

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. [12:06:50 PM] * IBLiS
  2. [12:07:10 PM] * IBLiS "jESUS JUMPIN' /CHRIST/"
  3. [12:07:13 PM] * IBLiS "GOD/DAMNIT/"
  4. [12:08:31 PM] * IBLiS "(no good lousy cheap sonnuvabitch grumble grumble)"
  5. [12:08:59 PM] * IBLiS "(like i coulda dodged that)"
  6. [12:18:08 PM] * IBLiS "/Peh/-leese/, y'dai'n't aven tra--"
  7. [12:18:26 PM] * IBLiS Click. Click. /DUNNNNNNN/.
  8. [12:23:45 PM] * IBLiS "...Wait, wait, what're starhtin' aver f'?"
  9. [12:27:21 PM] * IBLiS "'cause i ain't lettin' that hockey lovin' punch out wannabe fuck me ove' like a lil' /bitch/ /that/'/s/ /what/--"
  10. [12:27:34 PM] * IBLiS "But--"
  11. [12:27:58 PM] * IBLiS "i aIN'T HAVIN' NONE OF IT--"
  12. [12:37:18 PM] * IBLiS "But it's noht aiven /foon/--"
  13. [12:40:28 PM] * IBLiS "(i'll show 'em how'ta light a goddamm fi'place yeah /yeah/ i'll show 'em--)"
  14. [12:40:35 PM] * IBLiS /Sigh/.
  15. [12:41:20 PM] * IBLiS All in all, just another average day in the game room.
  16. [12:41:46 PM] * IBLiS Why couldn't it ever be a /fun/ game?
  17. [12:42:17 PM] IBLiS: ( you might want to watch this first)
  18. [12:42:50 PM] * Nitro (He /told/ you to get the torch first.)
  19. [12:46:43 PM] * IBLiS (Oh yeah, hold on, he'll just /magically/ make the lighter appear.)
  20. [12:47:16 PM] * IBLiS (Maybe if he asks the game /really/ nicely.)
  21. [12:47:21 PM] * IBLiS (Maybe give it a foot massage.)
  22. [12:47:45 PM] * IBLiS (Jesus /fuck/ not /everyone/'/s/ Potluck Rainbow McGee.)
  23. [12:47:48 PM] * Nitro (Remind him again, /who/ wanted to play this game?)
  25. [12:49:25 PM] * IBLiS (This shit's been a long time coming.)
  26. [12:51:02 PM] IBLiS: (dante comes across as the type of kid who'd hold a grudge over a /video/ /game/)
  27. [12:51:21 PM] IBLiS: (even a video game that is clearly bad by design)
  28. [12:51:31 PM] IBLiS: (dante)
  29. [12:51:33 PM] IBLiS: (/dante/)
  30. [12:51:38 PM] IBLiS: (it doesn't matter how good you are)
  31. [12:51:40 PM] IBLiS: (/baby/)
  32. [12:51:43 PM] * Nitro /This/ is why it can never be a fun game. Because /someone/ is too stubborn to give up.
  33. [12:53:12 PM] * Nitro " know, it might help if you switched counsellors to one who's not on the other side of the map from him occasionally." It was really too bad that unplugging it wouldn't make a difference. Such were his brother's powers of imagination.
  34. [12:53:16 PM] * IBLiS ...Shit, is he lost.
  35. [12:53:19 PM] * IBLiS
  36. [12:53:20 PM] * IBLiS
  37. [12:53:20 PM] * IBLiS
  38. [12:53:22 PM] * IBLiS He's lost.
  39. [12:53:24 PM] * IBLiS )8
  40. [1:00:13 PM] * IBLiS "well it don't /matter/ now does it."
  41. [1:00:20 PM] * IBLiS "'sides, i ain't goin' back t'that fuckin' /rock/."
  42. [1:00:25 PM] * IBLiS "i'd rather b'd--"
  43. [1:00:27 PM] * IBLiS DWUUUUUUUUUUN.
  44. [1:01:03 PM] * IBLiS "Dea--"
  45. [1:01:15 PM] * IBLiS "don/'/t/ /y/'/dare/"
  46. [1:02:36 PM] * Nitro You'd think he'd figure out the nonsense directions after five years. But no. No, of course not -- he wouldn't imagine paying attention enough to do so. Nor would he figure out that it just wasn't worth beating when he could be playing something /decent/.
  47. [1:02:45 PM] * Nitro (Like Ninja Gaiden II.)
  48. [1:03:41 PM] IBLiS: (blue ninja simulator ii)
  49. [1:03:44 PM] IBLiS: (/of/ /course/)
  50. [1:11:26 PM] * IBLiS With the way Dante was glaring so furiously at the controller it was a miracle it wasn't bursting into flames. Or snapping in half, like so many before it. Stupid, stupid, /stupid/ /game/. He just wanted to punch Jason in the face. Was that so wrong? Huh? /Was/ /it/?
  51. [1:12:14 PM] * IBLiS Five damn years of this. /Five/ /whole/ /years/.
  52. [1:13:49 PM] * IBLiS Meanwhile, his ever lovable 'personal support' had gone back to... whatever he was making. Even he didn't really know yet. Something blue, though. A sweater, maybe?
  53. [1:13:51 PM] * IBLiS ...Eh.
  54. [1:14:03 PM] * IBLiS /Eh/.
  55. [1:16:39 PM] * IBLiS "Whell, that's-- what-- ailaiven ghame aivers now?"
  56. [1:19:56 PM] * Nitro "Ten. He broke the controller before having the chance to properly lose after the seventh time." He paused to reread a sentence and turn a page. "You could have at least chosen something more entertaining to which to watch you lose." It didn't matter that much to Vergil -- he'd brought his own entertainment (Pet Sematary -- not his favorite, but it'd do) -- but it was the principle of the matter. And the fact that this was incredibly silly.
  57. [1:26:45 PM] * IBLiS "Quittin's staill /losin/' s'fahr s'm'concairned." A scarf? Ugh, no, he already had so many of those. Wasn't even cold, anyway.
  58. [1:27:28 PM] * Nitro (As if that ever stopped you.)
  59. [1:36:37 PM] * IBLiS "yeah yeah, /whatever/ mr. rogers, thanks f'th'psa. " Click. Click. /Dunnn/. Come on, /come/ /on/, he could do this. Just gotta light all the fireplaces. That's it. That's all you gotta do. Just. /Light/ /the/ /damn/ /things/. "i'll keep that in mind next time one of youse's bustin' y'back. see how y'like it."
  60. [1:36:49 PM] Nitro: [also although it probably won't be ultra relevant, where on the sliding slippery sloping scale of awkwardness are we]
  61. [1:37:34 PM] * IBLiS (Listen, blue's not his color okay.)
  62. [1:37:37 PM] * IBLiS (He.)
  63. [1:37:42 PM] * IBLiS (He doesn't know what to /do/ with blue.)
  64. [1:37:46 PM] IBLiS: (does that answer it)
  66. [1:38:15 PM] * Nitro (uH --)
  67. [1:38:27 PM] * Nitro (Hey look at that he made another wrong turn, what a doofus)
  68. [1:38:54 PM] Nitro: [I like to think Vergil's become an expert at the game by proxy at this point]
  69. [1:39:17 PM] Nitro: [he's watched it too many times not to have]
  70. [1:39:20 PM] IBLiS: (he's never played)
  71. [1:39:35 PM] IBLiS: (but he's watched so many times he might as well be the mr. miyagi of friday the 13th)
  72. [1:39:51 PM] Nitro: [and yet his wisdom is never accepted]
  73. [1:39:56 PM] IBLiS: (also yes he is trying 2 make)
  74. [1:39:59 PM] IBLiS: (~a gift~)
  75. [1:40:02 PM] IBLiS: (but making gifts is hard)
  76. [1:40:16 PM] Nitro: [would he /prefer/ a scarf over a sweater or]
  77. [1:40:22 PM] Nitro: [no, no, he loves his long sleeves]
  78. [1:40:26 PM] Nitro: [but]
  79. [1:40:33 PM] IBLiS: (can you knit a sweatervest)
  80. [1:41:25 PM] Nitro: [it's practical for all weather]
  81. [1:41:36 PM] IBLiS: (does he have enough shades of blue for that???)
  82. [1:41:45 PM] IBLiS: (wILL HE EVEN LIKE IT????)
  83. [1:42:11 PM] IBLiS: (he's only made things for himself and his babies)
  84. [1:42:20 PM] IBLiS: (and they were happy to get anything at all)
  85. [1:42:23 PM] IBLiS: (BUT THIS IS HARD)
  86. [1:42:52 PM] Nitro: [don't hyperventilate]
  87. [1:42:58 PM] Nitro: [you can get through this]
  88. [1:43:08 PM] Nitro: [just gotta ~keep your cool~]
  89. [1:46:29 PM] * Nitro "I don't think either of us, or /most/ reasonably rational people for that matter, would insist on repeatedly putting ourselves in the position of failing, let alone to the detriment of multiple observers' attention spans."
  90. [1:46:41 PM] * Nitro (Ha. Let alone in front of /people/.)
  91. [1:48:20 PM] IBLiS: (vergil redgrave never fails at any video game)
  92. [1:48:27 PM] IBLiS: (he only gets /better/)
  93. [1:49:40 PM] Nitro: [he prefers for there to be no witnesses to any of it, but if there must be, their presence is distracting and throwing him off]
  94. [1:50:14 PM] IBLiS: (he has the highest score of anyone and yet never shows it off)
  95. [1:50:18 PM] IBLiS: (it's just /sits/ /there/)
  96. [1:50:22 PM] IBLiS: (/taunting/ /you/)
  97. [2:04:21 PM] * IBLiS "oh, /bullshit/, i know y'game. only reason why y'never lose is 'cause y'spend, like, five million hours on those games when no one's watchin'. nobody beats /contra/ on their first try. /nobody/."
