

Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. Salbae: Deb
  2. QnDebShadow: Sal
  3. Salbae: change it to your room please
  4. Salbae: invite Kin
  5. Salbae: I dont want her vent on general and get kicked
  6. Salbae: she can vent here in prviate
  7. Salbae: Kin had a insane week and me too
  8. Salbae: she's under stress
  9. Salbae: DEB
  10. QnDebShadow: come sit
  11. Salbae: Kin, Deb and I love you. Say everything you want please.
  12. KinVanity: I already said it all.
  13. QnDebShadow: what makes anyone think Kin would get kicked
  14. Salbae: I am worried because Kin, you said no one wants drama and I understand the flirting is a issue but if you say it like that with a smile its passive aggressive and I fear that others might want you gone if you attack for being flirty?
  15. Salbae: I cant control others and you cant
  16. Salbae: We can speak with the Kings about it
  17. QnDebShadow: di i miss something?
  18. Salbae: I don't know. I could be overreacting.
  19. Salbae: Was it not a big deal then for her to say that on general?
  20. QnDebShadow: say what, what am i missing
  21. KinVanity: So you're perfectly fine with the constant flirting and unproper comments?
  22. Salbae: Depends no situation I think, what situation ---- OH DAE? SAYING THAT?
  23. Salbae: FUCK NO.
  24. Salbae: That is not okay
  25. Salbae: BUT
  26. KinVanity: right
  28. KinVanity: OH
  30. KinVanity: there's a ''BUT''
  31. Salbae: Kin wth, a Sin can't go NUTS!
  32. KinVanity: You said nothing
  33. Salbae: Relax
  34. Salbae: OMG. I am now.
  35. KinVanity: then you said you dont know what he mean
  36. KinVanity: Right
  37. Salbae: Kin - With Deb I understand
  38. KinVanity: now
  39. Salbae: Dont you put shit on general to get kicked
  40. Salbae: I came in in this group and stayed for you
  41. Salbae: whatever you dont like
  42. Salbae: speak with who you need to
  43. Salbae: get shit done
  44. Salbae: I cant do it for you, only you can voice it
  45. Salbae: But not on general for god sake!
  46. QnDebShadow: Salbae...she isnt going to get kicked for that
  47. QnDebShadow: worse things have been said in the past
  48. Salbae: King Sao is very strict when it comes to allowing flirting, he could take offense to the comment of her disliking flirting in the room, King Sai already stated sex was okay to be in the room on the group page
  49. Salbae: Kin, I dont want to lose you in the group, if you dont like it
  50. Salbae: Speak to who you need to
  51. Salbae: I dont care about the flirting, I feel nothing about it. I dont care one way or another, it hasnt bothered me. It sounds like it annoys you and obviously, I want you to stay and not leave because improper comments or "too" much flirting?
  52. KinVanity: You make absolutely no sense right now
  53. Salbae: Fine.
  54. Salbae: That's fine.
  55. KinVanity: First off people have been fucking in that very room
  56. KinVanity: No you know it's NOT fine
  57. Salbae: We near did
  58. KinVanity: ''fine''
  59. Salbae: So we can do our thing and others cant?
  60. Salbae: We can flirt and others cant?
  61. Salbae: Are we better?
  62. KinVanity: Im talking about all of these disgusting idiots flirting with YOU
  63. KinVanity: Not in general
  64. Salbae: Jesus christ, I dont love anyone but you
  65. Salbae: Who?
  66. KinVanity: Oh so thats what it is
  67. Salbae: I will message them now
  68. Salbae: I will PC
  69. KinVanity: well then
  70. KinVanity: it's fine
  71. Salbae: I will tell them to stop
  72. Salbae: right now
  73. KinVanity: everything is solved
  74. Salbae: Give me names
  75. KinVanity: WE'RE ALL GOOD FOLKS
  76. Salbae: Give me the names
  77. KinVanity: Thank you goodnight, I wanna give a special thanks to Jerry and the band and the black weather lady
  78. Salbae: The black weather lady is the best tho
  79. KinVanity: Because obviously we got no problem
  80. Salbae: Give me the names
  81. KinVanity: Right?
  82. Salbae: I want to address it now
  83. Salbae: I will do it on 1 on 1
  84. Salbae: I'll delete my comments on general.
  85. Salbae: Because I didnt know the scope of the issue then. K.
  86. Salbae: -waits to you to tell me names so I can address the issue properly-
  87. QnDebShadow: brb
  88. KinVanity: Take your time dear
  89. Salbae: What she said.
  90. QnDebShadow: back
  91. Salbae: welcome back Deb
  92. QnDebShadow: ty
  93. Salbae: Either Deb or Kin, what can I do to stop the constant flirting and unproper comments? If Kin finds it an issue, then it is a issue for me.
