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  1. # yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation
  2. ---
  3. ###############################################################################
  4. # Authelia Configuration #
  5. ###############################################################################
  7. ## Note: the container by default expects to find this file at /config/configuration.yml.
  9. ## Certificates directory specifies where Authelia will load trusted certificates (public portion) from in addition to
  10. ## the system certificates store.
  11. ## They should be in base64 format, and have one of the following extensions: *.cer, *.crt, *.pem.
  12. # certificates_directory: /config/certificates/
  14. ## The theme to display: light, dark, grey, auto.
  15. theme: dark
  17. ## The secret used to generate JWT tokens when validating user identity by email confirmation. JWT Secret can also be
  18. ## set using a secret:
  19. #jwt_secret: a_very_important_secret
  21. ## Default redirection URL
  22. ##
  23. ## If user tries to authenticate without any referer, Authelia does not know where to redirect the user to at the end
  24. ## of the authentication process. This parameter allows you to specify the default redirection URL Authelia will use
  25. ## in such a case.
  26. ##
  27. ## Note: this parameter is optional. If not provided, user won't be redirected upon successful authentication.
  28. default_redirection_url:
  30. ##
  31. ## Server Configuration
  32. ##
  33. server:
  35. ## The address to listen on.
  36. host:
  38. ## The port to listen on.
  39. port: 9091
  41. ## Set the single level path Authelia listens on.
  42. ## Must be alphanumeric chars and should not contain any slashes.
  43. path: "authelia"
  45. ## Set the path on disk to Authelia assets.
  46. ## Useful to allow overriding of specific static assets.
  47. # asset_path: /config/assets/
  49. ## Buffers usually should be configured to be the same value.
  50. ## Explanation at
  51. ## Read buffer size adjusts the server's max incoming request size in bytes.
  52. ## Write buffer size does the same for outgoing responses.
  53. read_buffer_size: 4096
  54. write_buffer_size: 4096
  55. ##
  56. ## Log Configuration
  57. ##
  58. log:
  59. ## Level of verbosity for logs: info, debug, trace.
  60. level: debug
  62. ##
  63. ## TOTP Configuration
  64. ##
  65. ## Parameters used for TOTP generation.
  66. totp:
  67. ## The issuer name displayed in the Authenticator application of your choice.
  68. issuer: name
  70. ## The TOTP algorithm to use.
  71. ## It is CRITICAL you read the documentation before changing this option:
  72. ##
  73. algorithm: sha256
  75. ## The number of digits a user has to input. Must either be 6 or 8.
  76. ## Changing this option only affects newly generated TOTP configurations.
  77. ## It is CRITICAL you read the documentation before changing this option:
  78. ##
  79. digits: 6
  81. ## The period in seconds a one-time password is valid for.
  82. ## Changing this option only affects newly generated TOTP configurations.
  83. period: 30
  85. ## The skew controls number of one-time passwords either side of the current one that are valid.
  86. ## Warning: before changing skew read the docs link below.
  87. skew: 1
  88. ## See: to read the documentation.
  90. ##
  91. ## NTP Configuration
  92. ##
  93. ## This is used to validate the servers time is accurate enough to validate TOTP.
  94. ntp:
  95. ## NTP server address.
  96. address: ""
  98. ## NTP version.
  99. version: 4
  101. ## Maximum allowed time offset between the host and the NTP server.
  102. max_desync: 3s
  104. ## Disables the NTP check on startup entirely. This means Authelia will not contact a remote service at all if you
  105. ## set this to true, and can operate in a truly offline mode.
  106. disable_startup_check: false
  108. ## The default of false will prevent startup only if we can contact the NTP server and the time is out of sync with
  109. ## the NTP server more than the configured max_desync. If you set this to true, an error will be logged but startup
  110. ## will continue regardless of results.
  111. disable_failure: false
  113. ##
  114. ## Authentication Backend Provider Configuration
  115. ##
  116. ## Used for verifying user passwords and retrieve information such as email address and groups users belong to.
  117. ##
  118. ## The available providers are: `file`, `ldap`. You must use only one of these providers.
  119. authentication_backend:
  120. ## Disable both the HTML element and the API for reset password functionality.
  121. disable_reset_password: false
  123. ## The amount of time to wait before we refresh data from the authentication backend. Uses duration notation.
