

Oct 15th, 2016
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  1. A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y
  3. [ R4-██ approved guidelines: ]
  4. > PLAY GAME
  5. [OUTPUT: Loading...]
  6. [OUTPUT: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.]
  7. >Spam the laptop.
  8. [OUTPUT: You type a random password into the laptop, like an asshole.]
  9. [OUTPUT: "*Password incorrect. Would you like to answer a series of questions to confirm your identity?*"]
  10. >Yes.
  11. [OUTPUT: The screen displays a question, four images, and a text box. "*What came first, culturally speaking?*"]
  12. [OUTPUT: Option one is an arrangement of four diamonds into a square. The bottom pink, the right blue, the left yellow, and the top white. Option two displays another arrangement of diamonds exactly the same, save for the right being green, and the left blue. Option three displays yet another arrangement of diamonds with the same properties as the second, though with the top gray. The final option appears to be four interlocking triangles of various shades, all entrapped in a larger gray diamond.]
  13. >What shades?
  14. [OUTPUT: One is green, one is a pale yellow, the other a sort of shale, and the last a light reddish color of some description.]
  15. >option two
  16. [OUTPUT: "*Error: incorrect. Would you like to try again?*"]
  17. >Y
  18. [OUTPUT: The text entry box appears once more.]
  19. >Option 4?
  20. [OUTPUT: "*Error: incorrect. Would you like to try again?*"]
  21. >Y
  22. [OUTPUT: The box appears once more.]
  23. >Option 1.
  24. [OUTPUT: The screen flashes green.]
  25. [OUTPUT: Another question appears.]
  26. [OUTPUT: "*Question two. Who wrote __Discourse on the Method__? Please only enter surname.*”]
  27. >vardiveig
  28. >probably wrong but hey
  29. [OUTPUT: "*Error: incorrect. Please try again.*"]
  30. >Uhh...
  31. >Descartes?
  32. [OUTPUT: "*Correct.*"]
  33. [OUTPUT: The next question appears.]
  34. >...
  35. [OUTPUT: "*Question three. Which of the below options is to be feared the most?*"]
  36. [OUTPUT: A. The Chi Sector. B. Veni, Vidi, and Vici.
  37. C. A rock. D. A diamond.]
  38. >D?
  39. >Its D or C
  40. >d
  41. [OUTPUT: "*Error: incorrect.*"]
  42. >C
  43. [OUTPUT: "*Error: incorrect.*"]
  44. >A.
  45. [OUTPUT: "*Correct.*"]
  46. [OUTPUT: "*Welcome, R4-ЦАЛБАЛАКРАБ. A document containing a full log of your password troubles and timing has been sent to ИММЕЦОН, F1-0.*"]
  47. >rip us
  48. [OUTPUT: The main screen of the computer holds nothing but three files.]
  49. >Sent to IMMECON.
  50. >What are the names?
  51. >Examine files.
  52. >Oh, sent to Greyhold.
  53. [OUTPUT: "inje.agl," "transp.agl," and "seal.agl."]
  54. >oh look algol
  55. >I assume inject, transplant, and seal.
  56. >inje.agl
  57. [OUTPUT: You run the file.]
  58. [OUTPUT: The computer's screen flashes with a plethora of predetermined coordinate points, and then states, "*Injectors activated.*"]
  59. >transp.agl
  60. [OUTPUT: You run transp.agl. The metal door right before Cyan and yourself slides open.]
  61. >inje.agl
  62. >i assume Seal closes the door, then.
  63. [OUTPUT: You have already run inje.agl.]
  64. >I want to run it again.
  65. [OUTPUT: Nothing new occurs.]
  66. >seal.agl
  67. [OUTPUT: The second you run the file, you hear the sound of a *wave* of explosions rocking the world above your heads.]
  68. >err
  69. >Take the laptop and run.
  70. [OUTPUT: To where, o coward?]
  71. >The door?
  72. [OUTPUT: Entry, or exit.]
