Notable Skills: Hand to Hand Combat XV, Maul-Combat XIII, Holy Magic X, Strength XX, Diplomacy V, Endurance XV
  18. Magical Specialty: Divine
  19. Spell Components: Sigils
  20. Spells:
  22. Edward cares nothing much for magic, prefering melee combat. However his fighting and actions in the church has left him with many blessing that take the form of Sigils implanted into his skin much like tattoos. These are very powerful and direct actions that he can use in combat. He can prepare roughly 13 sigils a day, with most of his holy magic instead making them that much more powerful.
  24. Sigil of Healing: The sigil that has a simple nature, it heals an individual.
  26. Sigil of Valor: A sigil that empowers an individual for a brief amount of time. They gain greater speed, strength, and endurance.
  28. Sigil of Penance: A sigil that empowers himself and his weapons for a brief time. They radiate holy energy that burns any evil on and inside of a person. He infuses this energy into his attacks, burning them at the points of contact and radiating into them, cooking them from the inside out by burning the evil out of an individual at their core.
  30. Sigil of Shielding: A simple sigil that forms a magical shield to block an attack.
  32. Sigil of Life: A single that gives life to someone. This sigil can either revive the dead, if they had died within the last 24 hours. Or even bring life to an object. He primarily breaths life into his statue, causing it to fight beside him.
  34. Backstory: Edward was abandoned within the wood as a child at the age of 8~
  36. His parents were a half-orc and a dwarf each, his mother being the dwarf. Though they loved each other, they were also shunned by society for much of their life together and grew to hate both each other and their marriage for years to come. They had a child thinking it'd respark their love for each other. However, for Edward, it did. Instead of removing their disdain for the world and the oppression sought onto them, they instead put it all into their son. They never truly neglected him to the point of his health coming into question, instead, they ignored him in all ways possible elsewhere, later abandoning him within the wood when he turned 8. His parents, running off to enjoy the rest of their lives.
  37. Even as a Kid, Edward was a strong, and tough individual. He was given some supplies from his parents, an axe, a knife, and some food for a few days. However he need to find shelter, and went in search of what he could find. He eventually settled near a lake and make a basic bedding from plantlife and gathered food from nearby plants. For the next few months, Edward would live off the land and come to death a few times before a group of traveling monks came across him. Noting that he had no home, no calling, and a body willing to fight, he joined the Order of Corbeau and began to train as a crusader...
  40. Family: None, Orphaned.
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