
Aeron: The Creation of 'Eve'

Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. Now, it was time to take to other things-- Plotting, practice... Means of bulkening his forces granted their shallow quantity of champions amongst their numbers. He needed another that he could count on, others like Solum that took to initiative-- That stood brazenly enough to take on missions that would mean their ascension granted successful completion.
  2. He needed... Someone, like him.
  4. If only he had Baltazar's research, but would it ever be needed by one that already surpassed human intellect dozens of times over?
  5. "Bring me, one of the lessers." He ordered to the guards within the proximity, awaiting one to be dragged to his feet.
  7. Eyes scouted the area, but the closest one would have to be one idling by one of the pillars: Mistral.
  8. (Aeron)
  9. Of all the lessers in the room, fate seemed to have it in store that 'it' would be the one singled out.
  11. Its eyes widened as it suddenly felt the pressure of hundreds of seeking eyes... Eyes that followed the gaze of the kaor lord, or perhaps merely the weight of his countenance alone. As a lesser, it was almost too much for her to bare. Far too much for her body to stand. It left it feeling as though it was about to implode and be left as nothing more than a mess upon the floor that she had seen fit to desecrate. It's body leaned back, fur standing on end once again as the guards began to move towards it. It didn't have the capacity to deny an order from Aeron- but it had the instinct to know one thing.
  13. It hadn't been given an order to listen.
  15. it's fangs were bared in an ugly display of rotten yellow fangs, a feral hiss ripping out through its throat as it seemed intent on batting away the guards that approached with what little vitality it possessed. As they approached... it struck out. The powerful sound of ripping flesh as its mangled and no doubt diseased claws ripped through the flesh of the guards- human or yokai, armor or no- with a feral growl. The body of the one unfortunate enough to be struck was sent hurling through the air, slamming into one of the pillars before the others had succeeded in pinning Mistral to the ground.
  17. Violent yowling accompanied this. Try as it might, it wasn't capable of escaping as it was dragged forth towards the kaor lord. Instinct had no answer for it here... All that it could do was wait for the superior creature to make its choice.
  18. (Mistral)
  19. As ordered, one was brought to him-- Though, as expected it had paid its toll upon one of the Giga-class guards, now forced to take to their wounds. The Umbral Kaor could care less, so long as they weren't rendered useless, he was content was their ability to carry out the task.
  20. "This one will do it."
  21. The lesser-class was tossed before Aeron, whom reached down to clutch it whole within a gaped left hand.
  23. He invited their attempts to claw their way out his grasp, to bite at his armored flesh-- Where mages claiming capability to take upon titans had failed to break the surface, there was severe doubt that any form of discomfort could be forged for the Kaor.
  24. "If only you had a clue as to the opportunity stumbled upon you, kin." He spoke unto Mistral, taking to a pace for the halls southbound, circling the chamber, away from the staircase down the elaborate halls, for a bloodstained workbench.
  26. The tower had been used for eons before him, which warranted signs of use throughout the structure-- Perhaps, humans were experimented upon the table prior? Other yokai? He hadn't much of a clue, nor a care-- Their time was over.
  27. "Now, do me a favor-- And remain still." Despite the fragility of one so much more vulnerable than himself, he thrusted the containing fist for the table, relinquishing the beast as it neared it, only to press an open palm against its figure to keep it held down.
  29. He hadn't any intent on letting it squirm away, just yet.
  30. "Through alchemy, I was improved, ascended in my lesser stature, in hopes of creating the ultimate lifeform, by a human." He claimed, " Though, granted the resources I have available to me, perhaps..." He paused to think on the matter, to queue up a list to follow-through.
  31. "Perhaps, I can make another... Another capable of excelling where I lack."
  33. It was a dangerous concept...
  34. To create something with power where he failed to boast mean't to create his own antipodal. If controlled, perhaps he'd be unstoppable...
  35. --But if it turned on him, it would only mean further conflict in this perpetuating war between Kaor Lords.
  37. "--If all goes well, perhaps I won't have to purge you once I've ascended to Perfection."
