
Firebending Kain't Be This Hot

Aug 22nd, 2014
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  1. 01[19:14] <Knox> Knox has just been hanging out on the ship since the whole ritual thing, either waiting for the others to disembark from Mt. Abalone or finding something to do during the trip to Hermit, but either way, currently he seems to be hunting around the ship for a certain red-haired lass.
  2. 03[19:15] * Aori_Radidjiu is now known as Auriga
  3. [19:20] <~Auriga> Not on the deck....not in the galley...eventually you find her in her room, her door slightly open, looking out her window.
  4. 01[19:22] <Knox> Even Knox has -some- manners among friends. He knocks firmly at the door-frame. "Hey."
  5. [19:22] <~Auriga> She turns her head to see you. "Oh, hey. What's up?"
  6. 01[19:25] <Knox> He pushes his way in. "Nothing, really. Only part about sailing from place to place that sucks, the waiting game. Thought I'd come see what you were up to. Hang out, or something. Maybe spar, if you think you're up to it."
  7. [19:27] <~Auriga> "Spar?" She spends a moment considering it. "Sure." She gets up off her bed and walks up to the door. "On deck fine?"
  8. 01[19:29] <Knox> He snorts. "I doubt much of anywhere else is with us. Fire and poison, we're likely to bring the ship down around our ears without plenty of room to work with. So yeah, let's do that."
  9. [19:31] <~Auriga> "All right..." She pauses for a moment. "Let me change into something else for that, see you there." She closes the door.
  10. 01[19:31] <Knox> "Sure, sure. See you there." he says, from behind the closed door and goes to get a few things himself, heading up onto deck.
  11. 01[19:32] <Knox> In any case, it's not long before he's up on deck.
  12. [19:35] <~Auriga> She comes up a little after you do, dressed in a dark red one piece dress, and with one of her hands wrapped in what looks like a pink bandage, like some martial artists do to protect their hands. "Well, you ready, then?"
  13. 02[19:36] * Vandaeron ( Quit (Quit: )
  14. 01[19:38] <Knox> He's got his Burning Focus headband drawn around his head and is packing that Kaiser Klaw again, same setup he had against Mack and Mitsuko. "Hell yeah. We using pokemon?"
  15. [19:40] <~Auriga> "Yeah, I managed to get the dog in a ball, he was a little upset about having to stay in one for a while,b ut I didn't wnat him getting hurt when it's not his turn." She grabs a pokeball from her waist, in the hand with the bandage. "Ready?"
  16. 01[19:41] <Knox> "Sure. Let's do this."
  17. 06[19:41] * Knox pops up a pokeball, himself, one he hasn't used in a while.
  18. 01[19:42] <Knox> Cracking it open, it releases a toxic seahorse that coils on the deck almost snake-like.
  19. [19:43] <~Auriga>
  20. [19:44] <~Auriga> She tosses out a Pokeball, a familiar one, and out pops the Espeon Melanie used to have, Mana.
  21. [19:44] <~Auriga> Speeds~
  22. 01[19:44] <Knox> He raises an eyebrow at that but just grins.
  23. 01[19:45] <Knox> Knox 27, Lucero 4
  24. 03[19:45] * Auriga changes topic to 'Auriga > Knox > Mana > Lucero'
  25. [19:46] <~Auriga> Auriga takes a quick breath and then does a twirl, her form blurring with afterimages. Quiver Dance!
  26. [19:46] <~Auriga> Knox!
  27. 01[19:49] <Knox> He considers a moment, he could easily strip those buffs away, but he decides to take a different approach.
  28. 01[19:49] <Knox> He slings a Sludge Bomb at Auriga!
  29. 01[19:49] <Knox> 1d20
  30. [19:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 1d20: 4 [1d20=4]
  31. [19:49] <~Auriga> Miss.
  32. [19:50] <~Auriga> She pirouettes out of the way, and then....Mana!
  33. [19:50] <~Auriga> Mana uses Psych Up! He also blurs in appearance briefly, gaining the effects of a Quiver Dance!
  34. 01[19:51] <Knox> "...Huh, that's good be a problem."
  35. 01[19:51] <Knox> *gonna be
  36. [19:51] <~Auriga> Oh, and TRACE
  37. [19:51] <~Auriga> Mana got Adaptability!
  38. [19:51] <~Auriga> Lucero!
  39. 01[19:52] <Knox> He shrugs, grinning. "Haze."
