
Ch. 14 B

Sep 29th, 2018
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  1. >The storm had dissipated by the time Nancy and I returned. We were greeted by the joyous cheers of our insane conspiratorial comrades. Perhaps they thought that that since neither of us were shot or injured that our relationship was mended. They were right, but I personally would like to think Nancy and I were back in spite of their antics.
  2. >We left quickly after getting our gas and three 'S’s out of the way. There was a change in the convoy arrangements with me traveling with the Aile de Airs. Their bus was luxuriant, even compared to BB’s. Every surface was immaculately clean and soft to the touch. Like everything with these guys, what looked like pampering was a careful a careful regime for their act. Their lounging was practice. It only took a few minutes before I was asked to take a seat out of the way so as to not disturb them. Still, I had a plan and this was the place to be...
  3. #arrive in California
  4. >The convoy travelled on. The red dirty desert crashed against the mountain range, past the mountains was a desert of fine sand, and past that desert was a slightly less barren desert. We had arrived to the west coast and the state of our next gig. As we set up the carnival, the circus became a carnival when we were in high brow states, I had to set about in double time. Not only did I have to do hoisting this and screwing that but I had to meet my clown allies. I knew that I needed help, the kind of help that sane people would scoff at.
  5. #surprised Nancy
  6. >I spent most of my time off with Nancy. We’d talk, we’d watch movies, we’d just hang out. I never felt awkward when a silence fell between us. She had a relaxing effect on me, she was a sort of refuge. Still, we were not very physical with each other. It made my chest ache, also my groin. There was a burr on the soft flesh of our relationship and if we didn't do something then it would rip it open.
  7. >The night of the opening Nancy and I sat in her trailer. For once I felt awkward. I scooted next to her.
  8. >”Nancy, I did something.” I said. Nancy looked back at me quixotically. She knew I was not setting up to give bad news, if I was I would be more direct.
  9. >”Oookay?” She said after realizing this was some sort of act. I reached under the the coach and pulled out a costume, it was Nancy’s.
  10. >”Oookay?...” Was again all she could say. “Do you want to do that thing were couples where each other’s clothes? Because I don't think my stuff will fit you.”
  11. >”Oh, no. Why would people do that? No, I'm getting side tracked. Here..” I said as I stood up to better demonstrate her suit. “Notice anything different?”
  12. >”No…” She said after a careful inspection. She sat up straight and put her knees together. She was now playing along and anticipating.
  13. >Carefully I fingered the lightbulb off, I pulled a black bulb from my pocket, and screwed it in. The room is bathed in dim purple light while certain colors appear in neon. In Nancy’s Dancy costume explodes in previously invisible colors and patterns.
  14. >”Oh wow! That's cool!” She said.
  15. >”Yeah, it will look cool on stage!” I said.
  16. >”You mean I'll be in Ails de Air?!” She shouted in disbelief.
  17. >”Yes. That or I'm inviting you to a grateful dead concert.”
  18. >”How? I mean… I don't think I'm good enough.”
  19. >”If you weren't good enough I wouldn’t be standing here with an ultraviolet clownsuit in women’s size.”
  20. >”But really, how? The French don't accept anyone unless they have ridiculous qualifications. Seriously, I saw then turn an acrobat away because her grand mother wasn't an acrobat.”
  21. >”They mentioned that, they said they didn't like her face. Anyway, don't worry. All I had to do was sneak off the convoy, hit a local potato grower, intercept the convoy again, use my long history of potatoes to prepare Au Graten in the frenchies Cheat Day, talk you up while the slirp down the cheese and taters, after that me and the old clowns do up a costume for you in coordination with the show, and finally me and BB blackmail Georg into approving it.” I said in a single breath
  22. >”But, why? I mean, I don't know how to react to all this.”
  23. >”I'll be honest with you, I still felt like our relationship was damaged and I never got you that gift.”
  24. >”Wait, did you do this so you could fuck me?”
  25. >I sat down next to her and said, “I don't really know. Honestly, maybe. I wanted to help you get to where I thought you were worth and Ails de Air is the height of a dancing career, I figured. Also we haven't made love since that day in the wind storm, it's got me worried about our relationship.”
  26. >”I've been on my period.”
  27. >”...Goats get those?” I said. She responded with condescending silence. “Is that why we haven't…”
  28. >”Yeah, normally I’d take something but I didn’t find anything at that gas station and I will not bring myself to ask someone else to share. I’ve been a bit distant because if we start anything I swear to god I’d force you to fill me like a bavarian cream doughnut.” She said. That last part made my face cycle through an endless cycle of emotions, mostly surprise.
  29. >”Oh, well… Well.” I said confusedly. Nancy then came forward again.
  30. >”I really have been feeling this gnawing negativity with it. I just keep thinking you're going to come out yell at me or judge me but you don't. We’ve just spent time together like everything is okay.” She said. She reached out and took the costume from me. She looked at it awhile and sighed, ”I don't think anyone has gone through so much effort for me.”
  31. >”Well, I figured actions spoke louder than words. What is a good boyfriend without treating helping his lady where he can.” I said with so much cowboy bravado you could here a whip crack and smell the fireside chili. Perhaps it was that my concerns were answered and I didn’t have to worry about Nancy.
