
Sugar Apply Form

Jun 30th, 2019
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  1. ┗━𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓, 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺𝘧𝘪𝘤 ❞

  2. USERNAME. | @CrystalWolf560
  3. SLOT + BACKUP. | Rookie + Power Up
  5. FULL NAME. | Kato Iseul (‘김 이설’ in Hangul)
  6. NICKNAMES. | Isa (Her friends back in Canada couldn’t pronounce ‘Iseul’, so they called her this), Katty (This started as a play on her family name, but is also used because she can get annoyed and act like a cat, very mad and brooding)
  7. BIRTHDATE. | 22.05.2002
  8. BIRTHPLACE. | Tsukuba, Japan
  9. HOME TOWN. | Toronto, Canada
  10. ▻BOMB BOMB - KARD⎤

  11. NATIONALITY. | Canadian
  12. ETHNICITY. | Half Japanese, Half Thai
  13. LANGUAGES SPOKEN. | English, Thai, Japanese, Korean
  14. HEIGHT + WEIGHT. | 167cm, 56kg
  15. FACE-CLAIM + BACKUP. | Jung Min @mmini_ , Kim Nahee @knhs2

  18. Skeptical; Is not likely to trust someone until they repeatedly prove themselves to her. -> She is like this because she has seen many people around her get hurt. Her sister, for example. She doesn't want to be hurt just because she trusted someone blindly.
  19. Caring; Iseul will always try to help the ones she loves. -> She is like this because she has moved a lot, and has lost touch with many friends because of it. This has led her to learn to take care of her friends and family, since she can never know when they will leave. This trait intensified when she chose to leave her family for school, and she does all that she can to show that she cares for them.
  20. Impulsive; Iseul will do anything if it seems fun in the moment. Whether it is a tattoo, or a total change of an essay topic, if she likes the idea of something, she will do it. She might be seen as crazy, or even stupid as she does this, but she doesn't care. She is like this since her entire family were very reserved, calculating people, and she has learned, that she will never get anything done if she is indecisive like them.
  22. She was born in Tsukuba, Japan. There, she was mainly the quiet girl in class, with only a few close friends. Although she wasn't the most popular or pretty girl in school or even in her neighbourhood, she was content with her life. In Tsukuba she learned of her obsession with action novels and movies, as well as kpop groups. She quickly became known as the fangirl of the school. Ever since she was young, her family had noticed that she would randomly change her mood. At one point, she would be happy and bubbly, and the next, crying her eyes out. They didn’t realize it then, but that was what connected her to her soulmate.
  23. Once she turned 10, her parents moved her and her younger brother and older sister to Toronto, Canada. She took that as an opportunity to step out of her comfort zone and be a bit more outgoing. There she quickly became a fixture of the school. She had a huge friend group, but she was especially close with a girl named Lauren, who was the one who gave her the nickname Isa, and got her into music, and singing. Iseul and Lauren made music together for years, it being their only similarity in all of their opposites.
  24. Iseul has never been in a relationship, at first, her reason was that she didn't want to give her first relationship to just anybody, that she wanted it to be with someone special, as she was a huge romantic. But, when her older sister was made pregnant and then dumped by her (Iseul's sister's) first boyfriend. Once this happened and she saw how sad and worn out her sister had become, she vowed to only ever be in a relationship if she is 100% sure that the guy will treat her right and not just take advantage of her.
  26. FAMILY. |
  27. Kato Aiko - Mother - 46 - Web designer - Pretty unattached to Iseul, since she was always working when Iseul was a child, and they are polar opposites, which makes their relationship very strained.
  28. Kato Riku - Father - 47 - Professor at a university - Very close to Iseul, she gained many of her personality attributes from him.
  29. Kato Hiroe - Sister - 24 - Not very close to Iseul, since their age gap is very big.
  30. LIKES. | Dogs, Music, Travelling, Eating, Cooking, Reading, Dancing
  31. DISLIKES. | Pickles, Olives, Being responsible, Confrontation, Sitting still for too long.
  32. TRIVIA. | ( min of 7 )
  33. + Obsessed with Twice since she was 15
  34. + Hates pink
  35. + Has a freakishly huge collection of Pokemon cards
  36. + Hates overly sweet food
  37. + Her favorite weekday is Tuesday
  38. + Loves cuddling with anything
  39. + Thinks food that is spicy for normal people is bland.