  40. [19:52] <~Auriga> The slight blur the two of them acquired wears off. Auriga scowls.
  41. 01[19:52] <Knox> The seahorse spits out a mist that negates the effects of combat stage buffs! Everything set back to 0.
  42. [19:53] <~Auriga> Auriga!
  43. 01[19:53] <Knox> "Hey, you're lucky I didn't decide to Clear Smog you. Tell me more about yourself, anyway!" he calls over, getting into a more serious stance.
  44. [19:54] <~Auriga> She runs up to Knox and Lucero, then rhythmically stumbles about, a confusing motion which has gives Knox and Lucero a bit of a headache to watch.
  45. [19:55] <~Auriga> 1d20 Teeter Dance!
  46. [19:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Teeter Dance!: 5 [1d20=5]
  47. [19:55] <~Auriga> ...AC 2
  48. 01[19:55] <Knox> Knox dodges it! Lucero can't! He's confused!
  49. [19:55] <~Auriga> "Well, to start, I don't take bullshit from anyone!"
  50. [19:55] <~Auriga> Knox!
  51. 01[19:57] <Knox> "Good start! That's something I live by myself... There's too fucking much of it to go around!" He goes a bit more all out, rushing forward and slamming his fist into the deck to send a wave everywhere!
  52. 01[19:57] <Knox> 1d20 Sludge Wave
  53. [19:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Sludge Wave: 1 [1d20=1]
  54. [19:57] <~Auriga> She and Mana both jump perfectly in reaction to the attack.
  55. 01[19:58] <Knox> "Fuck, I telegraphed..."
  56. [19:58] <~Auriga> Mana!
  57. [19:58] <~Auriga> 1d20 Psychic
  58. [19:58] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Psychic: 20 [1d20=20]
  59. [19:58] <~Auriga> BOOSH, Mana telekinetically lifts Lucero and slams him right into the ground
  60. 01[19:59] <Knox> Roll dat damage
  61. [19:59] <~Auriga> 6d10+20+25
  62. [19:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, 6d10+20+25: 75 [6d10=3,6,1,8,2,10]
  63. 01[19:59] <Knox> Lucero is -barely- up with 7 HP!
  64. 01[19:59] <Knox> 1d20 Confuse
  65. [19:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Confuse: 6 [1d20=6]
  66. [19:59] <~Auriga> SDf down 1 stage!
  67. 01[20:00] <Knox> aaaand knocks himself out undoubtably.
  68. 01[20:01] <Knox> 1d8+6+6
  69. [20:01] <~Auriga> I dunno', his attack's kind of shitty
  70. [20:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 1d8+6+6: 20 [1d8=8]
  71. 01[20:01] <Knox> Yep
  72. 01[20:01] <Knox> He's down
  73. 01[20:01] <Knox> I think
  74. [20:01] <~Auriga> That's resisted
  75. 01[20:01] <Knox> Does he get to apply defense? I forget.
  76. [20:01] <~Auriga> Yes.
  77. 01[20:01] <Knox> Wellll he's up then.
  78. [20:02] <~Auriga> Auriga!
  79. [20:03] <~Auriga> She takes a single step to position herself, and then jumps up, twirling, her shoes lighting ablaze...
  80. [20:03] <~Auriga> 1d20 SEARING SHOT
  81. [20:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, SEARING SHOT: 12 [1d20=12]
  82. [20:04] <~Auriga> 3d12+10+30 If she had rolled one more it would've been burn for both you and Lucero, scary
  83. [20:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, If she had rolled one more it would've been burn for both you and Lucero, scary: 53 [3d12=2,4,7]
  84. [20:04] <~Auriga> She lands, sending out a shockwave of flames from her feet.
  85. 01[20:04] <Knox> Lucero is definitely down, even with that being resisted.
  86. 01[20:05] <Knox> "Damn, girl, not bad. How strong would you be if you -had- been practicing mornings too?" he snrks.
  87. 01[20:06] <Knox> He swaps out Lucero with Spectrum!
  88. 03[20:06] * Auriga changes topic to 'Auriga > Knox > Mana > Spectrum'
  89. [20:06] <~Auriga> Just about as slow, isn't he?
  90. 01[20:06] <Knox> YUP
  91. 01[20:06] <Knox> "Alright, let's get this going then. You got the melee skills but how good are you at range?"
