
Movie Night (Complete)

Mar 25th, 2013
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  1. >At Twilight’s house, the both of you set up for the little movie night you had planned. Fixing up the projector, you give it one last go over before turning it on.
  2. >No film is present, so it shoots out a white beam of light as it hums to life and clinks about.
  3. >Twilight is a few feet away fluffing up the couch and pillows on it. “I still don’t know why you insisted on having a movie night today, or why you drove poor Spike away as well.”
  4. “Because I don’t him getting scared or in the way, and tonight is a Saturday night.”
  5. >”So?” She replies puzzled “That just means it the day after Friday.”
  6. “Look, make yourself useful and get to work on popping some popcorn and getting the drinks over here.” You say tossing over the bag of kernels at her
  7. >Using her magic to catch them mid-flight, she sighs and slowly walks over to the kitchen to begin the preparations.
  8. >After she is gone, you grin and reach down to pull out a large cardboard box. Opening it up, you see a black reel of film with the words “It Came From Beneath Canterlot” written in blood red ink.
  9. >You didn’t think it was possible, but you actually found a horror movie in this world of colored pastel horses. You sneaked a peak yesterday when it was delivered to you, and it was just like the old classic slasher films you grew up on.
  10. >Complete with promiscuous ponies engaging in premarital sexual relations, booze, gore, and cheesy plots that you could see coming a mile away.
  11. (“Tonight is gonna be a good night.”) You think with a smile on your face before a knock at the door catches your attention.
  12. >Answering it, you see Pinkie Pie bouncing in place happily “Good evening Anon!” She cheers “Whatcha doin?” She asks trying to look around you but you keep blocking her path
  13. “Nothing Pinkie, we’re doing nothing tonight.” You say continuing to block her path
  14. >Pinkie spots Twilight coming back into the living room with popcorn and soda floating around her. Seeing this Pinkie gasps out loud
  15. >”You’re having a slumber party!” She says before looking over and noticing the projector “And movies! Can I watch too? Can I? Can I?" She yells excitedly bouncing up and down
  16. "No." You say before instantly slamming the door in Pinkie's face.
  17. >"Anon that wasn't very nice. You know how much Pinkie loves these kinds of things." Twilight says going to the door, but you stop her from opening it.
  18. "Twilight, I've been looking forward to a night like this for forever. The last thing I want is having it ruined by Pinkies constant hyper active behavior."
  19. >Twilight sighs before walking away "Fine, but you owe her an apology the next time you see her."
  21. >As Pinkie Pie
  22. >Standing at the door that was closed on you, you patiently wait for your friends to let you back in.
  23. >Anon's such a kidder, closing the door on you like that was hilarious.
  24. >He'll open it up again any moment now.
  25. >30 Minutes later, you come to a realization.
  26. "He totally ditched me!"
  27. >Your hair goes flat as you lament how your friends would leave you hanging like that.
  28. >You furrow your brow and dawn a grin
  29. >Anon is going to regret leaving you out like that, he'll see.
  34. >As Anon
  35. >Looking at the sun finally disappear, you pound the wall by the window in excitement.
  36. “All right its night!” You yell running over and jumping onto the couch, Twilight has a look of annoyance as she is shifted from her comfy spot.
  37. >”All right, we have popcorn, soda, its night, and we’re alone. Now what is this all about?”
  38. “A horror movie.”
  39. >”What?! Really? I hate those kinds of movies, they’re all so stupid and not even scary.” She groans
  40. “Hey you owe me one for going with you to that stupid book club in Canterlot for a month.”
  41. >”My book club isn’t stupid.”
  42. “And my horror movies are?” You say as it finally sinks in her
  43. >”Fine, but I’m not gonna get scared.”
  44. >You smile before getting up and rushing over to the projector, flicking the power button on, the machine whirs to life and instantly shoots out the image stored in the reel.
  45. >Its grainy and kind of distorted at first, but it comes into focus and color, it was totally worth every bit you spent.
  46. >Rushing back around the couch, you plop yourself on it right next to Twilight as the project counts down.
  47. >3
  48. >2
  49. >1
  50. >When the zero rolls over, thunder and lighting ring out in unison outside, causing Twilight to flinch up in her seat as she lets out a little whimper. An onslaught of rain comes pouring down outside and slamming onto the window.
  51. >Twilight and you make eye contact, and you give her a cheeky grin knowing full well she just got spooked by some lighting and thunder.
