
God Karen, you're so stupid!

Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad grumbled as he made his way through the mall, not at all excited to have to get something fancy to wear for the Grammys even though Grammys. He dragged his feet as he walked, the only redeeming part of this trip being the smoothie he was very happily sipping on, his lips not leaving the straw.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey watched Brad, not even looking at any of the shops as they walked by. "Do you have an idea of what you want to wear?" She asked him, "I'm being sent a dress to wear from a designer. They asked my favorite color, and of course I told them Red. " She'd left Connor with Holly tonight because she knew he hated Shopping, and it was going to be a big enough pain trying to help Brad without Connor assiting his whineyness about clothes.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (I cannot imagine Kelsey having to deal with dragging them BOTH around the mall.)
  4. Covet: [She'd go nuts.]
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, black?" Brad asked with a shrug, continuing to drag his feet as he walked and focused his attention on his smoothie. "See, you get it easy. Someone just tells you what to wear and you get to look hot. I actually have to go through the trouble of finding it."-
  6. Covet: Looking over at him she shook her head, "Please, Men's formal fashion really hasn't changed much in the last fifty years, if not longer. You get a suit, make sure it's measured correctly, and put it on. There's not even any major faux paus for men. For women, If we choose the wrong color, the wrong cut, the wrong length. We're drug through every Entertainment magazing out there."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I can't see you ever looking bad in anything so they can shove it." He said with a pout, lifting his eyes from his cup for the first time to actually look around at the shops. "So where am I going then for this generic suit?"-
  8. Covet: Kelsey laughed, "Thanks Hun. You're sweet." She told him then thought about it, "Hmm, we could hit up JC Penny's. We could find you a really cool Jerry Garcia tie to go with everything." Kelsey told him, "If we don't find a suit we like, we can hit up one of the other shops."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know who that is, but sure." He said with a casual shrug, turning to begin heading in the direction of JC Penny. "Does it matter that I have no idea what size suit I wear? Because I have no idea. I couldn't even begin to guess. I wear a size thirty, thirty four in jeans though. Does that help?"-
  10. Covet: "A tie designer." Kelsey told him, "But he's got really nice graphics on his silk ties. We can find something to match what I'm wearing." Shaking her head as they walked, "No We can figure it out when we get there, that's what trying on stuff is for. Yes, that does help, but we'll have to figure out your inseam as well."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Isn't thirty four my in-seam?" He asked as they walked into JC Penny, his eyes beginning to search the racks when all he saw was women's clothes. "I don't see men's. Maybe we're in the wrong place. We should probably go somewhere else."-
  12. Covet: "No, thirty four is your waist measurement." Kelsey told him as she laughed, then took his hand, "We're not in the wrong place, we just have to go to the men's department. C'mon." She told him as she walked around the loop through the center of the store to where the men's formal stuff was all set up.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "No, thirty is my waist. Thirty four is the length." He threw his head back when she started to lead him through the store to the men's department, letting out an audible groan before sipping more smoothie. "Okay so are you just going to pick stuff out for me to try on?"-
  14. Covet: "Okay well that's good, because we'll need both of those." Kelsey said as he argued with her. "Probably, because if I tell you to pick it out, we'll be here all night." She told him as she walked over to a rack of pants to find the right size, handing them over to him. "Do you want a black or white dress shirt?" She asked him .
