
The Invincible Iron Manon (Part 5)

Jul 4th, 2013
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  1. [What are you talking about?]
  2. >”Well, a unicorn’s horn is made so it can ALWAYS hold magic.”
  3. [Aaaand?]
  4. >”That means that even once the pony passes, their horn should still be able to hold it. THAT means a unicorn’s horn is always functioning.”
  5. [Are you saying what I think you’re saying? That we can d--]
  6. “Dig up unicorns? That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
  7. >You didn’t even notice she was right next to you now.
  8. [J-Jahvise? Can you search that?]
  9. >**I see no proof of what she’s saying, Sir.**
  10. [Twilight, theres no information supporting this. What makes you think that it can wo--]
  11. >”I have my ways.” She turns and brushes her tail against your helmet, looking at the Mark II.
  12. [Stop interrupting m--]
  13. >”So are we leaving or what?”
  14. >At this rate, you aren’t sure whose grave you’ll be digging up. A random pony’s or her’s.
  15. [I really didn’t plan on going out there with my armor torn up like this but I suppose it’s better than going out naked. Alrig--]
  16. >She hops off your lap and trots to the exit. “Perfect. Want to fly there?”
  17. >Yep, you’re definitely digging up her grave.
  18. [If you insist.]
  19. >A devious smile grows on your face.
  20. >**Sir, I suggest strapping her down this time.**
  21. [Shuddap Jahvise.]
  22. >**Oh Sir…**
  23. >Twilight climbs on to your back and wraps her forelegs around your neck.
  24. >You’re sure this would feel nice if you didn’t have a metal suit on.
  25. >”Oh Anon~” She coos.
  26. >”This tech is just soooo fascinating.”
  27. >Yeah, no.
  28. >Not having this conversation here.
  29. [Hold on tight!]
  30. >You throw up so much dirt on takeoff that you begin to worry you buried all your work back in the cave.
  31. [Jahvise?]
  32. >**Yes, Sir?**
  33. [Remind me to build a landing platform out front.]
  34. >**Noted.**
  35. >While you were flying, it began to rain. Twilight whined over your shoulder.
  36. >”Oh no! Now my coat is all wet!”
  37. >A wonderfully devious seed plants itself in your mind.
  38. >A truly evil plan.
  39. >You’re a foul one, Iron Manon.
  40. >You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as slippery as a eel.
  41. >Well, you hope that last part is true by now.
  42. [Don’t worry Twi! I’ll protect you from the rain!]
  43. >”Oh thanks, AnooooOOOOOON! ANON WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
  44. >You’ve flipped upside down so your chest was protecting her from the rain.
  45. [I’m helping. See?]
  46. >Her hooves begin slipping off your neck.
  47. >**Sir, as much I would love to laugh about this, are you sure it’s the best idea?**
  48. [I love you too, Jahvise.]
  49. >Twilight slips off your neck and dangles there by her back legs, firmly griping onto your buttocks.
  51. >She’s probably learned her lesson for now.
  52. >After flipping back around, she squeezes your neck so hard she practically fused with you.
  53. >If she dented this armor…
  54. [Oh man, sorry, Twilight! I forgot the armor would be slipper--]
  55. >”I-It’s OK. Just keep flying…”
  56. >Interrupted again.
  57. >Wow.
  58. >Just…wow.
  59. >Tony Stark wouldn’t take this.
  60. >Neither will you!
  61. [Y-you too…]
  62. >Yeah, that’ll show her.
  63. >Twilight says nothing after that. Well, you think she doesn’t.
  64. >The pitter-patter of rain on your helmet makes it hard to hear anything.
  65. >**Sir?**
  66. [What is it, Jahvise?]
  67. >**Are you absolutely sure you’re alright with digging up the deceased? There are always other ways of creating power.**
  68. [Jahvise, it’s alright. I mean, it’s not like they’ll be up forever. I’m just going to dismember them a bit and then I’ll rebury them.]
  69. >**Must I explain how wrong that sounds?**
  70. [No…]
  71. >**Just making sure, Sir.**
  72. [Shuddap Jahvise.]
  73. >”ANON!!!”
  74. >You shake a bit.
  75. [What?! Whadda ya want?!]
