
Adamantea Xuh

Feb 25th, 2016
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  1. Name: Adamantea Xuh
  2. Species: Human
  3. Home Planet: Darotooine. A outer-rim planet with a toxic atmosphere and ultra-rich mineral deposits. The local lifeforms are aggressive and some possess regenerative powers. Viral and fungal agents in the biosphere conspire to attack both organic and inorganic material from outside the ecosystem and break it down, making survival a constant battle to keep the habitation domes sealed.
  4. Destiny: Champion
  5. HP: 18
  6. Reflex Defense: +5
  7. Will Defense: +3
  8. Fortitude Defense: +1
  11. Str 8
  12. Dex 13
  13. Con 11
  14. Int 15
  15. Wis 10
  16. Cha 16
  20. Trained Skills: 8
  21. Knowledge: (Bureaucracy, Physical sciences, Tactics), Persuasion, Deception, Use Computer, Gather Information, Initiative.
  23. Feats: Linguist, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Simple Weapons, Heavy weapons), Running Shot.
  25. Talent: Educated.
  27. Languages spoken: Basic, Binary, High Galactic, Huteese, Durese, Sullestian.
  28. Credits: 2225.
  30. Posessions: Blaster pistol, Short range Holo-Com, Code Cylinder, datapad, All Temperature Cloak, power pack, Power Recharger, Credit Chip.
  32. Bio:Born on the outer-rim planet of Darotooinie, Adamantea Xuh was the daughter of the colony administrator, and studdied dutifully to get a schollarship to a prestigious school in the Core, far away from the pressure-domes, vapor masks, and water filtering of her inhospitable homeworld. A mining engineer by training, Adamantea was radicalized into a die-hard follower of Palpatine durring the run up to the clone wars, and spent the wars working as a consultant for mining companies who suddenly needed more veins of ore tapped at greater rates. At the end of the war, working on a large asteroid, they were making ends meet for their employer both by deploying incentives of extra rations and pay, and threatening under-preforming workers with reductions in both. When the end of the Clone Wars and the proclamation of the Empire didn't bring about a slackening of the 60 hour workweek, the workers revolted, going on strike, seizing mining equipment and barricading themselves inside the mines and the hab clusters on the asteroid's surface. Terrified and isolated, Adamantea called for help from a nearby imperial garrison to crack down on the strike and restore order.
  34. Within ten minutes of arrival, the Venator class star destroyer's captain determined the quickest way to end the strike. After all, transparasteel hab-domes were the opposite of armored structures. With their families dead and the asteroid breaking up, the remaining miners either suffocated, surrendered, or were swept up and sentenced to a decade of hard labor. 30,000 workers and dependents dead, the mine a total write-off, and millions of credits of equipment lost. And the Empire gave a medal for the action to the captain. Herself a hab-dome kid, Xuh was deeply shaken by the event.
  36. Adamantea Xuh is still fond of Imperial stylings, thunderous classical music, Star Destroyers, cigarettes and caf. She is a hard worker and has been known to pull 16 or 18 hour shifts before sleeping for four hours and getting up to do it again. She is easily chilled and frequently wears a coat indoors. She is a stickler about small details of cleanliness and decoration, and will frequently straighten paintings upon entering a room. She has red hair and a slight figure, but despite her appearance has a strong aggressive streak.
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