  15. Alexithymiaa: -He took the pants she handed him, shifting uncomfortably on his feet like he'd been there for hours despite the fact that they definitely hadnt been. "Uhhh... does it have to be one of those colors? Can it be like red or something?"-
  16. Covet: "Of course it can be red, you said Black, so I was going with that." She told him, then started looking for a red shirt in what she thought would be a size that fit him. "Here, try this one, and if it doesn't work, then try this one." She told him handing him both shirts, "That will make it easier to find a suit jacket that fits."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I meant a black suit." He said as he took the shirts from her and draped them over his arm with the pants. "How much does the jacket really matter? As long as it's not too tight it fits, right?"-
  18. Covet: "We could do a vest instead if you want instead. It won't seem as constricting and you can roll the sleeves up on the shirt." Kelsey suggested to him before she started looking into a jacket at all. "Yes, and not too short in the sleeves, unless you're intending to roll them up."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "A vest would probably be better. I like that idea. Although if it's in New York in January it might be freezing and I should probably have some sort of jacket to wear at least until we get inside."-
  20. Covet: "We can get you a nice black wool pea coat if you want?" Kelsey suggested to him, then gave him a shove to go try the shirts on in the dressing room. "Go, I'll hunt down a vest that will match that, and a Tie."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know about that." He said as he stepped into the dressing room, not hesitating for a second to drop his pants and start tugging on the slacks. He shed his shirt and pulled on the first red shirt, buttoning it up only to find it was excessively baggy. Without showing her, he removed it and tried on the next one, buttoning that up about halfway and leaving it untucked before stepping out of the dressing room. "How's this?"-
  22. Covet: "What do you mean, you don't know about that? It will look really nice. You'll look good." Kelsey said to him then looked him over. She walked over to him and finished buttoning up the shirt the rest of the way and had him turn around." Looks good. So I told Bryan about the tickets and he's excited to go, Apparently he wants to use the event to propose to CJ." Kelsey said starting in on the gossips.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -He spun around so she could see the back, but not skipping a beat on the gossips. "Wow, really? I didn't think he was going to be so quick to jump into that after the whole thing with Aubrey. I assumed he'd be anti marriage after that."-
  24. Covet: "Yeah, I was a little concerned about that too, but even if it's impulsive, Bryan usually knows what he wants. And the way he is with CJ, is different than how he was with Aubrey. It's more, mature." Kelsey said then pated his back, "Okay leave that on and let me hunt down a couple of vests for you to try." She told him and walked around the racks to find a couple of different black vests in different materials.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I never thought I'd hear you describe Bryan as mature, but okay." He said with a shrug, shaking out his arms a bit to loosen the fabric of his sleeves. "Whatever makes him happy I guess. And it's amazing how often I've gotten to say those words lately."-
  26. Covet: "I know, it's strange to me too, but I think CJ has done a lot for him. That Aubrey crap put him in a pretty bad place, but CJ kept him grounded." Kelsey said then laughed, "What do you mean? Who else have you been talking to about their happiness?" She asked Brad.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I went to the gym yesterday while you were at practice to hangout with Ozzie because he's usually working on Monday nights, but I ran into Felix there. We chilled for a little, and I was trying to feel him out to see if him and Steph would want to swing with us. He's pretty hot. But he kept brushing me off."-
  28. Covet: Kelsey turned around and looked at him, " Yeah...Even I'm not okay with that situation. Because you know... Steph is my cousin. And you and I both know she's not into that. I can't exactly say I'm surprised he was brushing you off, you're lucky that's all he did." Kelsey said turning her head as she closed her eyes to give her head a shake.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "So what?" He asked casually because Brad thinks with his dick and not his brain. "Cousins are like nothing. She's not your sister, and I think that would be hot if you guys hooked up." He nodded his head confidently while thinking about it. "What else was he really going to do? I wasnt forcing anyone, all I did was ask."-
  30. Covet: Kelsey walked over to Brad and put her hand on his mouth and shook her head. "No no no no no no no no no no no no." He hand stayed put. " You can keep that little fantasy to yourself, because she's still a blood relative and that would never in a million years happen. I don't even find it remotely amusing or entertaining." She told him looking him in the eye, "Hun... I need you to think with this Brain.. not this one..." She said pointing to his head, then grabbed his crotch right there in the store.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Brad rolled his eyes at Kelsey because he didnt really see the big deal, but mostly it was because he didnt care. When she grabbed his grotch he winced, nodding his head and speaking against her palm. "Okay, okay. Jeez."-
  32. Covet: "Thank you." Kelsey told him as she let go, then grabbed a vest. "This one... get your shirt and get out of those pants so we can check out. I'm pretty sure the mall is closing soon." She told him, figuring they'd worry about the tie another night, because she was kind of annoyed and didn't really want to show it.
  33. Alexithymiaa: (Bahahahahaha annoy EVERYONE)
  34. Alexithymiaa: -Brad turned and headed back into the dressing room to get out of the dress clothes and back into his casual ones, emerging with a crumpled mess that would be his purchases, making his way toward the register so he could pay and not at all picking up on any annoyance from Kelsey.-
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