  76. >”I’ve been calling your name!”
  77. [Oops. Well, what is it?]
  78. >”The graveyard is up ahead!”
  79. >Looking down, Twilight’s statement is confirmed true.
  80. >She jumps in anticipation as you come to a slow stop on the ground.
  81. [Alright, who do we dig up first?]
  82. >A funny feeling runs in your mind when you say that.
  83. >”Not that one.”
  84. >You bring your hand away from the grave you were about to dig up.
  85. [It says ‘Beloved Unicorn Father’ though.]
  86. >”Just trust me.”
  87. >She’s too good at this.
  88. >”Here, come dig over here.”
  89. >The lavender pony points to a seemingly random grave.
  90. >As you walk to it, you notice a discoloration in the dirt between the ground and the grave you were just at. Almost as if it were…dug up recently.
  91. >**Sir?**
  92. [Right! Back to the graves.]
  94. >You dig your hands into the mud and begin scooping. It takes a while; the suit gave you super strength, not super speed.
  95. >Finally you hit wood
  96. >And break through it.
  97. >In the coffin is a horse skeleton with a long bone protruding from the skull.
  98. >”That’s our prize.”
  99. >She creates a magic guillotine around the horn and chops it clean off without damaging the body at all.
  100. >She then scoops all the dirt back into the hole with a magic plow.
  101. [And you couldn’t have done that before?]
  102. >”I can’t do all the dirty work, now can I?”
  103. >She hops on your back and you fly away, refusing to look back.
  104. >You feel dirty inside.
  105. >”Hey Anon?”
  106. [What?]
  107. >”The rain stopped. Isnt the sky beautiful?”
  108. >The first colors of dawn had begun to bleed into the sky by now.
  109. >Blood red, lavender purple, rosey pink, and so on. I was calming and soother your scattered mind.
  110. [Hey wait.]
  111. >Your mind fills itself with questions again.
  112. >Why were Twilight and Rainbow Dash at your cave at midnight?
  113. >You land a good way away from the entrance to the cave this time to ensure you don’t throw any mud inside.
  114. [Jahvise, bring up blueprints for original power source.]
  115. >Twilight catches the corner of your eyes.
  116. [Scratch that. Just remind me where I put the paper ones.]
  117. >**You placed it in the middle drawer of your cabinet next to the other batteries.**
  118. [Thanks.]
  119. >Twilight puts the horn on the table.
  120. >From the drawer, you take the specs and one of the batteries.
  121. >By the time you get back, Twilight has cut the horn into parts.
  122. [Why? Just…why?]
  123. >”Well we’ll be needing more than one horn but we only got one. I’m just cutting it up so we have more to work with.”
  124. >She’s going to turn you grey by the end of this.
  125. >**Sir, I’m detecting a rise in your stress levels.**
  126. [It’s alright, Jahvise.]
  127. >**Need I remind you this battery only releases energy when combined with your own strength? If you become too fatigued to stressed, it will stop energizing the armor.**
  128. [That’s why we need to hurry this up.]
  129. >You put a hand to your chest.
  130. >It has been burning for the past few hours. You really need to get the new battery working soon.
  131. >”What are you and Jahvise talking about?” Twilight asks as you sit down.
  132. [Politics.]
  133. >”Oh really? What do you think of—“
  134. [How to make the battery? I don’t know, but that’s what we’re here to find out I guess!]
  135. >It takes from sunrise to sundown, but finally you think you and Twilight may have what you need for a functioning battery.
  136. >Taking the last piece of horn you have, you crush it down into a powder and put it in a small bowl.
  137. >Twilight carefully pours the liquid from your last old power source into the bowl. The mixture begins to glow.
  138. >You fire a small repulse ray that Twilight has enchanted. The new beam causes sparks to fly from the mixture and harden.
  139. >You place it on the ground and
  140. >Stomp.
  141. >Stomp.
  142. >Stomp.
  143. >Once it’s compressed into the size of a Necco Wafer, you place you put it over a fire.
  144. >It begins to shake after a minute. Now that its atoms are all jumpy, you put it into another battery disk and place it in the Mark II suit.
  145. >The suit hums to life as the palms and feet glow a similar pink.