  73. >Exit.
  74. >The one that just opened.
  75. >^
  76. [OUTPUT: You plunge deeper into the depths of the mines.]
  77. [OUTPUT: The next room appears to be some sort of study, perhaps. There are a number of objects upon an oaken desk in a corner, directly next to a stone door with a hand symbol upon it. In the opposite corner, there is a hulking machine filled with the same pure black substance you saw in the ÆCHOR canister.]
  78. >I attempt to edit seal.agl to find out what it does.
  79. [OUTPUT: "*You do not have permission to complete this command!*"]
  80. >Only execute perms? Weird, but sure. Examine desk.
  81. [OUTPUT: Upon the desk are precisely four objects. Some ceramic pot of some sort, a small packet with a few Rodarbi characters on it you don't recognize, a sealed metal box, and a sort of lantern-appearing device.]
  82. >Take picture.
  83. [OUTPUT: You do so. The picture that prints out has no text on it, save for an ellipsis.]
  84. >hmm
  85. >Open packet.
  86. [OUTPUT: You examine it beforehand, and open it up.]
  87. [OUTPUT: Cosmorod Pack: A packet of Abenicci-brand cosmorods from your local Aesthetia. Cosmorods, of course, are miniature disposable flammable cedarglass tubes of magetear, designed precisely for inhalation and exhalation. Magetear medication can either have a calming or psychedelic effect on the body of the user. ]
  88. >Oh look drugs.
  89. >What's in the pot?
  90. [OUTPUT: Eldersalt Pot: A sealed ceramic pot of a tan hue filled with pure eldersalt. The stuff seems to vanish when applied to stone. It would be perfect for hiding messages.]
  91. >Light up the lantern thing.
  92. [OUTPUT: You activate the crystal lantern device. It reveals a series of incomprehensible nonsense and digits inscribed all over the walls of the room in some sort of orange-tinted salt.]
  93. >Take picture of it.
  94. [OUTPUT: You do so. The picture prints out, and some blurred figure appears to be standing in the finished product, entirely made out of magetear ink.]
  95. >Take a picture of the figure.
  96. [OUTPUT: You take a picture of the picture. Cyan looks at you like you might be going a little too far with the picture-taking. There is no change in the picture of the picture whatsoever.]
  97. >Examine the box.
  98. [OUTPUT: Sealed Box: A small rectangular metal box, locked by an unknown mechanism. There are three dull purple pentagons on the front face.]
  99. [OUTPUT: You've seen these pentagon symbols before.]
  100. >Where have I seen them?
  101. >sorry, but. where are we right now?
  102. >Some kind of study.
  103. [OUTPUT: If you recall correctly, the Venator placed some Sanguine Keystones into these sorts of pentagons to open a door.]
  104. [OUTPUT: You are in the Kappa Sector, in a study beneath the ÆCHOR mines.]
  105. >Examine machine.
  106. [OUTPUT: You examine the device, not particularly understanding it. Cyan observes it with her pseudo-engineer's eyes as well, in awe. There are a number of pipes and tubes pumping the black substance about, all directly into the ground.]
  107. >check inventory for keystones
  108. [OUTPUT: You have three.]
  109. >slot keystones into box
  110. >Oh.
  111. [OUTPUT: You open the box. The keystones pop out of the thing as it opens up. The thing appears to contain blueprints for some sort of levitating drone wielding an inbuilt camera. The thing is written in a mixture of candlelight-colored ink, and maroon.]
  112. >Shine lantern on it.
  113. >recollect keystones, take items
  114. [OUTPUT: You recollect the keystones, and take the items, shining the light of the lantern on the blueprints. Eldersalt marks on the paper indicate a full list of required supplies to construct the drone.]
  115. >What supplies are we missing?
  116. [OUTPUT: Recalling the piles of junk in the ship, you believe the only thing you lack is a single plate of tenebrite. Funnily enough, the ÆCHOR canisters are composed of the stuff.]