  98. [2:04:27 PM] * IBLiS "n' he don't even play video games."
  99. [2:04:46 PM] * IBLiS "/What/?"
  100. [2:04:55 PM] * IBLiS "yeah y'/heard/ me."
  101. [2:04:59 PM] Nitro: [hahahaha Contra]
  102. [2:22:17 PM] * IBLiS "Y'kno' not /everhai/ game has t'be /batshite/ /chrazai/ /hard/ t'be foon."
  103. [2:22:58 PM] * IBLiS "yeah so y'play all th'ones where y'can't /lose/."
  104. [2:24:46 PM] * IBLiS "No, but ye'can get /lost/. How far are ye'ain Zailda again?"
  105. [2:24:47 PM] * IBLiS
  106. [2:24:47 PM] * IBLiS
  107. [2:24:48 PM] * IBLiS
  108. [2:24:54 PM] * IBLiS "((shut up.))"
  109. [2:25:30 PM] * IBLiS "Thought so."
  110. [2:25:52 PM] * IBLiS And with that pleasant victory, he went back to his--
  111. [2:25:55 PM] * IBLiS Um.
  112. [2:25:57 PM] * IBLiS /Uh/.
  113. [2:26:38 PM] * IBLiS ...Maybe a ha-- no, don't be stupid. He never wore hats. Stupid. Couldn't be a hat.
  114. [2:27:03 PM] Nitro: [he ends up knitting more out of anxiousness]
  115. [2:27:11 PM] Nitro: [he knits a large knitten square]
  116. [2:27:14 PM] Nitro: [ok blanket]
  117. [2:27:17 PM] Nitro: [he can deal with that]
  118. [2:27:32 PM] IBLiS: (shit, no)
  119. [2:27:36 PM] IBLiS: (why would he ever need a blanket)
  120. [2:28:14 PM] IBLiS: (he's hotter than mt. vesuvius)
  121. [2:28:44 PM] IBLiS: ((yeah you would think that))
  122. [2:30:14 PM] Nitro: [now I'm wondering where he /got/ blue yarn]
  123. [2:30:25 PM] Nitro: [was it a special request to his supplier]
  124. [2:30:51 PM] Nitro: [no Dante there's no special reason at all]
  125. [2:30:52 PM] IBLiS: (you could say he has)
  126. [2:30:56 PM] IBLiS: (connections)
  127. [2:31:13 PM] IBLiS: ((hey i wanna make a gift for your bro))
  128. [2:31:13 PM] IBLiS: ((oh ok))
  129. [2:31:19 PM] IBLiS: ((let me hit you up))
  130. [2:31:27 PM] IBLiS: ((also can you make me a cool hat))
  131. [2:31:47 PM] IBLiS: ((with little bats))
  132. [2:31:48 PM] IBLiS: ((no))
  133. [2:31:49 PM] IBLiS: ((skulls))
  134. [2:31:52 PM] IBLiS: ((yyyyyeah))
  135. [2:40:21 PM] * Nitro "Maybe it would be a little /less/ infuriatingly difficult if you exercised all of your resources." He glanced up at the screen to watch it jerk around blank yellow walls and windows disorientingly. "Or paid attention to where you were going in general. Go -- straight, there. And /then/ turn."
  136. [2:42:22 PM] * Nitro ...Wait.
  137. [2:43:20 PM] * Nitro Blue yarn? Huh. Never seemed like his color.
  138. [2:45:40 PM] * Nitro Maybe it was something fuzzy for Ciro to nest on besides Cael himself.
  139. [2:50:16 PM] * Nitro "You know, you're going to lose again," he pointed out, redirecting his attention to his book promptly. "You've made approximately the same amount of progress on each attempt as the one before." Which is to say, getting everyone lost and then promptly killed by Day Two. (At least, as far as Vergil had absorbed. In fairness, he'd stopped paying attention in large part when Cael first started pointing out that this game was sort of terrible -- attempt number three, perhaps?)
  140. [2:52:54 PM] Nitro: [the navigation inside the cabins looks legitimately awful]
  141. [3:01:41 PM] IBLiS: (as someone who's played the game i can tell you it really is)
  142. [3:01:46 PM] IBLiS: (it's like 3d for morons)
  143. [3:02:03 PM] Nitro: [well, it was apparently meant to be very disorienting]
  144. [3:02:25 PM] Nitro: [but]
  145. [3:02:42 PM] Nitro: [it mostly just looks inconvenient and irritating]
  146. [3:02:43 PM] IBLiS: (it's not scary disorientating)
  147. [3:02:47 PM] IBLiS: (it's just /dumb/ disorientating)
  148. [3:02:56 PM] IBLiS: (also)
  149. [3:03:01 PM] IBLiS: (where is the tiny purple wonder)
  150. [3:03:04 PM] IBLiS: (is he napping somewhere)
  151. [3:03:40 PM] Nitro: [quite possibly]
  152. [3:03:44 PM] Nitro: [or hunting mice]
  153. [3:03:47 PM] Nitro: [or cheering Dante on]
  154. [3:04:45 PM] Nitro: [he's not sure what the point of the big flashing flat world thing is but it's clearly locked in combat with the Red Master]
  155. [3:04:51 PM] Nitro: [he must offer his support]
  156. [3:04:57 PM] Nitro: [and chew on broken controllers]
  157. [3:06:10 PM] Nitro: [or sleeping on Cael or Vergil, if even he got a little tired of this]
  158. [3:06:31 PM] Nitro: [so the answer to that question is "wherever you want him to be"]
  159. [3:07:18 PM] IBLiS: (i opt for him lazily chewing on one of the broken controllers)
  160. [3:07:29 PM] IBLiS: (he tried cheering but then he got tired and also hungry)
  161. [3:07:49 PM] IBLiS: (the big flashing world is simply too powerful)
  162. [3:07:53 PM] Nitro: [even the baby dino who can be entertained by the most boring things is tired of this, Dante]
  163. [3:22:17 PM] * IBLiS "thanks f'th'advice, /o/ /wise/ /one/, but i got this. in fact, m'bout t'/end/ this, so why don't y'keep y'lil' comments t'y'self. " It didn't matter that he was down to his last guy-- Paul, of course, just to mix things up a bit-- or that he didn't have the torch. All he had to do was beat that screeching harpy Jason called a /mom/ one more time, just /one/ /more/ /time/, and he'd have the pitchfork. Then it'd be all over. /Finally/. Just had to, uh, scramble around in the caves a little more and--
  164. [3:22:25 PM] * IBLiS /DOG/--
  165. [3:22:59 PM] Nitro: [Paul]
  166. [3:23:05 PM] Nitro: [the slowest in the game and also]
  167. [3:23:07 PM] Nitro: [metajokes]
  168. [3:23:09 PM] Nitro: [haaaa]
  169. [3:23:25 PM] IBLiS: (dante's a progressive horror fan)
  170. [3:23:28 PM] IBLiS: (sometimes)
  171. [3:23:36 PM] IBLiS: (black dude dies /last/)
  172. [3:24:05 PM] IBLiS: (how about /that/)
  174. [3:26:27 PM] * IBLiS GAME OVER.
  175. [3:31:55 PM] * IBLiS "/Whell/, he shore showed /ye/'."
  176. [3:32:08 PM] * IBLiS The controller /squealed/ in pain.
  177. [3:32:39 PM] * IBLiS "(...Uh.)"
  178. [3:36:05 PM] * Nitro "It's rather a good thing for us that he'll never /actually/ have to guide his friends in a crusade against an undead serial murderer, nevermind the undead and such dangerous and horrific beasts as the common man-eating crow."
  179. [3:37:13 PM] IBLiS: (that was bad)
  180. [3:37:18 PM] IBLiS: (and you should feel bad)
  181. [3:37:47 PM] Nitro: [I only feel a little bad]
  182. [3:43:49 PM] * Nitro ...He felt a little bad about that. Sure, Dante was practically /begging/ to be mocked, but the longer all this went on, the more likely it was to /actually/ provoke him. /Sigh/.
  183. [3:47:11 PM] * IBLiS Fortunately, he was too busy burning holes into the start screen to really care. One could've sworn there was smoke curling out of his ears.
  184. [3:47:17 PM] * IBLiS ...Oh, no, that was.
  185. [3:47:20 PM] * IBLiS That was really smoke.
  186. [3:48:13 PM] * IBLiS /Five/ /whole/ /years/.
  187. [3:51:25 PM] * IBLiS The controller painfully wailed in his hands, its last swan song, as he lifted it up...
  188. [3:51:27 PM] * IBLiS And...
  189. [3:52:26 PM] * IBLiS ...Dropped it onto the floor with a sigh, slumping back into the couch like a dejected pile of jello.
  190. [3:52:39 PM] * IBLiS /Hhhhh/.
  191. [3:52:42 PM] * IBLiS /Video/ /games/.
  192. [3:53:43 PM] * IBLiS (The sigh of relief did not go unnoticed.)
  193. [3:54:27 PM] * IBLiS (/Phew/.)
  194. [3:58:46 PM] * Nitro That might've been a little concerning if he didn't know his brother, or if it hadn't been five-plus years. As it was, he merely leaned forward and -- /pat/ /pat/. "There's always Batman. Or Battletoads, if you'd prefer."
