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Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. # PlayerHeads Configuration
  2. # IMPORTANT NOTE: heads dropped by charged creepers are not modified by this plugin nor the below settings.
  3. # Defaults/explanation:
  4. # pkonly: true [true/false] When true trophies only drop when a player kills another player (as opposed to self drowning, etc)
  5. # droprate: 0.05 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a trophy will drop when a player dies (1 is 100%, 0 is never)
  6. # lootingrate: 0.2 [0.0 -> 1.0] Increases all droprates by lootingrate percent per looting level when a enchanted weapon is used
  7. # mobpkonly: true [true/false] When true mob trophies only drop when a player kills the mob (as opposed to a lava blade or fall death)
  8. # creeperdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a creeper dies
  9. # zombiedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie dies
  10. # skeletondroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a skeleton dies
  11. # witherskeletondroprate: 0.025 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wither skeleton dies. (NOTE: if this is negative, wither skeleton will use vanilla drop behavior and items instead.)
  12. # spiderdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a spider dies
  13. # endermandroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an enderman dies
  14. # blazedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a blaze dies
  15. # horsedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a horse dies
  16. # donkeydroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a donkey dies
  17. # squiddroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a squid dies
  18. # silverfishdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a silverfish dies
  19. # enderdragondroprate: 0.05 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an ender dragon dies
  20. # slimedroprate: 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a slime dies
  21. # irongolemdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an iron golem dies
  22. # mushroomcowdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a mushroom cow dies
  23. # batdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a bat dies
  24. # pigzombiedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pig zombie dies
  25. # snowmandroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a snowman dies
  26. # ghastdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a ghast dies
  27. # pigdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pig dies
  28. # villagerdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a villager dies
  29. # sheepdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a sheep dies
  30. # cowdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cow dies
  31. # chickendroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a chicken dies
  32. # ocelotdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an ocelot dies
  33. # witchdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a witch dies
  34. # magmacubedroprate: 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a magma cube dies
  35. # wolfdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wolf dies
  36. # cavespiderdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cave spider dies
  37. # rabbitdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a rabbit dies
  38. # guardiandroprate: 0.025 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a guardian dies
  39. # elderguardiandroprate: 0.030 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an elder guardian dies
  40. # polarbeardroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a polarbear dies
  41. # shulkerdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a shulker dies
  42. # straydroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a stray dies
  43. # endermitedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a endermite dies
  44. # evokerdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an evoker dies
  45. # illusionerdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when an illusioner dies
  46. # vindicatordroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a vindicator dies
  47. # witherdroprate: 0.005 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a wither(boss) dies
  48. # vexdroprate: 0.004 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a vex dies
  49. # llamadroprate: 0.008 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a llama dies
  50. # parrotdroprate: 0.008 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a parrot dies
  51. # huskdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a husk dies (version 4.0+)
  52. # zombievillagerdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie villager dies (version 4.0+)
  53. # skeletonhorsedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a skeleton horse dies (version 4.0+)
  54. # zombiehorsedroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a zombie horse dies (version 4.0+)
  55. # muledroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a mule dies (version 4.0+)
  56. # turtledroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a turtle dies (version 4.0+)
  57. # phantomdroprate: 0.001 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a phasntom dies (version 4.0+)
  58. # coddroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a cod dies (version 4.0+)
  59. # salmondroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a salmon dies (version 4.0+)
  60. # pufferfishdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a pufferfish dies (version 4.0+)
  61. # tropicalfishdroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a tropical fish dies (version 4.0+)
  62. # drowneddroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a drowned dies (version 4.0+)
  63. # dolphindroprate: 0.002 [0.0 -> 1.0] Chance that a mob trophy will drop when a dolphin dies (version 4.0+)
  64. # fixcase: true [true/false] When spawning/renaming heads, will attempt to make the input case insensitive
  65. # updatecheck: true [true/false] Checks for update on startup and alerts admins
  66. # broadcast: true [true/false] Sends a message when someone gets beheaded
  67. # broadcastrange: 0 [positive int] Radial distance in meters in which other players will hear the broadcast message (0 is unlimited)
  68. # antideathchest: false [true/false] Do not allow other plugins to fiddle with dropping player heads, makes certain they drop on the ground
  69. # dropboringplayerheads: false [true/false] Drop plain heads when a player dies, instead of the player's head
  70. # dropvanillaheads: true [true/false] Drop vanilla mob heads whenever possible on death and on breaking head (for creeper/skeleton/zombie/witherskeleton/dragon) (version 4.1+)
  71. # If this is false, any modified drops and breaking of skulls will use skinned player head versions only.
