
From Fiction to Reality

Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. If imagination is an empirical fact of the mind, then [imaginary person/object] does, in fact exist — if only in the background of human experience. So background activity is as objectively real as foreground activity; perhaps more real, though not in a material, deterministic sense.
  3. Which is a shame since we typically define objective reality as a material realm in which everything is determined by the law of causality.
  5. Imagination is determined by this law; dreams start somewhere in the hind-brain and fractal up into our subconscious awareness. IOW, they're caused by something, perhaps immaterial. Their emergence determined eventually by the laws of quantum mechanics, indirectly effecting the electrons spins, transmitting phases through our brain instantly. Phases that determine thought and imagination.
  7. Moreover, what we dream/imagine directly effects material reality. They drive events in the material realm.
  9. It's a bit Jungian — the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst recorded that a Great War had been waged in his mind, long before it broke out on the world stage. Years later, war broke out around the world. But it first existed in the collective mind as background activity. Then it emerged as foreground activity, as conflicting sides — unable to dwell peacefully in immaterial and material realms alike — fought over the territories of both real and imagined maps.
  11. Our fictional worlds compete to become reality.
  13. I speculate that what we imagine has always been here, perhaps before us. We "contain" this shared universe; this collective consciousness. What we imagine is a shared immaterial universe perceived from different frames of reference.
  15. The immaterial universe was here long before us. And all of human suffering is a struggle bring it into the material universe — for better or worse.
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