  52. >She snarls and tosses a pillow onto your face, “That doesn’t count!” She yells embarrassed “Those kinds of noises could scare anyp0ny.”
  53. >Letting out a sigh and relaxing into the seat, you look over at the movie screen and get comfortable.
  55. >As the starting credits roll, a yellow unicorn mare and a brown stallion in a letterman’s jacket are by a giant camp fire at some football game or some shit.
  56. >They exchange some throwaway dialogue that is hard to make out in the noise of all the other ponies talking and laughing about.
  57. >You can clearly see they have alchoholic drinks of some kind and are partying it up.
  58. >The stallion slowly places inches himself closer to the mare and the mare suggestively smiles at him.
  59. >She swings her head in the direction of some dark woods and the stallion happily follows her.
  60. >”Oh c’mon, she is clearly a monster, why would he follow her into the dark woods like that?”
  61. “Uhh I don’t know Twilight.” You say mocking stupidity “Maybe cause he doesn’t know he’s in a horror movie? And thinks he is just gonna have hot sex with a mare?”
  62. >Twilight rolls her eyes and goes back to watching the movie
  63. >The stallion and mare walk side by side not really saying anything before reaching a lake of some kind. He looks up at the mare and smiles before saying “So I heard about Trot, I’m sorry, he was a good guy, and he didn’t deserve to die like that.”
  64. >”Its ok, these things happen, besides, apart of him will always be inside me.” She smiles just a little too evilly.
  65. >”That’s a double entendre,” Twilight says as though they could hear her, “it means she ate him.”
  66. >The mare and stallion lock eyes for a moment before she leans in and kisses him, the stallion looks reluctant before following through.
  67. >”What?!” Twilight exclaims “Her coltfriend just died, and now she wants to make out with him?! Doesn’t he see that as being just a little bit odd?!”
  68. >Sure enough after a little make out/fuck scene that was totally necessary, the mare suddenly bites off his tongue and begins to devour his face.
  69. >The stallion screams out in pain, and yells “Why!?” Before dying
  70. >”Are you serious!? She clearly bit off his tongue, what is he using to talk with?!”
  71. >You groan in annoyance. The mare wipes off the blood and bits of flesh before using her magic to transform and reveal herself as a changeling.
  72. >”That’s not how changelings feed!” Twilight says shaking her front hooves in anger “Did the director even read about the Canterlot invasion!?”
  74. “Well it was directed by Michael Hay, that guy usually shits over the original cannon.”
  75. >Going back to watching the movie, it seems to have skipped ahead to the next day and it introduces the REAL cast.
  76. >Some young white stallion with a letterman’s jacket, is scene trotting down the hall of some high school.
  77. >”Hey SA my man!” A young stallion says rushing over to him “Great work winning that game yesterday, because of you, The Royal Guards are going to state.”
  78. >”Ah you know, I just did my part…without my team, I couldn’t have done it.” He replies modestly
  79. >”Get a load of this guy.” The stallion says drawing him close for a hug “Even when he alone is the MVP, he still gives credit to the dead weights. That’s why I like you Shinning Armor, you’re all right by me.”
  80. >”WHAT?! MY BROTHER?!” Twilight says jumping up
  81. “Twilight calm down, this movie is based off the Canterlot invasion, only you know…bastardized to hell and back.”
  82. >”That’s stupid! Why would anyone want to watch this crap?!”
  83. “Michael Hay, what can I say?” You reply with a shrug “He does this to all the movies he works on.”
  84. >Grumbling, she takes her seat again and goes back to being a spoil sport. This is NOT the night you had planned, you had wanted Twilight to really experience a real horror movie night.
  85. >Complete with the occasional fear grabs, but no, you just had to get the movie based off an event she actually went through.
  86. >Still, it was the only decent horror movie they had, and that’s saying something. Still movies like this always start off slow, they usually pick up after all the bullshit gets shown first.
  87. >Like right now, they are mostly introducing the characters that are going to get killed off, why bother remembering their names, they’re just gonna die off.
  89. >Grabbing the bowl of popcorn, you toss some into your mouth and begin to chew; you look over at Twilight and offer her the bowl.
  90. >She nudges closer to you and uses her magic to float over a couple of bite sized pieces.
  91. >You take out a little saltlick cube and wave it, she uses her magic again, but you hold onto it and keep it in your hands.