  195. [3:59:28 PM] IBLiS: (you know you're a hardcore kool kid when you think /battletoads/ is fun)
  196. [3:59:59 PM] Nitro: [it's /satisfying/]
  197. [4:00:13 PM] IBLiS: (the 2-player is actually even worse)
  198. [4:00:14 PM] IBLiS: (and yet,,,)
  199. [4:00:29 PM] Nitro: [having someone to commiserate with helps]
  200. [4:00:47 PM] IBLiS: (i wonder if they have a piece of paper that just says)
  201. [4:00:53 PM] IBLiS: ("WE BEAT BATTLETOADS")
  202. [4:01:02 PM] IBLiS: (with a picture of the end screen on it)
  203. [4:01:09 PM] IBLiS: (proof of battletoad's completion)
  204. [4:01:47 PM] Nitro: [it's scribbled on lined paper with a carefully-preserved picture in a frame on the wall of Dante's room]
  205. [4:01:51 PM] Nitro: [yes even in the afterlife]
  206. [4:02:09 PM] Nitro: [in fact perhaps it's even the license plate on his car bed]
  207. [4:02:25 PM] IBLiS: (beating battletoads was a life achievement)
  208. [4:02:30 PM] IBLiS: (not even joking)
  209. [4:02:44 PM] Nitro: [so, so satisfying]
  210. [4:03:35 PM] IBLiS: (2 all da nerdz who can't beat battletoads)
  211. [4:03:36 PM] IBLiS: (SUCK IT)
  212. [4:03:56 PM] IBLiS: (vergil's a little more classy in his gloating but)
  213. [4:03:58 PM] IBLiS: (still gloating)
  214. [4:05:58 PM] Nitro: [he'd absolutely gloat about it when given the social opportunity]
  215. [4:06:04 PM] Nitro: [or at least]
  216. [4:06:21 PM] Nitro: [feel really good about the fact that they did what so few others can]
  217. [4:06:31 PM] Nitro: [quietly smug, but /extremely/ smug all the same]
  218. [4:06:44 PM] IBLiS: (more reasons why he is better than all those peasants)
  219. [4:06:54 PM] Nitro: [he can do da vidya gam]
  220. [4:08:19 PM] IBLiS: (if video games existed in victorian england /all/ the best aristocrats would be good at vidya gam)
  221. [4:22:23 PM] * IBLiS "no way, man, no way. one more game over n' m'gonna /puke/." he mumbled, hands slapped over his eyes as if the very /sight/ of a video game would kill him. Yes, even Batman. /Yes/, even Battletoads. He'd be lucky to stomach /Color/ /a/ /Dinosaur/ at this point. "s'all yer's. go nuts."
  222. [4:22:36 PM] * IBLiS One day, Jason.
  223. [4:22:38 PM] * IBLiS /One/ /day/.
  224. [4:22:47 PM] * IBLiS For now, though, he was--
  225. [4:22:50 PM] * IBLiS Just gonna--
  226. [4:22:55 PM] * IBLiS Take it easy for a little bit.
  227. [4:29:00 PM] * IBLiS /Pat/ /pat/ /pat/. "Nobodai's pairfect, mate. Ye gaive it ye best. Ai would've gaiven oop at th'jumpin' faish zohmbais." He liked to think it was because he wasn't /crazy/, but...
  228. [4:31:10 PM] * IBLiS He had to give the little firebrat credit -- he had moxie. A little /too/ /much/ moxie, maybe, but moxie all the same.
  229. [4:31:22 PM] * IBLiS ('Cept when it came to Final Fantasy.)
  230. [4:31:26 PM] * IBLiS (Couldn't even beat the first boss.)
  231. [4:42:34 PM] * Nitro .../Sssigh/. Now he felt a /little/ more than a little bad. Sure, it was a ridiculous thing to get so wound up over, but that did not make it any less true that he had, in fact, gotten so wound up. To the point of /giving/ up, for now. "It's not a game that's worth your time and energy, anyway," he added, sliding to reach a stack of game cartridges that his brother had conjured up in a way that was definitely physically feasible and that he shouldn't doubt not that it would matter because they wouldn't just disappear if he thought too hard about it --
  232. [4:42:36 PM] * Nitro /Ahem/.
  233. [4:42:57 PM] * Nitro Reality just doesn't work that way, of course.
  234. [4:44:51 PM] IBLiS: (the real reason vergil's imagination is so low)
  235. [4:44:57 PM] IBLiS: (he /thinks/ /too/ /much/)
  236. [4:45:42 PM] IBLiS: (vergil didn't you read the centipede's dilemma)
  237. [4:47:31 PM] * Nitro They needed something that would make Dante feel a little better, because a down Dante wasn't a fun Dante, which meant it was barely a Dante at all. And that was just a logic problem far too messy for him to bother with when he could simply make his brother feel better and be done with it. Something that wasn't merely watching him kill things would also be a plus. Perhaps...
  238. [4:48:23 PM] * Nitro Ah. /Ah/, that would probably do fine.
  239. [4:50:50 PM] * Nitro
  240. [4:50:54 PM] * Nitro SHADOWGATE
  241. [4:50:57 PM] * Nitro PUSH START
  242. [4:51:02 PM] IBLiS: (oh god)
  243. [4:51:22 PM] IBLiS: (i'm starting to think these two have a bare minimum of difficulty when it comes to games)
  244. [4:51:32 PM] IBLiS: (only balls-crushingly hard and up)
  245. [4:51:46 PM] Nitro: [you must die five thousand times before beating it]
  246. [4:51:57 PM] Nitro: [incidentally that's probably about how many deaths there are in Shadowgate]
  247. [4:52:19 PM] IBLiS: (you can die in shadowgate without doing anything)
  248. [4:52:30 PM] Nitro: [but you can't tell me they wouldn't have memorized it]
  249. [4:52:50 PM] IBLiS: (of course they'd memorize the spooky ghost game)
  250. [4:57:48 PM] * Nitro "Have you played this, Cael?" It would probably be quite a bit more fun if he hadn't. Watching someone else die numerous times in staggeringly silly ways was, after all, perhaps the most therapeutic thing for being beaten into the ground by an 8-bit Jason Voorhees.
  251. [5:04:07 PM] * Nitro ...oh, there goes the floor. Who would've imagined that the book was a trap!
  252. [5:10:24 PM] IBLiS: (verge are you messing up on /purpose/)
  253. [5:11:52 PM] Nitro: [/maybe/]
  254. [5:12:03 PM] Nitro: [a lil]
  255. [5:16:34 PM] Nitro: [this game amazes me though]
  256. [5:16:39 PM] * IBLiS "Oh, that's a good 'un." Cael piped up, now confident that the only thing the dejected pile of leather beside him was losing was his /pride/. Back to... whatever it was he was making. "Can't sai Ai fainished meself, tho'." Never had the time to, really. Something always came up. That's why he always longer games more. Expecting him to finish a game all in one go was just madness. Who had the time for /that/?
  257. [5:16:53 PM] * IBLiS (These two, apparently.)
  258. [5:17:00 PM] * IBLiS (Tsk tsk.)
  259. [5:17:27 PM] * IBLiS Though he had to question the logic of playing a game with so many, many, /many/ game overs.
  260. [5:17:33 PM] * IBLiS Maybe he ought to get a bucket.
  261. [5:19:27 PM] * IBLiS Fortunately, all Dante did was peek through his fingers and give a dry, tired little chuckle. "...y'serious?"
  262. [5:19:33 PM] * IBLiS "y'must b'/nuts/"
  263. [5:22:51 PM] * IBLiS ...Or not.
  264. [5:24:19 PM] * Nitro "It's rather difficult to remember all the details," Vergil admitted, even though, no, he remembered the better part of it. Still, he'd spare Cael's pride. A /little/. Even if making such a statement was a...bitter pill to swallow. "Pick a mirror," he added, poised to destroy one of three lined up along the wall with a hammer in his inventory. He didn't have to bear responsibility for /all/ of the definitely unintentional and accidental failures.
  265. [5:26:20 PM] IBLiS: (listen one of these days you're all gonna play risk)
  266. [5:26:24 PM] IBLiS: (tHEN YOU'LL SEE)
  267. [5:26:24 PM] IBLiS: (/NERDS/)
  268. [5:27:28 PM] Nitro: [the other game option was Back to the Future]
  269. [5:27:35 PM] IBLiS: (hahahaha fuck)
  270. [5:27:42 PM] Nitro: [but that's basically another Friday the Thirteenth waiting to happen]
  271. [5:27:58 PM] IBLiS: (back to the future is almost /worse/ than friday the 13th)
  272. [5:28:02 PM] Nitro: [with fewer undead murderers]
  273. [5:28:08 PM] IBLiS: (instead)
  274. [5:28:09 PM] IBLiS: (plates)
  275. [5:28:13 PM] IBLiS: (plates everywhere)
  276. [5:31:11 PM] * IBLiS Cael shrugged. Now this part, he remembered. He knew the right answer, honestly, but he suspected it wasn't quite the /right/ answer Vergil was looking for. "Ai dunno, th'rai--"
  277. [5:37:49 PM] * IBLiS "what, /no/," And just like that, Dante perked up and grabbed his brother's arm, as if stopping him from launching a nuclear strike. Still a little tired, maybe, but not tired enough to let his brother make such a /disasterous/ mistake. "don't listen t'mr. /casual/ ov'there. th'middle, dude, /th/'/middle/."
  278. [5:38:15 PM] Nitro: [but the death on the right was fUNNY]
  279. [5:38:34 PM] Nitro: [random-ass portal to deep space]
  280. [5:39:33 PM] IBLiS: (i don't remember this being a sci-fi)
  281. [5:39:45 PM] Nitro: [not even joking]
  282. [5:40:55 PM] Nitro: [the one on the left will kill you by shards of glass somehow cutting you enough to make you bleed to death, but the right one sucks you into deep space and it doesn't even say you suffocate]
  283. [5:41:08 PM] Nitro: ["THE GRIM REAPER EMBRACES YOU QUICKLY!!" or something like that]
  285. [5:42:54 PM] IBLiS: (!!!)