  146. >“It’s complete.”
  147. [It’s beautiful.]
  148. >You tear your current armor apart in lines along the center of it so you can weld it back together later. Although the circuits are ruined at this point, it’s still your first suit and you can still admire it.
  149. >A horrid stench fills the cave that would kill anything with a sense of smell.
  150. >Twilight stares as you maneuver the suit so its back is facing you.
  151. >She has a magic bubble around her nose.
  152. >Holding your arms out spread-eagle, the suits entire back, legs, and arms open up.
  153. >”Aren’t you going to wash up?” Twilight asks.
  154. >Wash?
  155. >Up?
  156. >These words are strange to you.
  157. [Jahvise, when was the last time I took a shower?]
  158. >**3 weeks, 4 days, 8 hours, and 2 seconds; one day after my creation.**
  159. [Hm.]
  160. >A shower might not be the worst thing in the world.
  161. >The helmet opens up around the neck as you remove it.
  162. Jahvise, run system scans while I’m out.
  163. >The helmet clicks onto the suit.
  164. >You’re not sure if he said yes or not, but you’re sure it was something along those lines.
  165. >As you walk away, the suit closes and locks.
  166. >Time to visit your old house.
  167. >”You cant shower at your old house by the way.”
  168. >Wha wha?
  169. Why?
  170. >”The bank repossessed it once you stopped paying your bills.”
  171. >Shoot, you still had bills. You forgot money existed to pay for life once you started stealing the parts for the armor.
  172. Well shoot.
  173. >”You can shower at the Library if you want.” She gives you a smile.
  174. >Awwww
  175. >You get another heartrection.
  176. Thanks Twilight.
  177. >Her shower is ponified.
  178. >It’s tough to fit into and use, but you manage it.
  179. >The soap is also just like her.
  180. >Lavender scented.
  181. >You remember how it was when you used to live here, before you got your own house.
  182. >You would wake up every morning, on the floor of course, to the smell of flowers.
  183. >Twilight was either down sorting books or further down in her lab. Spike would always make breakfast.
  184. >He was a cool dude. The only one you could relate with in the biology department. Opposable thumbs made you two instant friends.
  185. >Upon getting out, you find your clothes had been misplaced and in their old spot, lay new ones.
  186. >The back of the collar has 3 diamonds on it.
  187. >Rarity only recently started putting those on her clothes. She made you new ones?
  188. >Probably just trying to get on your good side so you sponsor her.
  189. >How many other stores have “flying, laser shooting, metal guy” as their spokespony?
  190. >Oh well. Free clothes are free clothes.
  191. >They’re actually quite comfortable once you put them on.
  192. >They hug, but not too tight. Perfect for being in the suit once you think about it.
  193. >Looking in the mirror to check yourself you, you notice you haven’t shaved in a long time either.
  194. >Better do that now.
  195. >You found your old razor in the shower. Might as well take that.
  197. >Twilight busts through the door right as you put it to your skin.
  198. OW!
  199. >”Oh, sorry Anon! I just came to tell you Rarity left some new…clothes.”
  200. I know.
  201. >You leave Twilight’s after her trying to convince you to sleep there for the night.
  202. >Can’t get back into that routine. You may run the risk of staying there.
  203. >No, you need your own space. You and your armors.
  204. >Boy, you sure are glad you got this whole suit thing squared away in a couple days.
  205. >And it took you a month the first time. Maybe soon you’ll be able to do it in a few hours! Maybe even turn it into a hobby.
  206. >Hah. Nah, that’s crazy talk!
  207. >God you need sleep.
  208. >Your eye lids feel like they have lead blocks tied to them. It takes almost all your strength to leave them open.
  209. >By the time you make it to the cave, you’re basically dragging yourself along in the mud.
  210. >You’ll have to clean that up in the morning.
  211. Jahvise open the damn suit.
  212. >You sleep-shout to him when you get to the suit.
  213. >The back and limbs all open up again.
  214. >You crawl inside the cozy home and once it locks back up, you fall onto the floor.
  215. >You hear a lullaby tune play in the background for you.
  216. >That Jahvise sure..he sure is a nice..guy….
  217. >Sleep overcomes you.
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