  92. >She gives you an annoyed glance as she comes in closer to take it from you, using this chance, you grab her and rest her over your lap and begin to stoke her mane softly.
  93. >She adjusts herself to a more comfortable position but allows you to keep stoking her mane; hell she’s crazy about it.
  94. “The movie is crap, no two ways about it, but it still doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” You say looking down at her, she smiles and goes back to watching the movie.
  96. >20 minutes into the movie, things have picked up, it’s unknown if Cadence is a changeling or just herself. Twilight was happy that they made her a counselor in the film, and you chuckled that Applejack was turned into a male custodian that had 0 lines.
  97. >You can feel Twilight’s heart race as SA and Cadence move down a hall running away from some oversized changeling monster.
  98. >SA and Cadence have outrun it and are now catching their breath in a dim lit closet of some kind.
  99. >”We should be safe here.” SA says resting up against the door, suddenly the monster from before breaks through the door and almost kills SA.
  100. >Twilight flips the fuck out and curls into you, after the jump scare is over, she’s hyperventilating as you pick her up off of you.
  101. >Walking upstairs, Twilight calls out to you “Anon wait, uhhh let me go with you.” She chuckles nervously getting off the couch and trotting quickly to catch up with you.
  102. >Walking up the steps, you look down at Twilight.
  103. “So how’re you liking the movie?” You smile
  104. >”Its not as bad as I thought it was going to be, I can see why you enjoy watching them. It’s kinda nice to snuggle up in fear.” She admittedly laughs
  105. >Turning into a room, you grab a giant thick blanket while Twilight looks for something.
  106. >Walking back down the steps, you turn to see what Twilight had been searching for.
  107. “Seriously? Your Smarty Pants doll?”
  108. >She looks up at you and sticks out her tongue before rushing down the steps ahead of you. She hops onto the couch while you lay down on it; she crawls over and lies next to you as you drape the blanket over the both of you.
  109. >The movie is still running, and it appears that they got away from the monster; Cadence and Twilight are now by themselves.
  110. >”I can’t believe we got out of there in one piece.” Movie Twilight says to Cadence,
  111. >”Yeah we got lucky.”
  112. >”I don’t think so.” Movie Twilight remarks when her eyes suddenly glow green and she reveals herself to be the Changeling Queen.
  113. >”No! It can’t be! When did you get to my old foal sitter?!”
  114. >The real Twilight groans at hearing this and you chuckle before kissing the back of her head
  115. “It’s just a movie.”
  117. >At the final climax, SA and the two Cadences are on a roof in a heated situation over which one is the real Cadence.
  118. >”I don’t get it, you would think after knowing her for so long, he would know what questions to ask that only the real Cadence would know about.”
  119. >Suddenly a window upstairs gets smashed in, and it spooks Twilight as she looks upstairs. “What was that?”
  120. “I have no idea.” You say looking up, “Probably a stray branch that got blown over cuz of the storm. Let’s just ignore it.” You say getting back into the spooning position,
  121. >Moving a hand down her side, you start fondling her crotch tits and every so often touch her marehood.
  122. >Twilight lets out little moans of pleasure and backs up into you before rubbing herself against your body.
  123. >You free up a hand and unzip your pants, pulling down your boxers; you start to poke her rump with your rock hard member while you go back to massaging her breasts.
  124. >Twilight likes it until she stops going along with it and looks back upstairs.
  125. >”Anon stop.” She says out of nowhere
  126. “What?” You say hot and bothered at the sudden denial horror movie sex
  127. >”Don’t you see it? We’re walking right into a death scene, we’re making out, about to have sex, we just heard a strange noise upstairs, how can you not realize it?”
  128. “Sweetheart, we’re not in a horror movie. Now come here.” You say drawing her back in,
  129. >”Anon I’m serious; those stallions thought they weren’t in a horror movie either, and you saw how that worked out.”
  131. >You sigh tiredly and brush her mane with a finger,
  132. “So what’s it gonna take to put your mind at ease and put my dick inside you?” You say in a joking yet serious manner
  133. >”Charming.” She says dryly, “I just want to see what made that noise.”
  134. >Getting up, she moves a few feet away and waits for you to follow.
  135. >Sitting up on the couch, you stay seated while Twilight looks at you.
  136. ”What?”
  137. >”C’mon Anon, we can’t waste anymore time.”
  138. “Sorry, I’m kinda…UP at the moment.”
  139. >”Just get up.”