  117. >Go back to where there were the canisters.
  118. [OUTPUT: You have one.]
  119. >Eh. It'll also give a chance to see what exploded.
  120. [OUTPUT: Heading back, you walk over to the stairs. Looking up at a lack of light, Cyan makes a quip. "Well, now we know what exploded."]
  121. >rip
  122. >Use lantern to light the way.
  123. >in hindsight running "seal" in a mine sounded like a bad idea
  124. >Oh.
  125. >Right.
  126. [OUTPUT: The top of the staircase has caved in. You are trapped in the mines.]
  127. >Smash canister on rocks, carefully.
  128. [OUTPUT: Are you sure you want to do this?]
  129. >how do you carefully smash?
  130. >hmm
  131. >Attempt to extract a plate of tenebrite, first.
  132. [OUTPUT: You and Cyan manage to pry off a plate on the top with your collective strength, despite the fact that it is nailed into place.]
  133. >yey
  134. >inb4 we roll a 0 on our defense roll later
  135. >Test what happens if I pour a tiny amount on a rock.
  136. [OUTPUT: The ÆCHOR hasn't yet been exposed to air. There is another internal covering of tenebrite.]
  137. >Is there any air on the inside of the container?
  138. [OUTPUT: Not that you can see.]
  139. [OUTPUT: The thing appears to be sealed airtight.]
  140. >Well.
  141. >The solution is bovios and not at all risky
  143. >Wait a second.
  144. [OUTPUT: Are you sure you want to do that?]
  145. >Put container in the corner of the laptop room.
  146. [OUTPUT: You do so.]
  147. >Blow it up.
  148. [OUTPUT: How?]
  149. >Don't we have some kind of cannon?
  150. [OUTPUT: Cyan does.]
  151. >Cyan>: Create Exploding Barrel.
  152. [OUTPUT: Cyan shoots the canister.]
  153. >Whoops, forgot to go to other corner.
  154. [OUTPUT: It immediately erupts into flames, the black liquid spilling out and seeming to separate into various compounds upon contact with the air.]
  155. >Examine compounds from distance
  156. >Can we identify any compounds?
  157. [OUTPUT: Nothing specific. It all appears to be a red and black seared stain on the ground.]
  158. >Can we collect any more tenebrite without touching it?
  159. >Won't the plates be damaged reducing their usablity?
  160. [OUTPUT: You're lucky enough to have not been struck through the gem by shrapnel. The stuff has mostly been damaged to the point of uselessness.]
  161. >realism yey
  162. >Take picture of machine.
  163. [OUTPUT: You take a photo of the machine. Whatever text it prints out is obscured by the black fluid in the device matching its hue.]
  164. >Examine black fluid
  165. >Attempt to arrange another photo so the words aren't obscured.
  166. [OUTPUT: Every face of the machine has a sizable porthole filled with ÆCHOR. There is no way you can do so.]
  167. >Put a tenabrite plate in the way, then.
  168. [OUTPUT: Tenebrite is also black.]
  169. >Put the laptop in the way.
  170. [OUTPUT: The photo you print out reads "*You put too much effort in for this picture, kid!*"]
  171. >pf
  172. >shut up malpike
  173. [OUTPUT: What now?]
  174. >Open door.
  175. [OUTPUT: You unseal the door. The room beyond is small, metallic, and featureless, save for a square corotite pad in the center, bearing a Rodarbi universal entry square in its own center.]
  176. >Step on the pad.
  177. [OUTPUT: The two of you board the elevator. Would you like to descend?]
  178. >Yes.
  179. [OUTPUT: You traverse deeper into the abyss.]
  180. [OUTPUT: The pad settles into a tunnel that appears to have been carven out of what appears to be *plasma gunfire and grenade blasts*. Obliterated gem shards and slain *crystallomechanicum* droids litter the floor.]
  181. >Is there a throne nearby?
  182. [OUTPUT: No.]
  183. >Salvage droids.
