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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. Hello,
  3. I strongly feel the need to post my opinions regarding this post and the situation as a whole. Just because you state that it isn’t a personal attack to anyone, doesn’t make it any less true that this is obviously directed towards me. If you can’t see that, then I’m fairly sure you’re either blind or one of those people that stood in the fire one to many times.
  4. I’ll be honest, I don’t even know where to start since there are numerous things that I would like to reply to. I will just read through your post again and reply as it comes to me.
  6. Attendance is indeed not everything, however I do agree that it is important, but not a good argument to use over the span of one month and a half that includes both holidays and the finals period. I think that you can count the number of raids that I’ve missed, outside of this timespan, on one hand and I’m fairly sure it’d fit on the one finger that I want to hold up to you.
  8. Correct me if I’m wrong, but how does, let’s say traffic, reflect your personality in any way, shape or form. There is a difference between not showing up on time because of legitimate reasons that are outside of one's control, and people deliberately being late for whatever reason they see fit. However, if you wanted to use this system properly, you should’ve announced way earlier as it was intended to be, which is something I clearly stated in one of my posts on the officer's forum.
  10. No amount of planning is going to stop anyone from wanting to revise the night before an exam and they shouldn’t need to feel like they can’t because they’d be penalized for it without even being aware that this isn’t a ‘legitimate’ reason in your opinion.
  12. Okay so I posted on the 30th of December that I will be afk for the coming month, now correct me if I’m wrong, but the next raid was on the 3rd of January, can you please explain to me using the theory of Newton, how this equals to 2 days. Another thing is, having to accommodate for a healer that has to be absent for X amount of time by recruiting another healer for that period and for that specific reason, is both unnecessary and unfair to that recruited player. Please allow me to add that we still had Tosa, Bloodburn and Elyrin that were still there for the entire period that two of our healers had to be absent, so I do not see a reason why we should’ve recruited a sixth healer, when we were only ever going to use four. There was no reason to do this and if you felt the need to recruit one, then we should’ve looked into a DPS having a healing offspec, which would have made a lot more sense, which we did have (rayven).
  14. During the argument that happened on TeamSpeak, nobody was saying that one person should get the mount straight up, they were merely discussing the system that was just announced to them while also suggesting that they believed that one person should be qualified to roll on the mount. I’m fairly sure that I wasn’t patting myself on the back as I did not speak once during the whole thing. They simply mentioned this out of respect and common decency towards that player. Nobody ever stated that it was a victory off just one person. I think you’re underestimating how much it meant for both the raid and certain people that I was there and doing what I was; I have been told that most people wouldn’t have stayed part of the team if it wasn't for me.
  16. Let me elaborate on something. If you really thought that I was careless, that I didn’t respect the guild or the raid team or that I am greedy in any sense of the word, then I am sorry but there is nothing left for me to say than that you are simply retarded. I have been trying to lead all of us through this content as your raidleader for the most part, except for Archimonde where Valer took over after asking me for advice and carefully listening to how I did it. If I was really careless and if I really had no respect for the guild, then I would not have put up with the bad raids, the failing and trying to lead everything to a good end. I would not have invested this many hours into trying to mold a tactic together that’s easy enough for our skill level to understand and perform, nor would I have put up with the countless hours of hating raiding as a whole because of how certain things happened within the raid and how it went sometimes. The fact that you’re calling me respectless here basically throws the ball back in your face and you are the one that holds no respect towards me, simply because you fail to understand or to grasp how taxing it actually is putting up with the raids, making the tactics and have people executing it, and outside of that getting shit from other people when trying to make decisions. There is much more to it then posting a fucking macro in trade chat and hoping for replies from half brained mongloids.
  18. I simply cannot stress hard enough how you are completely wrong in the sense that I am greedy, that I do not have any respect and that I view myself as a highly regarded person. If I really felt like this, then I would have quit right after our discussion a week ago, which basically anchored the fact that I wouldn’t be getting to roll on the mount, instead I kept going because I wanted all of us as a team to get the kill. Let me add right now that this is not about the mount, it is merely an example.
  20. Another example would me be reminding you of the simple fact that I had been coming to certain raids during my exam period because you needed me and that I gave up revision time for this. If I really was respectless and careless, then I would not have done this and instead I would have studied or did something else, but no, I came to help you out and I’m getting shit thrown in my face for it.
  22. Also, your next paragraph doesn’t really make sense to me, but let me add that I did change tactics when I realized the skill level needed for it, was way higher than what we would achieve through practice.
  24. This is in no way meant as a personal attack to anyone. So do not take it as such.
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