  124. ## To disable this feature set it to 'disable', this will slightly reduce security because for Authelia, users will
  125. ## always belong to groups they belonged to at the time of login even if they have been removed from them in LDAP.
  126. ## To force update on every request you can set this to '0' or 'always', this will increase processor demand.
  127. ## See the below documentation for more information.
  128. ## Duration Notation docs:
  129. ## Refresh Interval docs:
  130. refresh_interval: 5m
  132. ##
  133. ## File (Authentication Provider)
  134. ##
  135. ## With this backend, the users database is stored in a file which is updated when users reset their passwords.
  136. ## Therefore, this backend is meant to be used in a dev environment and not in production since it prevents Authelia
  137. ## to be scaled to more than one instance. The options under 'password' have sane defaults, and as it has security
  138. ## implications it is highly recommended you leave the default values. Before considering changing these settings
  139. ## please read the docs page below:
  140. ##
  141. ##
  142. ## Important: Kubernetes (or HA) users must read
  143. ##
  144. file:
  145. path: /config/users_database.yml
  146. password:
  147. algorithm: argon2id
  148. iterations: 1
  149. salt_length: 16
  150. parallelism: 8
  151. memory: 1024
  152. ##
  153. ## Access Control Configuration
  154. ##
  155. ## Access control is a list of rules defining the authorizations applied for one resource to users or group of users.
  156. ##
  157. ## If 'access_control' is not defined, ACL rules are disabled and the 'bypass' rule is applied, i.e., access is allowed
  158. ## to anyone. Otherwise restrictions follow the rules defined.
  159. ##
  160. ## Note: One can use the wildcard * to match any subdomain.
  161. ## It must stand at the beginning of the pattern. (example: *
  162. ##
  163. ## Note: You must put patterns containing wildcards between simple quotes for the YAML to be syntactically correct.
  164. ##
  165. ## Definition: A 'rule' is an object with the following keys: 'domain', 'subject', 'policy' and 'resources'.
  166. ##
  167. ## - 'domain' defines which domain or set of domains the rule applies to.
  168. ##
  169. ## - 'subject' defines the subject to apply authorizations to. This parameter is optional and matching any user if not
  170. ## provided. If provided, the parameter represents either a user or a group. It should be of the form
  171. ## 'user:<username>' or 'group:<groupname>'.
  172. ##
  173. ## - 'policy' is the policy to apply to resources. It must be either 'bypass', 'one_factor', 'two_factor' or 'deny'.
  174. ##
  175. ## - 'resources' is a list of regular expressions that matches a set of resources to apply the policy to. This parameter
  176. ## is optional and matches any resource if not provided.
  177. ##
  178. ## Note: the order of the rules is important. The first policy matching (domain, resource, subject) applies.
  179. access_control:
  180. ## Default policy can either be 'bypass', 'one_factor', 'two_factor' or 'deny'. It is the policy applied to any
  181. ## resource if there is no policy to be applied to the user.
  182. default_policy: deny
  183. rules:
  184. - domain:
  185. networks:
  186. policy: bypass
  187. - domain:
  188. - "*"
  189. policy: two_factor
  191. ##
  192. ## Session Provider Configuration
  193. ##
  194. ## The session cookies identify the user once logged in.
  195. ## The available providers are: `memory`, `redis`. Memory is the provider unless redis is defined.
  196. session:
  197. ## The name of the session cookie.
  198. name: authelia_session
  200. ## The domain to protect.
  201. ## Note: the authenticator must also be in that domain.
  202. ## If empty, the cookie is restricted to the subdomain of the issuer.
  203. domain:
  205. ## Sets the Cookie SameSite value. Possible options are none, lax, or strict.
  206. ## Please read
  207. same_site: lax
  209. ## The secret to encrypt the session data. This is only used with Redis / Redis Sentinel.
  210. ## Secret can also be set using a secret:
  211. #secret: insecure_session_secret
  213. ## The value for expiration, inactivity, and remember_me_duration are in seconds or the duration notation format.
  214. ## See:
  215. ## All three of these values affect the cookie/session validity period. Longer periods are considered less secure
  216. ## because a stolen cookie will last longer giving attackers more time to spy or attack.
  218. ## The time before the cookie expires and the session is destroyed if remember me IS NOT selected.
  219. expiration: 1h
  221. ## The inactivity time before the session is reset. If expiration is set to 1h, and this is set to 5m, if the user
  222. ## does not select the remember me option their session will get destroyed after 1h, or after 5m since the last time
  223. ## Authelia detected user activity.
