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May 23rd, 2018
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  1. <!---
  2. Written by: Genesisx
  3. Inspired & Special Thanks To: Tonko
  4. Last Updated: 7/23/09
  5. Current Version: Skillup.xml v1.1
  6. --->
  8. <spellcast>
  9. <!--- SpellCast Configurations --->
  10. <config Debug="false" HideErrors="false" ShowSpellInfo="false" ShowGearSwaps="false" />
  12. <!--- SpellCast Variables --->
  13. <variables clear="false">
  14. <var name="SkillUp">1</var> <!--- /Heal Break DO NOT ALTER --->
  15. <var name="FirstSetup">1</var> <!--- First Run Display Var DO NOT ALTER--->
  16. <var name="SkillCycle">1</var> <!--- Spell Cycle NO NOT ALTER --->
  18. <!--- You can alter these variables, 180 is 3 min. of resting --->
  19. <var name="RestTime4Smn">180</var> <!--- Set REST time for SMN Skill --->
  20. <var name="RestTime4Cure">180</var> <!--- Set REST time for Healing Skill --->
  21. <var name="RestTime4Protect">180</var> <!--- Set REST time for Enhancing Skill --->
  22. </variables>
  24. <sets>
  25. <!--- Specify Resting / Standard gear if desired --->
  26. <group default="yes" name="Job">
  27. <set name = "Standard" />
  28. <set name = "Resting Gear" />
  29. </group>
  30. </sets>
  32. <rules>
  33. <!--- Setup Gear and /Heal Break Variable for Resting & Idle --->
  34. <action type="equip" when="idle" set="Standard" />
  35. <action type="equip" when="resting" set="Resting Gear" />
  36. <action type="command" when="resting">spellcast var set SkillUp 0;</action>
  37. <action type="command" when="idle">spellcast var set SkillUp 1;</action>
  39. <!--- Setup First Run Notification --->
  40. <if advanced='"$FirstSetup" == "1"'>
  41. <action type="command">bind ^escape input /echo Exiting.;unload spellcast;unbind ^escape;</action>
  42. <action type="AddToChat" color="121">-- SkillUp.Xml v1.1 ---</action>
  43. <action type="AddToChat" color="121">Press CTRL+Escape at anytime to unload spellcast and exit SkillUp.Xml</action>
  44. <action type="var" cmd="set FirstSetup 0" />
  45. </if>
  47. <!--- Summoning Magic Skill-Up Segment --->
  48. <if spell="Carbuncle">
  49. <!--- Check if /Heal Break is active --->
  50. <if advanced='"$SkillUp" == "1"'>
  51. <!--- Check if your MP is low --->
  52. <if Mode="OR" NOTMPGT="15" MP="15">
  53. <if notspell="release">
  54. <action type="command" when="precast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4Smn;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  55. <action type="cancelspell"/>
  56. </if>
  57. <else>
  58. <action type="command" when="aftercast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4SMN;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  59. </else>
  60. </if>
  61. <!--- Smn Skill Cycling --->
  62. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "1"'>
  63. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  64. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 2" />
  65. <action type="changespell" spell="Carbuncle" />
  66. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  67. </elseif>
  68. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "2"'>
  69. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  70. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 3" />
  71. <action type="changespell" spell="Ifrit" />
  72. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  73. </elseif>
  74. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "3"'>
  75. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  76. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 4" />
  77. <action type="changespell" spell="Titan" />
  78. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  79. </elseif>
  80. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "4"'>
  81. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  82. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 5" />
  83. <action type="changespell" spell="Leviathan" />
  84. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  85. </elseif>
  86. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "5"'>
  87. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  88. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 6" />
  89. <action type="changespell" spell="Garuda" />
  90. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  91. </elseif>
  92. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "6"'>
  93. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  94. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 7" />
  95. <action type="changespell" spell="Shiva" />
  96. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  97. </elseif>
  98. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "7"'>
  99. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  100. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 8" />
  101. <action type="changespell" spell="Ramuh" />
  102. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  103. </elseif>
  104. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "8"'>
  105. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  106. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 9" />
  107. <action type="changespell" spell="Fenrir" />
  108. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  109. </elseif>
  110. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "9"'>
