
Nerd Showdown at the Marlowe Residence

Dec 29th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was in the living room with his Mom and Sebastian. He was snickering over the gift his brother had just opened from him. // Sebastian looked none to impressed, and shook his head. "The award for biggest dick, definitely goes to you this year."// Rochelle had a glass of Sebastian's mead he'd brought home in her hand and was looking at her kids, before glancing at Steph. "You try to raise them the best you can, and in the end it still comes down to penis jokes."
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph had been pacing the little hallway by Felix's bedroom, her phone in her hand as she anxiously thought about the start of the trial. Turning back and walking out into the living room, she stopped to watch Seb open his gift, shaking her head. "Rest assured, no one blames you for them. No one could have ever predicted this." She spoke sweeping her arm out in front of her to gesture to these two assholes. "I do have a couple things left for you guys though." She turned and walked back into Felix's room, squatting down to pull out four identically wrapped gifts, and then one that was obviously a large bottle. Balancing them all in her arms, she made her way back out to the living room and set the four gifts down on the coffee table before holding the wrapped bottle out to Seb. "Only one of us is a dick. At least for the time being."-
  3. Covet: "You love us. Don't lie." Felix said, "You wouldn't have us any other way either." Felix looked at Sebastian, "He'll be fine. He knows I just jest."// Sebastian set the poster down and looked at his Mom, "You'd never guess I was the younger. I guess I just hogged all the maturity." He shrugged then watched as Steph came back out with gifts. "Oh, why thank you. You didn't need to get me anything. Why are you with the dick brother? I'd never give you any sort of hell." Sebastian winked at Steph. // "Oh my boys...." She said flatly, then gave a chuckle, "I'm only glad I didn't get twin girls. I'll take these two over that anyday." Rochelle said taking a drink, "Sebastian, Please don't instigate a fight with your brother."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Because the evil twins have to stick together." She said with a laugh, her eyes darting to Felix with a smile. I know nothing about mead, but it's a bottle of mead. "Besides, I probably give him significantly more hell than he gives me. Now..." She turned and picked up the identically wrapped gifts, handing each one to Felix, Seb, and Rochelle before taking her own. They were all the exact same nerf gun, deboxed and preloaded for battle and wrapped just like that. Prepared. "I think if you'd have had girls, we would have less fun."-
  5. Covet: Felix glared at Sebastian, "Stop it. She's not into your sappy romantic crap." He said then smiled at Steph. "See.. she knows." Felix looked at the gift she handed out, "I thought we were done with ours already?" He asked then when they opened them up he grinned, "OH! Right... What was I thinking, One second." Felix told them and ran into his room to find the amazon box he'd had shipped here ahead of them. It wasn't wrapped, and was just folded back close. He brought it over and handed it to Steph. [ ] // Sebastian opened the gift and raised his brows, "Do you realize the war you're starting here?" He said as he tossed the paper aside and started to get his gun out of the box. // Rochelle pulled out the nerf gun, "Oh how thoughtful, you gave me a defensive advantage. I made the mistake of giving just the boys these one year, Never made that mistake again." She laughed
  6. Alexithymiaa: "I would never give either of them a nerf gun without getting us a way to defend ourselves. But it's not just defense, because the best defense is a good offense." She took the box from Felix, pulling the purple nerf gun out of the box and essentially holding one gun in each hand as she shook her head, poised and ready to just slaughter. "You better hope your aim is as fast as your mouth, Arizona." She held both guns up, pointing one at Felix and one at Seb and started firing squishy nerf darts at them.-
  7. Covet: "Please, we've got years of experience on you two. You should feel lucky I gave you an extra gun." Felix told her then grabbed his gun and tucked around the corner into the hallway, using it for cover. "You didn't even say go yet! You're going to waste your ammo! Do you even know how to nerf?" He said to Steph, aiming for her and his mother keeping them both in easy line of fire. // Sebastian was struggling to get his gun loaded still when Steph started shooting at them and he was getting hit with darts from his mom shortly after. "I think I've drank too much for this... Felix, You're going to have to carry us for a second." // Rochelle laughed, "You boys better pray to your maker, you're in trouble now." She started shooting darts relentlessly at Sebastian while trying to Dodge Felix's
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Excuse you! I grew up with Bryan who's personal life mission was to have me running for my life!" She yelled out at Felix, running to the opposite side of the living room to take cover around the other wall from oncoming fire. "I should have picked my attire better for this battle..." She whispered to Rochelle before leaning down and removing her shoes so that shit wouldn't hold her back. Resituating her guns, she poked her head around the corner before making a mad dash over, bombarding the boys with nerfs.-
  9. Covet: "I'm not praying to you, Mom." Felix told her loudly then yelled at Sebastian, "Are you ever going to stop coatailing my umbillical cord Seb?" He turne around when he saw Steph sneak around the corner. "Yeah, but you don't like running away from me." He told her as he walked closer to her putting his hand up to block her shots and went to wrap his arms around her. // Sebastian continued to shoot at Rochelle but was falling back to where Felix was at, "Please shut up and just keep shooting. He said then looked over his shoulder to see Felix wrapping up on Steph, "That's not helping right now."// Rochelle got up and was walking over to Sebastian on the other side of the wall, "You guys are going to pigeon hole yourselves. C'mon you can't let us win that easily."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I have no idea what you're talking about, I run away from you all the time." She spoke with a laugh, leaning in close to him before sweeping her leg behind his knees, her forearm pushing into his chest in an attempt to knock him onto his back. If he'd fall, she'd press her knee into his chest, pushing one of the guns to his forehead.-
