

Nov 19th, 2019
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  1. command /shop [<text>]:
  2. permission:
  3. permission message: &cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not set:
  6. message "&eUsage: {@Color}/shop &f<category>"
  7. else:
  8. if arg 1 is "weapon" or "block" or "ammo" or "other":
  9. open chest with 4 rows named "&eItem Shop" to player
  10. wait 1 tick
  11. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  12. format slot 1 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  13. format slot 2 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  14. format slot 3 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  15. format slot 4 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  16. format slot 5 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  17. format slot 6 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  18. format slot 7 of player with black stained glass named "&7" to be unstealable
  19. format slot 8 of player with glistering melon named "&aNext Page &7({@Color}1&7/{@Color}null&7)" to run [make player execute command "/shop-pageview-2"]
  20. add 8 to {_itemSlot}
  21. loop {shop.items.%arg-1%} times:
  22. add 1 to {_numberOfItems}
  23. add 1 to {_itemSlot}
  24. if {shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}%.type} is arg 1:
  25. format slot {_itemSlot} of player with 1 of {shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}%.product.%arg-1%} named "&d%{shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}}%" with lore "&7&m------------------||&eType: &f%{shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}%.type.%arg-1%}%||&ePurchases: &f%{shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}%.purchases.%arg-1%}%||&7&m------------------||&ePrice: &a$%{shop.item.%{_numberOfItems}%.price-name.%arg-1%}%||&7&m------------------" to run [make player execute command "/shop-purchaseitem %{_numberOfItems}%"]
  26. else:
  27. message "&cThe specified category does not exist. (&cAmmo&e, &cBlock&e, &cOther&e, &cWeapon&c)"
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