  184. [OUTPUT: There's too much to stick in your gem. You aren't exactly a pearl, after all.]
  185. >What about just things that seem useful.
  186. [OUTPUT: You grab as many gem shards as you can for your mass-burial.]
  187. [OUTPUT: What now?]
  188. >Continue along tunnel.
  189. [OUTPUT: You continue down the tunnel, eventually reaching an absolutely massive cavern. The side of the thing appears to gape out into the blackness of the void beyond. This must have been some sort of hangar. Figures seem to be moving around a cuboid structure of pure black stone on the far end of the cavern.]
  190. >Take picture.
  191. [OUTPUT: You take a picture.]
  192. [OUTPUT: You only have twenty-one photos left on the roll of film you have. The text says, "*What were once people are now horrors, thoughts reduced to instincts. Hilarious.*"]
  193. >Well, then.
  194. >Attempt to find out what the figures are from afar.
  195. [OUTPUT: They're *vaguely* humanoid, with some sort of charred flesh.]
  196. >Inspect stone.
  197. [OUTPUT: It's almost featureless. The only thing of note is a door with blinking navy lights upon its front.]
  198. >Attempt to sneak through the door.
  199. >rip us
  200. [OUTPUT: You take a single step toward the box, and the two figures standing out by it notice you. They promptly lunge a good twenty meters, missing you by inches. Do you wish to engage in combat?]
  201. >What would happen if I didn't wish to engage in combat?
  202. [OUTPUT: You would probably be mauled to death.]
  203. >Well then, engage away.
  205. >OBSERVE
  206. [OUTPUT: Ur-Demon: 17/17 HP x2.
  207. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.]
  208. >Restrain them with water.
  209. [OUTPUT: And Cyan?]
  210. >Cyan opens the door.
  211. [OUTPUT: She can't. You can. Upon further examination, the door is marked with a hand symbol containing four navy hashes, occasionally blinking.]
  212. Bomber57: It has been too long since I have stepped foot in this room. Let me uh, go get some food first.
  213. [OUTPUT: Not during combat, of course. But you can.]
  214. >What's out inventory?
  215. [ ]
  216. >contemplate whether cyan could temporarily paralyse them.
  217. >i'm assuming not honestly
  218. [OUTPUT: She's got electrokinetic abilities. It *might* be possible, but it would be a bit of a stretch.]
  219. >Cyan>Do it.
  220. >mh, fair enough
  221. >inb4 0 on next defenseive roll
  222. [OUTPUT: You restrain both beasts, and Cyan immediately synergizes with you, paralyzing both instantly with electricity. She seems surprised at the success of her action.]
  223. >Escape while attempting to keep them restrained.
  224. [*You're not a coward. Fight.*]
  225. **ENEMY TURN.**
  226. [OUTPUT: The Ur-Demons are both paralyzed.]
  227. >erm
  228. **YOUR TURN.**
  230. >I was attempting to show MERCY.
  231. >OBSERVE
  232. >disarm them in a quite literal fashion
  233. >after observing of course
  234. [OUTPUT: Mercy in death for corrupted gems. Don't you know how this works?]
  235. [OUTPUT: Ur-Demon: 13/17 HP x2. Restrained, paralyzed.
  236. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.
  237. Ur-Demon: 13/17 HP. Restrained, paralyzed.]
  238. >This isn't undertale.
  239. >meh
  240. [OUTPUT: It isn't as if they actually *die*. You just poof them.]
  241. >^
  242. >They only die if you destroy their gem.
  243. >I think that is how it works.
  244. >attempt to sharpen your wings into a blade
  245. [OUTPUT: You sadly fail to make wingblades.]
  246. >Bit spotty on the SU lore, considering i only watched up to episode 9 and got all my info from AO
  247. >I'm pretty sure they live on, fragmented into shards of themselves waiting to recombine, living hell.
  248. >RIP
  249. >damn
  250. >Cyan>Plasma their gems off.
