
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of Snakes]

Jun 15th, 2013
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  1. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of Snakes]
  2. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> In the dark of the night, the palace hallways are deathly silent.
  3. [18:51] <!CYOA-sama> Only the footsteps of the king can be heard as he walks silently to the library.
  4. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you think it's wise to break into a building surrounded by armed guards in the dead of night, milady?" Aldeas asks as he stops suddenly.
  5. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> No reply comes from the darkness.
  6. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> "..... So be it, stalk me for as long as you like."
  7. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> The young king continues onto the library unconcerned with his shadower.
  8. [18:54] <!CYOA-sama> He opens the double doors and enters the room.
  9. [18:54] <!CYOA-sama> The shelves are lined with tomes of all manner, from fantasy novels to magic textbooks to military strategy manuals.
  10. [18:55] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas takes a seat at the large table in the center and picks up a book with a marked page and immediately begins reading.
  11. [18:55] <!CYOA-sama> A haunting silence creeps slowly over the library only interrupted by the sound of pages turning.
  12. [18:56] <!CYOA-sama> "..... Do you intend to never sleep?" A frail wispy voice asks from the darkness.
  13. [18:57] <!CYOA-sama> The tone is soft and breathy as if it would be blown away with the slightest breath.
  14. [18:57] <!CYOA-sama> "Why? Are you waiting for me to fall asleep?"
  15. [18:57] <!CYOA-sama> "......" Again there is no reply.
  16. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> "Well be patient milady, I'll finish a few chapters and return to my chambers, whatever you have planned for me can wait until then."
  17. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> "...... Why don't you fear me?" The delicate voice whispers.
  18. [18:59] <!CYOA-sama> "Because you aren't my enemy." Aldeas responds without looking up from his book.
  19. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> The sounds of scales gently scraping across the surfaces in the library can be heard as the reptilian queen slithers from wherever she was hiding.
  20. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> From the corner of his eyes Aldeas catches glimpses of her purple tail or a loop of her extraordinarily long body rolling over a bookshelf.
  21. [19:01] <!CYOA-sama> The echidna draws closer to Aldeas, contracting her form that must be some several dozen feet in length to a much smaller and more manageable size.
  22. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> A flash of something in his peripheral vision draws Aldeas' eyes from his book.
  23. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> "Hello there...." He says with a smile.
  24. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> The frail looking serpent girl peers out at him from behind the bookshelf.
  25. [19:03] <!CYOA-sama> Her delicate light purple eye poking out from beneath her fringe of silken black hair.
  26. [19:03] <!CYOA-sama> Her bangs are cut along an angle as if to hide her face from the world, and her hair is shorter in the back than it is in the front.
  27. [19:04] <!CYOA-sama> Her pale skin is as fragile looking as paper and covered in coiling dark markings along her arms.
  28. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> The flat chest of the snake woman is covered by an ornate purple and gold shoulder-less blouse of sorts and her hips are wrapped in a silk cloth the same shade of violet as her scaly tail.
  29. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> She trembles slightly as she peeks out at the boy king.
  30. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> "You're not scared even though you have don't guards..... a-are you super strong?"
  31. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> "That doesn't matter unless you're here to fight." Aldeas replies.
  32. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> The echidna physically recoils at the word fight.
  33. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> "You must be extremely powerful yourself if you're queen of all the lamia races."
  34. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> The fragile looking girl shakes her head furiously.
  35. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> "I... c-can't fight. My mommy-... m-mother was the queen and I inherited the position from her.... all I can do is weave shadows."
  36. [19:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Master Shadowweavers can wipe out armies alone, I'm starting to get nervous." Aldeas says with a smile that could be called anything but nervous.
  37. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "The treaties you proposed.... if I agree to them will it stop all the fighting between humans and monsters." The girl asks.
  38. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you dislike fighting?"
  39. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Y-yes...."
  40. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you like humans?" Aldeas asks with a grin.
  41. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "S-some of them..."
  42. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas smiles ear to ear.
  43. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> "I hate fighting too." He says as he closes his book.
  44. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> "I can't guarantee that the treaties will end all the fighting, that's the whole purpose of having the queens meet here."
  45. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> "But, that is my goal."
  46. [19:11] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas slowly and cautiously approaches the fragile echidna.
  47. [19:11] <!CYOA-sama> "I am Aldeas, I'd give my surname but I've officially abandoned it. I am the sole king of mankind."
  48. [19:12] <!CYOA-sama> The frail snake-girl holds out her pale hand, sheathed in a violet satin glove.
  49. [19:12] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas takes it gently and plants a kiss on it causing her pale cheeks to tint a rosy pink.
  50. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> "I am Merith.... Queen of Snakes."
  51. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> "Are you a viper or a garden snake?" Aldeas asks as he looks into her eyes.
  52. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> Merith breaks eyecontact.
  53. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> "I-I'm actually an echidna."
  54. [19:14] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas laughs at the innocence of the thin queen and turns his back on her as he heads for the exit.
  55. [19:14] <!CYOA-sama> "Shall I show you to the chambers we prepared for you?"
  56. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> "W-will you be staying there with me?..." The delicate girl asks as her cheeks flush crimson.
  57. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas sighs lightly.
  58. [19:16] <!CYOA-sama> "As much as I would love to you're far too adorable, I wouldn't be able to control myself, and that would give you unfair leverage in the peace talks." He says with a sly grin that causes Merith to cover her face as if it will render her invisible.
  59. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> "S-sorry..." She says as she slithers behind him.
  60. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> "Don't be, for a moment I was honestly tempted." Aldeas reassures her, though it only causes her further embarrassment.
  61. [19:18] <!CYOA-sama> As the pair arrive at Merith's prepared quarters she slithers into the room and peaks her head out the door.
  62. [19:18] <!CYOA-sama> "G-good night, your majesty. I look f-forward to working with you..."
  63. [19:19] <!CYOA-sama> "You as well Merith, sleep well." Aldeas says as he grabs the snake-girls chin and kisses her gently on the forehead.
  64. [19:19] <!CYOA-sama> Merith explodes with a blush and quickly slams herself in her room.
  65. [19:19] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas turns and walks down the hall laughing.
  66. [19:20] <!CYOA-sama> The image of how Lucia would react to that scene keeps a smile on his face as he returns to his bed.
  67. [19:20] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen of Snakes - End]
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