  286. [5:43:08 PM] Nitro: [always with the double explanation points]
  287. [5:43:17 PM] Nitro: [it's a very excited game]
  288. [5:43:17 PM] IBLiS: (supposedly the japanese version is even sillier because it's all in first person)
  289. [5:43:22 PM] IBLiS: (i can't imagine how that would work)
  290. [5:43:45 PM] Nitro: [I can't either, considering you can do things like]
  291. [5:43:57 PM] Nitro: [light yourself on fire if you use your torch on yourself enough]
  292. [5:45:34 PM] IBLiS: (don't forget stabbing yourself)
  293. [5:45:38 PM] IBLiS: (or jumping off a cliff)
  294. [5:47:28 PM] IBLiS: (surely this will help me beat the warlock king)
  295. [5:47:46 PM] IBLiS: (though my favorite icom death is the one in the uninvited where you die for simply having an item for too long)
  296. [5:47:50 PM] * Nitro Wh-- oh. Uh, ok. He hadn't entirely anticipated that fast of a reaction, but he'd take it. It wasn't much, but it was something. "...If you're /certain/," Vergil conceded.
  297. [5:48:05 PM] IBLiS: (and never telling you that, yes, it's /that/ item)
  299. [5:49:17 PM] * IBLiS "told y'."
  300. [5:49:27 PM] * Nitro How perfectly primal. He would never bellow like a god of any mythology, let alone Norse.
  301. [5:50:29 PM] * IBLiS Ah, dear Vergil, how little faith you have in his /art/.
  302. [5:51:51 PM] * IBLiS He'll just be smiling non-chalantly in the background, here, working on his...
  303. [5:51:53 PM] * IBLiS His...
  304. [5:52:00 PM] * IBLiS .../Vest/.
  305. [5:52:47 PM] * IBLiS /Yes/, perfect. A sweatervest with a little golden horse embroided on it. Very classy. He wouldn't say no to that.
  306. [5:52:51 PM] * IBLiS Right?
  307. [5:52:54 PM] * IBLiS /Right/?
  308. [5:53:26 PM] Nitro: [the perfect plan]
  309. [5:58:16 PM] * Nitro "Quite." And luckily he already had the key.
  310. [5:58:31 PM] IBLiS: (and of course he considers it an /art/)
  311. [5:59:16 PM] * Nitro CLICK!! THE KEY WORKED!! IT UNLOCKED THE DOOR!!
  312. [6:02:53 PM] * IBLiS "Ye'd thaink th'narrhator would've bloown his voice oot bai now." He added, oh-so-casually, as he absently examined his bundle of yarn. Now where was he going to put a /horse/ on this...
  313. [6:04:17 PM] * IBLiS "Soomeone ought t'give him a cough drhop. Poor thaing."
  314. [6:04:22 PM] * IBLiS Did he even /know/ how to make a horse?
  315. [6:04:30 PM] * IBLiS ...Nah, it couldn't have been /that/ hard.
  316. [6:06:37 PM] * Nitro Vergil /almost/ laughed. It was more of a scoff, really, but there was definitely some amusement there. "If this were narrated, you'd probably prefer him to lose his voice and give you some peace."
  318. [6:07:07 PM] * Nitro /Oops/. Wrong button.
  319. [6:07:21 PM] Nitro: [hahahaha good luck Cael]
  320. [6:07:54 PM] Nitro: [horse anatomy is /so/ fun]
  321. [6:08:18 PM] IBLiS: (it's just a tiny polo horse /geeze/)
  322. [6:08:22 PM] IBLiS: (can't be that hard)
  323. [6:08:36 PM] Nitro: [you say that now]
  324. [6:10:24 PM] Nitro: [and if for some reason you need to know, the answer to the bit he's at is to throw the sphere in the fire]
  325. [6:11:18 PM] Nitro: [another option is to jump into the fire "bellowing like a fool"]
  326. [6:12:36 PM] IBLiS: (i like how suicide's almost always an option)
  327. [6:12:41 PM] IBLiS: (in case you just don't care)
  328. [6:13:15 PM] Nitro: [the fact that they bothered to put forth the effort of including all the ways you can kill yourself is astounding]
  329. [6:25:48 PM] * IBLiS "hahaha, /man/, y'really blowin' it." All sense of personal space was thrown to the wayside, now, as Dante clambered all over his brother. "looks like someone's gettin' a bad case of alzheimers. don't y'member th'sphere? or what?"
  330. [6:25:56 PM] IBLiS: (WHAT'S PRIVACY)
  331. [6:26:25 PM] Nitro: [Dante has no sense of personal space]
  332. [6:26:31 PM] Nitro: [it helps that they may as well have shared diapers]
  333. [6:27:43 PM] IBLiS: (not having any personal space is the norm for them)
  334. [6:27:57 PM] IBLiS: (or, well, not having any personal space between /them/)
  335. [6:36:39 PM] * Nitro /Ugh/, how humiliating. /He/ hadn't lost /twelve/ /times/ yet. But no, this /was/ for Dante's sake, he reminded himself -- so he merely grumbled and twisted to get a little more elbow room. "I suppose /you/ remember the entire game and how to navigate it /flawlessly/, then," he remarked as the flames disappeared, and the firedrake followed without its source of power(!!).
  336. [7:06:43 PM] * Nitro ...Damn it.
  337. [7:06:50 PM] * Nitro (He really /did/ forget about the mutant dog.)
  338. [7:06:58 PM] IBLiS: (verge how much of this actually an act)
  339. [7:07:04 PM] IBLiS: (and how much of this is you being a dumb)
  340. [7:07:53 PM] Nitro: [if he's being a dumb it's just because he's got a mONKEY all over him and he's getting insulted so]
  341. [7:07:55 PM] Nitro: [/thERE/]
  342. [7:10:35 PM] * IBLiS "Yes, how /dhaire/ he not plai vaideo games averhai saingle moment o'his laife. /Shame/ /on/ /him/." Wait, no... /yeah/, right there, on the pocket. That was a good place for it.
  343. [7:10:55 PM] * IBLiS He'll just put a needle /right/ there, for safekeeping.
  344. [7:15:18 PM] * IBLiS "geeze, s'jus' /usin/'/ /y/' /noodle/. i thought y'two nerds ate that shit up. or is thinkin' jus' not /cool/ n' /sophisticated/ anym--"
  345. [7:15:20 PM] * IBLiS DOG.
  346. [7:15:58 PM] * Nitro "(Doesn't even give you a chance to /react/...)"
  347. [7:16:02 PM] * Nitro ((grumble /grumble/))
  349. [7:20:55 PM] * IBLiS shiteatinggrimreapergrin.jpg
  350. [7:21:11 PM] * Nitro /Jerk/.
  351. [7:21:42 PM] Nitro: [I like to imagine that the Grim Reaper made that entire castle purely to laugh at the misfortune of poor hapless adventurers]
  352. [7:21:55 PM] Nitro: [who find the most /creative/ ways to die]
  353. [7:22:16 PM] Nitro: [it's like television for him]
  354. [7:23:09 PM] IBLiS: (the warlock king is just a blow up doll)
  355. [7:23:16 PM] IBLiS: (thanks for the entertainment kid)
  356. [7:23:22 PM] IBLiS: (here's twenty bucks)
  357. [7:24:55 PM] * Nitro "I prefer to use my 'noodle' for more productive things, in general, than memorizing every wrong turn in a game that has innumerable wrong turns." Ah -- the HRSESHOE, right. Without the O, for whatever reason.
  358. [7:26:17 PM] IBLiS: (vergil has no love for HRSERIDING)
  359. [7:40:55 PM] * IBLiS "well, i /hate/ t'break it t'y', ol' /buddy/ ol' /pal/, but this here is a thinkin' game. so if y'ain't up t'thinkin', then maybe /bahbie/'/s/ more up y'game." Dante teased, /lovingly/ ruffling his brother's hair. Not too much, though. Too much, and he'd wind up pinned down on the floor with a wet willy in his ear, and he still wasn't /quite/ in the mood for that. "but /please/, don't let me stop y'. y' a one man riot!"
  360. [7:41:05 PM] * IBLiS "keep this up n' comedy central's gonna offer y'a show f'/sure/."
  361. [7:41:39 PM] * Nitro hUFF --
  362. [7:42:34 PM] * Nitro (At least Barbie wouldn't misspell /horse/.)
  363. [7:43:38 PM] * IBLiS /Hah/. /Bahbee/. And they said /his/ accent was dumb.
  364. [7:44:28 PM] Nitro: [it's clearly /Bharrbei/]
  365. [7:44:54 PM] IBLiS: (/duh/)
  366. [7:45:16 PM] * IBLiS It's like they didn't even hear themselves /speak/.
  367. [7:45:39 PM] * IBLiS Oh no, don't mind him, he's just quietly laughing it up over here.
  368. [7:46:39 PM] * IBLiS Great joke, Dante.
  369. [7:46:44 PM] * IBLiS It's-- /snrk/-- it's really great.
  370. [7:47:02 PM] * Nitro Oh, /you/ /too/, Lucky? Traitor. /Fickle/ traitor. You were on /his/ side five seconds ago.
  371. [7:47:36 PM] * IBLiS He was never really on your side.
  372. [7:47:59 PM] * IBLiS 8)
  373. [7:48:23 PM] * IBLiS (He's sorry okay that accent is /really/ /dumb/--)
  374. [7:48:52 PM] * Nitro ...but at least things were that much closer to /normal/. He, after all, was supposed to be the grouchy one. Not his silly little /brother/.
  376. [7:49:21 PM] * IBLiS ...Oh n--
  377. [8:00:47 PM] * Nitro It was a trap and only an idiot would think it wasn't a trap, he didn't have to /remember/ to know that, but. It wasn't like he could pass up the opportunity /entirely/. Especially not now. "Slacking on the job, are we?" he remarked dryly, and maybe just a /little/ cheekily. Still, he opted for the Druidic bag instead. He could think of a /few/ other ways to exploit the opportunity but...he'd rather /avoid/ being mocked for dying again.