  92. 06[20:07] * Knox snaps his fingers, and briefly glows like he has a sunrise around him before he shoots a gout of flame from his mouth that encircles Auriga!
  93. 01[20:07] <Knox> 1d20 Fire Spin
  94. [20:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Fire Spin: 20 [1d20=20]
  95. [20:07] <~Auriga> Flash Fire!
  96. 01[20:07] <Knox> Does she still get Vortexed?
  97. 01[20:07] <Knox> Guess she doesn't!
  98. 01[20:07] <Knox> "...Hah, shoulda figured."
  99. [20:07] <~Auriga> The text implies she doesn't
  100. 01[20:08] <Knox> He stays in melee with her in this case.
  101. [20:08] <~Auriga> She practically glows as the flames lick across her body and dress, before she does a single quick twirl to put them out. "Despite what some people might say, fighting fire with fire is a terrible idea!"
  102. [20:09] <~Auriga> Mana!
  103. 01[20:09] <Knox> Is Mana in melee range of Knox at the moment?
  104. [20:10] <~Auriga> Actually not, he's been hanging back a bit
  105. [20:10] <~Auriga> He grins. [Take this!] And a barrage of stars assault Knox and Lucero, easily skirting about Auriga!
  106. [20:10] <~Auriga> 1d20 Swift Crit Check
  107. [20:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Swift Crit Check: 6 [1d20=6]
  108. 01[20:10] <Knox> Spectrum!
  109. 01[20:11] <Knox> And in any case, Spectrum suddenly turns transparent!
  110. 01[20:11] <Knox> 1d20 Spectrum Shadow Sneaks through Auriga, Protean
  111. [20:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Spectrum Shadow Sneaks through Auriga, Protean: 18 [1d20=18]
  112. [20:11] <~Auriga> Deffoes hits
  113. 01[20:11] <Knox> 2d6+8+24
  114. [20:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 2d6+8+24: 35 [2d6=2,1]
  115. 01[20:12] <Knox> Knox follows it up immediately by taking advantage of the surprise attack, even as he's pelted with stars!
  116. 01[20:12] <Knox> 1d20 Pack Hunt against Auriga
  117. [20:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Pack Hunt against Auriga: 5 [1d20=5]
  118. 01[20:12] <Knox> miss
  119. 01[20:12] <Knox> Damage on Swift?
  120. [20:12] <~Auriga> That falls JUST SHORT of massive damage on Mana
  121. [20:12] <~Auriga> 2d6+8+25
  122. [20:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, 2d6+8+25: 39 [2d6=4,2]
  123. [20:13] <~Auriga> So then, that's...
  124. [20:13] <~Auriga> Auriga!
  125. [20:14] <~Auriga> She twirls about, faster and faster, a heat wave forming,a nd then a fiery afterimage of her launches right at Knox!
  126. [20:14] <~Auriga> 1d20 Fiery Dance
  127. [20:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Fiery Dance: 3 [1d20=3]
  128. [20:14] <~Auriga> Miss.
  129. [20:14] <~Auriga> Knox!
  130. 01[20:14] <Knox> He counts by spraying a Toxic mist in her face!
  131. 01[20:14] <Knox> 1d20 Toxic
  132. [20:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Toxic: 6 [1d20=6]
  133. 01[20:15] <Knox> AC 4 unfortunately
  134. [20:15] <~Auriga> Oh, that misses? Okay cool. Both of you dodge each others attacks, still face to face
  135. [20:15] <~Auriga> Mana!
  136. [20:16] <~Auriga> 1d20 POLTERGEIST on Spectrum. A chair on the deck hovers about spookily and then launches at Spectrum
  137. [20:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, POLTERGEIST on Spectrum. A chair on the deck hovers about spookily and then launches at Spectrum: 4 [1d20=4]
  138. [20:16] <~Auriga> AC 2, targets Defense instead of SDf, so use Def evasion?
  139. 01[20:17] <Knox> Spectrum fades out of sight and reappears a few feet away as the chair skids across deck! Spooky... or maybe just chameleony. Who knows? Miss.
  140. [20:17] <~Auriga> Oh, and while I'm on his turn...
  141. [20:17] <~Auriga> Forewarn! Spectrum must reveal their highest DB move, that one gets a -2 accuracy penalty
  142. 01[20:18] <Knox> That would be Fire Punch!
  143. [20:19] <~Auriga> Spectrum!
  144. 01[20:19] <Knox> The chameleon ripples, changings its scales to a black color, before lashing out at Mana!