  251. >So, are we gonna go with the observe and disarm plan?
  252. >Yeah.
  253. >Lets go with disarm and plasma.
  254. >Without knocking away the restaints, if possible.
  255. [OUTPUT: You immediately disarm both Ur-Demons, in the literal sense. Some sort of pus sprays onto the ground. Cyan's plasma shot slightly fizzles out as it strikes them, but is otherwise effective.]
  256. **ENEMY TURN.**
  257. [OUTPUT: The Ur-Demons are paralyzed.]
  258. **YOUR TURN.**
  259. >OBSERVE
  261. >OBSERVE
  262. [OUTPUT: Ur-Demon: 9/17 HP. Restrained, paralyzed, armless.
  263. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.
  264. Ur-Demon: 9/17 HP. Restrained, paralyzed, armless.
  265. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.]
  266. >Azure>Disleg them.
  267. >Cyan: Plasma the first one to death pls
  268. [OUTPUT: Cyan ineffectually shoots the first one, and you relieve the two of their legs.]
  269. **ENEMY TURN.**
  270. >next we should relieve them of their heads (next turn of cours)
  271. [OUTPUT: The two immediately proceed to unleash oral infernos at you, breathing out a curtain of flame, evaporating the water restraining them, and plowing the two of you into the wall painfully.]
  272. **YOUR TURN.**
  274. >OBSERVE
  275. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 12/15 HP.
  276. Cyan Amaranthine: 5/10 HP.
  277. Ur-Demon: 5/17 HP. Restrained, paralyzed, armless.
  278. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.
  279. Ur-Demon: 6/17 HP. Restrained, paralyzed, armless.
  280. NOTES: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.]
  281. >**Behead them.**
  282. [OUTPUT: Are you sure you want to do that?]
  283. >Your stance on this?
  284. >hmm
  285. >Where are their gems?
  286. [OUTPUT: First one is on the chest, second is right shoulder.]
  287. >Cyan: Plasma. Their necks and gems. Now. Azure: Remove the other's shoulder with a sword of water, and then impale the other in the chest with a spear of water.
  288. >"aruze"
  289. >hhahahahahahahh
  290. >Haha, what?
  291. [OUTPUT: Very well.]
  292. [OUTPUT: You slay them both.]
  293. >I mean, what?
  294. [OUTPUT: Instead of exploding into the poof of sparkling dust you've come to expect, the two promptly explode in a vicious blast of fiery energy, which consumes both Cyan and yourself.]
  295. >Phew?
  296. [OUTPUT: You both come out it, alive. The two gems lie in the center of a new crater. The door of the cube awaits.]
  297. >Bubble them.
  298. [OUTPUT: You send both back to the ship.]
  299. [OUTPUT: What now?]
  300. >Examine door. Again.
  301. [OUTPUT: The door is composed of a dark stone. It is otherwise featureless, save for a central hand symbol displaying four glowing navy hashes.]
  302. >Open door?
  303. [OUTPUT: The door opens.]
  304. [OUTPUT: Within, the cubic room is extremely sparse. There is another door of the exact same type across from you, bearing five hashes. There is also, however, a diamond of some unrecognizable metal in the very middle of the floor, with a latch upon it. Stylistic designs in glowing navy are present around the edges of the thing.]
  305. >Open latch?
  306. [OUTPUT: You twist the latch, and pull it upwards, a hiss echoing throughout the room.]
  307. >Oh, it's this thing.
  308. [OUTPUT: Instead of the SHARD you expected, there is a cubic block of some odd machinery. Red lights on the ceiling blink, and the floor begins to rumble.]
  309. >ohhhh shit
  310. >it's the summoner bois
  311. >. . .
  312. [OUTPUT: The floor beneath you immediately begins to descend, the entry door shutting with a clang. Traveling meters after meters in three seconds, you arrive in a massive hall.]
  313. [OUTPUT: The Carmine Lady awaits you, axe in hand, scowling all the while.]
  314. >the carmine lady??