  72. # convertvanillaheads: false [true/false] When false, avoid converting the type head of when its block is broken.
  73. # When true (or pre-4.2), the head is automatically converted to vanilla or skinned depending on the state of `dropvanillaheads` setting. (version 4.2+)
  74. # nerfdeathspam: false [true/false] Don't drop a head when a player has died recently to the same killer (within a threshold). This alleviates some ability to farm heads. (version 4.3+)
  75. # If pkonly is disabled, a player dying repeatedly to any mob is also nerfed similarly under this option.
  76. # addlore: true [true/false] If true (or pre-4.6), add plugin and player/mob lore text to plugin-added head items. If false, skip adding any lore. (version 4.6+)
  77. # clickspamcount: 5 [positive int] Number of click interactions to record and check for spam (version 4.7+)
  78. # clickspamthreshold: 1000 [positive int] Amount of miliseconds to match click interactions for spam (version 4.7+)
  79. # deathspamamount: 5 [positive int] Number of player deaths to record and check for spam (version 4.7+)
  80. # deathspamthreshold: 300000 [positive int] Amount of miliseconds to match player deaths for spam (version 4.7+)
  82. pkonly: true
  83. droprate: 0.05
  84. lootingrate: 0.2
  85. mobpkonly: true
  86. fixcase: false
  87. updatecheck: true
  88. broadcast: true
  89. broadcastrange: 0
  90. antideathchest: false
  91. dropboringplayerheads: false
  92. dropvanillaheads: true
  93. convertvanillaheads: false
  94. nerfdeathspam: false
  95. addlore: true
  96. clickspamcount: 5
  97. clickspamthreshold: 1000
  98. deathspamcount: 5
  99. deathspamthreshold: 300000
  101. creeperdroprate: 0.005
  102. zombiedroprate: 0.002
  103. skeletondroprate: 0.002
  104. witherskeletondroprate: 0.025
  105. spiderdroprate: 0.002
  106. endermandroprate: 0.002
  107. blazedroprate: 0.002
  108. horsedroprate: 0.002
  109. donkeydroprate: 0.002
  110. squiddroprate: 0.005
  111. silverfishdroprate: 0.005
  112. enderdragondroprate: 0.05
  113. slimedroprate: 0.001
  114. irongolemdroprate: 0.005
  115. mushroomcowdroprate: 0.002
  116. batdroprate: 0.005
  117. pigzombiedroprate: 0.002
  118. snowmandroprate: 0.002
  119. ghastdroprate: 0.005
  120. pigdroprate: 0.002
  121. villagerdroprate: 0.002
  122. sheepdroprate: 0.002
  123. cowdroprate: 0.002
  124. chickendroprate: 0.002
  125. ocelotdroprate: 0.005
  126. witchdroprate: 0.005
  127. magmacubedroprate: 0.001
  128. wolfdroprate: 0.002
  129. cavespiderdroprate: 0.002
  130. rabbitdroprate: 0.002
  131. guardiandroprate: 0.025
  132. elderguardiandroprate: 0.030
  133. polarbeardroprate: 0.005
  134. shulkerdroprate: 0.002
  135. straydroprate: 0.002
  136. endermitedroprate: 0.005
  137. evokerdroprate: 0.005
  138. illusionerdroprate: 0.005
  139. vindicatordroprate: 0.005
  140. witherdroprate: 0.005
  141. vexdroprate: 0.004
  142. llamadroprate: 0.008
  143. parrotdroprate: 0.008
  145. #new drop rates supported since the 4.x redesign
  146. huskdroprate: 0.002
  147. zombievillagerdroprate: 0.002
  148. skeletonhorsedroprate: 0.002
  149. zombiehorsedroprate: 0.002
  150. muledroprate: 0.002
  151. turtledroprate: 0.002
  152. phantomdroprate: 0.001
  153. coddroprate: 0.002
  154. salmondroprate: 0.002
  155. pufferfishdroprate: 0.002
  156. tropicalfishdroprate: 0.002
  157. drowneddroprate: 0.002
  158. dolphindroprate: 0.002
  160. #speculative drop rates with 1.14 mobs - these names are NOT final
  161. pillagerdroprate: 0.002
  162. illagerbeastdroprate: 0.005
  163. pandadroprate: 0.002
  164. catdroprate: 0.002
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