  378. [8:03:27 PM] * IBLiS (goddamnit)
  379. [8:03:37 PM] * IBLiS (maybe he'll just /burn/ this instead)
  380. [8:04:00 PM] * IBLiS (see if he'll ever do anything nice for you again grumble grumble)
  381. [8:05:13 PM] * Nitro (or make it a few sizes smaller and put it on the dinosaur)
  382. [8:05:15 PM] * Nitro (...)
  383. [8:05:21 PM] * Nitro ((what if it doesn't fit --))
  384. [9:48:47 AM] * IBLiS "dunno what they're talkin' 'bout" Dante crooned, leaning over from his cushy perch-- his brother practically /sinking/ from the weight-- to pinch Cael's oh-so-pinchable cheek. "i see a wee lil' leprechaun right here!"
  385. [9:49:25 AM] * IBLiS Cael, to his credit, tried to look as nonplussed as possible.
  386. [9:49:31 AM] * IBLiS It didn't quite work out.
  387. [9:49:41 AM] * IBLiS But goodness, did he try.
  388. [10:16:15 AM] * Nitro Ah, of course. His fickle brother was as much an ally as a foe, opportunist that he was, and helpful as he was annoying. He knew how to drive it home -- Vergil would allow him that much.
  390. (Rather a shame Cael was so very bent upon not responding, though. It was just a /bit/ less satisfying. But the look on his face -- like he was determined to bite Dante's fingers off if he dare try that again -- would have to do.)
  391. [10:19:09 AM] * Nitro (...probably best not to push his luck, anyway. He'd prefer not to have Ciro mimicking his favorite ape.)
  392. [10:32:53 AM] * Nitro .../Sigh/. He always hated giving up the sceptre.
  393. [10:33:33 AM] * Nitro /He/ was the last of the bloodline of kings in this game, not some musty skeleton in a dress. /Dumb/ /game/.
  394. [10:35:59 AM] Nitro: [it's nice to play Vergil being reasonably casual for once]
  395. [10:36:12 AM] Nitro: [because he is, occasionally]
  396. [10:36:24 AM] Nitro: [(as long as nothing awkward comes up)]
  397. [10:58:35 AM] IBLiS: ((like))
  398. [10:58:44 AM] IBLiS: ((every once in a blue moon))
  399. [11:00:32 AM] IBLiS: (also)
  400. [11:00:45 AM] IBLiS: (lol at vergil pretending to be royal)
  401. [11:00:49 AM] IBLiS: (he wants to be so, so, so bad)
  402. [11:02:18 AM] Nitro: [that is legit the plot]
  403. [11:02:36 AM] Nitro: [you are the last seed in an ancient line of kings or something]
  404. [11:02:59 AM] IBLiS: (it lets him live out his dreams ok)
  405. [11:03:23 AM] Nitro: [he just can't wait to be king]
  406. [11:05:26 AM] IBLiS: (he probably lost more than a few times trying to outfox his way out of giving up his scepter)
  407. [11:06:56 AM] Nitro: [also I can give you something that's a little easier to work with than a grumpy sigh in a minute but it probably still won't be much because Vergil, even when being moderately relatively sociable, is not the most chatty]
  408. [11:07:02 AM] Nitro: [and yes he probably did]
  409. [11:07:12 AM] Nitro: [Dante laughed at him a lot for it]
  410. [11:07:26 AM] Nitro: [it made all the time it took to get past that part worthwhile]
  411. [11:07:33 AM] IBLiS: (and that is when vergil learned about the illusion of choice)
  412. [11:07:48 AM] IBLiS: (#lifelessonsfromshadowgate)
  413. [11:08:05 AM] Nitro: [he is bound to a fate that he cannot escape]
  414. [11:09:14 AM] Nitro: [to relinquish the symbol of his future rule to the grim skeletal hand before him in order to open the door leading to what will likely be his death]
  415. [11:10:41 AM] Nitro: [but he shall defy this ill fate and the mockery of that Reaper and win this battle]
  416. [11:11:00 AM] Nitro: [and he's tAKING BACK that sceptre on his way out]
  417. [11:14:14 AM] Nitro: [(sto--)]
  418. [11:14:28 AM] Nitro: [(don't /laugh/ at him >:c)]
  419. [11:14:47 AM] Nitro: [(he hopes you fall out of that chair you /jerk/)]
  420. [11:22:17 AM] * IBLiS But Cael, of course, was never one to take anything lying down. Not if he could help it. And being the opportunist /he/ was, more weaselly than any weasel that ever was, any opening was plenty good enough. " Waill aif /Ai'm/ a leipreachán then y'two must b'/rhoyaltai/... boot Ai s'ppose w'can't /always/ get what w'want, do wei?"
  421. [11:23:01 AM] * IBLiS "Naice trhai, tho'."
  422. [11:28:24 AM] * Nitro He changed his mind. Pinch his cheeks, Dante. Give him Grandma's not-so-secret facial treatment recipe.
  423. [11:28:33 AM] * IBLiS "Don't worrhai, Ai'm shore y'll make it soomdai... in y'r /dhreams/."
  424. [11:29:21 AM] * IBLiS That smile he gave was positively /wicked/ in every way.
  425. [11:54:31 AM] * IBLiS Oh Vergil, surely you would've learned by now. Your brother was too much of a free spirit to be told what to do. /Especially/ when it came to yanking peoples' chains. And this was simply too good to pass up. He slipped off his brother's shoulders -- though still /very/ much attached to the hip-- and sidled up to his favorite little leprechaun. "n' how d'y'know that, /hmmm/? f'all y'know we might b'th'kings of england--"
  426. [11:54:41 AM] * IBLiS "Ai thaink /Ai/'/d/ kno' that--"
  427. [11:56:24 AM] * IBLiS "or th'royal emperors of /canada/. hell, y'oughta be bowin' right now."
  428. [12:00:32 PM] * IBLiS "Waill, /fairhstlai/--" Cael started, gently pushing Dante out of his personal bubble, "No 'rhoyal amperar' wairth hais stock woold b'caught /dead/ ain /that/ geat-up--"
  429. [12:03:00 PM] * IBLiS "Secondlai, ait'll b'une cold dai ain /hell/ when th'worhld starhts boowin' down t'/Canada/, so Ai thaink ai'll hold mai ahpplause f'now."
  430. [12:03:12 PM] * IBLiS "that's what they /all/ /say/."
  431. [12:08:41 PM] Nitro: [Maine was too impolite and rebellious for Canada]
  432. [12:08:56 PM] Nitro: [but one day they'll reclaim their rightful place]
  433. [12:09:42 PM] Nitro: [it's too bad I can't use that for Vergil]
  434. [12:23:43 PM] * Nitro For an instant, he had the all-too-childish impulse to fling the controller at -- at /whatever/ Cael was making in a fit of pure indignance and, dare he to admit it, petulance. But then the weight wound over his shoulders slithered away and his brother was directly in the line of fire, speaking -- something coy about being kings of England. So instead, he silently inflicted the gargoyles guarding the door he had to pass through with temporary blindness and pointedly ignored the heated anger -- embarrassment -- that feeling he so /hated/.
  435. [12:27:08 PM] * Nitro It was alright. What would Dante tell him? He -- he didn't need to be so embarrassed, it was just Dante and -- Ciro, and -- and Cael (he supposed), and. It was /alright/. It was just a joke. "Take a joke" -- right, that was it.
  436. [12:35:03 PM] * Nitro /Ahem/. "Rest assured," he put in, gravely, "that upon the defeat of the Warlock Lord, the Royal Sceptre belonging to the true-born Emperor will be retrieved, and the Empire reestablished under the reign of the eldest heir." He shifted his weight to accommodate the brother being pushed back onto him, grimacing. "/And/ his ill-dressed jester."
  437. [2:39:45 PM] * IBLiS "/what/?" /Jester/? Oh no, /oh/ /no/, that wouldn't do at all. /Hell/ no. Dante's was quite a bit /less/ gentle than Cael's... though still just gentle to be in jest. /Probably/ "'what am i? chopped liveh? i like a joke as much as th'next guy, believe me, but i ain't no /jesteh/. n'f'what? 'cause y'like, what, /ten/ /minutes/ oldeh? /oh/ /yeah/, big diff'ence."
  438. [2:42:57 PM] * IBLiS "/Weall/, Aif th'shoe fits..."
  439. [2:53:40 PM] * IBLiS "oh, i don't even /wanna/ hear fr'm y'. after /that/ lil' outburst y'll b'lucky t'see daylight /eve/'again. maybe if m'feelin' nice i'll throw y't'th'mooses. least then y'll b'/funny/."
  440. [2:59:18 PM] * IBLiS "N' then what? Y'll take me t'/Haavaaahd/ /Yaaaahd/? Toss me int'th'lobstaaaah cage? Throw some fish n' chips in thaaaah? Mahbye-- mahbye a lil'--" /Hahaha/, okay, okay, he--
  441. [2:59:22 PM] * IBLiS He can't keep this up--
  442. [2:59:49 PM] * IBLiS /Hahahaha/-- he's sorry-- it's just-- you're /just/--
  443. [3:00:42 PM] * IBLiS /It/'/s/ /too/ /good/--
  444. [3:03:16 PM] * IBLiS And somehow, despite himself and all his moxie, all his pride, all his loudmouth stubbornness...
  445. [3:03:38 PM] * IBLiS Dante found himself cackling along, too.
  446. [3:05:25 PM] * IBLiS 'Cause hey, it-- it was /pretty/-- /pretty/--
  447. [3:05:50 PM] * IBLiS (Okay, just-- just hold on a sec--)
  448. [3:05:53 PM] * IBLiS Pretty funny!