  145. 01[20:19] <Knox> 1d20 Feint Attack crit check
  146. [20:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Feint Attack crit check: 5 [1d20=5]
  147. 01[20:19] <Knox> 2d8+10+24 Dark
  148. [20:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Dark: 38 [2d8=3,1]
  149. [20:20] <~Auriga> Endure! Mana is hit back by the move, looking like he's about to collapse, but instead he stands his ground, staying up!
  150. [20:21] <~Auriga> Auriga!
  151. [20:21] <~Auriga> "Here, let me show you how to do it the right way!" She snaps her fingers, a helix of fire launching out at Knox!
  152. [20:21] <~Auriga> 1d20 Fire Spin!
  153. [20:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Fire Spin!: 15 [1d20=15]
  154. [20:22] <~Auriga> 2d6+8+30 and Vortex
  155. [20:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, and Vortex: 44 [2d6=5,1]
  156. 01[20:23] <Knox> Knox is starting to look a bit haggard from the repeated attacks and he hasn't even got a hit in on Auriga. This is looking to be pretty embarassing for him. But he endures the fiery vortex around himself, focusing.
  157. [20:23] <~Auriga> Knox!
  158. 01[20:25] <Knox> "Personally? I love shit like this that can lock down a fight. But for me... just means I have to get to my usual arsenal..." He summons a glob of poison in his hand and lobs it at Auriga!
  159. 01[20:25] <Knox> 1d20 Sludge Bomb
  160. [20:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Sludge Bomb: 2 [1d20=2]
  161. 01[20:25] <Knox> "...IF I CAN HIT."
  162. [20:25] <~Auriga> She practically matrix dodges that, bending backwards and then snapping back up!
  163. 01[20:26] <Knox> "Shit, we should have gotten you to be the vessel for Kaane." he half-jokes. "I'm never gonna live this down."
  164. [20:26] <~Auriga> Mana!
  165. 01[20:26] <Knox> "But that's good. I respect a strong woman."
  166. 01[20:27] <Knox> Knox actually looks like he's enjoying himself!
  167. [20:29] <~Auriga> Mana grits his teeth. [I-I'm no fool, I know what you're going to do! A-auriga, put someone else in!] She nods, switching him out for... "Viridi!" An orange Lilligant, her dress shaped a little like a kimono, in Mana's place. No action this round.
  168. 03[20:29] * Auriga changes topic to 'Auriga > Knox > Viridi > Spectrum'
  169. [20:29] <~Auriga> Spectrum!
  170. 01[20:30] <Knox> "Careful Spectrum, not sure if Fire's gonna work on that one!"
  171. 01[20:30] <Knox> The chameleon watches and waits for now, poofing away and leaving a little doll of himself behind. Substitute!
  172. [20:31] <~Auriga> Auriga! ...she holds her action, keeping an eye on Knox.
  173. [20:32] <~Auriga> Knox!
  174. 01[20:33] <Knox> He's got a wild look in his eye, approaching her slowly through the burning flames. He's only Slowed, not Stuck. Then without warning he suddenly rushes ahead, his body taking on that liquid purple consistency like against Mack and Mitsuko as he rushes straight through Auriga and unleashes a burst of punches at her and the Lilligant!
  175. 01[20:33] <Knox> 1d20 Line 5 then Burst 1 Sludge Wave
  176. [20:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Line 5 then Burst 1 Sludge Wave: 12 [1d20=12]
  177. [20:34] <~Auriga> Hit!
  178. 01[20:34] <Knox> 3d12+10+40 and both of them are Slowed.
  179. [20:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, and both of them are Slowed.: 67 [3d12=11,4,2]
  180. [20:35] <~Auriga> The Lil Lilligant barely weathers it, looking much worse for wear, but still up! Massive damage!
  181. [20:35] <~Auriga> So you stopped by the Lilligant, right?
  182. 01[20:36] <Knox> Yeah, wasn't much else I could do it with being slowed.
  183. [20:37] <~Auriga> Hmmmm, ah. The Lilligant straining to keep herself up, does an elegant, sparkly twirl, the sky lightening up as if in response to her elegance. Sunny Day!
  184. [20:38] <~Auriga> Auriga goes now! She gets within range of the Kecleon and then twirls maddeningly fast, sending a fiery image of her at it!
  185. [20:38] <~Auriga> 1d20 Fiery Dance!