  94. Salbae: What can I do right now?
  95. QnDebShadow: tell them to stop
  96. Salbae: I will.
  97. KinVanity: and? anything else?
  98. QnDebShadow: Salbae, she is your fiance, i think maybe if someone flirts with her, even in a small way, you should tell them she is your fiance and to stpo
  99. QnDebShadow: stop*
  100. Salbae: We are dating in real life too.
  101. Salbae: I get uncomfortable with it, very uncomfortable
  102. Salbae: I shut down, I'm not excusing myself
  103. KinVanity: Uncomfortable with what?
  104. QnDebShadow: then fllirting should not be allowed, you should be telling them to stop
  105. KinVanity: Dating or flirting?
  106. Salbae: improper comments like the one, from Dae, the comment I did not understand
  107. Salbae: I am great in english, but sometimes I don't understand weird phrases
  108. KinVanity: Really
  109. Salbae: I am uncomfortable with the improper comemnts like Dae's
  110. KinVanity: because he outright went from instead of saying hi to me to saying its a shame
  111. KinVanity: and when I point it out he tell me to drop it
  112. KinVanity: and you let him talk like that
  113. Salbae: Not anymore I'm not.
  114. Salbae: It's terrible
  115. Salbae: I needed you to talk with me but when you scare the shit out of me
  116. Salbae: and do crazy nut shit like putting it on general you scare ME
  117. KinVanity: -.-
  118. Salbae: I dont want you gone
  119. Salbae: In fact I will leave here because I get scared to lose everything
  120. KinVanity: THAT SHIT
  121. KinVanity: dont go here
  122. Salbae: I cant do it without you
  123. Salbae: I get uncomfortable even now
  124. Salbae: Well please stop yelling
  125. KinVanity: that comment was REALLY not even top 100 material of the worst things people said there
  126. KinVanity: and i will yell if i feel like
  127. Salbae: Just relax and speak calmly because honestly I am not great at the confrontation for things that make me uncomfortable
  128. KinVanity: OH and you know what? I handle almost every situation with care and wits
  129. Salbae: Okay, I can explain
  130. KinVanity: Calling me confrontational because ''Oh i have my own thing for it''
  131. Salbae: My hands? Their going numb
  132. KinVanity: ''Its part of my life''
  133. KinVanity: NO ITS NOT
  134. Salbae: You are being way too 'uhmp' right now
  135. Salbae: So please relax
  136. KinVanity: you can call a word something its not
  137. Salbae: I will have to go offline I cant be yelled at right now
  138. KinVanity: oh right I shouldnt express how I feel
  139. KinVanity: Its better if I shut the fuck up
  140. Salbae: you made me so scared you would leave everyone over this, I had to drag in Deb
  141. Salbae: If you could act in a way that didnt scare me
  142. Salbae: I wouldnt have to
  143. KinVanity: Deb
  144. KinVanity: You dragged in my close and great friend in to this
  145. KinVanity: Shes seen me more angry than you ever will
  146. Salbae: Because if you leave she gets to know why and even help us fix it
  147. Salbae: And yes, I know its that big of an issue you would over
  148. Salbae: I saw anger in your comment on general
  149. Salbae: I am not oblivious
  150. KinVanity: yes you are
  151. Salbae: To your feelings on being angry, no..
  152. KinVanity: THIS is not even 1% enough to make me drop from kaz
  153. Salbae: Ok, but wouldn't the Kings say we were drama and get rid of us both?
  154. Salbae: If you yellled at everyone in genearl like you did for flirting with me?
  155. KinVanity: I didnt yell at everyone you idiot
  156. Salbae: You put caps and do not name call
  157. KinVanity: and no one else took it like that
  158. Salbae: that's so out of line, and dont put me down like that again
  159. KinVanity: I will namecall all I feel like
  160. Salbae: You will not because I am not doing a relationship with someone who calls me names
  161. Salbae: Were not talking one on one until you get yourself together and be respectful
  162. Salbae: So dont message me right now on discord or pc me either.
  163. Salbae: Til you can be respectful again.
  164. QnDebShadow: this is Kin calm, trust me
  165. KinVanity: Oh but heres the thing, YOU overstepped a thing called ''the line''
  166. KinVanity: by dragging other people into this
  167. KinVanity: you did not consult me
  168. KinVanity: you went ahead and made MY choice for me
  169. KinVanity: You did not ask
  170. Salbae: You put it in general for not only deb to see, my friends, your friends
  171. KinVanity: You did not care to even concider ''maybe it will piss her off''
  172. Salbae: You did not ask me if you could show anger about others flirting on general
  173. Salbae: and get backlash on me and you for it
  174. Salbae: So when you start to think about how things affect us both then I wont have to ask Deb
  175. KinVanity: That is NOT the same fucking thing
  176. Salbae: Okay. No cussing either.
  177. KinVanity: You seriously do not get to compare as you wish to angle this to your benefit
  178. Salbae: You can be a lot kinder as I am now.
  179. KinVanity: Oh i curse all i fucking feel like
  180. KinVanity: Oh '' I am so kind im salbae i drag kins friends in to things and then kid myself shes wrong to express''