  38. (Aeron)
  39. There was little that it could do to stop the inevitable from occurring. Once it was placed within reach of the kaor lord, there was no more hope for it to leave the way that it had come. It was caught firmly within his grasp, and bite and writhe it did! The creature was possessed of an oddly potent strength... One that saw it able to easily cleave a chunk from the giga class guards, but not one capable of breaking through the carapace of the lord that grasped it.
  41. Oh how desperately it wished it could.
  43. The pure incarnation of the occult that Aeron was was beyond tantalizing to the creature, and likely to all others around it. Drunk off his power, it could onyl attempt to bite. Bite. Maim. Claim what it could for itself despite the fact that it could find nothing within its power to claim. Its body was being crushed beneath his grip, rendered incapable of moving. All of the struggle was coming from the ppwer half of its body... And soon enough, even the most minimal struggle ceased.
  45. It had raw strength, But it lacked the stamina necessary to make it worthwhile. The creature went limp in Aeron's grip, the underbite arrogantly jutting outwards as it was slammed down onto the table. "Rrrrrr." It growled instinctively, writhing in place just once more before it relented and allowed itself to fall to whatever fate the kaor lord had in store.
  47. Such was the life of a lesser creature. No control. No say in their fate. To be dictated by those above it absolutely. A crimson gaze was affixed upon Aeron, waiting in a primal terror for whatever it was that he was going to inflict upon it.
  48. (Mistral)
  49. A single digit was lowered to the beast, with the restraining hand shifting enough to leave their torso exposed. The fingertip he armed himself with glimmered with the artistry he had developed within, for so long. Its undeniable mauve silhuoette dotted at the sharpened fringe of his appendage, soon puncturing the skin of one's chest.
  50. " You can't understand anything that carries out now, but in your later forms you shall thank me." He assured.
  52. He was going off of his last endeavor, but this time, with different intent. Up until now, he had taken to the practice of curse runes, his own means of practicing his abilities without taking to potentially destructive mannerism upon himself. However, this time, he wanted to work, he needed it to work. His failures had to see an end at some point, and this is where he sought to find the fruition of his skill in bloom.
  54. He dragged his lone digit downwards, scathing the flesh and surging the scar with an overwhelming dousing of seemingly materialized occult. The seems gleam with the arcane's saffron pyre, burning one down to the soul mended by vitality to one's body. The process however, did not siphon away at one's vitality, heavily restrained, as though careful enough not to destroy his experiment before it could see its execution phase.
  56. It was a process, but with his power feeding into the lesser beast, attempting to sate its hunger despite the lack of flesh to complement the mana-lust, he presumed it necessary to approach a threshold of tolerance. The end-result was to be a simple crossroads:
  58. Imminent destruction through overload and physical combustion...
  59. Or...
  61. --One glypth completed.
  62. "Perth." Initiation...
  63. Then, came the next within a circle drawn midst the crest of the chestal region, inscriptions followed with his dubbing:
  64. "Laguz."
  65. Smaller circles were drawn in, with linings connecting it, in means that seemingly divided it into thirds. This, ensured the flow of the mark...
  66. Then, came the final phase.
  68. "Thurisaz."
  69. The completion of the Rune: The Gateway of mana from him, to this lesser-- Allowing him to charge her with the esoteric arcane. "This is the same method used by one of the spider-variant of humans, to empower... Their weaponry. To 'enchant' them...
  70. --And so, I'll empower you, as a weapon of my own."
  72. He pulled away, allowing the runes to take effect upon Mistral's body. Aeron inspected her closely, expecting bodily expansion-- Muscular growth... Or perhaps, even premature evolution. He didn't know what exactly to expect, granted his lack of success over the years, but he knew what he intended for.