  315. [OUTPUT: D O Y O U W I S H T O E N G A G E I N C O M B A T ? ]
  316. >Is this a boss.
  317. **FINAL BOSS: KAPPA.**
  318. > ENGAGE.
  319. >The final boss is a giant kappa face in the form of a gem
  321. >OBSERVE
  322. >OBSERVE
  323. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 9/15 HP.
  324. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  325. Lady of Carmine: 30/30 HP.
  326. NOTES: A tall, muscular smoky quartz soldier wielding a battle axe. Her form appears to occasionally glitch out, and her body is coated in scratches and wounds, dripping blood. Not exactly the picture-perfect example of a happy camper, you must agree.]
  327. >Heal.
  328. [OUTPUT: You only have one medkit.]
  329. >Cyan>Heal
  330. >Azure>Restrain
  331. [OUTPUT: Cyan uses a medkit.]
  332. [OUTPUT: Cyan is fully healed. You lash out at the Lady of Carmine. A tendril of water attempting to restrain her merely slashes her once until she annihilates it.]
  333. **ENEMY TURN.**
  334. [OUTPUT: The Lady of Carmine responds by promptly decapitating you. Poof.]
  335. >OH FUCK
  336. >what
  337. **YOUR TURN.**
  341. >OBSERVE
  342. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 0/15 HP.
  343. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  344. Lady of Carmine: 27/30 HP.
  345. NOTES: A tall, muscular smoky quartz soldier wielding a battle axe. Her form appears to occasionally glitch out, and her body is coated in scratches and wounds, dripping blood. Not exactly the picture-perfect example of a happy camper, you must agree.]
  346. >and no decapitate
  347. >not yet
  348. >inventory?
  349. [ ]
  350. >consumer why are you telling us not to win
  351. >Wait, where's its gem?
  352. >we need to undecapitate ourself first
  353. >and then...
  354. >And how do you suggest we do that?
  355. [OUTPUT: Remember. Creative assaults deal more damage. Also, her gem is on her navel.]
  356. >hmm
  357. >Do we still have an aechor canister?
  358. [OUTPUT: You don't. You blew that up.]
  359. >Also we can't undecapitate consumer this is called realism have you heard of it
  360. >"it's still in our inventory"
  361. >no
  362. >what is realism, battlefury?
  363. >what is this sorcery?
  364. [OUTPUT: Is it really in your inventory?]
  365. >Touché.
  366. >Do gems count as inorganic?
  367. [OUTPUT: Creative attacks deal more damage. Collude with your peers to win.]
  368. [OUTPUT: Yes.]
  369. >...
  370. >You can't undecapitate yourself because you don't have a physical form.
  371. >Anyway, as for actually getting shit done.
  372. >Anyone against cracking that gem with the Duopen?
  373. >I want to try something.
  374. >You know how Cyan's Limb Destabilizer Cannon creates some kind of ball of energy focused at a certain point?
  375. >What if we hold the Bioschema to that energy and then will the Bioschema to fire, creating some horrific amalgamation of an energy/plasma sphere.
  376. >Would that work, Erelye?
  377. [OUTPUT: This plan seems feasible enough.]
  378. > Do the plan.
  379. [OUTPUT: Cyan fires a horrific blast of electromagnetic energy at the Lady of Carmine. She is blown into a wall, and thusly disoriented.]
  380. >nice.
  381. **ENEMY TURN.**
  382. [OUTPUT: The Lady attempts to axe you to death, and not only misses the strike, but does it so weakly that it bounces off of the floor.]
  383. **YOUR TURN.**
  385. >Is she holding her axe now.
  386. >I assume we are unable to loot Azure's weapons?
  387. [OUTPUT: Yes on both counts.]
  388. >OBSERVE and
  389. Take a Gluon Destabilizer, and surround it in Limb Destabilizer, then chuck the DestabilizerX2 at the Lady.
  390. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 0/15 HP.