  181. Salbae: And there's your reason....
  182. KinVanity: You know that you could easily
  183. Salbae: You cuss... You scream.... You get angry...
  184. Salbae: I cant do one on one....
  185. KinVanity: have just ignored it if i was upset in general
  186. KinVanity: and we would not even be fighting
  187. Salbae: You did this actually, not me...
  188. KinVanity: But you choose the high road 1-up over getting along
  189. Salbae: You left me alone for hours
  190. Salbae: Now you come back angry as a bee
  191. KinVanity: Nope
  192. KinVanity: lies
  193. KinVanity: I tried to talk
  194. KinVanity: you told me to go
  195. KinVanity: dont fucking try me
  196. Salbae: That game was supposed to help get you destressed
  197. Salbae: So then you come back upset again
  198. KinVanity: dont try me
  199. KinVanity: You did tell me to go play games
  200. KinVanity: when I came back
  201. Salbae: I havent had a break since last night, your 100% stressed out
  202. KinVanity: THere is no ''but'' in it
  203. Salbae: And yet you dont care how that affects me, I dont even get normal you
  204. Salbae: I get 100% stressed out Kin that scares me
  205. KinVanity: right now you're putting up an act of ''im scared'' so Deb will think im a badguy
  206. KinVanity: And you think I wont call you out on it
  207. Salbae: My hands literally are numb and I need you be kinder and consider I have a body response to how you are speaking
  208. Salbae: If you care about me you will listen to this
  209. KinVanity: not qwhen you talk shit
  210. KinVanity: not when you completely ignore that YOU told ME to go away
  211. KinVanity: then you complain i was gone for hours
  212. Salbae: I did not say for you to go away
  213. KinVanity: THAT is on you 100%
  214. Salbae: Actually, I would have liked to see you
  215. KinVanity: No
  216. Salbae: Even Thayne pushed me just now
  217. KinVanity: ''go have fun playing games''
  218. Salbae: I address it
  219. Salbae: And I get brushed off
  220. Salbae: I am getting stressed
  221. Salbae: I cant do this aggression bullshit like you
  222. Salbae: I cant
  223. KinVanity: I have seen you do it
  224. Salbae: I'm already 100% uncomfortable
  225. Salbae: Not with touching, not with improper comments
  226. Salbae: If you are so good at it
  227. Salbae: why dont you
  228. Salbae: I am the one who is out the comfort zone
  229. Salbae: and if I say 'stop' like Deb says
  230. Salbae: They will say I am overreacting
  231. Salbae: I cant do this
  232. Salbae: thanks a lot Kin
  233. Salbae: If you are going to bring up an issue, at least offer to help if I needed it
  234. Salbae: but no
  235. Salbae: on my own
  236. KinVanity: I will say what I think
  237. Salbae: Good bye
  238. KinVanity: Its more economi than drugs or a drink
  239. QnDebShadow: -blinks- if someone is flirting while i am there and you ask them to stop, i will back you
  240. Salbae: Kin is blaming me
  241. Salbae: for all it
  242. Salbae: You keep blaming me for people doing this to me
  243. Salbae: Its not even fair
  244. Salbae: I am so uncomfortable
  245. KinVanity: Oh so you choose to do nothing
  246. KinVanity: and then blame me
  247. KinVanity: for being upset
  248. Salbae: My whole two arms are numb
  249. KinVanity: because you dont have the guts to stand up for yourself
  250. Salbae: When are you going to actually help
  251. Salbae: guts? Okay and I have survived all kinds of bodily threats including from my ex
  252. Salbae: very recentnly
  253. KinVanity: Im not here to help you right now because you choose to do your little attacks and then IGNORE THEM
  254. KinVanity: like telling me to not talk to you
  255. Salbae: *sigh*
  256. KinVanity: then you whine i didnt
  257. KinVanity: even right now
  258. KinVanity: you dont admit to it
  259. Salbae: I never said for you to leave
  260. KinVanity: because hey, You cant be wrong right
  261. KinVanity: because that would make no sense :3
  262. Salbae: It'd be nice if you wernet putting me downf for others flirting
  263. Salbae: I didnt ask for it
  264. Salbae: If I am not comfortable with someone comments
  265. Salbae: stop punishnig me
  266. KinVanity: I am sick of YOUR lack of reactions to it ever happening
  267. Salbae: I need your help
  268. KinVanity: no
  269. Salbae: honestly my arms are numb
  270. KinVanity: I am not doing that for you
  271. KinVanity: I am not gonna tell people what they can and cant do to you
  272. KinVanity: thats your job
  273. KinVanity: not mine
  274. KinVanity: I told you how it makes me feel
  275. KinVanity: but obviously I will have to do everything
  276. KinVanity: Oh hey Sai he is dragging a bunch of people into our lovelife, welcome
  277. Saitoka: He didnt invite me.
  278. KinVanity: xD
  279. KinVanity: He got me here and made deb get me knowing I need to cool off but also knowing id never decline any invites from her.
  280. KinVanity: so here we are
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