  186. [20:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Fiery Dance!: 17 [1d20=17]
  187. [20:38] <~Auriga> With Sunny Day, that would be...
  188. [20:38] <~Auriga> 3d12+10+30 Fire damage to Spectrum.
  189. [20:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Fire damage to Spectrum.: 62 [3d12=10,5,7]
  190. 01[20:39] <Knox> The Substitute is broken!
  191. [20:39] <~Auriga> Spectrum!
  192. 01[20:40] <Knox> The Kecleon stumbles, flailing a bit as his PLUSHIE ARMOR is destroyed, but rushes over to knock that Lilly down! He shifts back to Normal type for a Slash attack!
  193. 01[20:40] <Knox> 1d20 Slash
  194. [20:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Slash: 17 [1d20=17]
  195. 01[20:40] <Knox> 2d10+10+24
  196. [20:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 2d10+10+24: 43 [2d10=4,5]
  197. [20:41] <~Auriga> Nothing she can do about it, she's down!
  198. [20:43] <~Auriga> New Round! Auriga!
  199. 03[20:43] * Auriga changes topic to 'Sun: 4 left | Auriga > Knox > Viridi > Spectrum'
  200. [20:44] <~Auriga> She uses her shift to switch out Viridi for... "Pyron!" Out comes Mr. Doggy!
  201. [20:44] <~Auriga> ...Puppy
  202. 01[20:44] <Knox> "Pyron?"
  203. 03[20:45] * Auriga changes topic to 'Sun: 4 left | Auriga > Knox > Mr. Puppy > Spectrum'
  204. [20:45] <~Auriga> The Growlithe scratches his ear. "Her idea, not mine!"
  205. 01[20:45] <Knox> "You kind of look like a Pyron." he squints. "Maybe with a Fire Stone."
  206. [20:45] <~Auriga> Auriga turns red. "W-well, he NEEDED a real name!"
  207. 01[20:46] <Knox> He laughs. "Relax, you'd know if I was making fun of you for it."
  208. [20:47] <~Auriga> She takes a deep breath, and then blows a STREAM OF FIRE at the Kecleon from her mouth! Flamethrower!
  209. [20:47] <~Auriga> 1d20
  210. [20:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, 1d20: 4 [1d20=4]
  211. [20:47] <~Auriga> ...miss.
  212. [20:47] <~Auriga> Knox!
  213. 01[20:47] <Knox> 1d6+1 Clearly Knox can intuition why Auriga is going easy on him, right? Right? Probably not.
  214. [20:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Clearly Knox can intuition why Auriga is going easy on him, right? Right? Probably not.: 7 [1d6=6]
  215. [20:48] <~Auriga> You're not sure.
  216. 01[20:50] <Knox> Either way, he gets a bit of a wicked grin and rolls up his sleeve to display his tattoos.
  217. [20:52] <~Auriga> Auriga's eyes widen.
  218. 01[20:52] <Knox> "Open Terra Gate!" He touches the creatures inked in black along his arm and slides around so that Mr. Puppy is between himself and Auriga.
  219. 01[20:53] <Knox> As the tattoos come to life and magic pours forth, a sideways rune circle begins to form in the air and unleash loads of loamy soil!
  220. 01[20:53] <Knox> 1d20 HP Ground, Words of Power Cone
  221. [20:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, HP Ground, Words of Power Cone: 13 [1d20=13]
  222. 01[20:54] <Knox> 2d8+10+40 Ground
  223. [20:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Ground: 62 [2d8=5,7]
  224. 01[20:54] <Knox> This is a cone at Mr. Puppy and Auriga if it can reach.
  225. [20:55] <~Auriga> Massive Damage! But the dog is still up! The girl is too, not taking as much!
  226. 01[20:55] <Knox> Knox is further burned by his vorte- wait a minute
  227. 01[20:55] <Knox> I've supposed to have been rolling checks for this
  228. [20:56] <~Auriga> pfff
  229. 01[20:56] <Knox> 3#1d20
  230. [20:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 3#1d20: 3 [1d20=3], 2 [1d20=2], 9 [1d20=9]
  231. 01[20:56] <Knox> The flames finally die down around now!
  232. [20:57] <~Auriga> The dog considers his options, and then positions himself near Knox. "Hey mister! I don't really know you, but don't you think the weather is nice?"
  233. 01[20:57] <Knox> "...Uh."