  32. >”You really are in thisfor more than just a good time, huh?” She said clutching the clown suit. “So what am I supposed to do here? Do I report to them or do they call me?”
  34. >The show was an galaxy of lights and lasers with acrobats flying through the air with perfect precision. Since it was high-brow it was actually hard to understand what was happening, I think it was something about an underwater princess… or a story about a family of vampires fleeing communist Germany. I was not really paying attention.
  35. >My attention was solely fixed on Nancy. Her role was a relatively modest one; she would sprint around the main stage trailing a thirty some foot long banner in her wake. The banner was plain under normal light but patterns would appear under dark light. Much of the show was under dark light. Some banners symbolized the ocean, some ushered in the next act. My only thought was seeming Nancy perform. I anticipated her to come out every time so that I could see her smile as she performed.
  36. >All too quickly the show ended. I immediately ran backstage to see her. All of the cast was back there peeling off the costumes and makeup. These shows must have been physically intense to perform and feel everyone winding down. I saw Nancy on the far side of the grotto of makeup mirrors, she waved me over with that same smile. I waded through the spent frenchies over to her and saw her beckoning me over again, this time behind two curtains on the main stage. It was just so that all lights were blocked and among the bustle and the many people around us they couldn’t see this narrow alley… All lights except for the dark light again. Nancy was resplendent with glowing makeup on her face.
  37. >”Did you like the show, Straighty?”
  38. >”I thought you were great, Nanc-- Wait, what?” I asked.
  39. >”It looks like some of your facepaint left residual traces. Your whole face is green in this light.” She said with a giggle.
  40. >”That would explain some of the looks I got.” I said as I wrapped my arms around her. Nancy gave a sigh and her warm breath hit me. We locked in a deep kiss.
  42. >Just then! BB sounded her battle horn. The bear-men had come for their revenge.
  43. >Me and Nancy dashed out of the tent with the panicked sounds of the women and children behind us. We readied our weapons knowing they would come at any moment. For Odin I prayed for today so, so many lives would be determined.
  44. >”Before me I see my father…” I said solemnly.
  45. >”I see my sisters and brothers…” George continued as he readied his axe.
  46. >”I see his father…” Said Chuggles coming around a set of pikes.
  47. >”And their fathers, going back to the beginning.” Said Fuggles
  48. >”They bid me join them…” Muggles.
  49. >”In the halls of Valhalla…” Said BB as she unsheathed her swords.
  50. >”Where the brave revel and fight in honor…” I continued the chain.
  51. >”Forever…” Nancy whispered.
  52. >Our prayer was answered by the appearance of Him, the one with horns of power. He rode back and forth on his horse, his roaring summoning his horsemen for battle. Perhaps this was their battle prayer as well.
  53. >Rain started to fall and both our forces took it as the signal. They charged on horseback. They charged into our trenches with pikes jutting out, like water they found around our defences but it filtered them down to just single file. I was first to meet their charge.
  54. >The first horseman charged at me full speed and I swung my zeitlander with all my might. I struck his horse in the neck and the beast twisted and failed and it fell, crushing his rider as it’s mass hit the ground like a comet.
  55. >George struck riders as they tried climbing out of the trench while chuggles and muggles drove in from the sides. The women and children fired arrows from the circus tent and the volley laid a row of the attackers. Nancy, ever one for subtlety, leap from cover and tackled a rider clean off his horse, stabbing him over. Things became blurry as all strategy dissolved into a frenzy with blood spraying as weapons found warrior after warrior. Soon the blood and mud coated everyone, and then the clouds thunder and rain came. Thor bids us to not relent.
  56. >I saw him again, the one with horns. Of the screaming of dying men and horses his wail quieted them as he rushed down towards me like lightning. I step and struck him across the chest with so much force he was pulled off his horse and backwards. He lay in the mud as I make my approach. He tried to surprise me by feigning unconsciousness, like a viper he uprights and swings at me but I was ready and parried him back to the ground. Just then a rider swipes me in the back with a club. The blow staggers me and makes me realize how soon my time is, the one jumps up again with unfathomable speed and tried to strike me while I am stunned. Again I parry and smack his chest with my hilt. He is on the ground and this time he has no more tricks. I drive my zeitlander into his stomach. Despite being half naked his flesh is hard like leather and so I use the last of my strength to twist the blade, it makes a terrible noise.
  57. >He lets out a dying wail. Even as the sword lies in his guts his scream was deep and resounding. It rolls up the hills like a wave and it pierces the hearts of all the savages. They withdrawal defeated, for their leader is dead and their gods smashed. They disappear into the foggy mountains from where they came. What became of them is a mystery.
  58. >That was my last battle. My blade was coated in more blood than was still in my veins. The Mother’s venom had killed me and it was only because of my mightiness that I still moved. I staggered over to a defensive pirapit and sat with my zeitlander by my side. As my life faded I watched the enemy retreat. I did not fall nor close my eyes. I was a king, this was my throne. I protected my people and to all those that looked, they would know that even in death I would never fail them.
  60. >Nancy would return to the sandy paradise of Boston in her own time and she would use her words, her blessed skill, to make sure the world remembered our heroism.
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