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- mahmood@cluster:~$ /export/apps/mathematics/Mathematica/10.3/Executables/math -run < solve.nb
- Mathematica 10.3.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
- Copyright 1988-2015 Wolfram Research, Inc.
- In[1]:=
- In[2]:= In[2]:= In[2]:= In[2]:=
- In[3]:= In[3]:=
- In[4]:= In[4]:= In[4]:= In[4]:=
- In[5]:= In[5]:= In[5]:= In[5]:=
- In[6]:= In[6]:=
- In[7]:= In[7]:= In[7]:= In[7]:=
- In[8]:= In[8]:=
- Out[8]= Notebook[{Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{RowBox[{a, =, 3}], ;}]], Input,
- 9 9
- > CellChangeTimes -> {{3.67246 10 , 3.67246 10 }}],
- > Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{Solve, [,
- > RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{x, ^, 2}], +, RowBox[{a, , x}],
- > +, 1}], ==, 0}], ,, x}], ]}]], Input,
- 9 9 9
- > CellChangeTimes -> {{3.67246 10 , 3.67246 10 }, 3.67246 10 }],
- > Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{{,
- > RowBox[{RowBox[{{,
- > RowBox[{x, ->,
- > RowBox[{FractionBox[1, 2], ,
- > RowBox[{(, RowBox[{RowBox[{-, 3}], -, SqrtBox[5]}], )}]}]
- > }], }}], ,,
- > RowBox[{{, RowBox[{x, ->,
- > RowBox[{FractionBox[1, 2], ,
- > RowBox[{(, RowBox[{RowBox[{-, 3}], +, SqrtBox[5]}], )}]}]
- > }], }}]}], }}]], Output,
- 9 9
- > CellChangeTimes -> {{3.67246 10 , 3.67246 10 }}]}, Open]]},
- > WindowSize -> {759, 601}, WindowMargins ->
- > {{Automatic, 295}, {24, Automatic}},
- > FrontEndVersion ->
- > 10.3 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (October 9, 2015),
- > StyleDefinitions -> Default.nb]
- In[9]:= In[9]:=
- In[10]:= In[10]:= In[10]:= In[10]:=
- In[11]:= In[11]:=
- In[12]:= In[12]:=
- In[13]:= In[13]:=
- In[14]:= In[14]:= In[14]:= In[14]:=
- In[15]:= In[15]:= In[15]:= In[15]:=
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