  140. >Doing as she says, you get up and expose your solid manhood, after buttoning up your pants, you start the walk upstairs.
  142. >Reaching the top, you go door to door looking for the window that got broken in to.
  143. >Entering Twilights room, you see her window is shattered to bits, and a large broken branch laying on the floor.
  144. >”My window!” Twilight exclaims “Ohhh.” She says looking over the busted area with her hoof, getting back up, she focuses her magic and the broken glass lifts into the air and repairs itself.
  145. >You pick up the branch and inspect it,
  146. “Looks like it was just a stray branch, I was right all along.”
  147. >”Well that’s good.” Twilight says looking around before yawning
  148. “So let’s get back downstairs and pick up where we left off.”
  149. >”Actually Anon…I’m kinda tired, we can finish the movie tomorrow.”
  150. “Who watches horror movies in the day? And besides, I wasn’t just talking about the movie.” You say walking over and rubbing her shoulders
  151. >Twilight chuckles and pushes you back a little “First let me shower, then we can reenact the sex scenes in bed, ya know show em how its done right. Without dying.”
  152. >She turns around and heads out into the hallway; you undress and hop into bed waiting for Twilight to return.
  153. >As lighting zig zags down and illuminates the sky, visible wet hoof prints lead out into the hallway, though they go unnoticed by you.
  155. >As Twilight
  156. >Closing the door, you check that you have a clean towel before walking into the shower.
  157. >As you close the curtain and turn on the hot water, you stand back a couple of feet and wait a few seconds before gently moving a hoof into the stream.
  158. You pull it back quickly “Its cold!” You whine before waiting and testing it again, “Ahhh.” Warm to the touch.
  159. >Walking into the powerful stream, you smile happily as you’re pelted with wave after wave of refreshing warm water.
  160. >Using your magic, you float over and wring out a washcloth, getting one of your nice grape smelling conditioners, you work a lather and start scrubbing your coat.
  161. >Starting from the top, you scrub out any and all dirt and popcorn that got stuck in it during Anon’s movie night.
  162. >With your coat done, you start on your mane. All lathered up, you walk under the stream and start to rinse it off.
  163. >Dripping wet, you turn the shower off and shake the excess water off you. Getting out of the tub, you hum a catchy tune that got stuck in your head the other day.
  164. >Grabbing the one towel and wrapping it around your head in a bun, you go to the closet and open the door.
  165. >Pinkie Pie pops her head out from it holding a kitchen knife in one hand, and a towel in the other.
  166. >”Here’s Pinkie!” She yells as you scream in fright, she sends the knife down before picking it back up as its caked in a gush of thick red ooze.
  168. >As Anon
  169. >In the darkness of the room, you wait on Twilight to finish her shower. Hearing the sound of approaching hoofsteps, you look over at the door and see it open slowly.
  170. >A dark silhouetted figure of a pony stands by the door before walking in slowly.
  171. “Bout time.” You say patting the bed, “Come here.”
  172. >As the figure approaches the bed, lighting flashes and you get a glimpse of a straight maned Pinkie Pie looking at you wide eyed and with a wide grin.
  173. “Fucking Christ!” You shout rolling off the bed, “Pinkie what the fuck are you doing here!?”
  174. >“For the party silly.” She says calmly “Twilights waiting for us to join her.”
  175. ”What did you do to Twilight?” You say getting up as she produces a knife
  176. >“Nothing.” She smiles
  177. “Shit.”
  179. >Pinkie walks behind as you exit the room, knife in mouth and with that same sinister expression.
  180. >You look over into the bathroom as you pass it and see that its pretty clean though you can still see the steam and water showing that somebody had showered not to long ago.
  181. >Walking down the steps, you quickly look down and see Twilight sitting on the couch with an annoyed expression and a slice of strawberry cake in front of her.
  182. “Oh thank god.” You sigh happily before Pinkie pushes you forward
  183. >”Now you two have a seat while I make some popcorn and soda, now where do you keep the giant swivel straws? I know you have them!” She happily cheers as you sit next to Twilight.
  184. >Looking around, you see a bag of flour, some rocks stacked on top of one another, a bucket of radishes, and what looks to be lots of dirt lint.
  185. “What the hell is this?” You ask looking over at Twilight
  186. >”The reason why we never keep things from Pinkie.” She replies annoyed as Pinkie comes trotting in with the snacks
  187. >"I brought some of my own movies too!"
  188. >“Its gonna be a long night.” She says face hoofing
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