  11. Covet: Felix felt his knees push out from under him and he felt back, his gun clattering to the floor as he put his hands up with the gun to his head, "I may have slightly underestimate how this fight was going to go down. // Sebastian gave a bit of a squeak, not wanting to take his mom out, he put his hands up, "Felix, I'm out. I surrender!" // Rochelle laughed then poked her head around to see Steph pinning down Felix with her gun. " Well, I think you boys just met your match."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She mouthed the word 'bang' at him before setting her guns down next to him, leaning forward to peck his lips and then sitting up straight so she could fully look down at him. "You severely underestimated how this fight was going to go down. And I didnt even need to bust out any tricks to pin you either, so you don't get to use that as an excuse this time." She pushed up from him and offered a hand to help him up to his feet, glancing over at Seb. "You are very obviously a lover, not a fighter."-
  13. Covet: "I dunno, I'd say that leg sweep was a decent trick." Felix said skeptically, kissing her back. Then he looked over at his brother as he got up, "The only person he ever fought for was me, when we were in elementary school. Once I got confident enough to defend myself, he became this mommy's boy sap." // Sebastian looked at Felix, "You say that but I've gotten laid more than you have." // Rochelle shook her head, "You two are ridiculous. Things a mother doesn't need to know, nor do I want to hear about it. At least one of my son's loves me."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "If you think that was a decent trick then you really need to take a few MMA lessons. That's basic." She stuck her tongue out at him before taking her head. "Oh don't worry, Felix loves you. And in the strange universe where you've been more of a mother to me than my own, I love you too. You are plenty loved and appreciated so don't let them fool you." She narrowed her eyes on Seb, her gaze flicking back to Felix because she had a feeling the next thing he said was going to be bad.-
  15. Covet: "The difference between you and I is, I appreciate quality over quantity." Felix told his brother, then looked back at Steph giving her a wink. He looked at his Mom, "Hey, hey... I love you, probably more than he does. He's just a kiss ass." // "Takes one to know one" Seb said, "You sure you don't just want us both Steph? We can be your sweet and sour. I'm the sweet of course." // Rochelle smiled at Steph, "I love you too kiddo, It's nice to be able to have an extra hand with these two." She said then smacked Sebastian upside the head, " Leave him alone, at least he brought someone I like home."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, stepping over into Felix and sliding her arm around his middle, tipping her head onto his shoulder. "I don't know, that's a pretty serious offer that I'll have to take into account. There's just so many factors to consider when juggling two men. I mean, what if I mix up your names? Will you get offended? What if I spend more time with one of you over the other? Will you have a battle to the death for my attention? This just seems messy to me." She started to laugh before shrugging. "Although you're twins so obviously that means you're the exact same person so maybe it won't be too hard. I'll think it over."-
  17. Covet: As Steph spoke he pushed her away lightly, " my own home even? Right in front of me? How could you..." He told her as he put his head up and put his hand on his chest. "That hurts... I can't even..." He walked towards his room all dramatic like. // Seb gave a grin, laughing out, "I appreciate you not encouraging a fight to the death, He'd win, at least this way I get a fighting chance." He said as he walked over to her, then looked at his Brother's door, "You might want to go stroke his ego after a blow like that." He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze then headed into his own room. // Rochelle shook her head, "Please, I know that act.. Felix is fine. Don't feed into the behaviors. I'm going to head to bed, You kid's have fun, don't forget to pick up the darts please." She asked them before she headed to her room.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "I just don't want to clean up after a fight to the death because I know that will end up being on me to clean." She said with a huff, rolling her eyes at Felix's drama queen act before nodding at Rochelle. "I'll get the darts as soon as I go remind him how easy he is to mess with." She turned and headed back toward Felix's bedroom, lingering in the doorway. "Don't be a brat, you know I was kidding."-
  19. Covet: Felix was laying on his bed, having taken his shirt off. He turned his head to look at her, then quickly turned it again turning his nose up. "Do I? I think you might need to remind me that you're just kidding byt showing me..." He told her still obviously being a brat.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, pushing his bedroom door closed behind her and turning the lock before walking over to his bed. "You're very needy, you know that?" She asked as she knelt down on the bed, swinging one leg over the top of him to straddle his lap. "But I guess I can show you as long as you help me clean up all the darts afterwards." She leaned down, her lips pressing to his for a passionate kiss.-
  21. Covet: "I know." He said with a smirk as he watched her. "I suppose I can help do that." Felix begrudgingly gave in, then he kissed her back totally going to get more vacation sex probably being a little extra just to annoy his brother.
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