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Nov 24th, 2021
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  1. Arcane Caitlyn
  2. Victorious Blitzcrank
  3. Arcane Vi
  4. Iron Inquisitor Kayle
  5. Arcane Jayce
  6. Project: Vi
  7. Project: Irelia
  8. Noxus Poppy
  9. Reaper Hecarim
  10. K/DA Kai'sa
  11. Warden Nautilus
  12. Battle Queen Qiyana
  13. Pentakill
  14. Hearthseeker Quinn
  15. Psyops Shen
  16. Warring Kingdoms Azir
  17. Vandal Brand
  18. Astronaut Poppy
  19. Blackfrost Rek'sai
  20. Odyssey Sona
  21. Ice King Twitch
  22. DJ Sona
  23. Lunar Beast Annie
  24. Jayce Brighthammer
  25. Psyops Samira
  26. Omega Squad Teemo
  27. Groovy Zilean
  28. Arcanist Kog'maw
  29. Toxic Dr.Mundo
  30. Stinger Akali
  31. Victorious Lucian
  32. Undertaker Yorick
  33. Sashimi Akali
  34. COrgi Corki
  35. Marauder Warwick
  36. Officer Vi
  37. Sweetheart Xayah
  38. Elderwood Bard
  39. Ryze Whitebeard
  40. Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao
  41. Victorious Aatrox
  42. SSG Xayah
  43. Annie-Versary
  44. Star Guardian Xayah
  45. Zombie Brand
  46. Little Devil Teemo
  47. Project: Pyke
  48. Infernal Alistar
  49. Pulsefire Riven
  50. Riot Blitzcrank
  51. Silverfang Akali
  52. Snow Man Yi
  53. Elementalist Lux
  54. God Staff Jax
  55. Lord Mordekaiser
  56. Cowgirl Miss Fortune
  57. Victorious Orianna
  58. Bird Of Prey Anivia
  59. Nightmare Tryndamere
  60. Butcher Olaf
  61. Program Camille
  62. Frostblade Irelia
  63. Soulstealer Vladimir
  64. Void Bringer Illaoi
  65. Blast Zone Heimerdinger
  66. Waterloo Miss Fortune
  67. Rocket Girl Tristana
  68. White Mage Veigar
  69. Project: Zed
  70. Beast Hunter Draven
  71. Pug'maw
  72. Jack of hearts Twitsted Fate
  73. Victorious Graves
  74. Arcade Graves
  75. Commando Xin Zhao
  76. Steel Legion Lux
  77. Sandstorm Ekko
  78. Haunted Maokai
  79. Vandal Twitch
  80. Battle Boss Blitzcrank
  81. Union Jack Fiddlesticks
  82. High Noon Yasuo
  83. Gladiator Draven
  84. Victorious Maokai
  85. Riot Kayle
  86. Lunar Wraith Caitlyn
  87. The Mighty Jax
  88. Redeemed Riven
  89. Archduke Nasus
  90. Shamrock Malphite
  91. Soul Reaver Draven
  92. Muay Thai Lee Sin
  93. Primetime Draven
  94. Victorious Sivir
  95. Captain Gangplank
  96. Hired Gun Lucian
  97. Dreadknight Garen
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