  234. [20:58] <~Auriga> "Because I hate to tell you, but actually it's mean!" He glows.
  235. [20:58] <~Auriga> 1d20 and then barfs out a solarbeam at Knox
  236. [20:58] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, and then barfs out a solarbeam at Knox: 18 [1d20=18]
  237. 01[20:59] <Knox> 3d6 And the intercept by Spectrum!
  238. [20:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, And the intercept by Spectrum!: 15 [3d6=6,6,3]
  239. 01[20:59] <Knox> The chameleon suddenly BLURS in front of the Puppy, ready to take the solar beam!
  240. [20:59] <~Auriga> Spectrum gives up his action to get in the way 1,1of the Line move.
  241. [21:00] <~Auriga> 3d12+10+22
  242. [21:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, 3d12+10+22: 59 [3d12=10,12,5]
  243. [21:00] <~Auriga> Thankfully Spectrum pushes Knox out of the way!
  244. 01[21:00] <Knox> ..o-oh, really?
  245. 01[21:01] <Knox> Yeah, I guess it does push them 1 meter away
  246. 01[21:01] <Knox> looking at the intercept rules.
  247. [21:01] <~Auriga> Yeah I was just messing with you
  248. 01[21:02] <Knox> Things do NOT end as embarassingly for Knox as previously thought! Spectrum pushes his trainer out of the way, who almost tumbles over from the clear exhaustion and burns he's received.
  249. 01[21:02] <Knox> Spectrum...
  250. 01[21:02] <Knox> Well, he's taken an injury!
  251. 01[21:02] <Knox> This little guy is tough, even if he doesn't hit very hard.
  252. [21:02] <~Auriga> You don't take injuries at the 50% mark in spars.
  253. [21:03] <~Auriga> You still take them from Massive damage, though!
  254. 06[21:03] * Knox takes a gulp of air in relief. "Thanks."
  255. [21:03] <~Auriga> Auriga!
  256. [21:03] <~Auriga> Her eyes light up, and then she runs in, able to juuuust move next to Mr. Puppy and Spectrum and Knox
  257. [21:03] <~Auriga> And then JUMPS!
  258. [21:03] <~Auriga> 1d20+1 Burning AP for SEARING SHOT
  259. [21:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Burning AP for SEARING SHOT: 6 [1d20=5]
  260. [21:03] <~Auriga> AC 2
  261. 01[21:04] <Knox> BARELY misses Knox!
  262. [21:04] <~Auriga> And Spectrum?
  263. 01[21:04] <Knox> Spectrum's Special Defense is also 25 so I guess it misses too. Missing is unfun, isn't it?
  264. [21:04] <~Auriga> Sure is.
  265. [21:05] <~Auriga> Still, it powers up the dog with FLASH FIRE
  266. 01[21:05] <Knox> Knox gets out of the way, Spectrum manages to endure the off-center hit with TOUGHNESS.
  267. [21:05] <~Auriga> Knox!
  268. 01[21:06] <Knox> Knox has blown both of his sludge waves, and honestly spamming Sludge Bomb over and over again is a little dull. He goes for the MANLY approach, leaping at Auriga with a flying kick of his own!
  269. 01[21:06] <Knox> 1d20 MEGA KICK
  270. [21:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, MEGA KICK: 11 [1d20=11]
  271. [21:07] <~Auriga> AC?
  272. 01[21:07] <Knox> Nnngh 6
  273. [21:07] <~Auriga> Well, it SMITES
  274. 01[21:07] <Knox> 3d12+10+6+18+5
  275. [21:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 3d12+10+6+18+5: 55 [3d12=11,4,1]
  276. [21:08] <~Auriga> She's still up, but not looking so good!
  277. [21:08] <~Auriga> MR. PUPPY
  278. [21:09] <~Auriga> "W-well, looks like I"m going down either way!" "Huh? Wait, Pyro-!" He HEATS UP, charging for Knox!
  279. [21:09] <~Auriga> 1d20 FLARE BLITZ
  280. [21:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, FLARE BLITZ: 20 [1d20=20]
  281. [21:09] <~Auriga> WHOA
  282. [21:10] <~Auriga> With Sun, Stab, and Type Assault, that's...
  283. 01[21:10] <Knox> 3d6 CAN SPECTRUM SAVE HIM AGAIN?
  284. [21:10] <~Auriga> DB 17!
