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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. <Charlene> I'd like to hear your story Tom. If you have time. It helps me to heart what others went thru
  2. <Tom> Charlene I'll share a little right now
  4. <Tom> basically I decided in elementary school that I wanted to do drugs, first drug I ever did was LSD when I was 14, but had decided to do it when I was in 4th grade, moved on through all the normal stuff, started shooting dope, went to rehab, relapsed, found myself doing all kinds of really bad stuff with peopel and places where I knew for sure I didn't belong
  5. * JFT_BOT gives voice to Chance
  6. <Chance> Hey guys
  7. <Tom> a white kid from the suburbs should not be hanging out in north philly and trenton, driving around girls in exchange for crack, etc. and at the same time I was 21 years old and teaching Sunday school, one weekend the cops took my car, my mom picked me up in North PHilly and the next morning I was teaching Sunday school, little kids were asking me about Jesus and stuff
  8. <Tom> Chance hi
  9. <JFT_BOT> Welcome to NACHATROOM.ORG, Chance
  10. * JFT_BOT gives voice to chance
  11. <Tom> I had wanted to stop using for a long time, I used to sit on my bed and cry, wanting to be able to show up for normal family stuff without having to leave to buy drugs, but I just couldn't stop and didn't knwo what to do
  12. <chance> Hey Tom
  13. <JFT_BOT> Welcome to NACHATROOM.ORG, chance
  14. <Tom> when I got out of rehab, I really enjoyed NA, but I wasn't serious about staying clean, when I did actually get and stay clean, oct 18, 2005, I completely changed my identity
  15. <Tom> I jumped into NA whole-heartedly, NA became the center of my life, the only goals I had were to get the next color keytag or get to the next meeting, or meet up with my sponsor
  16. <Tom> I went to ~500 meetings my first year clean
  17. <Tom> lived in a recovery house, worked a stupid job, had no money, no girlfriend, voluntarily stayed away for girls for 18 months, didn't look for a car or a place to live
  18. <Tom> eventually all of that stuff was given to me, I just focused on recovery and the small day to day things, and everything else came my way in time
  19. <Tom> I got into service, and for me, I found that service at the homegroup level, reachign out to newcomers, is where I really felt like I was doing something, that and speaking at H&I commitments
  20. <Tom> I've been super focused on recovery ever since
  21. <pyrotech> I do service at the home group level
  22. <Tom> Now I have 14 years clean, I moved from Philly to Austin where I met my wife, we've lived together in Costa Rica for the past 5 years and she is 6 months pregnant with a boy
  23. <Tom> I've been through gnarly stuff in recovery, like my wife has lost 2 babies between 5-6 months pregnant, deaths in the family, stuff like that
  24. <Tom> but no matter what, I stay clean and show up to meetings
  25. * JFT_BOT gives voice to Charlene
  26. <Charlene> Keeps kicking me out. Getting so frustrated
  27. <Tom> one of the best things in my recovery over the past few years is that Costa Rica NA is young, maybe like it was in the states in the 80s, you really do need to drive 2 hours for meetings sometiems
  28. <pyrotech> nice
  29. <Tom> awww sorry Charlene, I was typing all of this stuff cause you asked :)
  30. <Tom> I can pastebin it if you want to read
  31. <JFT_BOT> Welcome to NACHATROOM.ORG, Charlene
  32. <pyrotech> being part of a growing region
  33. <Tom> So the past few years I've gotten to be a big part of of buidling the fellowship here, it is f*king amazing
  34. <Tom> exactly pytrotech!
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