  41. REASON FOR TRANSFER. | Her father got a job at a university near Golden Grove, and she had to go with him, since she was still in school, and he didn’t want her to stay on her own.
  42. REACTION TO TRANSFER. | Annoyed at first since she loves Canada, but once she sees the school she’ll go to, she gets a bit excited.
  44. Be Natural, Dumb Dumb, Bad Boy, Happiness
  45. ▻FANCY - TWICE⎤

  46. LOVE INTEREST SLOT + BACKUP. | Limitless + Chewing Gum
  47. FACE-CLAIM + BACKUP. | Dong Sicheng (NCT) + Lee Minho (Stray Kids)
  49. Impulsive; One similarity he has with Iseul, he is impulsive and will do anything that seems interesting in the moment.
  50. Straightforward; He will never beat around the bushes with anything he wants to say.
  51. Shameless; In moments where other people would be embarrassed or ashamed, he will just shake it off and move on, not thinking back to what he did.
  53. He grew up in China, being the troublemaker in and outside of school. There he was not very popular, since many people where he grew up were trying to get better lives and wanted to do well in school. Once he was a freshman looking for a school to transfer to, his father met with the director of Golden Grove, and pulled some strings to get him in. Here he is more popular since he is a typical ‘troublemaker/bad boy’.
  55. Slot to love interest: She saw him as another cliche popular guy, but she tried to look past it at first to become his friend, since she’d just arrived there.
  56. Love interest to slot: He thought of her as a childish kid, and stuck his nose up at even the thought of speaking to her.
  58. Start: Iseul tries to become friends with him, but soon gives up and hold a grudge against him for being stuck-up.
  59. Middle: He starts to notice her as she makes more friends in the school and he gets annoyed at how she fit in so quickly
  60. End: He tells her about how he feels about her, but she is hesitant to actually get close to him.
  61. ▻NOIR - SUNMI⎤
  62. THEME SONG. | Bury a friend - Billie Eilish
  63. QUOTE. | “Are vegans anti chicken abortionists?”
  65. + Iseul and ‘Happiness’ meeting for the first time, outside a classroom. Iseul is humming a song, just sitting there on her phone, When ‘Happiness’ hears her song and recognizes it. ‘Happiness’ rambles on about the song, and Iseul, not understanding some of the Korean, asks her to repeat it in English, praying that she speaks one of her languages. They speak for a long time, Forming a strong bond straight away.
  66. + Iseul going to ‘Bad Boy’ for help in school. She thinks of ‘Bad Boy’ as her big sister at school, and they talk together and have heart-to-hearts at any time of night and day.
  67. + Iseul thinks ‘Russian Roulette’ is very stuck-up and doesn’t like her at first. She discovers more about her past and her home life later on, and although she undeerstands a bit of what she is going through, she does’nt think she should have handled it the way she did. Iseul goes up to her and asks if she wants to speak to her, out of the blue one day. ‘Russian Roulette’ is taken aback and barely says anything as Iseul speaks about why she disliked her at first.
  70. + She is assigned to sit next to him in a class, and she hesitantly starts a conversation. “So, where are you from?” “Don’t talk to me, kid” She huffs and looks away, turing to her song notebook, writing verses for random songs she’s had in her head for a while, muttering in English about ‘The stupid, stubborn self-entitled moron’ next to her. He hears, and understanding a bit, gets angry and swears to himself that he’ll get some sort of revenge.
  71. + He sees her on campus, talling to some other girls and making friends. He scowls, wondering why the nice girls at school would want to speak to such a brat. He overhears her telling them about why she didn’t speak to anyone until she’d been there for a week or two, and about why she didn’t want to speak to anyone at first. He is taken aback, and starts reevaluating what kind of person he thinks she is.
  72. + Once he starts taking an interest in her, he tries to catch her in the hallways, or on her way home, but she avoids his incessant approaches. He finds her on her way to her locker, and apologizes for his actions. She looks up at him, unimpressed and replies "A simple apology isn't going to make me one of your fangirls that you use for fun." She walks away, leaving him confused.
  73. + Iseul watches him work at the library for the first time. She remembers that she had heard that he never studied, but here he was, researching and writing something in his notebook. Walking past him, trying to look nonchalant, she catches a glimpse of what he's doing. He's learning about Toronto and Tsukuba, both important places to her. Her heart leaps for a second, but she quells it a second later. He couldn't be doing that because of her, right?
  74. + After they've started dating. Both of their friend groups are hanging out with them at a cafe near the school, and she sits next to her new boyfriend. While eating, he grabs her free hand suddenly, and then looks back down to the slice of cake he was looking. She stares at him, surprised, but after a while calms down, and musters up the courage to rest her head on his shoulder, as their friends coo at how cute they are acting.
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