  285. [21:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, CAN SPECTRUM SAVE HIM AGAIN?: 15 [3d6=6,4,5]
  286. [21:10] <~Auriga> Sure can!
  287. [21:10] <~Auriga> 10d12+50+23+5 AND BURN
  288. [21:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, AND BURN: 142 [10d12=9,3,8,3,10,12,12,1,3,3]
  289. 01[21:10] <Knox> That chameleon is doing work, practically saying 'Your opponent is me!' in pokespeak as he topkecs his way in front of the doggy again.
  290. 01[21:11] <Knox> Puts Spectrum down to -74!
  291. [21:11] <~Auriga> It charges for Spectrum, CRASHING INTO HIM
  292. [21:12] <~Auriga> There's an EXPLOSION of fire, FAN THE FLAMES, FLASH FIRE, AURIGA IS BOOSTED, and Knox is pushed out of the way of the Burst 1
  293. [21:12] <~Auriga> How much damage did that do to him?
  294. 01[21:12] <Knox> His eyes widen a bit at the spectacle as he pulls himself up from the floor. "...damn. Okay, Spectrum is getting some serious rewards for that."
  295. 01[21:12] <Knox> 122
  296. [21:13] <~Auriga> Down to -24
  297. 03[21:13] * Auriga changes topic to 'Sun: 2 left | Auriga > Knox > Mr. Puppy > Spectrum'
  298. [21:14] <~Auriga> Auriga spends her shift to recall Mr. Puppy and replace him with Mana
  299. 03[21:14] * Auriga changes topic to 'Sun: 2 left | Auriga > Knox > Mana'
  300. 01[21:15] <Knox> "Not looking good for me, is it?" he remarks. "But what the hell." he gets back into stance!
  301. [21:16] <~Auriga> Auriga gives you a glare and does a twirl followed by a STOMP, and then breathes out a FIRE BLAST at Knox!
  302. [21:16] <~Auriga> 1d20+1 Spending AP!
  303. [21:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Spending AP!: 12 [1d20=11]
  304. [21:16] <~Auriga> AC 4
  305. 01[21:17] <Knox> That hits!
  306. [21:17] <~Auriga> Auriga's STAB and the Sun make that DB15...
  307. [21:18] <~Auriga> 4d10+20+30+5 Flash Fire bonus
  308. [21:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Auriga, Flash Fire bonus: 79 [4d10=10,5,1,8]
  309. 01[21:18] <Knox> Aaaand Knox is down at -41!
  310. 01[21:18] <Knox> The poison pirate is hit by the burst of flames and stumbles backwards, onto his ass, laid out.
  311. [21:19] <~Auriga> Auriga slumps a bit, tired out. "That was something." She exhales.
  312. 01[21:22] <Knox> Assuming he's still conscious, he groans as he sits up. "Helluva fun is what. Guess you didn't really need much help after all." he pops his neck and doesn't seem particularly sore for losing. In fact, looks like he enjoyed himself. "...We should still do this again sometime."
  313. [21:23] <~Auriga> She offers you a hand to help you up. "Sure thing!" She's smiling, despite all the pain.
  314. 01[21:24] <Knox> "I guess you get to pick what we do next time, though." he stretches and winces as he touches a burned spot on his body. He grins and takes her hand, letting her help him up. "I mean, that's what you wanted to do, right? Hang out. Not that the middle of a fight ended up being a good time to ask questions."
  315. [21:26] <~Auriga> "Well, let's get you in a tub of cold water first, don't want those burns getting worse!" She starts pushing you along downstairs.
  316. 01[21:27] <Knox> "Alright, alright-" he's pushed along but not really resisting. It's cute that she's doting a bit over a few burns. "Wet and naked it is."
  317. [21:29] <~Auriga> She turns a bit red. "Ah, well, it's not, it's basically, no I was just..." She pouts a bit. "Okay fine yes I want that!"
  318. 01[21:30] <Knox> He laughs. "See? Being honest with yourself is good. Was just teasing you, though I'm definitely not going to complain."
  319. 01[21:32] <Knox> "I can't help that you're too hot to handle."
  320. [21:33] <~Auriga> She clams up and turns a rather nice shade of scarlet
  321. 01[21:33] <Knox> And onward, to the tub! Though one of these days he's going to pry some personal information out of her... and maybe share a little himself.
  322. [21:36] <~Auriga> That you will! But for now she gets a nice tub of COLD WATER for you. And with that we can call </mini>
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