
PxA Chap 3b

Mar 5th, 2014
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  1. >the session with Rarity had been sublime
  2. >apparently she had secretly been harboring a masochist streak in secret
  3. >four straight hours of wanton fucking between the three of you
  4. >after a prolonged period of basking in the afterglow, Rarity finally speaks up
  5. "Well this was certainly...amazing...dears, but I really must be going. I have a lot of business to attend to at the shop and..."
  6. >you and Pinkamena exchange a glance
  7. "Going? Don't be silly, our fun is just getting started..."
  8. >Rarity lets out a nervous chuckle
  9. >"Whatever do you mean dear? This was certainly very satisfying, but really now, I think we've had enough for one day."
  10. >she starts to pull at her restraints
  11. >an annoyed look crosses Pinkamena's face
  12. >she puts a hoof forcefully on Rarity's chest to attempt to quell her struggling
  13. >"I don't think you heard me. You're not going anywhere Squiggletail."
  14. >the knife is between her teeth again
  16. >you add your hands to Pinkamena's hoof to assist in subduing the struggling unicorn
  17. "Unhand me this instant you ruffians! I've played your silly game for long enough!"
  18. >the sound of a hoof connecting with a face reverberates loudly throughout the room
  19. >Rarity is stunned into silence, her struggling ceases
  20. >"You really don't get it do you?" Pinkamena says, an agressive edge in her voice.
  21. "Your marshmallow flank is MINE now. And you're gonna do what I say. Understand?"
  22. >silence meets her words
  23. >another hoofstrike sounds out
  24. "I SAID, do you UNDERSTAND?"
  25. >"Yes...I...I understand..." Rarity whimpers.
  26. >You knew she'd come around with some persuasion
  27. >Rarity had been much more complicit than Fluttershy had been during her week of captivity
  28. >Pinkamena had been enjoying herself as well
  29. >Everything had been going well
  30. >Until the day Rarity's headgear had come loose during an intense romp
  31. >Her horn flared to life, tugging at her restraints
  32. >you panic as you saw the next target of Rarity's telekinesis begin to glow
  33. >the knife
  34. >Pinkamena struggled with the magic's pull
  35. >instinctively, you launch yourself at the unicorn, thinking only to protect Pinkamena
  36. >the pain is sharp as the knife finds it's mark in your back
  37. >after months spent with Pinkamena, pain doesn't even concern you
  38. >it accomplishes little more than to enrage you further
  39. >your fists connect hard with Rarity's face
  40. >her horn stops glowing as you continue to assault her
  41. >fucking bitch, how dare she even consider hurting Pinkamena
  42. >blow after blow pelts the now unconcious white coated mare
  43. >blood splatters your face and fists as you unleash your fury
  44. >you feel yourself being pulled off Rarity's limp form and starting to lose conciousness as your seething rage finally subsides
  45. >one final thought comes to mind as the darkness takes you
  46. >you had probably just taken your first life
  47. >you awoke what felt like an eternity later
  48. >your back felt like it was on fire, as did your hands
  49. >you recalled why your back was in pain, but why were your hands...?
  50. >you look down
  51. >they were covered in lacerations and bruises
  52. >it all comes crashing back
  53. >you had murdered Rarity in your fit of rage
  54. >the pain that wracked your body was nothing compared to the hollow feeling in your gut
  55. >you had been prepared to do anything for Pinkamena
  56. >even still, the knowledge that you had taken a life cut at you deeper than any blade ever could
  57. >Pinkamena stirs beside you
  58. >she's covered in blood
  59. >judging from her lack of wincing and visible wounds, you surmise it isn't hers
  60. You made quite the mess, you know.
  61. >her words are so matter fact and disconnected from the reality of what had just unfolded
  62. How does it feel, Anon?
  63. >you are unsure what she means
  64. Now you know what it means to kill somepony. Tell does it feel?
  65. >your mind is moving in a dozen different directions
  66. >you feel a mix of disgust, apprehension, fear, self loathing...but admist it all, a realization strikes you
  67. >one that makes you feel a mix of emotions unlike anything you'd ever experienced before
  68. >killing Rarity had felt good
  69. >it made you feel powerful
  70. >you relate this strong jumble of emotions to Pinkamena
  71. >she smiles knowingly
  72. I felt a lot of the same things my first time too Nonny.
  73. >you had suspected Fluttershy hadn't been her first kill
  74. >she moves closer to you
  75. Things got a little rough today...
  76. >her hoof lands on your thigh
  77. >you weakly push it off
  78. >you are too drained emotionally and physically for anything further this evening
  79. >she lets out an annoyed huff, but takes the hint
  80. Your first time is pretty'd better get good rest tonight though.
  81. >her tone suggests she won't be taking no for an answer next time
  82. >you doubted you'd be doing much resting tonight though regardless
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