  391. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  392. Lady of Carmine: 21/30 HP.
  393. NOTES: A tall, muscular smoky quartz soldier wielding a battle axe. Her form appears to occasionally glitch out, and her body is coated in scratches and wounds, dripping blood. Not exactly the picture-perfect example of a happy camper, you must agree.]
  394. >Wait, how does a gem have blood?
  395. [OUTPUT: That's a good question. The stuff is an odd sort of orange.]
  396. >Well, throw a Gluon Destabilizer, and hit it with the Limb Destabilizer right as it explodes.
  397. [OUTPUT: All in favor?]
  398. >Aye.
  399. [OUTPUT: Cyan primes a Gluon Destabilizer, tosses it at the Lady, and immediately fires a bolt of electromagnetic energy at it, pushing her back.]
  400. **ENEMY TURN.**
  401. [OUTPUT: The Lady viciously bashes Cyan with the handle of the axe.]
  402. **YOUR TURN.**
  404. >OBSERVE
  405. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 0/15 HP.
  406. Cyan Amaranthine: 7/10 HP.
  407. Lady of Carmine: 16/30 HP.
  408. NOTES: A tall, muscular smoky quartz soldier wielding a battle axe. Her form appears to occasionally glitch out, and her body is coated in scratches and wounds, dripping blood. Not exactly the picture-perfect example of a happy camper, you must agree.]
  409. >Do the same thing, but add the Bioschema to the Limb Destabilizer shot.
  410. [OUTPUT: Cyan primes another Destabilizer, and fires a twisted burst of firepower at the Lady, terminating it with an explosion.]
  411. **ENEMY TURN.**
  412. >rip us
  413. [OUTPUT: The axe swipes toward your neck. Fortunately, you are able to dodge. You have a split second to react.]
  414. >Destabalize Cannon.
  415. [OUTPUT: Are you sure you want to do that?]
  416. >err
  417. >how fast is it
  418. [OUTPUT: Takes about two seconds to fire.]
  419. >Bioschema it.
  420. >DODGE
  421. >I thought we already dodged.
  423. [OUTPUT: Cyan dodges, like a rational person would.]
  424. **YOUR TURN.**
  425. >phew
  426. >that scared me
  428. >OBSERVE
  429. [OUTPUT: Azure Lapis: 0/15 HP.
  430. Cyan Amaranthine: 7/10 HP.
  431. Lady of Carmine: 6/30 HP.
  432. NOTES: A tall, muscular smoky quartz soldier wielding a battle axe. Her form appears to occasionally glitch out, and her body is coated in scratches and wounds, dripping blood. Not exactly the picture-perfect example of a happy camper, you must agree.]
  433. >attempt to locate gem
  434. >Navel.
  435. >At her navel.
  436. [OUTPUT: Navel, as was aforementioned.]
  437. >speaking of which we did recover azure right
  438. [OUTPUT: No.]
  439. >If we didn't already, do so.
  440. >:/
  441. >wow you guys
  442. [OUTPUT: Cyan grabs your gem.]
  443. >I feel like it's greater priority to murder it than to pick up a gem that's fine.
  444. >alright, we have the potential to finish this now.
  445. >Hm. The Limb Destabilizer Cannon is also an interface analogue.
  446. >Should we use it to pinpoint a weak spot?
  447. >i mean azure coulda died
  448. >nah
  449. >what's cyan's weapon again
  450. >has cyan even manifested their weapon
  451. >don't know.
  452. [OUTPUT: She has not.]
  453. >Attempt to manifest weapon and attack?
  454. >Or, no. Has a chance of failing.
  455. >That might not be the best idea in the heat of battle.
  456. >Could my suggestion above work?
  457. [OUTPUT: If you can manage to hack into the Grayholdian bombing database from 1989, locate the exact bomb that scorched this quartz's gem, and pinpoint where the strike point was, absolutely.]
  458. >~~"i do that in one turn"~~
  459. >Forget it, then.
