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- -- genericCtrl
- -- monSide: side of the monitor
- local monSide = "back"
- local term = peripheral.wrap(monSide)
- --local txtScale = 1.0
- -- rsSide: Redstone Bundled Output
- local rsSide = "right"
- -- Position in cfg arrays
- local bLabel = 1
- local bActive = 2
- -- cfg:
- local cfg = {}
- cfg[1] = {"Quarry", false}
- cfg[2] = {"Sugar", false}
- cfg[3] = {"Melons", false}
- cfg[4] = {"Oak Wood", true}
- cfg[5] = {"Birch", true}
- cfg[6] = {"Spruce", true}
- cfg[7] = {"Rubber", false}
- cfg[8] = {"Peat Bog", true}
- -- columns & rows:
- columns = 3
- rows = 3
- -- buttons: this holds the buttons definitions
- local buttons = {}
- -- Screen size
- local screenX, screenY
- -- getBundledColor: returns colors codes ( white (n=1) / black (n=16) )
- function getBundledColor(n)
- return bit.blshift(1,(n-1))
- end
- -- fills the buttons table
- function setButton(name, active, colorCode, callback, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
- buttons[name] = {}
- buttons[name]["active"] = active
- buttons[name]["color"] = colorCode
- buttons[name]["func"] = callback
- buttons[name]["xMin"] = xMin
- buttons[name]["xMax"] = xMax
- buttons[name]["yMin"] = yMin
- buttons[name]["yMax"] = yMax
- end
- -- defineButtons: define buttons in a dynamic "centered" layout
- function defineButtons()
- screenX, screenY = term.getSize()
- vertTrim = math.floor(screenY/(rows+1)) + 1
- horizTrim = math.floor(screenX/(columns+1)) + 1
- i = 1
- for row = 1, rows do
- if i > # cfg then break end
- local yMin = (row * vertTrim) - 1
- local yMax = (row * vertTrim) + 1
- for col = 1, columns do
- if i > # cfg then break end
- local labelLen = string.len(cfg[i][bLabel])
- local xMin = (col * horizTrim) - math.floor(labelLen/2) - 1
- local xMax = xMin + labelLen + 2
- setButton(cfg[i][bLabel], cfg[i][bActive], getBundledColor(i), toggleBundledOutput, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
- --print(xMin..","..xMax..","..yMin..","..yMax)
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- toggleBundledOutput: toggle redstone output by button name
- function toggleBundledOutput(name)
- local activeColors = rs.getBundledOutput(rsSide)
- if buttons[name]["active"] then
- rs.setBundledOutput(rsSide, (activeColors - buttons[name]["color"]))
- buttons[name]["active"] = false
- else
- rs.setBundledOutput(rsSide, (activeColors + buttons[name]["color"]))
- buttons[name]["active"] = true
- end
- end
- -- initBundledOutput: Init Bundled Output at reboot/restart
- function initBundledOutput()
- local initColors = 0
- for name, btn in pairs(buttons) do
- if buttons[name]["active"] then
- initColors = initColors + buttons[name]["color"]
- end
- end
- rs.setBundledOutput(rsSide, initColors)
- end
- -- returns len whitespaces
- function fillSpace(len)
- len = len or 1
- fill = ""
- for i = 1, len do
- fill = fill .. " "
- end
- return fill
- end
- -- as it says
- function resetTermColors()
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- -- drawScreen:
- function drawScreen()
- for name, btn in pairs(buttons) do
- if buttons[name]["active"] then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- labelLen = string.len(name)
- term.setCursorPos(buttons[name]["xMin"], buttons[name]["yMin"])
- term.write(fillSpace(labelLen + 4))
- term.setCursorPos(buttons[name]["xMin"], (buttons[name]["yMin"] + 1))
- term.write(" "" ")
- term.setCursorPos(buttons[name]["xMin"], buttons[name]["yMax"])
- term.write(fillSpace(labelLen + 4))
- resetTermColors()
- end
- end
- -- touchEvent: process touch events
- function touchEvent(x, y)
- for name, btn in pairs(buttons) do
- if (y >= buttons[name]["yMin"]) and (y <= buttons[name]["yMax"])
- and (x >= buttons[name]["xMin"]) and (x <= buttons[name]["xMax"]) then
- print("Touch on button: "
- toggleBundledOutput(name)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------
- -- MAIN --
- --------------------------------------------
- term.clear()
- --term.setTextScale(txtScale)
- defineButtons()
- initBundledOutput()
- while true do
- drawScreen()
- local evtp, side, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if evtp == "monitor_touch" then
- touchEvent(x, y)
- else
- print("Ignoring event "..evtp)
- end
- end
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