  73. (Aeron)
  74. Agony.
  76. It could not understand what it was being put through, thatw as to be absolutely certain. It roared and struggled beneath the kaor lrod's inescapable grip, the roar taking on a strange staccato as the flesh of its chest was pierced. Its maw remained agape, trapped in waht seemed like a perpetual soundless scream after the sound finally cewased to come. Pain that kept it cogniscient even when it only desired to pass from consciousness. To die, and become food for the superior creature that had begun to toy with it. But as the pain came to a head, there was something distinctly unexpected.
  78. Contentedness.
  80. The hunger that raged nigh permanently within the pit of the creature's endless stomach was filled. Placing it in a state of momentary bliss that caused its mouth to close. It felt warmth... Power the likes of which it had only experienced as an observer. However, it was not forced beyond its currently evolutionary state. Rather, the creature's body began to swell and grow as though inflamed by some sort of agitator. Muscles looses grotesque shifting sounds as the lithe figure was dominated by a musculature that made it appear more like a big cat- than a house cat.
  82. Pained groans left it as the change occurred... But as the runes were carved within, the vaunted presence that the lesser creature gave off grew to levels that one of its evolutionary state had absolutely no right possessing. The marks upon the floor in the upper levels would be nothing for the creature to replicate now. It could not rationalize the 'gibberish' that was being spoken to it. But it could understand the message that it was being given...
  84. It had been granted power. But it could also feel that this..? This was not the last time that it would feel this obscene pain inflicted upon it.
  86. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."
  88. A long explanation, before the creature shakily stood to its four feet. Affixing its lord with a stare of indifference, this was a vastly changed creature.
  89. (Mistral)
  90. Did it work?
  91. Alas, an endeavor to empower another through a rune had proven successful? No, he couldn't take presumptions, there was testing needed...
  92. --But the visuals:
  93. Muscularity had enlarged and without tears in the flesh, nor abrupt combustion.
  94. The beast, had not perished!
  96. "I must admit... I believed for a moment that I'd have another mess on my hands. Alas, my hands have wrought one much like a human created me."
  97. He claimed, gazing down to the feline.
  98. "Now, with this power... Demonstrate to me what you can do." He ordered, culling over their mind through the influence of the shadows.
  99. " Go out there, and ascend for me. " He commanded of her.
  101. " As you are now, you bear latent potential-- But potential itself is useless to my goals. I need you, for your power... The Fallen Angel Lilith awaits our hunt for the Jaws of Hades."
  102. This, was the first step to attaining such with minimal human aid; The creation of a champion to his people, to lead in his absense... Had taken rise.
  103. As to their likelihood to ascend and succeed in this harsh world? He hadn't the faintest clue.
  105. It was a gamble...
  106. But not one in which he lost anything of true importance-- Not yet anyways.
  107. (Aeron)
  108. Finally, it had been given an order.
  110. All semblance of rebellion was stricken from the feline's features as it straightened itself out, absorbing every syllable that the kaor lord uttered to it as though it was the purest meal. Its jaw was set firmly, unwilling to waver for even a moment until it had finally earned dismissal from Aeron's presence. The names spoken were ones yet unfamiliar to it... Yet in that, it was certain that it would come to know what all of thsoe words spoken meant. For now, it had a compulsion. One that it would see through to fruition whether with help, or alone.
  112. it needed to ascend. So ascend it would. Even if it had not been ordered to do so, the first opportunity to break away from the intoxicating aura that the kaor exuded would have been taken to do just such a thing. For now, Aeron had earned its loyalty... But as was ever the case with kin, just how long would that loyalty last? How many ascensions would those fetters remain upon its form, and would it agree with the kaor's plans for it when it was capable of rationalizing them?
  114. Who knew.
  116. The creature leapt down from the surface of the tabletop, the ground upon which it landed cracking nigh immediately from the barest contact with its padded paws. It lifted and lowered all four elgs, testing the weight that it bore upon the ground absendmindedly... It had become far heavier. Likely, the wings upon its back wouldn't even serve to allow it to glide any longer.
  118. "Rrrrrr..."
  120. If unhindered, the creature would begin to steadily pad towards the exit. Acting on order fueled instinct, it had a job to do... Thus it would see it through without fail.
  121. (Mistral)
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