  224. inactivity: 5m
  226. ## The time before the cookie expires and the session is destroyed if remember me IS selected.
  227. ## Value of 0 disables remember me.
  228. remember_me_duration: 1M
  230. ##
  231. ## Regulation Configuration
  232. ##
  233. ## This mechanism prevents attackers from brute forcing the first factor. It bans the user if too many attempts are made
  234. ## in a short period of time.
  235. regulation:
  236. ## The number of failed login attempts before user is banned. Set it to 0 to disable regulation.
  237. max_retries: 3
  239. ## The time range during which the user can attempt login before being banned. The user is banned if the
  240. ## authentication failed 'max_retries' times in a 'find_time' seconds window. Find Time accepts duration notation.
  241. ## See:
  242. find_time: 2m
  244. ## The length of time before a banned user can login again. Ban Time accepts duration notation.
  245. ## See:
  246. ban_time: 5m
  248. ##
  249. ## Storage Provider Configuration
  250. ##
  251. ## The available providers are: `local`, `mysql`, `postgres`. You must use one and only one of these providers.
  252. storage:
  253. ## The encryption key that is used to encrypt sensitive information in the database. Must be a string with a minimum
  254. ## length of 20. Please see the docs if you configure this with an undesirable key and need to change it.
  255. encryption_key: myverysecretencryptionkey
  257. ##
  258. ## MySQL / MariaDB (Storage Provider)
  259. ##
  260. mysql:
  261. host: autheliadb
  262. port: 3306
  263. database: authelia
  264. username: dbuser
  265. ## Password can also be set using a secret:
  266. #password: mypassword
  267. timeout: 5s
  269. ##
  270. ## Notification Provider
  271. ##
  272. ## Notifications are sent to users when they require a password reset, a U2F registration or a TOTP registration.
  273. ## The available providers are: filesystem, smtp. You must use only one of these providers.
  274. notifier:
  275. ## You can disable the notifier startup check by setting this to true.
  276. disable_startup_check: false
  278. ##
  279. ## SMTP (Notification Provider)
  280. ##
  281. ## Use a SMTP server for sending notifications. Authelia uses the PLAIN or LOGIN methods to authenticate.
  282. ## [Security] By default Authelia will:
  283. ## - force all SMTP connections over TLS including unauthenticated connections
  284. ## - use the disable_require_tls boolean value to disable this requirement
  285. ## (only works for unauthenticated connections)
  286. ## - validate the SMTP server x509 certificate during the TLS handshake against the hosts trusted certificates
  287. ## (configure in tls section)
  288. smtp:
  289. ## The SMTP host to connect to.
  290. host:
  292. ## The port to connect to the SMTP host on.
  293. port: 587
  295. ## The connection timeout.
  296. timeout: 5s
  298. ## The username used for SMTP authentication.
  299. username:
  301. ## The password used for SMTP authentication.
  302. ## Can also be set using a secret:
  303. #password: password
  305. ## The sender is used to is used for the MAIL FROM command and the FROM header.
  306. ## If this is not defined and the username is an email, we use the username as this value. This can either be just
  307. ## an email address or the RFC5322 'Name <email address>' format.
  308. sender: "Authelia <>"
  310. ## HELO/EHLO Identifier. Some SMTP Servers may reject the default of localhost.
  311. identifier: localhost
  313. ## Subject configuration of the emails sent. {title} is replaced by the text from the notifier.
  314. subject: "[Authelia] {title}"
  316. ## This address is used during the startup check to verify the email configuration is correct.
  317. ## It's not important what it is except if your email server only allows local delivery.
  318. startup_check_address:
  320. ## By default we require some form of TLS. This disables this check though is not advised.
  321. disable_require_tls: false
  323. ## Disables sending HTML formatted emails.
  324. disable_html_emails: false
  326. tls:
  327. ## Server Name for certificate validation (in case you are using the IP or non-FQDN in the host option).
  328. server_name:
  330. ## Skip verifying the server certificate (to allow a self-signed certificate).
  331. ## In preference to setting this we strongly recommend you add the public portion of the certificate to the
  332. ## certificates directory which is defined by the `certificates_directory` option at the top of the config.
  333. skip_verify: false
  335. ## Minimum TLS version for either StartTLS or SMTPS.
  336. minimum_version: TLS1.2
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