  449. [3:09:25 PM] * IBLiS "/hahaheh/, that's-- that's pretty damn good! y'-- y'sure y'not a chowdahhead?"
  450. [3:09:32 PM] IBLiS: (u kno verge)
  451. [3:09:42 PM] IBLiS: (u could learn a thing or two from your brother)
  452. [3:10:21 PM] Nitro: [hey, he's /trying/ here]
  453. [3:10:55 PM] IBLiS: (also you have no idea how long i've been waiting to do that)
  454. [3:11:34 PM] Nitro: [your entire life was leading up to /that/ moment]
  455. [3:11:47 PM] IBLiS: (dumb accents making fun of dumb accents)
  456. [3:12:08 PM] IBLiS: (accentception)
  457. [3:17:37 PM] Nitro: [meanwhile Vergil rolls his eyes]
  458. [3:17:45 PM] Nitro: [because he clearly has no accent]
  459. [3:17:49 PM] IBLiS: (come on verge)
  460. [3:17:51 PM] IBLiS: (you gotta admit)
  461. [3:17:55 PM] IBLiS: ((that was pretty good))
  462. [3:18:03 PM] IBLiS: ((even if you do have 'no accent'))
  463. [3:18:08 PM] IBLiS: (((no that's no true)))
  464. [3:18:11 PM] IBLiS: (((he'll get you too)))
  465. [3:18:16 PM] IBLiS: ((((just you wait))))
  466. [3:18:38 PM] Nitro: [((n e v e r))]
  467. [3:18:54 PM] Nitro: [(((there are no baseball games for him to get mad about here)))]
  468. [3:19:12 PM] IBLiS: (((a lack of an accent is still an accent)))
  469. [3:19:25 PM] IBLiS: (((so we'll see about that, /steve/ /carrell/)))
  470. [3:21:25 PM] Nitro: [((he has no idea what you could possibly be referring to))]
  471. [3:21:33 PM] Nitro: [also]
  472. [3:21:48 PM] Nitro: [ this was another alternative to Shadowgate]
  473. [3:23:21 PM] IBLiS: (oh my goodness)
  474. [3:57:45 PM] * Nitro Oh. Accent jokes! Like they'd never heard /those/ before. Vergil rolled his eyes -- yes, he found the accent quite ridiculous too -- but even Dante was cracking up, the pair a fit of snickering and outright laughter between them, and he just couldn't quite help but to chuckle.
  475. [3:58:01 PM] * Nitro Because they were making utter fools of themselves, of course.
  476. [3:58:09 PM] IBLiS: (and his heart grew two sizes that day)
  477. [3:58:34 PM] IBLiS: (but then he felt self-conscious so it shrank back down again)
  478. [3:58:56 PM] Nitro: [hahaha that is the story of his life]
  479. [4:53:36 PM] * Nitro "Maybe you /both/ ought to be jesters," he muttered dryly, practically to himself, sliding an arm around Dante to take some pressure off his shoulder. "You're both quite ridiculous enough." (If one were to listen closely, he still sounded /almost/ amused.)
  481. ...ahh, there was the right combination. Stupid levers. Good thing Dante was paying more attention to bescarfed companion than the screen.
  482. [6:07:18 PM] * IBLiS "Nonsense, Ai'm wairth at /least/ coorht wizarhd n' y'kno' it." Cael protested, as strongly as giggling boy could, trying to manage /some/ kind of composure in between his fits. Admirable, really. The fact that his needles hadn't tangled up the yarn into a giant hot mess was a miracle in itself. If anything, it looked like it was actually taking some kind of /shape/. Remarkable. Truly remarkable. "Yer frhee t'do whataver y'laike t'/this/ little pisspot, tho'."
  483. [6:40:58 PM] * IBLiS "Parhsonallai, Ai'd lhock him oop in th'doongeon n' thro' awai th'kei, boot that's jus' me."
  484. [6:49:04 PM] * IBLiS "like /hell/ y'will!" /Shove/. /Shove/ /shove/. /Yeah/, you /take/ those shoves. You butt. "even if /princess/ /vivi/ of th'/unicorns/ gets t'b'king jus' 'cause of some lousy /ten/ /minutes/, m'/still/ a prince. y'betta watch y'self, 'cause th'moment he keels over--"
  485. [6:49:30 PM] * IBLiS SKHHHHHHHHHHH-- /shit/ that noise was hard to do--
  486. [6:49:35 PM] * IBLiS /Wheeze/.
  487. [6:50:31 PM] * IBLiS "s'-- s' /c'tains/ f'/lucky/ /th/' /leprechaun/."
  488. [6:52:59 PM] * IBLiS /Snort/. "Oh, Ai'm jus' /peatrhaifaied/."
  489. [7:32:41 PM] Nitro: [I was /assuming/ they were on the couch (or rather that Vergil and Cael were on a couch and Dante slithered up there slowly in the midst of his Jason Voorhees-induced despair and depression) but]
  490. [7:32:44 PM] Nitro: [question marks]
  491. [7:32:50 PM] IBLiS: (they are!)
  492. [7:33:01 PM] Nitro: [somehow I feel averse to ever including couches in dreambubble-related RPs]
  493. [7:33:07 PM] Nitro: [they have this tendency to multiply]
  494. [7:33:19 PM] IBLiS: (dante was sitting on the edge but slumped back in his DESPAIR)
  495. [7:33:32 PM] IBLiS: (he gets /really/ into his video games)
  496. [7:34:02 PM] IBLiS: (and yes they have just the /one/ couch)
  497. [7:34:12 PM] Nitro: [the reason I was picturing him on the floor probably has to do with the fact that Brotro always plays his video games from the exact middle of the floor in front of our couch]
  498. [7:34:19 PM] Nitro: [never sits on the couch]
  499. [7:34:24 PM] IBLiS: (complete with super cool gargoyle armchairs)
  500. [7:34:27 PM] Nitro: [sometimes leans back against the couch]
  501. [7:34:30 PM] Nitro: [but never on it]
  502. [7:34:34 PM] Nitro: [good]
  503. [7:34:51 PM] IBLiS: (and just /the/ /one/)
  504. [7:35:04 PM] IBLiS: (though they had a problem with multiplying couches once)
  505. [7:35:10 PM] IBLiS: (it was like a /disease/)
  506. [7:35:22 PM] Nitro: [not even futons]
  507. [7:35:25 PM] Nitro: [just cOUCHES]
  508. [7:35:33 PM] Nitro: [no beds to be found for miles]
  509. [7:36:52 PM] IBLiS: (go to bed)
  510. [7:36:55 PM] IBLiS: (wake up in a couch)
  511. [7:36:59 PM] IBLiS: (/no/)
  512. [7:37:10 PM] IBLiS: (the bathtub's a couch)
  513. [7:37:15 PM] IBLiS: (the counter's a couch)
  514. [7:37:29 PM] IBLiS: (you trip over a couch into a couch dANTE)
  516. [7:37:52 PM] Nitro: [Vergil loses his mind and lights them on fire]
  517. [7:38:04 PM] Nitro: [burn the foul beasts]
  518. [7:38:09 PM] Nitro: [kILL IT WITH FIRE]
  519. [7:38:12 PM] IBLiS: (burn them before /benny/ turns into a couch)
  520. [7:38:23 PM] Nitro: [the cannons up top have also become couches]
  521. [7:38:37 PM] Nitro: [the turrets will follow soon]
  522. [7:38:41 PM] IBLiS: (dante this is quite literally an /emergency/ we need to get out of here)
  523. [7:38:51 PM] Nitro: [what if wE turn into couches]
  524. [7:39:06 PM] Nitro: [(one "morning" like a week after this)]
  525. [7:39:12 PM] Nitro: [(Vergil wakes up on a couch and sCREAMS)]
  526. [7:39:27 PM] IBLiS: ((sHSHSHS NO IT'S))
  527. [7:39:28 PM] IBLiS: ((it's just the one))
  528. [7:39:55 PM] Nitro: [(they will carry these scars forever)]
  529. [7:40:08 PM] IBLiS: ((benny's not a couch))
  530. [7:40:12 PM] IBLiS: ((and that's all that matters))
  531. [7:40:16 PM] IBLiS: (( 8) ))
  532. [7:40:35 PM] Nitro: [((Ciro didn't see what the big problem was))]
  533. [7:40:42 PM] Nitro: [((he liked jumping around on them!))]
  534. [7:40:45 PM] Nitro: [((and sleeping on them))]
  535. [7:40:50 PM] Nitro: [((and chewing on them))]
  536. [7:41:19 PM] IBLiS: (oh ciro)
  537. [7:41:20 PM] IBLiS: (oh)
  538. [7:41:22 PM] IBLiS: (if you only knew)
  539. [7:44:03 PM] * Nitro /Oof/ -- ugh, dumb little brother. He wasn't just shoving /Cael/ here. And Vergil was fairly sure he'd been out of room since five minutes into Shadowgate. This really wouldn't do. Entirely inappropriate treatment for a noble of such stature as himself.
  540. [7:56:48 PM] * Nitro "You have a few flaws in your logic there, /Prince/. Firstly, I don't think I have very much keeling over left to do, as it stands," he remarked, twisting away from his brother, "and secondly, did it never occur to you that /you/ may indeed be the first one to be...deposed?"
  541. [7:57:01 PM] * Nitro It almost seems like he's smiling.
  542. [7:57:42 PM] * IBLiS Bullshit. You /are/ smiling.
  543. [7:57:45 PM] * IBLiS He knows you too well.
  544. [7:58:29 PM] * Nitro He spread his hands as well as he could, one hand with the controller toward the TV and the other somewhere behind Dante's head, probably.
  545. [7:58:35 PM] * Nitro (Clearly, he's indicating the couch.)
  546. [7:58:38 PM] * Nitro "There's hardly enough room on this throne for both of us."
