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Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. The ability does have an augment as well which is path of statues. Its a real simple one, when you charge forward as part of landslide you leave a trail behind you that will petrify enemies that step onto it. If I am honest, I am not a fan of this augment. The trail isn't that long and relies entirely on the enemies being stupid enough to step into it. I find it a bit of a waste of a modslot when you can just use your 3 instead, which is pretty cheap and infinitely more effective, plus that way you aren't relying on AI to walk into this fairly small petrify. You can hit enemies up to a metre in front of you for a free quick 50% boost in damage, but honestly, just using your 3 and following up with your landslide works out quite a bit better.
  3. Second ability is tectonis where atlas quite literally builds a wall. He places a physical wall down that enemies cannoy pass through. Its invulnerable when he puts it down for 4 seconds and has just under 4 thousand health base plus adding 500% of atlass modded armour to that too. Health and that additional health multiplier can be boosted with strength. If atlas recasts his tectonics, it turns the wall into a temple of doom style boulder which does 600 impact damage per second to enemies that are dragged along with it, after 15 metres or if it hits a solid object, it will explode with a 5 metre explosion doing 500 puncture damage. You can actually boost this not only with modding, but casting petrify on it will increase the roll distance and velocity, as well as boosting its damage. Fun to play around with at lower levels, although the damage falls off pretty quickly. It does seem to break AI pathing rather hillarously though, and thats something you can definitely take advantage of.
  5. The augment however is what we really are going to look at with this ability. It removes the ability to roll the wall, but allows us to place 3 at once. Super simple augment, but one that actually changes the ability in such a way that we have a build specific to this a little later on. Its a specialised build that makes a certain nightwave challenge so much easier, so stay tuned for that one.
  7. Petrify is his third ability. Atlas uses his medusa stare to turn all the enemies in a 60 degree cone in front of him to stone for 20 seconds and making them 50% more vulnerable to damage from all sources. Thats, well, just about it really. Its a ridiculously simple ability although a bunch of his kit revolves around it. It gives the highest amount of rubble for both health and armour, boosts your tectonics and heals your rumblers up to full with a single cast. Not really a lot to talk about, fantastic hard crowd control as well as boosting your damage, all around a great ability.
  9. He has an augment as well, Ore Gaze. Enemies affected by petrify will also be scanned into your codex if you need them as well as enemies killed having a 25% chance to drop additonal loot, making it an interesting loot generation augment. Unfortunately, its probably one of the weaker ones, since 25% base isn't great, although thanks to the recent reversal of the loot stacking nerf, it does stack with the other loot generation things now. I don't really think its strong enough for a specific build around if you have access to the other loot frames although I don't mind it for times such as the release of the jupiter tileset, where you have a lot of enemies to scan at once.
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