  111. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 2;input /ja "Release";wait 2;input /ma "Carbuncle"</action>
  112. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 1" />
  113. <action type="changespell" spell="Diabolos" />
  114. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  115. </elseif>
  116. </if>
  117. </if>
  119. <!--- Healing Magic Skill-Up Segment --->
  120. <elseif spell="Cure" >
  121. <!--- Check if /Heal Break is active --->
  122. <if advanced='"$SkillUp" == "1"'>
  123. <!--- Fix the SkillCycle varaible in case the SMN SKILL Segment boinked it --->
  124. <if advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "4|5|6|7|8|9"'>
  125. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 1" />
  126. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  127. <action type="cancelspell"/>
  128. </if>
  129. <!--- Check if your MP is low --->
  130. <if Mode="OR" NOTMPGT="46" MP="46">
  131. <if notspell="blink">
  132. <action type="command" when="precast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4Cure;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  133. <action type="cancelspell"/>
  134. </if>
  135. <else>
  136. <action type="command" when="aftercast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4Cure;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  137. </else>
  138. </if>
  139. <!--- Healing Skill Cycling --->
  140. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "1"'>
  141. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  142. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 2" />
  143. <action type="changespell" spell="Cure" />
  144. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  145. </elseif>
  146. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "2"'>
  147. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  148. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 3" />
  149. <action type="changespell" spell="Cure II" />
  150. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  151. </elseif>
  152. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "3"'>
  153. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  154. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 4" />
  155. <action type="changespell" spell="Cure III" />
  156. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  157. </elseif>
  158. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "4"'>
  159. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  160. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 5" />
  161. <action type="changespell" spell="Cure IV" />
  162. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  163. </elseif>
  164. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "5"'>
  165. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Cure"</action>
  166. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 1" />
  167. <action type="changespell" spell="Refresh II" />
  168. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  169. </elseif>
  170. </if>
  171. <!--- Enhancing Magic Skill-Up Segment --->
  172. <elseif spell="Protect" >
  173. <!--- Check if /Heal Break is active --->
  174. <if advanced='"$SkillUp" == "1"'>
  175. <!--- Fix the SkillCycle varaible in case the SMN SKILL Segment boinked it --->
  176. <if advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "5|6|7|8|9"'>
  177. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 1" />
  178. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  179. <action type="cancelspell"/>
  180. </if>
  181. <!--- Check if your MP is low --->
  182. <if Mode="OR" NOTMPGT="18" MP="18">
  183. <if notspell="blink">
  184. <action type="command" when="precast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4Protect;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  185. <action type="cancelspell"/>
  186. </if>
  187. <else>
  188. <action type="command" when="aftercast">input /heal on;wait $RestTime4Protect;input /heal off;wait 2;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  189. </else>
  190. </if>
  191. <!--- Enhancing Skill Cycling --->
  192. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "1"'>
  193. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  194. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 2" />
  195. <action type="changespell" spell="Protect" />
  196. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  197. </elseif>
  198. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "2"'>
  199. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  200. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 3" />
  201. <action type="changespell" spell="Shell" />
  202. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  203. </elseif>
  204. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "3"'>
  205. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  206. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 4" />
  207. <action type="changespell" spell="Protectra" />
  208. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  209. </elseif>
  210. <elseif advanced='"$SkillCycle" == "4"'>
  211. <action type="command" when="aftercast">wait 3;input /ma "Protect"</action>
  212. <action type="var" cmd="set SkillCycle 1" />
  213. <action type="changespell" spell="refresh II" />
  214. <action type="Changetarget" target="<me>"/>
  215. </elseif>
  216. </if>
  217. </elseif>
  218. </rules>
  219. </spellcast>
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