  547. [8:30:39 PM] * IBLiS "...oh? is /that/ /so/?" Ohoho, /now/ you've got his attention. How could he say no to a siren song like that? Oh no, no no no, that would be just tragic. Not when his brother was so, so, /so/ clearly asking for it. He swung his head around, hackles raised with that /perfectly/ /pleasant/ shit eating grin of his, and pushed himself forward -- mere inches away from his brother's face. Almost like a mirror, really. "well i guess /somebody/'/s/ gotta go, huh?"
  548. [8:31:25 PM] Nitro: [Cael promptly evacuates]
  549. [8:31:40 PM] IBLiS: (/actually/)
  550. [8:31:41 PM] IBLiS: (well)
  551. [8:31:44 PM] IBLiS: (you'll see)
  552. [8:31:45 PM] IBLiS: (/maybe/)
  553. [8:32:02 PM] Nitro: [Cael promptly shoves them both off while they're distracted]
  554. [8:35:53 PM] * IBLiS Of course, /somebody/ had to be on the bad end of all this macho alpha male dramatics, and that somebody was currently trying to not-so-subtly shove their feet away. Because there wasn't room on this throne for the /three/ of them, let alone both. /Ugh/, not in his face, not in his lap, and /certainly/ not in his yarn. Being dead doesn't make you /scentless/, boy.
  555. [8:44:20 PM] * IBLiS "(Maibai y'/booth/ ooghta go)" he grumbled to himself, just a hair under his breath.
  556. [8:45:01 PM] * IBLiS Fortunately for him-- /very/ /fortunately/-- Dante was too caught up in his own dramatics to notice.
  557. [8:45:11 PM] * IBLiS ...But that didn't mean he didn't /hear/ it.
  558. [8:51:59 PM] * IBLiS You'll get yours soon enough, /mate/.
  559. [8:53:41 PM] * IBLiS Just as soon as he took care of this little 'rebellion'.
  560. [9:01:45 PM] * Nitro "That would seem to be the case." The tone was courteous, just shy of conversational, as if agreeing that the weather was indeed quite pleasant. Assuming, of course, that he was actually mocking the supposed pleasantry of the weather with a deep sense of sarcasm. "And it is only fair that I allow you the opportunity to do the right and good thing for your king."
  561. [9:07:51 PM] * Nitro And then, feeling satisfied not giving Dante a chance to extend such silly preamble needlessly, he jerked abruptly forward and shoved his brother in the general direction of the floor. All that twisting and repositioning hadn't been for nothing, after all.
  562. [9:08:25 PM] * IBLiS oOF--
  563. [9:08:28 PM] * IBLiS /CHEATER/--
  564. [9:08:59 PM] * IBLiS /CHEATERRRRRRR/--
  565. [9:09:09 PM] * Nitro No, brother.
  566. [9:09:13 PM] * Nitro /Victor/.
  567. [9:09:27 PM] * Nitro B]
  568. [9:09:47 PM] * IBLiS /Fuck/ /that/. You're going down with him.
  569. [9:10:14 PM] * IBLiS Oh, what's that? A leg?
  570. [9:10:18 PM] * IBLiS DON'T MIND IF HE DO--
  571. [9:10:41 PM] * Nitro hRK --
  572. [9:14:27 PM] * IBLiS NOT SO GREAT NOW /ARE/ /YOU/--
  573. [9:16:17 PM] * Nitro And that was the story of how the Royal Battle of Wills degenerated rapidly into a royal squabble of limbs, flailing, and awkwardly clinging to the back of the couch.
  574. [9:16:50 PM] * Nitro "If you rip these pants I /swear/ /by/ /all/ /that's/ /good/ --"
  575. [9:17:17 PM] * Nitro /Kings/. Right.
  576. [9:17:59 PM] Nitro: [I'm just imagining Ciro with a controller hanging out of his mouth watching and having no idea what to do]
  577. [9:18:06 PM] Nitro: [or getting excited and jumping into the middle of it]
  578. [9:18:48 PM] IBLiS: (he's hopping around them like a little kangaroo)
  579. [9:18:49 PM] IBLiS: ((or jaggi))
  580. [9:18:56 PM] IBLiS: (he has no idea what's going on but it sure is fun!)
  581. [9:20:04 PM] * IBLiS "what? afraid y'LL BREAK A NAIL--?"
  582. [9:27:00 PM] * IBLiS It was a frenzied scramble, a mad dash for the glorious throne, a flurry of leglocks, headlocks, and many, many, many noogies. A royal rumble truly fit for the ages... or at least WWE Smackdown Live.
  583. [9:27:47 PM] * IBLiS It was simply too much for any mortal man to take.
  584. [9:27:50 PM] * IBLiS So he didn't.
  585. [9:33:11 PM] * IBLiS Instead, after checking that the coast was clear and that he was good and truly forgotten, he stretched out into a more comfortable position. One more suiting for a /king/, you might say. And he might have casually picked up the little reptile, too, while he was at it.
  586. [9:33:25 PM] * IBLiS Wouldn't want him to get hurt, after all. Those two really knew how to play it rough.
  587. [9:35:00 PM] * IBLiS Now where did he... /ah/, there it was. And he didn't screw it up, somehow! Remarkable.
  588. [9:35:12 PM] * IBLiS He'll just be taking this controller here...
  589. [9:35:26 PM] Nitro: [/usurper/]
  590. [9:35:38 PM] IBLiS: (he's always wanted to finish this game /okay/)
  591. [9:36:09 PM] Nitro: [D&V eventually stop fighting just to laugh at him dying all the time]
  592. [9:36:29 PM] * IBLiS ...Still good?
  593. [9:36:30 PM] Nitro: [no no, don't go /there/ yet, you doofus]
  594. [9:37:57 PM] * IBLiS "c'mon, c'mON, I'LL SHOW Y'WHOSE KING 'ROUND HERE--"
  595. [9:37:58 PM] * IBLiS Still good.
  596. [9:39:20 PM] * IBLiS (...How did he move his /legs/ like that? He didn't think it was possible for /anyone/ to hold someone down like /that/, much less any b--)
  597. [9:39:40 PM] * IBLiS (No no no, he-- he can't get /distracted/--)
  598. [9:39:57 PM] * IBLiS (He's got a /kingdom/ to save!)
  599. [9:40:19 PM] * Nitro (To /rebuild/, you unworthy fool.)
  600. [9:41:20 PM] * IBLiS (He's saving it from the thumbs of you two /doofuses/.)
  601. [9:41:42 PM] * IBLiS (Westland deserves a /people/'/s/ hero.)
  602. [9:41:46 PM] * IBLiS (Also,)
  603. [9:41:53 PM] * IBLiS (He's about to give you a wet willy so--)
  604. [9:42:00 PM] * IBLiS (Might want to watch for that.)
  605. [9:42:36 PM] * Nitro (hRRRKRK --)
  606. [9:42:53 PM] * IBLiS hEH--
  607. [10:02:55 PM] * Nitro Don't think he didn't notice that, /Lucky/. Even if he hadn't, he'd be a fool not to figure that he'd be betrayed at the first vulnerability, the throne and crown swept from under him and worn like a particularly obnoxious fashion trend. But that was a different battle, and he was too -- /hrRRF/ -- .../previously/ /engaged/ to attend to it.
  608. [10:03:33 PM] * Nitro But mark his yet-unspoken words. Your stroke of luck won't las--
  609. [10:03:40 PM] * Nitro GRRHK
  610. [10:03:57 PM] * IBLiS Yeah, he /thought/ you might like that.
  611. [10:11:19 PM] * IBLiS Now /come/ /on/, he's got you pinned down like a turkey on thanksgiving day. Shouldn't had let him get a hold of your best arm, buddy. Now it's all over. You're /dinner/, bro.
  612. [10:18:29 PM] * IBLiS "so how 'bout it, huh? /huh/? ready t'say uncle?"
  613. [10:19:09 PM] * IBLiS And make no mistake, pretty boy. /You/'/re/ /next/.
  614. [10:21:27 PM] * IBLiS Yeah, he sees you there. Little /weasel/. Well, there's no way you're weaselling out of this one. Not this time. It's about time you learned what a wet willy /really/ feels like.
  617. [10:57:31 PM] Nitro: [Chibi and Ciro were probably best friends after Ciro got the idea that Chibi is not, in fact, food, though]
  618. [10:57:45 PM] IBLiS: (oh gosh)
  619. [10:57:47 PM] IBLiS: (/yes/)
  620. [10:58:02 PM] Nitro: [tiny friendventures of puppy and dino]
  621. [10:58:19 PM] IBLiS: (ciro misses him sometimes )8 )
  622. [10:58:26 PM] IBLiS: (but now he has benny!)
  623. [10:58:31 PM] IBLiS: (...but benny is too big to play with)
  624. [10:59:05 PM] Nitro: [can't play hide and seek or tag with Benny]
  625. [10:59:18 PM] IBLiS: (he always knows)
  626. [10:59:23 PM] IBLiS: (cheater >8< )
  627. [10:59:37 PM] Nitro: [but they definitely see who can make the scarier face]
  628. [10:59:46 PM] IBLiS: (ciro /always/ wins, of course)
  629. [10:59:50 PM] IBLiS: (he has the scariest face)
  630. [10:59:50 PM] IBLiS: (it is him)
  631. [11:00:00 PM] Nitro: [he is the most scariest hunter]
  632. [11:01:46 PM] IBLiS: (and sometimes he gets to the cap'n!)