  460. >What kind of plasma projectile does the plasma rifle fire?
  461. [OUTPUT: Low-energy bolt. It's no zaliska, and no sniper, certainly.]
  462. >could I fire both the plasma rifle and the bioschema to make an even bigger plasma bolt?
  463. [OUTPUT: If you so wished.]
  464. >try to shoot their hands
  465. >that won't be a fatal wound, though
  466. >we have the power to end this right now
  467. [OUTPUT: Your move?]
  468. >Fire the plasma rifle and the bioschema simultaneously to make one cohesive projectile. Aim for a killing blow.
  469. [OUTPUT: You shoot the Lady in the face. She is dead.]
  470. [OUTPUT: All is still, save for a door sliding upwards on the wall of the hidden chamber.]
  471. >Enter.
  472. [OUTPUT: You're forgetting something. Two somethings, actually.]
  473. >Wait for Azure to reform.
  474. [OUTPUT: A great euphoria surges throughout all that you are. You grow limbs, a torso, and a body once more. Surging with energy for a few moments more, you return to this material plane.]
  475. >Bubble the Lady.
  476. [OUTPUT: You do so. All is silent now, for real this time.]
  477. >Head through the opened door.
  478. [OUTPUT: You enter the door, Cyan on your heels. The room beyond is an absolute disaster. Every inch of the place has been scorched black by some sort of bomb, save for a newly-arrived elevator pad. Five *crystallomechanicum* drones lie inert on the ground, all around a single object.]
  479. >Examine object, without touching it.
  480. [OUTPUT: ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard: A hunk of chrome diopside, cloven in two down the middle. The Kappa Sector was the Grayholdian military's initial testing ground for an experimental corrupting orbital weapon. Nurguliph the Byzantine was a lucky gem, indeed, to be shown this mercy.]
  481. >Bubble object.
  482. [OUTPUT: iii-iii]
  483. >...
  484. [OUTPUT: What now?]
  485. >Use elevator.
  486. [OUTPUT: You step on the pad. A sound grinds above, and you ascend, dust pouring down on you from the newly-opened surface. You emerge almost directly next to your ship. May that be a lesson on why it is a bad idea to only bring two people to combat.]
  487. >"that didn't go too poorly"
  488. >You said that a third person would be murdered.
  489. [OUTPUT: Exactly. And how many people would that leave unpoofed?]
  490. >you monster
  491. [OUTPUT: You mutter "That didn't go too poorly." Cyan grins slightly. Now what?]
  492. >Take more aechor canisters.
  493. [OUTPUT: How many highly dangerous and explosive canisters would you like to steal from the mines, and place on your one-plating-layered ship, without any particularly advanced storage?]
  494. >~~"all of them"~~
  495. >how many do we currently have
  496. >Zero.
  497. [OUTPUT: Zero.]
  498. >They could be useful for blowing up bosses.
  499. >But then again, ship.
  500. [OUTPUT: True.]
  501. >was aechor inspired by hyper light
  502. [OUTPUT: ÆCHOR is unrefined magetear. The canisters, perhaps.]
  503. >Twin, suggestions for how many?
  504. >
  505. >Blow up the rest of them as the ship is leaving and at a safe distance.
  506. [OUTPUT: You take a single canister, and place it on the ship, after tying it down. You leave the rest in the mines, as they can't hurt you, and are a valuable nonrenewable natural resource.]
  507. [OUTPUT: Shall you plot a course for the Iota Sector, where the map on the top of the tower in the Eta Sector displayed a maroon dot?]
  508. >Yes.
  509. >Yes. ETA?
  510. >Also, plug laptop into ship computer.
  511. [OUTPUT: You plot a course, plug the laptop into the secondary ship computer, and set the engines up another setting. You'll have to pass through Psi again to get to Iota. ETA: forty-five minutes. Would you like to save and continue?]
  512. >Save, yes. Continue, not sure.
  513. [OUTPUT: Game saved and quit. Have a nice day.]
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