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Mar 4th, 2024
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  3. mods used are these plus mwse, morrowind code patch (toggle basically everything on), mgexe with a shader to make things brighter, loot to make load order
  4. DLC: Tribunal
  5. DLC: Bloodmoon
  6. Patch for Purists
  7. Morrowind Optimization Patch
  8. Velothi's Veloth's Velothian be Blessed
  9. Vanilla-Friendly Almalexia Replacer
  10. Services Restored
  11. Rarer Scrap Metal
  12. Protective Masks Redux
  13. Outdoor Banners With Sound
  14. Descriptive NPC Classes
  15. Container Ownership
  16. Commonly Used Containers Nerfed
  17. Better Clothes and Roberts Bodies patch
  18. Adamantium Ore Fix
  19. UI Expansion
  20. The Crafting Framework
  21. Skills Module
  22. Weather Adjuster
  23. Morrowind Enhanced Textures 6.1
  24. Correct_Meshes_4.6a
  25. Properly Smoothed Meshes
  26. Better Meshes 111
  27. Overlooked Meshes Replacer
  28. RR - Better Crates and Barrels
  29. RR - Better Meshes
  30. RR - Better Skulls and Bones
  31. Ingredients Mesh Replacer
  32. Beast Overhaul (TR compatible)
  33. Better Dialogue Font
  34. Beauty Font.7z
  35. Creature VFX restoration
  36. FIMs Better Spell Effects 2.1
  37. Vapourmist 4.3.1
  38. Animation Blending
  39. The Midnight Oil
  40. RR - Better Crystals 1.0
  41. MacKom's Humanoid Heads
  42. New Starfields
  43. Robert's Bodies - Pluginless
  44. Watch the Skies 5.0.0
  45. Idle Talk
  46. Its a Deal
  47. Djangos Dialogue
  48. Next Generation Combat
  49. Immersive Movement
  50. Pickpocket Fix by TheOneAndOnly
  51. Stealth
  52. Regional Bounty
  53. No Witness - No Bounty - 1.0.1
  54. Buying Game
  55. Barter Experience
  56. Silver Tongue
  57. HeartStrings
  58. AURA 5.4.1
  59. Races RESPECted
  60. Evened Birthsigns
  61. Attribute Effect Tweaks
  62. quest_skill_reward_fix
  63. Magicka Based Skill Progression
  64. Class-Conscious Character Progression
  65. Religions Elaborated
  66. Morag Tong Polished
  67. Census and Excise Office Faction
  68. Blades Informant
  69. Join the Royal Guards
  70. Main Quest Overhaul
  71. Expansion Delay
  72. Feminist Nerevarine
  73. OAAB_Data
  74. FatigueSpeedAndCarryWeightRebalance
  75. Enchanting Balance Redone
  76. Tribunal Rebalance
  77. Bloodmoon Rebalance
  78. Magicka Expanded
  80. In MGEXEgui.exe: Graphics > Shader Setup > Modding > Editor
  82. Paste: (or download
  84. // Apel's gamma correction shader
  86. //tweakables
  87. static float gamma = 0.890;
  88. static float saturation = 1.0;
  89. static float luminance = 2.0;
  90. //tweakables
  92. texture lastshader;
  93. sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture = <lastshader>; minfilter = none; magfilter = none; };
  95. float3 grayscale(float3 col)
  96. {
  97. return dot(col.rgb, float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11));
  98. }
  100. float4 gammatoo(float2 tex : TEXCOORD) : COLOR0
  101. {
  102. float3 c = tex2D(s0, tex).rgb;
  103. c = lerp(grayscale(c), c, saturation); // Apply saturation
  104. c = pow(c, gamma); // Apply gamma
  106. return float4(saturate(c * luminance ), 1.0);
  107. }
  109. technique T0 < string MGEinterface = "MGE XE 0"; >
  110. {
  111. pass { PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 gammatoo(); }
  112. }
  113. Save and restart MGEXEgui.exe
  115. Back to Graphics > Shader Setup > Modding
  117. You should now have the new shader in your 'available' list. Double click to make it active and save.
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