  633. [11:01:50 PM] IBLiS: ((he's not really the cap'n))
  634. [11:01:53 PM] IBLiS: ((but ssssssh))
  635. [11:01:56 PM] IBLiS: ((he doesn't have to know that))
  636. [11:03:13 PM] Nitro: [he doesn't know what exactly that means but he thinks it's kind of like riding on the horse things his master likes so much]
  637. [11:03:24 PM] Nitro: [Benny is his horse, of course]
  638. [11:03:41 PM] Nitro: [riding into the hunt]
  639. [11:03:47 PM] Nitro: [...slowly]
  640. [11:03:52 PM] Nitro: [Benny can't you go faster >:c]
  641. [11:04:22 PM] IBLiS: (/bennnnnnnny/ come on)
  642. [11:04:31 PM] Nitro: [/so/ /slow/]
  643. [11:04:36 PM] Nitro: [he could probably outrun you]
  644. [11:04:44 PM] IBLiS: (in fact he's gonna do it right now)
  645. [11:04:55 PM] IBLiS: (...what do you mean, /no/?)
  646. [11:04:59 PM] IBLiS: (he could so do it)
  647. [11:05:09 PM] Nitro: [you just don't wanna /lose/]
  648. [11:05:41 PM] IBLiS: (...w-well, we are pretty high up)
  649. [11:05:47 PM] IBLiS: (but hunters are never scared! never!)
  650. [11:08:41 PM] Nitro: [he is /fearless/]
  651. [11:09:16 PM] IBLiS: (...y-you mean, right now?)
  652. [11:09:18 PM] IBLiS: (well)
  653. [11:09:21 PM] IBLiS: (/sure/ he can!)
  654. [11:09:22 PM] IBLiS: (but)
  655. [11:09:25 PM] IBLiS: (maybe later)
  656. [11:11:15 PM] Nitro: [he kinda wants a nap first]
  657. [11:11:26 PM] Nitro: [ooh! or some food]
  658. [11:11:39 PM] Nitro: [do you think the ape-boy has anything fun to eat]
  659. [11:11:52 PM] IBLiS: (ape-booooooy)
  660. [11:11:57 PM] IBLiS: (/ape/-/booooooy/)
  661. [11:12:08 PM] Nitro: [(((/skreeee/)))]
  662. [11:12:13 PM] IBLiS: ((which comes off as SKREEEEEE))
  663. [11:12:16 PM] Nitro: [(((Cael feels a deep sense of foreboding)))]
  664. [11:12:18 PM] IBLiS: ((SQUEAK SQUEAK))
  665. [11:12:38 PM] IBLiS: (...don't be stupid)
  666. [11:12:49 PM] IBLiS: (his name is ape-boy!)
  667. [11:12:53 PM] IBLiS: (because he is an ape)
  668. [11:13:01 PM] Nitro: [and also a boy]
  669. [11:13:10 PM] IBLiS: (he is both of these things)
  670. [11:13:25 PM] IBLiS: (cael is a dumb name for dumb people)
  671. [11:13:27 PM] IBLiS: (what is even a cael)
  672. [11:13:48 PM] Nitro: [it's a dumb person]
  673. [11:13:49 PM] IBLiS: (that does not describe him at all!)
  674. [11:13:57 PM] Nitro: [it doesn't make /any/ /sense/, Benny]
  675. [11:15:02 PM] IBLiS: (ape-boy is much better)
  676. [11:15:07 PM] IBLiS: (...yes of course they have names)
  677. [11:15:11 PM] IBLiS: (they are blue master and red master!)
  678. [11:15:15 PM] IBLiS: (benny do you even pay attention)
  679. [11:15:58 PM] Nitro: [so uninformed]
  680. [11:16:19 PM] Nitro: [how could he not know his own masters' names?!]
  681. [11:16:47 PM] IBLiS: (...what is a dantenvergil)
  682. [11:16:52 PM] IBLiS: (he's never heard of that)
  683. [11:17:01 PM] IBLiS: (benny are you ok you do not sound ok)
  684. [11:18:27 PM] Nitro: [Red Master and Blue Master Benny is saying weird things and being weird]
  685. [11:52:50 PM] * Nitro A sorry state he'd gotten into, this was -- arm twisted /just/ /so/ and pressed down flat. If they didn't do this often enough for Dante to have figured out by pure trial and error how to nearly perfect a pin, he might have had a little more leverage, his knees misplaced or misused, his grip too loose or too far up, too far down, too easy to wrench away from. But he'd long learned that lesson.
  686. [11:59:52 PM] * Nitro The struggle was calm for a moment, the beeps --
  687. [11:59:58 PM] * Nitro /Subtle/ /bloops/.
  688. [12:00:28 AM] * IBLiS [BLOOPING INTENSIFIES]
  689. [12:03:34 AM] * IBLiS Let's see, he's got the Bladed Sun...
  690. [12:04:00 AM] * IBLiS Three are one, so that must mean the Silver Orb, the Golden Blade, and the Staff of Ages...
  691. [12:04:14 AM] * IBLiS He supposed the only thing left to do was to USE the Platinum Horn!
  693. [12:07:13 AM] * IBLiS Oh boy, oh boy, /oh/ /boy/, this has been a /long/ time coming--
  694. [12:07:32 AM] * Nitro -- the subtle bloops of the game uninterrupted by their row. Vergil considered the offer, testing the grip, pulling his shoulder up to relieve the pressure -- because it /had/ been quite wrenched and it was pretty sore. But Dante was not, of course, the only one who had to "up his game", as it were. If he could just.../just/ twist his leg out a little --
  695. [12:07:43 AM] * Nitro ...Oh.
  696. [12:07:54 AM] * Nitro Well.
  697. [12:08:50 AM] * Nitro Just go trying to finish /his/ game, will you?
  698. [12:28:57 AM] * Nitro "I'm afraid I have business far more important than this to attend to," he declined, wrenching his knee like a lever against the ground. Twist the hips, twist the spine, for just an /instant/ long enough -- and he writhed and slithered just enough to break free. He hated the execution immediately in hindsight -- it offered him no advantage, merely an increasingly sore shoulder and an instant to latch onto the controller's cord and jerk it from Cael's hands. But that was, after all, all he was after.
  699. [12:29:32 AM] * Nitro Minus the sore shoulder. That was not pleasant. But it was of no importance -- fading fast, and a minor price to pay.
  700. [12:33:15 AM] * Nitro Unfortunately he was also now surrounded and had made enemies of all (save his faithful tiny dinosaur friend). He could not achieve victory here, but at least he could know that his honor would be preserved.
  701. [12:33:32 AM] IBLiS: (truly the way of the samurai)
  702. [12:33:35 AM] Nitro: [tl;dr Vergil's a massive dork who exaggerates everything in his head]
  703. [12:33:36 AM] IBLiS: (if not victory, then honor)
  704. [12:33:46 AM] IBLiS: (except it's fucking video games)
  705. [12:34:03 AM] Nitro: [the video games are symbolic of his honor]
  706. [12:37:32 AM] * Nitro A last stand, then. He pressed his back against the couch and tried to look reasonably collected -- /dignified/ -- instead of panting and slumping like some /ruffian/.
  707. [12:37:43 AM] * Nitro /Come/ /at/ /him/, /brother/.
  708. [12:39:11 AM] IBLiS: (the best part is that it's not even an intense video game or anything)
  709. [12:39:17 AM] IBLiS: (it's a /point/ /and/ /click/)
  710. [12:40:21 AM] Nitro: [one that doesn't take itself all that seriously, either]
  711. [12:41:19 AM] Nitro: [I think Shadowgate's primary goal is to see how many ridiculous ways it can trick you into killing yourself]
  712. [12:41:54 AM] IBLiS: (NO)
  713. [12:41:56 AM] IBLiS: (/WINNING/)
  714. [12:42:00 AM] IBLiS: (/WINNING/!)
  715. [12:42:20 AM] Nitro: [and then how many ways you'll /try/ killing yourself once you're more used to dying than progressing]
  716. [12:42:37 AM] IBLiS: (/WINNING/!!)
  717. [2:30:53 PM] * IBLiS The rest, as they say, is history... or rather, legend.
  718. [3:24:00 PM] * IBLiS It cannot be told what truly happened after that; only that the eldest one's swan song of honor was met with a swift and brutal retaliation. The trickster let out a cry of indignation and, for once, considered not his own suffering as he dove into battle to reclaim his prize -- the rightful title of Lord Almighty King of the Cosmos. As for the youngest... well, the usurper is always looking to overthrow, or at least to /throw/ /down/, and this was certainly no exception. He gleefully scrambled into the fray, eyes filled with bloodlust, fangs bared like a battlecry, and always, always, with that shit eating grin.
  719. [3:24:13 PM] * IBLiS And for the one controller, the controller to rule them all, chaos reigned.
  720. [3:26:31 PM] Nitro: [beautiful]
  721. [3:28:43 PM] * IBLiS It was a bloody battle, a flurry of flailing limbs, hoarse battlecries, and frantic button mashing as far as the eye could see... all while the Warlock Lord and his monstrous Behometh looked on, frozen in time.
  722. [3:32:31 PM] * IBLiS It cannot be said who, exactly, pressed the right button at the right time. The Behometh fell, taking its vile master with it, for sure... but the final blow was already forgotten by then, drowned out in a sea of wailing and gnashing, as every man claimed the victory for himself.
  723. [3:33:49 PM] * IBLiS "y'sEE THAT? /I/ /WIN/! /MY/ /WIN/!"
  724. [3:33:55 PM] * IBLiS "/BULLSHAITE/--"
  725. [3:35:29 PM] * Nitro "You buffoons never /tOUCHED/ /IT/ --"
  726. [3:36:25 PM] * IBLiS They say they still argue, to this very day.
  727. [3:39:01 PM] * IBLiS And that is why Westland is the Land without Lords, a kingdom with no king, rife with trouble and strife as long as it may live.
  728. [3:52:43 PM] * IBLiS "...sHIT--"
  729. [3:52:53 PM] * IBLiS "I F'GOT TH'/FLASHLIGHT!/"
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